Note this OGHAM Code Kris - you see it almost represents the bar codes
now run through with prices coded in.

Sybil Leek my old friend told me this code had not yet been deciphered
completely and it was more or less, a warlock/witch code - she felt it
was connected with my calendar code as far as the title of my MS, which
was The Valley of Hamon Gog (Og Ham) and at the time in 1969 I had not
even considered King Tut Ank Hamon, for I say that guy is a jinx.

Stone of Scone - Ogham Code - Hitler took masonry, jesuit, rosicrucian,
christian, etc etc etc teachings an piled into one big mess and if you
look a little deeper in to Hitler you find the New World Order for he
even had planned one religion fits all which of course eventually would
necessitate destruction of christian, jewish, moslem religion and in
essense this is what is happening.

One size fits day you pay $50.00 for a pair of shoes and do
not even have a clerk to wait on you in may good stores - $125.00 up for
tennis shoes that used to be made for the poor, like jeans......all bar

Boy how I hate these codes; but back to more serious codes - this bible
code I have is something one sees literally and figuratvely and usually
those who know how to decipher are sworn to secrecy.

Has anybody ever seen the masonic code book?  It was shown to me once by
a friend, who was a millionaire plumber - and a big snoop.

He would always tell me the story of Louie - and how he had a big mouth
and when they went out on jobs in the old days they saw things of which
they were not to speak - only Louie talked.   So I asked, much to my
regret - Well what happened to Louie - and he said "well they pumped 7
slugs into old Louie:....I wrote a story on it but my friend thought I
had best forget it, even though I changed the names.

So codes - he had a code book to go with this one particular masonic
bible and I was givien a little green card with that said something
about being watched going in and coming out - line from bible I think
attached to curses.

All this crap and codes......but beneath all the hokey pokey this stuff
is linked to murder, sabotage, executions - judges of high tribunal
meeting at midnight - the Judge at Midnight and it is no doubt used by
the - or was used by - Board of Directors of the Mafia.....supposed the
head man even wore a black robe, wouldnt be surprised....someone using
the bible as their authority to execute judgement.

The calendar code is right before your eyes but means nothing unless you
have this calendar code with which the Nazis and Russians were both
familiar, as well as our CIA for my old friend said CIA once had such a

For so many people to be using it it had to be international order of
assassins/spies and all the lace that goes with it.   Murder Inc and
hired guns, who now let people believe they were "insiders", when they
were just contract killers with connections.

Like these murderers who surrounded me - even though they did not pull
trigger themselves, their little insane psychotic hit man that Govenor
Celeste pardoned, did ......

So codes and calendars of events.....biggest bible calendar code evolves
about Daniel and Ezekial in the bible - from the beginning to end is
virtually the Death of a President.

Do not know if anyone has broken the ogham code yet, for I never
tried.....but it looks like the little bar codes - and beads on wire or
something...counting beads.

With so much information in a bar code - but I still remember once when
very ver small seeing a pin on which it was said the Holy Bible had been
enscribed....who had it I do not remember, but it means there are always
though so far ahead of us that by the time they reach our capabilities,
they have virtually fallen behind.

Has anybody ever heard of this pin upon which the Holy Bible was
allegedly engraved or placed thereon?   Goes way, way back long before
computers were thought of (ow not to horse and buggy days - ) todaywould
be called a micro chip I guess.


See Ogham Code below if anybody interested.

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