Iran: Stray Missile Hits Iran City

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- A missile from the U.S.-British attack on Iraq fell
Thursday on the Iranian border city of Khorramshahr, Tehran radio reported.

The state-run radio gave no details. But a resident reached in the city by
telephone said the windows of several buildings were shattered.

The resident said on condition of anonymity he did not know if anyone had been
injured or killed.

Khorramshahr is about 25 miles east of Basra in Iraq, a large port city with
major oil facilities.

The United States and Britain launched joint airstrikes against Iraq early
Thursday morning following a report by chief U.N. weapons inspector Richard
Butler that Iraq had failed to live up to its promise to cooperate fully with
the inspectors.

At least two people were killed and 30 were injured in Iraq, a doctor said.

An Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman warned Thursday that airstrikes against
Iraq would bring ``pain and misery'' to Iraq's people and urged Baghdad to
keep its promise to the United Nations.

Relations between Iran and Iraq are still tense after their 1980-88 war, which
killed or injured an estimated 1 million people. But Iran has always been
against military strikes against Iraq.

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