So Nicky and Andrew - what you think here -

For Zionists say no Wagner Music playing here;
Zionists say no Wagner Music playing here....

We don't give a shit, what Zionists don't allow -
We're going to play Wagner anyhow.....

Screw Zionists Peasants, the ADL and Bnai Brith and their psueo masonic

This spear Klingsor held - this spear was the spear of Longinus - the
spear that pierrced the side of Christ - and George Patton, General
Goerge Patton - returned this spear to the museum.

Hitler a Zionist who paved road of gold from teeth of 55 million
sacrifical lambs - knew the secret of this spear but in his hands it
turned around and on him......Patton knew this secret and under Patton
it was guarded - like those who guard the Holy Grail in wrong hands,
like Communists/Zionists - bad things happen but when worm turns, it
turns into a real dragon.


Easier to read under subject matter but I reproduce portions - and of
all the music in the world, I love the Ring and Tannhauser - and this
music now the Zionists attempt to destroy and replace with Rap and Kill
Whitey in USA.

Screw the Zionists.  Once there was beautiful music in this country -
works of Sephen Collins Foster, but now everybody singing the blues and
don't know what the hell the words mean.

Doesn't anybody see how music is degrading our country and children and
who owned the juke boxes and controls the trashy MTV and the trashy
people like say Marck Rich's wife....who runs with hyenas.

Parsifal (Wagner)

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Wagner's opera Parsifal features prominently in the 1934 drawing, it was
originally based on Wolfram Von Eschenbach's thirteenth century Grail
romance, Parsival.
Picasso knew Wagner's version of the story and identified himself with
Parsifal. In the 1934 drawing, at the age of 52, he reveals, albeit
secretly, the extent of this symbolic identification.

It has been well reported that the letters of Picasso's name had magical
significance for him. The first four, Pica, means spear in Spanish;
which would certainly be one reason why Picasso might identify with
Parsifal in Wagner's opera. Picasso would have realised a further
significant link in the final stages of the opera.

In the second act, Parsifal begins to suffer the pain of Christ's wound
in the process of a mystical identification with Christ. By 1934,
Picasso had long identified himself with Christ and the Crucifixion in
his art and the wound was already one of his personal symbols for
suffering and yearning for its resolve.

The Spear that had once wounded the side of Christ is pivotal in
Wagner's story. Klingsor, a powerful black magician steals it and with
it wounds Amfortas, the King of the Guardians of The Holy Grail. He then
flees with the Spear to his castle where he dominates the surrounding
area using powerful black magic. All this while, Amfortas is destined to
lay in agony from the wound which never heals; his only hope of recovery
being the Spear's return.

Parsifal, an heroic fool, is prophesied to return the Spear and heal
Amfortas. In an effort to prevent the prophecy coming true, Klingsor
uses magic to lure the hero to his Castle where his men are hiding in
ambush. Parsifal overcomes Klingsor's men but suddenly Klingsor appears
on the castle ramparts and in a final attempt at the hero's destruction,
he utters the following words:

Halt, I have the right weapon to to fell you ! The fool shall fall to me
through his master's Spear.
Klingsor hurls the Spear, but as if stopped by the hand of God, it
hovers motionless above Parsifal's head. Parsifal reaches up and grasps
the Spear and with it makes the Sign of the Cross, saying these words:

With this sign I rout your enchantment,

As the Spear closes the wound which you dealt him with it
may it crush your lying splendour,
into mourning and ruin.

Klingsor and his Castle then sink into the sea as if hit by an
earthquake, and the gardens that once surrounded the castle turn into a

Parsifal restores the Spear and heals Amfortas of his wound. He then
becomes anointed as the new King of the Guardians of The Holy Grail.
[As so George Patton symbolically restores the Spear.......but Spear
today again in wrong hands and the Vampire Bats are alive....Saba Note]

In the 1934 drawing this pivotal scene is portrayed by the spear
hovering above Picasso's head. The spear runs along the top edge of the
drawing and when the image is rotated 90 degrees to the left it forms
the shaft of a huge letter 'P" in conjunction with the black semi-circle
in the upper right corner. The 'P' denotes a cryptic Picasso signature
and refers to the artist's identifications with 'Pica' and Parsifal.

The central figure is identifiable with Parsifal reaching up and making
the Sign of the Cross.
His 'flying hand' concealed within the island of light in the right hand
figure's face can be seen to be blocking Klingsor's advance, it is
located immediately to the left of Klingsor's face which in turn seems
to descend from the rear end of the spear in the upper right corner.

The figure on the right would seem to characterise Kundry, the witch who
was present at Christ's Crucifixion and who under Klingsor's spell
attempts to seduce Parsifal. In the drawing she appears possessed by
Lucifer or the Devil, both of whom are appropriate characterisations of

Behind the hidden face there is a trident form, which seems to reinforce
the hidden face's connection with Lucifer.
[Hidden face of Hitler and Zionists]

According to Dr Walter Stein and others, Hitler was convinced that in
the ninth century he had been incarnated as the historical Klingsor,
sometimes known as Landulf II of Capua !

Stein had been a acquaintance of Hitler in the years preceding World War
One and claimed that Hitler had at that time undertaken a penetrating
study of Von Eschenbach's story and fathomed it's deepest occult
[Story only deep to those with shallow minds like Joshua2.....Saba Note]
The self identification of Picasso with Parsifal and the
self-identification of Hitler with Klingsor appears by some uncanny
means to have found its way into the 1934 drawing which might indicate
that Picasso had access to secretive information about Hitler and his
occult activities at least five years before the Second World War.

© Mark Harris 1996

Symbolism in the 1934 Drawing
Picasso's Harlequin
Wagner and Picasso
Hitler and The Spear of Destiny
A Hidden Picasso Bestiary
Next Section: Alchemical Contexts
© Mark Harris 1996 (content), Simon Banton 1996 (design)
In general copyright of works by Pablo Picasso are the property of the
heirs to the Pablo Picasso estate

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