--- Begin Message ---

This Houston church is in the same block as the Galleria shopping center, which was built by Gerald Hines.  If you have Brewton's book, you can look up Blakemore there.  He was a midland oilman who Bush knew back when.  He and Wm. Lloyd were married to West heirs.  This is the same West who owned thousands of acres south of Houston which Exxon bought for pipelines, then donated a portion to Rice University, which in turn sold to NASA as Johnson Space Center.  They were of course financing Johnson and Congressman Albert Thomas to make sure NASA was located here.
Other investors in the Galleria and owners of the shopping center include:

Adjacent tracts (Galleria area) were conveyed by Fidelity Land & Trust (an entity managed by attorney Jack Trotter, who eventually became Walter Mischer's bank manager) to Howard W. Horne, Edward Randall III (married to Eliza Lovett) et al. [File No. B418160]. Hines eventually formed a joint venture with Jerry Finger (head of Charter Bank) and C.T. Parker called Post Oak Associates, which was amended in 1967 to include John H. Duncan (recently resigned from Enron--who served as director of Houston Natural Gas with W.S. Farish III) and Charles W. Duncan, Jr. (in Carter's Cabinet), Edward Randall III and Ben G. McGuire (financed Gerald Hines and Jerry Finger) as additional partners [C537571]. New England Mutual Life has made loans to various individuals in the Finger family and is a partner with the Fingers in Copley/Finger Venture #1, #2 and #3 [Assumed Names 211-94-2481, 215-88-0469, and 218-83-1789]. Fidelity was a corporation, the sole officers of which were attorneys at 402 Pierce—president, J.T. Trotter, V-P, Ray T. Fortenbach, etc. [C754021]. Post Oak Trust involved J.T. Trotter, William R. Lloyd, William B. Blakemore II and Robert H. Parsley of Butler Binion [B573681].

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Any answers?

Acoording to Simpson, in Blowback, Pash was a gym teacher at Hollywood High around the time that Thieme was excelling in sports there! 


For the past 49 years, Lt. Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr., (Ret.), has been pastor of Berachah Church and chairman of R.B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries of Houston, Texas. ...Robert graduated from Beverly Hills High School in the summer of 1936. His male classmates will recall his exploits on the football field, while the females may still sigh, remembering his rugged good looks.

Enrolling in the University of Arizona, Thieme majored in classical Greek, joined the ROTC, and lettered in football and boxing. After a distinguished academic career, he graduated in 1940 magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with honors in classical literature. He was also commissioned a second lieutenant, U.S. Army Reserve, the honor graduate of his ROTC class....

With the goal of becoming a pastor, Robert registered at Dallas Theological Seminary in Texas. After one semester his seminary studies were interrupted by World War II.

In April 1941 Lieutenant Thieme began active duty in the Army Air Corps at Moffett Field, California. By the end of the war he had attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. Colonel Thieme was the staff officer director of military training for the Flying Training Command. He was charged with initiating, prescribing, and standardizing training for all categories of personnel in aviation cadet programs. His duties included coordinating training at 120 Army Air Corps installations and authoring publications that standardized this training.

Colonel Thieme returned to a Dallas seminary in 1946 to resume preparation for the ministry. The academic training he received in Greek, Hebrew, theology, history, and textual criticism became the foundation of a rigorous professional life of studying and teaching. As a student he became the interim pastor of Reinhardt Bible Church in Dallas. He was ordained in July 1948 and graduated summa cum laude with a master's degree in theology in May 1949. Thieme continued to serve as pastor at Reinhardt until April 1950, when he became pastor of Berachah Church.

>From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CC: "Bob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Kris Millegan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Rollo Tomasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Any answers?
>Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 23:16:16 -0600
>Here's a tunnel leading to Arizona.
>Five rail-only bridges span the Texas-Mexico border: at Laredo, owned by the
>Texas Mexican Railway; at Eagle Pass, owned by Union Pacific Railroad (UP)
>and the Mexican government; at Presidio, owned by South Orient Railroad; and
>at El Paso, where one bridge is owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe
>Railroad Co. and the Mexican government, and another is owned by UP and the
>Mexican government.
>Portrait of Col. Boris Pash, the military head of ALSOS...Alsos Mission, a
>U.S. Sixth Army Group Task Force commanded by Colonel Pash, which was
>empowered to uncover, neutralize, and gather information from the German
>atomic research program...
>[Pash] was summoned to Washington by Major General Leslie R. Groves,
>military head of the Manhattan Project. Working under Grove's direction,
>Pash organized the ALSOS Mission as a military-scientific intelligence force
>to be directed against Nazi atomic weaponry research. A Lieutenant Colonel
>at that time, Pash was appointed military commander of Alsos, with Dr.
>Samuel A. Goudsmit being named chief of the unit's scientific team. The
>Alsos force landed in Italy and proceeded to Rome. Subsequently they entered
>France from England soon after D-Day, and were among the first American
>troops to enter Paris, seizing a sizeable cache of uranium and securing
>valuable information. The 1269th Engineer Combat Battalion joined the Alsos
>task force for the final thrust into Germany which culminated in capture of
>the German atomic research laboratory at Haigerloch, as well as related
>targets in Hechingen, Bisingen, Tailfingen and vicinity on 22-26 April 1945.
>The record of Alsos accomplishments has been amply documented in the books
>The Alsos Mission by Boris T. Pash and Alsos by Samuel A. Goudsmit. The task
>force was awarded a commendation for outstanding performance of duty by the
>Sixth Army Group Commander, 30 June 1945.
>General Fox was a native of St Louis and graduated from St. Louis University
>in 1917.
>Survivors include a son, Army Colonel Eugene A. Fox of Arlington; a
>daughter, Patricia Fox Haig, the wife of retired Army General Alexander M.
>Haig Jr., a former Secretary of State, of McLean, Virginia; a brother,
>Lawrence D. Fox of Tulsa; a sister, Genevieve Bolfing of St. Louis...
>From: kennnthomas |
>Subject: Black Gold |
>All personal data about the Bushes ,from James (1825-1889) to Dubya is
>deliberately scrambled. I can tell you at least some of the real truth. For
>a number of years , I worked pretty closely with the business partner of
>GHWBs only real friend outside of John Paul Hammerschmidt ( I know several
>generations of Hammerschmidts-Hammersmiths very,very well )
>The bush-buddy and partnr are very famous former navy officers and Yalies.
>All public info about Bush is a lie- thts his policy and his fathers- Bush
>is super-secretive. For example, every year GHWB and Navy officer(NO) and
>their families wuld take their annual vacations together, from early 50s to
>late 60s- no one knows anything about it and there is no record -al records
>are routinely falsified.
>I know a great deal about the Black Gold business but its only stuff Ive
>been told over several decades.
>Capsule GHWB: incapable of killing a crewmember face-to-face....classic
>overprotected rich kid, shallow, limited but in a perrverted way actually
>means well.
>GHWB is a thoroughgoing racist and anti-Semite . He does not regard anyone
>outside his circle as human -we are just cattle . He absolutely believes
>this, as does Dubya.
>Skull and Bones and the real CIA are exactly the same organization. To a
>lesser extent this applies to Yale as well.
>GHWB is a reflexive liar who will lie even when the truth would better serve
>his purpose- on principle ,as it were. GHWB is a virtual slave to others,
>some of whom are not Americans.
>Like all members of his class GHWB truly believes Hitler was right. Theres
>no good in arguing They simply are missing some part of their brain and are
>incapable of understanding. I am certain this is genetic and have solid
>The above is to explain : I have a truckload of firsthand info on GOLD but I
>cannot let you rely on it. My memory is perfect , 1in 100milion(see
>k12record #16, also 94CH0664) but there are all kinds of other reasons for
>inaccuracy and I cant simply state what I saw and I cant say why.
>From: kennnthomas
>| Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 9:46 AM
>Standard oil continued oil deliveries to Japan and Germany throughout the
>The wife of William Friedman who founded NSA was in charge of monitoring
>these shipments (under Treasury Dept cover). No action was ever authorized;
>the plan was to prosecute AFTER the war. Only the death of Roosevelt
>prevented long prison sentences for the Bush clan and their ilk. The records
>still exist but are top secret and it will take pressure to declassify them.
>In 1983 ,a Bush insider mentioned to me that GHWB had been entrusted with
>papers re oil shipments for Japan which he was to deliver to an admiral, for
>delivery to Japs . "Insider" complained that rightwingers in Reagan admin.
>were falsely concluding that Bush delivered papers direct to Japs. He
>mentioned Draper but he was army.
>GHWB never knew contents of 1 pound doc package, which was schedule of areas
>to avoid so as not to ruin oil shipments .
>Japs. certainly would have received same info complete with authenticating
>document from Sec Nav.
>This was approved operation- but approved by by whom?
>That doc probably still exists in papers of sec int Ickes and other places.
>[An interesting detail I'd not previously heard about, pertaining to Mr.
>[One of the names he mentions is that of Ickes. the only previous reference
>I'd had to Ickes was when Higham pointed out that, had it not been for
>Ickes, Standard would have continued its policy in 1941--while a shooting
>war was already in progress in the Atlantic between US ships and Nazi
>u-boats--of refueling Nazi subs
>[Ickes brought data to the Truman Committee in Congress that resulted in
>Truman's subsequent investigation of Standard's treasonous oil sales. The
>Truman Committee wrapped up its business in early 1942, having begun its
>investigation BEFORE Pearl Harbor. The bigwigs involved had a lot of clout
>in the media, however, and the story only appeared in the New York Times, in
>a page 25 paragraph of 1944.
>[The use of Interior Dept. ships sounds unusual. As Sec'y Navy, Forrestal
>could have used Navy ships! But perhaps he had to cover his tracks. Ickes
>began to notice the impact of Standard's actions in 1943, when it was noted
>that, though Spain was not an industrialized country, "it" was purchasing
>hundreds of tons of fuel oil, aviation oil and other petroleum fuels from
>Standard in the US and Britain. Tracing this out, Ickes discovered that the
>Nazi port of Hamburg was the real end point for all that oil.]
>| Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 8:59 PM |
>Forrestal is supposed to have commandeered some vessels belonging to
>interior dept to ship "BLACK OIL " ( bunker oil ) to Japs . Thats how ickes
>caught on to him.
>Frank Comerford Walker was tangentially involved in some of this. This may
>apply as well to his cousin John Walker and his cousins son John A Walker
>convicted in 1986 for espionage . I lived on top of one of the kgb dropsites
>for several months asa guest of the Whitney/Elmhirst family(also Payne and
>straight and Barnes ) They are supposed to be involved with standard oil's
>,sustained and successful blackmail of FDR . 3 of the 5 dropsites monitored
>by FBI were on or next to Elmhirst property.
>without Standard oil the war would have ground to a halt very quickly. The
>US produced 80% of worlds fuel. Do some very elementary calculations . A
>nauseating conclusion cannot be avoided.
>Date: Friday, December 15, 2000 9:16 PM |
>| Rehnquists official bios list army air force 1943-1946 (Henry Hyde lists |
>navy ,LIE ) |
>Rehnquist was in a suspect ROTC unit that received money from Fourth | Reich
>and wore nazi uniforms. Thompson was payroll man. This was | during a
>declared war.
>In 1940, no educated person believed that | democracy ... had a future and
>the only | question was whether Communism or Fascism would eventually win
>out . | D-Day legitimized the liberal option. The Nazis saw this immediately
>| and began setting up fourth reich in US and Canada with help from
>right-wing US generals Hap Arnold, Leroy Manner, Boris Pasch, Alonzo Fox, |
>MacArthurs suborninate - dont recall name- many (like MacArthur) from what
>they called "New Berlin" , Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chicago's Nazi | suburb.
>My mothers family were anti-nazi prussian(lettish) and saxons | connected to
>Federal Reservebank of Chicago who died mysteriously right | after Dec8,1941
>In 1967, I was hired to fill in a door in burn vault in CHI FED of which |
>my remaining great uncle was drector or deputy director or something. | Not
>all bales of money were dyed or perforated.
>I told the Fed(US) | Marshall I could just walk out with $$$$$. | He
>said,"Yes, you probably could." | Door led to tunnel with narrow gauge rail.
>led to dock suitable only | for LOW silhouette vessel like WW1 vintage
>german sub. Straight across | the lake was Ludington, Capones smugglers
>haven. | Copy of incendiary RED HOUSE DOCUMENT is in
>Appendix, case # 1-98-2720,
>First District Appellate Court of Illinois, Appellants' brief,
>Hitlers Secret Bankers, Adam LeBor©1997, Birch Lane, Carol Publishing, page
>SCHACT'S son worked at Chicago Fed. HORACE GREELY SCHACT, always pictured in
>contemporary US newspapers as Hitler's boss, co- architect of YOUNGPLAN.
>THAT schact!
>In 1940, no educated person believed that democracy ... had a future and the
>only |question was whether Communism or Fascism would eventually win out .
>|D-Day legitimized the liberal option. The Nazis saw this immediately and
>began setting up fourth reich in US and Canada with help from right-wing US
>generals Hap Arnold, Leroy Manner, Boris Pasch, Alonzo Fox, MacArthurs
>suborninate - dont recall name- many (like MacArthur) from what they called
>"New Berlin" , Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chicago's Nazi suburb.
>[PART 19]
>The newspaper *France Soir* had the following account: "Almost 1-1/2 years
>AFTER cessation of hostilities in Europe, the Islandic Whaler, "Juliana" was
>stopped by a large German U-boat. The Juliana was in the ANTARCTIC region
>around Malvinas [now Falkland] Islands when a German submarine surfaced
>and raised the German official naval Flag of Mourning -- red with a black
>The submarine commander sent out a boarding party, which approached the
>Juliana in a rubber dinghy, and having boarded the whaler demanded of Capt.
>Hekla part of his fresh food stocks. The request was made in the definite
>tone of an order to which resistance would have been unwise. The German
>officer spoke a correct English and paid for his provisions in U.S. dollars,
>the Captain a bonus of $10 for each member of the Juliana crew. Whilst the
>food stuffs were being transferred to the submarine, the submarine commander
>informed Capt. Hekla of the exact location of a large school of whales.
>the Juliana found the school of whales where designated."
>The French *Agence France Press* on 25 September 1946, said: "The contin-
>uous rumours about German U-boat activity in the region of Tierra del Fue go
>(Feuerland, in German), between the southernmost tip OF LATIN AMERICA
>AND THE CONTINENT OF ANTARCTICA are based on true happenings."
>There have been stories and books written about Germans counterfeiting U.S.
>currency and otherwise obtaining American money printing plates, which may
>account for the German use of American money.
>The Guinness Book of World Records says that the "greatest unsolved robbery"
>was the disappearance of the entire German treasury at the end of the war.
>In January 1946 industrialist Donald Douglas approached the Army Air Force
>with a plan for government and industry to work together on long range
>planning. This was called Project RAND, a name coined by Arthur Raymon d
>from Research ANd Development. Much of their first government money went
>to the von Braun team. (McDougall, Walter al. ...*the Heavens and the Earth,
>A Political History of the Space Age,* Basic Books, New York, 1985, p. 89.)
>Groves is known as the General in charge of the Manhattan Project which
>built the Atomic Bomb. He was chosen because he is the one who supervised
>the building of the Pentagon (It is said that high Masons supervised the
>struction of most of the governmental buildings in Washington D.C. No doubt
>Groves was a high-ranking Scottish Rite Mason, which in turn would make
>him a member of the Bavarian Illuminati. A study of a street map of down-
>town D.C. will reveal a pentagram-like street layout at the tip of which
>lies the
>Scottish Rite headquarters for America, the "House of the Temple". 13
>from this is the White House itself, the Washington Monument, the Pentagon
>and other structures which are encompased by the "pentagram". - Wol.), and
>by 1942 [Groves] was in charge of all U.S. military construction everywhere.
>After the war he went to work for Remington RAND Corporation.
>"The stakes in the search for the scientific expertise of Germany were
>h igh.
>The single most important American strike force, for example, was the Alsos
>raiding team, which targeted Axis atomic research, uranium stockpiles, and
>nuclear scientists, as well as Nazi chemical and biological warfare
>The commander of this assignment was U.S. Army Colonel Boris Pash, who
>had previously been security chief of the Manhattan Project -- the United
>atomic bomb development program -- and who later played an important role
>in highly secret U.S. covert action programs.
>Pash succeeded brilliantly in his mission, seizing top German scientists and
>more than 70,000 tons of Axis uranium ore and radium products. The uranium
>taken during these raids was eventually shipped to the United States and in-
>corporated in U.S. atomic weapons." (Simpson, Christopher, *Blowback,*
>Collier Books, New York, 1988, p. 26.)
>"...Another notable Bloodstone veteran is Boris Pash, a career intelligence
>officer identified in the Final Report of the U.S. Senate's 1975-1976
>into U.S. intelligence activities as the retired director of the CIA unit
>for planning assassinations" (*Blowback,* p. 108).
>*Blowback,* p. 152-153 says: "The records of Operation Bloodstone add an
>important new piece of information to one of the most explosive public
>of today: the role of the U.S. government -- specifically the CIA -- in
>nations and attempted assassinations of foreign officials. According to a
>Senate investigation, a key official of Operation Bloodstone is the OPC
>who was specifically delegated responsibility for planning th e agency's
>sinations, kidnappings, and similar 'wet work.'
>"Colonel Boris Pash, one of the most extraordinary and least known
>in American intelligence history... his work for U.S. intelligence agencies
>him in the critical office given the responsibility for planning postwar
>nation operations... Colonel Pash is one of the few remaini ng originals of
>intelligence, and his experience in 'fighting the communists' goes back to
>1917 Russian Revolutio n.
>He was in Moscow and Eastern Europe in those days with his father, a mis-
>sionary of Russian extraction, and the young Pash spent much of the Soviet
>civil war working on the side of the White armies, then with Czarist
>who had fled their country. In the 1920s Pash signed on as a reserve officer
>with the U.S. military intelligence service... he... played a role in the
>of Japanese civilians in California, and was soon assigned as chief
>ligence officer on the Manhattan Project, the supersecret U.S. effort to
>the atomic bomb. (More than a decade later it was Colonel Pa sh's testimony
>that helped seal the fate of scientist Robert Oppenheimer in the well-known
>1954 security case.)
>Before the war was out, it will be recalled, Colonel Pash led the series of
>celebrated special operations known as the Alsos Mission that were designed
>to capture the best atomic and chemical warfare experts that the Nazis had
>to offer.
>"After the war Colonel Pash served as the army's representative on
>in the spring of 1948, when the tasks of that project, including recruiting
>ors, smuggling refugees out from behind the Iron Curtain, and
>were established. Bloodstone's 'special operations,' as defined by the
>could 'include clandestine warfare, subversion, sabotage and...
>a ssassination,'
>according to the 1948 Joint Chiefs of Staff records. In March 1949, Pash was
>assigned by the army to the OPC division of the CIA... His five-man CIA
>known as PB/7, was given a written charter that read in part that 'PB/7 will
> be
>responsible for assassinations, kidnapping, and such other functions as from
>time to time may be given it... by higher authority.'"
>From *Dulles* by Leonard Mosley (A Biography of Eleanor, Allen and John
>Foster. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1978.), we find, p. 459: "But now he
>[Allen Dulles] was interested in the more sinister Agency experiments in
>mind-bending drugs, portable phials of lethal viruses, and esoteric poisons
>that killed without trace. Allen's sense of humor was touched when he
>that the unit working on these noxious enterprises was called the *Health
>Alteration Committee* (directed by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and Boris Pash)...
>Richard Bissell... had now succeeded Frank Wisner as deputy director of
>To learn more about the mind-control and torture experiments of Pash and
>Gottlieb, read *Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind
>Control and Medical Abuse* by Gordon Thomas (Bantam Books, New York,
>One of the people they killed was Frank Olson (a CIA germ warfare doctor
>whose specialty was anthrax), while they were working on Subproject-68,
>also known as MK-ULTRA. MK-ULTRA started as *Project Bluebird,* set up
>on April 20, 1950, by CIA Director Admiral Roscoe H illenkoetter (who later
>was a member of NICAP), and on July 20, 1950, they began using sodium
>amytal, Benzedrine and other drugs to "brainwash" prisoners. (Note: Accord-
>ing to one source Admiral Hillenkoetter was part of MJ-12, with the
>'MJ-1'. - Wol.)
>In September 1950, the *Miami News* published an article under the headline
>BRAIN WASHING TACTICS which was considered the first formal use of the
>term. One of Gottlieb's partners was Dr. Harold Wolff, who appears to be a
>PAPERCLIP doctor. He worked with Parke-Davis and "...remained closely
>connected with the M-K ULTRA brainwashing project" (p. 191). He helped
>set up an apartment and introduce LSD to the hippies in San Francisco, and
>worked on Project Mindbender (a Manchurian-Candidate type operation) with
>Isn't it interesting that so many of the participants in the most secret of
>of World War II are still very involved in the Kennedy assassination and
>more current affairs. Many books and articles have been written about the
>being involved in the JFK assassination, and now you know that the man in
>charge of CIA assassinations was Boris Pash, formerly chief of security for
>the Manhattan Project. He was also head of th e group trying to capture
>advanced technology, including "flying saucers" and other secrets.
>The book *ZR Rifle -- The Plot To Kill Kennedy And Castro* by Claudia
>p. 36, says that a man named William Harvey had been in charge of the CIA
>post in West Berlin until 1960, then was placed in charge of CIA assassina-
>tions by Richard Bissell in 1961. The plans to assassinate political leaders
>was code-named *ZR-RIFLE,* headed by Harvey. Bo Gritz said on p. 525 of
>his book: "The Kennedy assassination was code-named 'ZR-RIFLE'." It seems
>apparent to me that Harvey and Pash were wearing the same pai r of pants.
>In 1941, Ian Fleming, the future creator of the "James Bond" stories, and at
>that time a high ranking officer of British Intelligence, suggested to
>Donovan that he set up a specially trained and selected assassination unit.
>PB/7 (Pash Boris Seven) was the original of the "Agent 007" concept. If my
>memory is correct, I believe Nixon stated that William Harvey was the real
>I assume Pash was Agent 001, or perhaps he had seven agents working for
>him (original ly five). If you want to understand more of how these various
>factions such as CIA, KGB, Nazis, Communists, FBI, etc., can be fighting
>each other AND working together at the same time, you need to understand
>who was ABOVE them, CONTROLLING them. To understand that, look to
>British Intelligence! You will find British Intelligence to be an operation
>British and European Royalty and "Aristocracy"! (And according to former
>British Intelligence agent John Coleman, British Intelligence is interlinked
>with the Rothschild's Wicca-Masonic world network -- ONE of the THREE
>world manipulating forces which operate under the Bavarian Empire or the
>Bavarian Thule/Vril/Illuminati/Skull & Bones/Rosicrucian/OTO/BMS>ian Mystery Society>etc. serpent cults which trace back to ancient Egypt
>and Babylon; the other two 'world manipulating forces' being the Black
>and the Maltese Jesuits. - Wol.)
>E. Howard Hunt, while in prison in December, 1975, in an interview with the
>*New York Times,* said that the head of the CIA assassination unit was Boris
>Pash. Pash was assigned to Angleton at this time (see *Final Judgment,*
>p. 207). Angleton was head of the Israel desk of the CIA... He was also
>involved with Meyer Lansky.
>In *Cold Warrior,* the biography of James Jesus Angleton by Tom Mangold,
>he says on page 362: "I would like to place on the r ecord, however, that
>ton's closest professional friends overseas, then and subsequently, came
>from the Mossad -- the Israeli intelligence-gathering service (and which, by
>way, has a strong CIA controlling-influence within. Can you imagine Mossad
>being influenced by an agency created by Nazi double-agents? This is pos-
>sible because the facsicts who control the CIA have intentionally compart-
>mentalized the agency to the point that each 'cell' has only a small picture
>of what is really going on. Part of the CIA's involement with Mossad may
>involve their desire to incite warfare between the Arabs and Jews as part of
>a plan to initiate a Third World War that will result in the obliteration of
>old international order, which they intend to replace with their "New World
>Order". - Wol.) and that he [Angleton] was held in immense esteem by his
>Israeli colleagues and by the state of Israel, which was to award him
>honors after his death." His place was taken after his death by William
>When Kissinger wanted to "get LaRouche," he turned to Angleton for help.
>Angleton's tombstone is in Hebrew.
>On page 97 of *Final Judgment,* Piper says that "The ZR/Rifle Team, in fact,
>was one of Angleton's pet in-house CIA projects, which he ran in conjunction
>with his CIA colleague, William Harvey."
>According to Claudia Furiati, Joseph Schreider was in charge of the CIA
>laboratories and of developing poisons for assassinations, and says that
>Harvey was in charge of political assassinations, working out of the Miami
>office run by [Paperclip operative] Shackley, and was working with Schreider
>to try to poison Castro. Above we have Boris Pash and Sidney Gottlieb work-
>ing together in the same manner. We h ave Pash and Harvey in the same
>locations, doing the same jobs, in charge of the same projects -- talk about
>featherbedding. I believe that Harvey was actually at headquarters in
>over Shackley in Miami.
>*Blowback,* p. 153, says that Pash "...served as the Army's representative
>on Bloodstone in the spring of 1948, when the tasks of that project,
>recruiting defectors, smuggling refugees out from behind the Iron Curtain,
>assassinations, were established. In March 1949, Pash was assigned by the
>Army to the OPC division of the CIA."
>Harvey died June 6, 1976, according to Dick Russell, and Pash was in his
>80s in 1988 according to Simpson.
>----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 3:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Any answers?
> im going to send ninenews what answersi have.
> of possible particular interst to you:
> 1- bill colby and nugan were close buddies.
> 2-household international of prospect heigts, illinois is the dwnsized
> rmnant of some nugan hand ops
> 3- Hands basic expertise was psyops.(originally)
> 4- the entire key to nugan hand involves a large tunnel under the rio
> grande near the sw corner of dimmit county, texas., that accomodatres
> 2¹/2 ton trucks, built by germans in 1930s and still maintained by
> them. names involved are Air Force generals wheeler,manor,black. Army
> colonels boris pash, (cant remember other one) and army general alonzo
> fox.
> kthomas

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