Pope Prods Church on Fighting Evil

.c The Associated Press

MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Pope John Paul II on Saturday turned his church's
attention to the evils of exploitative capitalism, issuing a major statement
that also called upon the church to reach out to society's movers and shakers.

In a document intended to change the direction of the Roman Catholic church in
the autumn of his papacy and the final days of the millennium, John Paul said
pastors must preach the Christian message to the rich and the powerful, not
just the poor.

The pope also pushed his church to battle ``social sins which cry to heaven,''
such as drug trafficking and corruption. But more generally, the missive
reflects the pope's concerns about unfettered capitalism, moving the church
away from its earlier worries about Marxism and liberation theology in the

The pope lamented that in the Americas as elsewhere ``a model of society
appears to be emerging in which the powerful predominate, setting aside and
even eliminating the powerless.''

He called for the church to speak out more against ``the culture of death''
that kills through abortion, euthanasia and the ``unnecessary recourse to the
death penalty.''

And he saw danger in the what he called the spread of ``neoliberalism'' in the
Americas, describing it as system ``based on a purely economic conception of
man'' with ``profit and law of the markets as its only parameters.''

The 24-page message was written in response to suggestions from bishops in
both North and South America, called to the Vatican in 1997 to agree on joint
strategy to win back disenchanted Catholics and promote a genuine ``Christian

The document acknowledged the success Protestant evangelicals have had in
winning over converts in the traditional Catholic bastion of Latin America,
home to nearly half the world's 1 billion Catholics.

It also criticized the proselytizing activity by the evangelicals, suggesting
coercion was involved.

It noted the bishops themselves had questioned whether emphasis on meeting
people's material needs ``has not in the end left their hunger for God

In a sharp turn from the emphasis of the church since the 1960s, the pope
called for a new activism to reach out to the leaders of society.

He noted that ``love for the poor must be preferential but not exclusive.''

``If this evangelization of the leadership sector is neglected, it should not
come as a surprise that many who are a part of it will be guided by criteria
alien to the Gospel and at times openly contrary to it.''

The Rev. Daniel Lopez, who helps run a prep school attended by the children of
Mexico City, agreed. ``The church needs to educate these groups. They are the
future leaders of the country.''

Since the start of his papacy 20 years ago, John Paul has expressed his
concern over unfettered capitalism and lately has been worrying about the
effects of globalization on weaker economies, an issue of serious concern in
the Americas because of the economic might of the United States.

Margaret Steinfels, editor of the lay magazine Commonweal, called it a
``welcome restatement of the economic and political issues that need to be
attended to.''

The pope repeated in the document that the globalized economy must be examined
in the ``light of the principles of social justice.''

Although the pope did not mention individual countries by name, it was clear
where some of his criticism was directed.

Corruption is rife in many Latin American countries, and John Paul
acknowledged it played a role in the huge debt burden facing the region.

He called for help for poor farmers ``tempted by the easy money'' gained by
growing drug crops, and urged the church to cooperate with governments and
international agencies fighting the drug trade.

Only the United States and a few other countries in the Americas execute
criminals, and the pope has appealed directly for clemency in several cases in
the United States.

In an apparent reference to Cuba, he said a state monopoly in education ``must
be condemned as a form of totalitarianism.'' During his historic trip to the
island one year ago, he called for the reopening of Catholic schools, closed
in the communist revolution.

John Paul called for greater efforts to foster priestly vocations, but stood
his ground against dropping the celibacy requirement that some hold
responsible for shortages.

He said women should be given a greater role in decision-making in the church,
but made no mention of calls to allow them to become priests.

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