Well, I guess it was about time for this one too.  John Lee believes we
will not hear anything that is anti-Jewish....it is being suppressed
from he list, and how he feels, I could care less....this is a man who
wants the truth...so here it is.

When I first heard this Satanist Crap about P&G, I wrote them a letter
and was sent the story of the Crescent Moon and the Stars, which I
thought was a beautiful emblem...after the moon and the stars to belong
to everyone....even the Jews Mr. Lee????

The attached is basically the story they sent me....Kosher Food...once I
asked about that - you know the Pope blesses the food, the animals, and
I imagine yes the golden goose which is routinely killed.

Kosher food means clean food; if it is Kosher, you know it is clean -
and how did it start....well maybe a Jew thousand sof years ago ate pork
and went blind....to this day the bible relates the thou shall not re
certain meats....Moslems consider pig meat unclean....as a near
vegetarian, all I have to worry about is being poisoned by pesticides
used on fruits and vegetbles.

So Kosher is, as Kosher does; I used to patronize a Jewish store, and
knew when I bought food there, it would be clean; and maybe that is why
Proctor and Gamble, was a leader in soaps...it is clean.

I did not know if Proctor and Gamble was Jewish or not;  if the have a
good product at a good price, I will buy it....but this sudden stuff
about boycotting products based on false stories, welll what do we have
hear....apparently, there are those who would blot the names of the
Kennedys and the Jews, right out of the book.....

Competition...hell no - Check Mate...Assassinate their character, hit
their sales....what has Proctor and Gamble, done to deserve this.

What made certain foods tabou....well,  since people persisted in eating
poisoned meats in the days of the pharoahs....they just added a little
spice to the story and made certain meats Unholy....hence now, we have
the story of the Jewish Slaughterman, whom some believed to be Jack the

I do not like the Zionist movement...but I can see why the Jews are no
longer going to sit back and wait for another Hitler, to do them

My goodness, and None Dare Call It Propaganda....its like observing the
many different hamburger companies who at one time the hucksters used
character assassination on another man's product, and it carried on into

Free speech is free speech; but I could ot let a whopper like this go

Imagine this is another attack by the Fuller Soap men....some like to
compete, even if they do price fix a little...and some just want to
eliminate their opposition, like a Kennedy, or a Jew, or someone who
will not get in line to the Drum and the Goosestep.


Colleen Jones
My ancestor helped to revise the bible, but did not claim that he wrote


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