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My hats off to him that took some REAL balls!  How many of us would hang it out there?


SF Lawyer Sues Bush Admin Over Sept. 11

SAN FRANCISCO -- A San Francisco lawyer filed an ambitious federal lawsuit today on behalf of all American citizens against President Bush and six other officials for alleged dereliction of duty in failing to stop the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Stanley G. Hilton, a solo practitioner, filed the would-be class action lawsuit in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

The suit claims that Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and others failed to carry out their constitutional duties to act on intelligence information that allegedly showed the threat of terrorist hijackings.

The lawsuit is based on two claims: violation of citizens' constitutional rights and negligence in the discharge of the officials' duties.

Other defendants are National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice, FBI Director Robert Mueller and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.

The suit asks for an injunction against the officials and $7 billion in damages.

The case was randomly assigned to the court of U.S. District Judge Saundra Armstrong in Oakland.

Representatives of the U.S. Department of Justice were not immediately available for comment.

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