Secret Conspiracy to destroy peace in Ireland

This article, written by Ken Livingstone, MP, in the Independent on 21
May 1999, is self censored because he dare not spill the beans lest the
control freak Blair uses MI5 and MI6 to discredit and ruin Mr
Livingstone.    Mr Livingstone should have been Labour's Prime Minister.
MI5 and MI6 are the strong arms of the Bilderberg Group and must be
wholly Masonic.    It has been reported that Home Secretary Jack Straw
is being blackmailed by MI5.   We have no real evidence of this other
than that Straw seems to have taken leave of his senses over the right
of trial by jury.    We do know that MI5, using the Special Branch, was
interfering in civil litigation in 1961 when it was promoting the
interests of the Mobil Oil Company in UK courts.    It has the ability
to and will blackmail anyone in the UK be they government ministers,
members of the judiciary or the man in the street who stands up for his
rights.   Blair now sups with the devil.
Being rather older than Mr Livingstone we can tell him that the Wilson
government used MI5 and MI6 in the same manner as the Thatcher
government did.    Wilson was worse than Thatcher was in that he
betrayed the people who supported him.   Thatcher never did that.
Blair is currently betraying the people who voted him into power.
The Tory leader (Major) made Kinnock a European Commissioner.   Now
Blair is preparing to make a pretty useless Tory, Chris Patten, a
European Commissioner.   He will have Kinnock re-appointed.

Article starts
NO MP ever forgets his maiden speech in the House of Commons.   In my
case the memory was deeply enforced by press coverage the following
morning, with The Sun leading the press pack will a full front-page
headline: "Red Ken smears heroes".

        At Prime Minister's Questions that afternoon, Mrs Thatcher
denounced my speech and then rounded on Neil Kinnock for not doing the
same.   Poor Neil made the mistake of equivocating that "while the
allegations are most probably not true...", thus prompting  a Tory MP to
proclaim that Kinnock sounded "like Klaus Barbie's defence lawyer".   As
Barbie was on trial for helping organise Hitler's genocide, this was a
trifle over the top.

                        The allegations I made back in July 1987 read
like a Frederick Forsyth novel.   If true they were a time bomb ticking
away at the heart of Mrs Thatcher's government, involving her closest
colleagues.   But Labour's front bench wouldn't touch them with a barge

                        Rumours  began to circulate that Kinnock had
been warned by MI5 that if he did pursue these claims, then damaging
stories about Labour MPs' sexual and financial peccadilloes would be
leaked to journalists.   MI5 wasn't joking.   Pictures of a married
former Labour cabinet minister in the company of two extremely
attractive Yugoslav women popped up in the gossip columns.

                My allegations were that a small group of MI5 and MI6
officers conspired to wreck the cease-fire negotiated between the Labour
government and the IRA in February 1975.   Captain Robert Nairac led a
group of loyalist paramilitaries across the border into Ireland to
assassinate John Francis Green, a leading IRA figure.   A few months
later, in July 1975, Nairac again led loyalist paramilitaries, disguised
in Ulster Defence Regiment uniforms, in an attack on the Miami Showband
who were at that time Ireland's most popular group.   Three members of
the band were killed and one of the guns used at the scene was the gun
used to kill John Francis Green.   When arrested, one of the loyalist
paramilitaries was revealed to be a sergeant in the UDR.

                Nairac was not at that time implicated in the incident,
but the MI5 plotters were successful.   The IRA reacted to the Miami
Showband killings by slaughtering five people in the Bayardo Bar the
following month, unleashing a wave of tit-for-tat killings that
escalated until the Northern Ireland Secretary, Merlyn Rees, terminated
the cease-fire on 12 November.

        Making such allegations brought down upon my head a wave of
condemnation, not just from the Tories and the press, but also from the
Labour leadership.   In the years that followed, I submitted more than
300 questions about the "dirty" war in Ireland and after years of
denial, the government was forced to admit that the intelligence
services had engaged in a covert black propaganda campaign, code-named
Clockwork Orange.

                Colin Wallace, a former Army intelligence officer who
had been one of my two key sources of information, was found to have
been framed for manslaughter and was eventually compensated.   My second
source, Captain Fred Holroyd, who worked for MI6, was discredited by
being committed to a psychiatric hospital and has never received the
compensation that is his due.

                This has become relevant again because the Sunday Mirror
has published letters purportedly from Nairac to Oonagh Flynn, the
mother of his son.   She recounts how Nairac told her he had killed
Green and gave details of the Miami Showband killings.   His letters
also recount his fears that he is being set up:  "I know they are
shitting me up big time, boxing me in."   Some have claimed that an Army
unit was operating near the Three Steps pub where Nairac was captured by
the IRA, and did not intervene to save him.

        It will be a simple matter to determine whether the handwriting
in these letters shows that they were penned by Nairac, and DNA tests
could confirm Oonagh's claim that he was the father of her son.

        Most of the key players in these events have died or are no
longer in positions of power, but what they tell us about the operation
of the security services is so important that Oonagh's claims must be
investigated officially.

                The current cease-fire and peace process in Northern
Ireland hang on a thread in part because of republican suspicions that
the security services are not impartial.    The allegations of shoot-to-
kill policies were investigated by tbe Stalker and Sampson inquiries and
never published.   This poisonous history bedevils Chris Patten's
investigation of the RUC and the issue of whether it should be reformed
or abolished.   The way to create an Ireland at peace with itself is to
create something like South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation
Commission, examining the horrors of recent years irrespective of who
committed them.   Only then will it be possible for the people of
Ireland to build a peaceful future.

        It would also mean that we can finally pass judgement on Robert
Nairac.   When carrying out his orders did he know they were issued by
people who were trying to undermine the elected Labour leadership of the
day?   There is also the much more explosive issue of the trail leading
to the outer office of Mrs Thatcher.

                        The spymaster Peter Wright, of Spycatcher fame,
makes no mention in his book of the extensive work he undertook in
Ireland, yet he was the central figure among the group of MI5 officers
trying to bring down the Labour government.   I believe that the most
likely scenario is that Wright and others directed the murder of Green
and the Miami Showband killings in order to deny the minority Labour
government the popularity that would have followed from its concluding a
peace deal with the IRA.

Wright met the former MI6 officer Airey Neave, MP, who was not only Mrs
Thatcher's shadow Northern Ireland minister but also the head of her
private office, her closest friend and the man who personally introduced
her to MI5 and MI6 officers.   Did Wright brief Neave on what was going
on, to destabilise the Wilson government?   Neave himself privately
employed Colin Wallace to spread disinformation and black propaganda.

                        A full investigation could reveal that Airey
Neave, the man who organised Thatcher's seizure of the Tory party in
1975, was also guilty of treason and an accessory to murder.

The Avengers
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