Thank you so much, Kris, for including me -- I have so enjoyed "Rogue Elephant."
After reading the information, I have some insights and additional readings, rather "footnotes" that may be of use.
1.  "A Spy in Rome" by Peter Tompkins, 1962 London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, addresses OSS operations in Rome in 1943 prior to Anzio -- and throughout, the subversion of the very strong socialist wing Tompkins relied on for information that was vital to the liberation of Rome.  In the book, the overtones of OSS subversion are clear, the collaboration of units of the OSS with the mafia, and also the nearly complete elimination of the the socialist party leadership (involved in the resistence) during these harrowing days in 1943. The records of the Italian Resistence 1943-1946 are housed at Hoover Institution, Stanford University, as further future sourcing.
2.  "Una Storia Segreta," Larry DiStasi, editor, released June 2001: Berkeley, CA: Heyday Books, notes the role of the ONI in identifying Americans of Italian descent active in government and communities in the San Francisco Bay Area as early as 1936 -- people who were later interned in 1941 and 1942.  This resulted in control over the docks, warehouses and the political appartus of the SF Bay Area and west coast, moving to organized crime -- and infiltration of unions on the west coast.  Many of the Sicilians complicit in this were further enriched during WWII by lucrative government contracts from everything from fish to milk to produce as the mob moved in and relocated hundreds of people to fuel WWII needs. See also "The Luciano Project - The Secret Wartime Collaboration of the Mafia & the U.S. Navy" by Rodney Campbell 1977: New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
The role of the ONI is a part of on-going research, with the hope some of this might come to light with a report due Congress by November 7, 2001 (mandated by Public Law 106-451 "Civil Liberties Violations of Italian Americans During WWII."  One question in the Public Law asks the simple question about why were some fisherman allowed to keep their boats and others not?
3.  As to OSSer who unlocked the prisons of Sicily and Southern Italy, see "OSS - The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency" by R. Harris Smith, 1972: Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.  The deed was done by Henry Ringling North. Hummmmmm. could there be a relationship to Ollie ???  It seems appropriate that a relative of a circus family would follow this type of command to set free the mafia ... and Ollie had his favorite 3-ring Triad ... and ongoing circus about him.
4.  That the Bonanno family was "in charge" of Montreal and the Corsicans there is clearly documented from records of Canadian authorities cited in "The Canadian Connection" by Jean-Pierre Charbonneau, 1976: Ottawa, CAN: Optimum Publishing Company Limited.
5.  That Joe Bonanno, Edgar Bronfman, Joe Alioto gained stature and connections during WWII is documented in their participation on the Board of Economic Warfare (Alioto's obituary, and Aaaron's & Loftus "Secret War Against the Jews," as to Bronfman, Bechtel, Henry J. Kaiser, Gianinni of B of A, Nelson A. Rockefeller as chair of this Board.  Records with the Dept. of Justice for the Board of Economic Warfare recently released indicate the board was created by FDR Executive Order in March 1942, and disbanded by Executive Order in September 1943.  In addition, by Executive Order Roosevelt for the first time shifted responsibility for intelligence reporting from his office to that of the VP (in this case Henry A. Wallace).  An interesting exception that wasn't an exception:  Bill Casey made himself a member of Reagan's cabinet -- he reported to President Reagan while Deputy Director CIA, Robert Gates, reported directly to George H. W. Bush during the Reagan administration.  See Joseph A. Persico's "Casey." There is too little information to determine what, if any, aspects of "Elephant Herd" were put into play by Bush.
6.  A biography -- good one by Joseph Persico "The Imperial Rockefeller - A Biography of Nelson A. Rockefeller" details the fact that Nelson created a corporation in Peru and introduced the first tuna fleet after the war had settled down -- somewhere online there is an article that details the fleet was disbanded because it was being used to haul drugs. This book is also a good one for fixing dates and various capers of Rockefeller -- his service on the Board of Economic Warfare, then Coordinator of Latin American Affairs, his role is seeing that Argentina was admitted to the U.N., his right wing advances, his role "appointing people" to the first HUD position in New York (Michael Eisner's father who then served more than 20 years in that capacity), and throughout the period Nelson was Governor of New York (when money moved out quickly and without notice, by the buckets -- NY oversaw Puerto Rico and they are the two biggest HUD operations -- Michael Eisner is Chairman of Walt Disney Corp and his father was a close associate of Meyer Lansky's word of mouth -- I have nothing in writing about this association). Please note from this Rockefeller had clearly established interests and wealth in South America ... his position as Coordinator of Latin American Affairs and his channels and lines became available to Elliott Abrahms who held the same position during the Iran-Contra period and when "Elephant Herd" kicked in.
7.  That Lansky continued service to the government by running guns to Palestine immediately after WWII to help create the Israeli state (which explains close affinity of the far right element of the Mossad with the mob's syndicate as well) is noted in Sally Denton & Roger Morris's "The Money and the Power," released April 2001.
8. Persico's "Casey" also shows a flagrant resurgance if not flaunting of the "Rogue Elephant" theme.  As soon as Reagan was sworn in, he approved Bill Casey's "Operation Elephant Herd" which kicked into full gear when the Boland Act was passed in 1983 -- putting into play all those "rogues" who became contractors to raise funds for the Contra effort.
9.  In December 1946 in Havana, Lucky Luciano held court with the bosses of the cities and NY.  At that time he placed the control of Meyer Lansky's syndicate UNDER the Genovese crime family (go to and look to right, scroll, and see John Tuohy's 2 recent articles "Return of Lucky Lucifer" before they slip into the archives in the next couple of days).  Thus, while Lucky was deported back to Italy, Vito Genovese, who ran the drug lines and black market in Italy 1936 - 1946, returned to the U.S. and headed for a short while the Genovese family after Frank Costello.  An excellent book on Vito's arrival (likely thanks to the ONI as much as any, or George H. White of the FBN, later OSS, later CIA) in Italy, Genovese's operations, and the fact that he served as interpreter for the Military Admin. of Southern Italy (former NY state Lt. Gov. Poletti) from 1943 - 1946 is detailed in Larry Gurwin's "Hoodlum Thieves."
10.  Even the significance of the subsumption of authority and deference of the Lansky syndicate machinery to Genovese is found in the 1970s when Murray Wilson of the syndicate sought the approval of the Genovese to link newly arrived members of Russian organized crime into various rackets.  Somewhere in my database I have an article about this -- recent one -- will try to locate this -- however the rule is "were goes syndicate so goes Genovese" by far the most powerful family now and always -- the political fixers of the lot is the theme that pervades the excellent writings forwarded.
11.  Significant to an understanding of "the 1947 movement from Chicago to Dallas" is the policy decisions that were made by Lucky Luciano in Havana in Dec. 1946 -- among them were to "whack" Bugsy Segel and go even more big-time into Las Vegas, to bring Chicago talent down to enhance Dallas rackets.  Also important to understand: at click 26 cities, then San Francisco and note that SF boss in 1932 was Francesco Lanza -- son was "Jimmy" Joseph Lanza, all related to Joe Socks Lanza Fulton Fish Market Genovese -- Francesco's partner for the purpose of laundering money in ownership of SF's Fisherman's Wharf was Giuseppi Alioto, father of Joseph L. Alioto who served as the representative of the USDOJ to the Board of Economic Warfare!  Joe later served as Mayor of SF 1968-75 and brought out his "connector" as Vice Mayor, John DeLuca, who in 1975 became President of The Wine Institute.  Also of note is Alioto is married into the Genaro-Papale families, which gained their prominence in Dallas 1947 forward as part of the ops there.  Joe Alioto's wife was Angelina Genaro of Dallas.  Rudy Papale later moved from his meat processing business (remember crime had vast control over the industry while Paul Castellano headed the Commission) to Encino, CA (knew all the Milken boys, for example) -- Regal Meat Processing, Regal Packaging -- Look Magazine of course mentioned Rudy Papale's business deals in Mexico with Frank the Bomp Bompensaro of the San Diego mob.  Alioto and Balistreri and Bom all cross-connected through bosses of Milwaukee crime family -- at, select 26 cities, then select Milwaukee -- also San Diego.
12.  The role of organized crime in finding new venues of grand scale through which to launder vast sums of money were enhanced by the Podesta family and others in Chicago in the later 1960s by creation of an investment bank, "First Chicago Corporation."  Robert Angelo Podesta was a member of CREEP, his son Robert Anthony Podesta headed Junior CREEP -- biggest fundraisers for Republican causes and supported Nixon, etc.  First Chicago took companies such as MacDonald's public, then down hill types like Pizza Hut -- where Jamie Coulter (biggest RNC contributor for George H. W. Bush campaign) had hundreds of franchises and siphoned money into political contributions.  Same with control of KFC (Kentucky fried Chicken) through the notorious smuggling outfit of Heublein.
Podesta served as Undersecretary of Commerce 1971+ (shows no ending date) while in 1972 + Peter G. Peterson (now Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and co-founder of The Blackstone Group -- offshoot of Armitage-Carlucci company per Al Martin) served as Secretary of Commerce -- this is when all the grain trades with Russia began -- among other things .... taking MacDonald's to Russia, big networking of Pepsi where Alioto was part of the missions to Russia and took along his friend, Capodonico, who has the Pepsi franchises in no. Ca. while a Rockefeller has been on the board of Pepsi ...
Using search engines with input "Board of Economic Warfare" will net an index of records available at the Dept. of Justice and the index is thorough enough to provide the Executive Order numbers and dates signed that are noted above.
Somewhere inbetween all of this is Kermit Roosevelt well above Ollie and likely reporting to Bush -- or maybe giving him a few orders????  Perhaps Ollie's "un-named clandestine?  Someone who may have controlled Maheu in the Huges deals 1967-1975 -- a time for which we have no history on Kermit????
I cannot thank you enough for sending the 4 segments.  At this very moment I am dealing with challenge to a develop who is financed by Hong Kong money -- who has associations with The Blackstone Group - Peter G. Peterson --- Geoffrey Yeh, his son V-Nee Yeh (Hsin Chong Construction Group, Hsin Chong International, Ltd, a Bermuda Corp) and Herbert Cheng (using channels through Vancouver, B.C.).  On July 31 hope to knock them down with land use laws -- otherwise looks like the county will lose ag to resort developments +++  Your work reminded me that Santo Trafficante had "strengthened systems" for heroin movement in 1968 when he made a visit to HONG KONG, and dealt with wealthy people there.
If Yeh or Cheng sound familiar, don't hesitate to let me know.

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