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-Caveat Lector-

Scott Ritter's war

By: Stephen Marshall, Manhattan

 Of all the people who owed Scott Ritter an apology,
 the most eloquent and, perhaps, meaningful, came from
 David H. Hackworth, the retired U.S. Army Colonel and
 self-described Most Decorated Soldier in America.
 Hackworth can walk the walk. He was shot eight times
 in Vietnam, and went on to write the so-called
 "Vietnam Primer," referred to as the military's bible
 on counter-insurgency warfare.

May 26, 2004

Over the course of the last year, news organizations
have had to eat large portions of humble pie. While the
alternative press raised red flag after red flag about
the Bush administration's Weapons of Mass Destruction
claims, almost every mainstream U.S. news organization
simply parroted the official fictions. The New York
Times, a paper commonly referred to as "liberal" by the
right, went even further, running numerous high-profile
stories that featured anonymous sources who claimed
Iraq had a viable and dangerous WMD program. Many of
the Times' sources were Iraqis tied to Ahmed Chalabi, a
man the U.S. now accuses of being a spy for Iran.

Today, The New York Times issued a mea culpa, headlined
"Correction: The New York Times on Iraq coverage." The
Times editors write, "Looking back, we wish we had been
more aggressive in re-examining the claims as new
evidence emerged =97 or failed to emerge." Nowhere in
the Times explanation is a reference to Scott Ritter,
the former U.N. weapons inspector whose warnings were
all but ignored by the paper, and pretty much every
other big media outlet. While many news organizations
are undergoing similar soul-searching, none have
bothered to give Ritter his proper due. In this
extensive media analysis, GNN's Stephen Marshall looks
back at Ritter's WMD battles, the media and the
politics of being right:

Character Assassination

In the late summer and fall of 2002, six months before
the invasion, former U.N. weapons inspector Scott
Ritter hit the major networks, claiming that the Bush
administration was "deliberately distorting the record
in regards to weapons of mass destruction." Despite his
radical position, Ritter's credentials as a U.S. Marine
and fearless weapons inspector made him impossible to
ignore. So he became the most visible opponent of the
administration's assertion that Saddam was a threat to
the United States. And, in response, the corporate
media did everything in their power to assassinate his
character. We decided to trace the media coverage that
Ritter received during September, 2002.

It was a busy month.

One of the most common tactics was to spin his
criticism of Bush into a sympathy for Saddam Hussein.
Within the first minute of his interview, Fox News
Channel's David Asman asked Ritter how it was that
"people have gotten the impression that...you're now
being somewhat apologetic for what Saddam Hussein is

Less sophisticated, but no less effective was the
subtle references to his mental state. During an
appearance on CNN with Paula Zahn, Ritter was quizzed
about his anti-war documentary 'In Shifting Sands,'
which was funded by an Iraqi-American with ties to
Saddam Hussein. Ignoring the fact that Ritter had
developed a network of allies within the regime, which
ultimately gave him access to high- level Baath
officials and allowed him to film in Iraq, Zahn
ridiculed him:

"People are accusing you of drinking Saddam Hussein's

Michael Crowley, associate editor of the New Republic
used his influential real estate at Slate.com to do his
own psychological assessment of Scott Ritter:

"Perhaps a better possibility is that during his
thousands of hours in Iraq, Ritter developed something
like Stockholm syndrome. He may feel a genuine concern
for Iraq that makes him want to see it restored to
economic and political health. In interviews Ritter has
spoken of the 'warmth' of the Iraqi people, the beauty
of the country's mosques and ziggurats, and the
suffering of children who he says are victims of
economic sanctions."

Hmm...sympathy. Pretty crazy stuff, especially during
wartime. But it gets worse.

Using his documentary as 'evidence', some of Ritter's
more dedicated assailants tried to make the case that
he had been bought. The worst of these was Stephen
Hayes, the nasty, wimpish neocon puppet from The Weekly
Standard. Writing in the Wall Street Journal editorial
page under a headline reading: "Ritter of Arabia: How
did a tough Marine become an apologist for Saddam
Hussein?," Hayes weighed in:

"Today, as a second President Bush prepares the country
for war in the same land, Scott Ritter is seemingly
doing PR for Saddam Hussein, appearing anywhere he can
get an audience to dispute the contention that Saddam
is a threat to the world. Mr. Ritter shows up on
National Public Radio, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,
CBS, ABC, NBC and each of the all-news cable networks.
Prominent newspapers--the Boston Globe, Newsday, the
Baltimore Sun, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles
Times--have published his rants. He is quoted
approvingly by members of Congress and world leaders.
Indeed, Scott Ritter has probably become the leading
opponent of intervention in Iraq.

But he wasn't always a dove.

...What explains Scott Ritter's change of heart? Only
he knows, of course. But as his views have changed,
he's taken money from a source who has led many to
question his objectivity.

Over the past two years, Mr. Ritter has taken $400,000
from Shakir Al- Khafaji, an Iraqi-American businessman
with ties to Saddam, to produce a documentary called,
In Shifting Sands."

When Hayes showed up on Fox's No Spin Zone, he let
O'Reilly hoist the flag:

O'REILLY: All right. You believe that Ritter's bought?

HAYES: It's a good question. I stopped short of that
deliberately in my article. I just wanted to lay out
the facts and let people decide for themselves whether
they thought he was bought. I would say $400,000 from
somebody who Ritter, when I interviewed him, admitted
was, quote unquote, "openly sympathetic" with the
regime in Baghdad...

And so it went. Looking at news reports from the
period, there were few instances where Ritter's calm
warnings about the administration's deceptive tactics
were not treated with contempt or derision.

But it obviously wasn't enough.

In January, 2003, just two months before the invasion
would begin, Scott Ritter was effectively taken out of
the game by leaked documents alleging that, in 2001, he
had been charged with pursuing a 16-year old girl over
the internet. As the controversy broke, Ritter was
immediately judged a pervert, despite the fact that the
case had been dismissed and sealed at the state level.
Despite the obvious nature of the leak, the damage had
been done.

In a heated exchange with CNN's Aaron Brown, Ritter
could do little to revive his credibility:

Scott Ritter: I stood before a judge, and law =97 you
know, the due process of law was carried forth. And now
we have a situation where the media has turned this
into a feeding frenzy. This is not an extra judicial
proceeding, Aaron. I do not stand before you, where I
have to testify to anything. The case was dismissed.

Aaron Brown: Scott ...

Ritter: The file was sealed.

Brown: Scott, I'm trying to give you an opportunity, if
you want to take it, to explain what happened. And
here's the point of that. And you know this is true.
You are radioactive until this is cleared up, until
people understand what this is about. No one is going
to talk to you about the things that you feel
passionately about.

With Ritter effectively off-limits to the mainstream
press and the Bush administration mounting a full-court
press in their drive to take out Saddam, his defense
was left to the increasingly relevant muckrakers of the
digital underground.

Justin Raimondo of AntiWar.com:

"So the police just happened to conduct a "sex sting"
operation against the one man who had exposed the lies
of our war-mad rulers from the inside. On the eve of
war, as hundreds of thousands protest in the streets,
this staunch Republican and solid family man who has
become one of the War Party's most formidable enemies
is suddenly "exposed" as a child molester.

Since the court records have been sealed, and the case
was merely "adjourned in contemplation of dismissal,"
the authorities will say nothing, at least in public.
The entrapment was apparently so transparent, so
obviously the clumsiest sort of COINTELPRO-style
operation badly bungled by our newly-empowered
political police, that the charges were dropped to the
legal equivalent of a traffic ticket. Could it be that
the records were sealed not to protect Ritter, but to
protect whomever tried to set him up?

Anybody who doesn't believe that Ritter was
specifically targeted on account of his political
activities needs to seek help: that sort of naivete can
be terminal, and the patient probably shouldn't be
trusted to cross the street unattended."

There's nothing at all fishy about a "sealed" court
record leaked to reporters, complete with an alleged
"mug shot" of Ritter broadcast on television and
republished by MSNBC. It's all a coincidence that this
comes out just as the war crisis reaches its climax -
or anti-climax - and the administration is desperate to
come up with a half-way convincing rationale for war.
What are you - a conspiracy theorist?"

One week later, CounterPunch's Alexander Cockburn
boiled it down to one pithy sentence:

"Once you're defined as a dirty beast in a raincoat,
it's hard to fight back."

And before anyone could say Pee-Wee Herman, the nation
was at war.

An Orwellian Moment

One year later, chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay
ended the moratorium on journalistic misanthropy, at
least where administration officials are concerned,
with his damning report to Congress. In his report, Kay
revealed what most of us already knew - that there was
no evidence of a WMD program. With the word now made
official, mainstream media began to earnestly question
the administration's honesty in prosecuting the case
for war. By then, of course, it was too late. Over five
hundred U.S. soldiers had been killed and America had
stuck its boot in the Middle Eastern doorway as it
moved to establish a stable base of operations for its
expansion into the Arab world.

Scott Ritter was nowhere to be seen.

Shamelessly, some pro-war pundits used Kay's watershed
revelations to admit their poor judgment and broaden
the reach of their audience, showing a humbler face to
the incredulous American public.

Most notable of the mea culpas was Fox's ratings
heavyweight Bill O'Reilly, who had publicly pledged to
appear on rival network ABC and apologize if the WMD
claims turned out to be false. True to his word, after
the Kay bombshell, O'Reilly dropped in on ABC's Good
Morning America to relinquish his faith in the Bush

"I was wrong. I am not pleased about it at all and I
think all Americans should be concerned about this."

However, things are not always what they seem. In this
case, O'Reilly was doing double duty and using ABC's
top-rated morning show to drive the administrations'
spin of the Kay report directly into the waking minds
of mainstream America. Because, while he admitted he
was now "more skeptical of the Bush administration," he
placed the blame firmly on the intelligence community,
and the beleaguered CIA chief, George Tenet.

"I don't know why Tenet still has his job."

This deliberate shifting of blame, from the
administration who had badgered and ridiculed the CIA
until they produced intelligence that effectively made
the case for war, to the CIA who had simply complied
with their political bosses, was a masterful trick. Not
only did it fool the majority of Americans, who
apparently couldn't remember the administration's
position on CIA intel before the war, but it disabled
the mainstream media, who were forced to cover the spin

The key author of the spin was Kay himself. A longtime
intelligence insider, he had clearly made a deal with
the administration to betray the hardworking analysts
who had stood up to the administration. On January 26,
2004, two days before he would testify before a Senate
Committee about his findings, Kay used an interview
with Tom Brokaw to float the administration's spin on
the WMD debacle.

Tom Brokaw: David, as you know, a lot of the
president's political critics are going to say, "This
is clear evidence that he lied to the American people."

David Kay: Well, Tom, if we do that, I think we're
really hurting ourselves. Clearly, the intelligence
that we went to war on was inaccurate, wrong. We need
to understand why that was. I think if anyone was
abused by the intelligence it was the president of the
United States rather than the other way around.

Abused by the intelligence? The president of the United
States? Those of us watching the interview surely gave
a collective yelp of anticipation. Here was a rare
opportunity to speak truth to power and unveil its
lies, right on live television. And who better than
America's icon of journalistic integrity Tom Brokaw to
get the job done!

But Brokaw's follow-up question, wasn't a follow-up
question. He simply moved on to the next point. Like a
pitcher taking a signal for his next throw, the
platinum-haired veteran looked in and delivered. There
was no conscious reaction to the lie. No connection for
the audience to make between what Kay had said and the
reality we had all lived through for the past year.

It's hard to fathom how one of America's top news
anchors and most respected journalists could just let
that kind revisionism slide. That someone sitting atop
one of the world's most powerful news gathering systems
could have failed to see the manipulation at work.
There really isn't a viable explanation for it. We know
he is not stupid. And we have to believe that, at least
consciously, he's not in on the game. But, then, what
does that leave us with?

Without evidence of collusion, complicity or
incompetence, we're left to find something deeper. An
instinctual need to see power in a positive frame. To
agree with it. And to bury all the cumbersome
inconsistencies under a veneer of professionalism and
objectivity. Whatever it was, it worked. The needle was
threaded with a new lie to keep the media's integrity
from busting through the weathered fabric of their
collective denial.

But Brokaw was not the only journalist to abandon the
historical record. Just the first. Like a row of heavy
dominoes falling one after the another, once Kay hit
NBC, Big Media fell into formation and parroted them on
cue. And while it is easy to blame the corporate press
for being so uncritically malleable to the government's
charade, their job was made slightly more difficult by
the fact that the spooks seemed to be playing along.

When Winston Wiley, former deputy director of CIA,
appeared on Fox News, he defended the agency against
charges of pressure saying that "intelligence analysis
is a contact sport." And that visits from policy-makers
like Cheney "put pressure, but it's welcome pressure."

So, it was left to Paul Krugman, one of the few major
national columnists who still resides far enough
outside of the warm of embrace of power, to give the
nation a dose of reality. As the New York Times' sane
counter-balance to Thomas Friedman's neo- conservative
ranting, Krugman did not miss his chance to
characterize America's "Orwellian moment":

"Do you remember when the C.I.A. was reviled by hawks
because its analysts were reluctant to present a
sufficiently alarming picture of the Iraqi threat? Your
memories are no longer operative. On or about last
Saturday, history was revised: see, it's the C.I.A.'s
fault that the threat was overstated. Given its
warnings, the administration had no choice but to

A tip from Josh Marshall, of www.talkingpointsmemo.com,
led me to a stark reminder of how different the story
line used to be. Last year Laurie Mylroie published a
book titled "Bush vs. the Beltway: How the C.I.A. and
the State Department Tried to Stop the War on Terror."
Ms. Mylroie's book came with an encomium from Richard
Perle; she's known to be close to Paul Wolfowitz and to
Dick Cheney's chief of staff. According to the jacket
copy, "Mylroie describes how the C.I.A. and the State
Department have systematically discredited critical
intelligence about Saddam's regime, including
indisputable evidence of its possession of weapons of
mass destruction."

In the final paragraph of his column, Krugman showed an
uncharacteristic flash of manic idealism. It was more
the stuff we are used to seeing as posts on by the 4000
+ kids on GNN's Forum than anything published in The
New York Times. But refreshing, nonetheless, was
Krugman's parting plea:

"I'd like to think that the administration's crass
efforts to rewrite history will backfire, that the
media and the informed public won't let officials get
away with this. Have we finally had enough?"

Apparently not.

Looking back on the winter of 2004, it will be
remembered that the media did begin to sniff the blood
of a wounded incumbent. And, like a pack of hungry
lemmings, they began to circle. But the focus of their
attention was not the double deception that the
administration had orchestrated around the cover-up of
their falsified WMD intel. Instead, they chose a much
less controversial target, and one that did not strike
at the heart of the government's contempt for the
democratic process.

George W. Bush's record of military service.

It was a textbook case of what Daniel Goleman calls
"the quintessential self-deception." Where the
psychological defenses of the group are raised and
attention is focused away from painful truths that can
cause anxiety. Instead of dealing with the collective
miscarriage of their civic responsibility - one that,
at the least demands they question the government about
its political and economic motives before they take the
nation to war - Big Media shifted its gaze toward the
most innocuous of Bush's lies. And began a witchhunt to
uncover the hard journalistic facts about how much time
he spent in the Texas air national guard.

Meanwhile, nearly one year after his disgrace and
censor from the corporate media, America's uncelebrated
truth-teller made one solitary appearance on cable
television. It was with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, who allowed
Ritter to humbly accept vindication. Instead of railing
against the forces that had marginalized and
discredited him, the former Marine used his time to
make the case for executive accountability :

"We have to go back to Harry Truman's old adage. The
buck stops at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I agree, there
has to be a full investigation but not just of the
intelligence community...but of the policymakers who
made the decision to go to war based upon faulty

Of all the people who owed Scott Ritter an apology, the
most eloquent and, perhaps, meaningful, came from David
H. Hackworth, the retired U.S. Army Colonel and self-
described Most Decorated Soldier in America. Hackworth
can walk the walk. He was shot eight times in Vietnam,
and went on to write the so-called "Vietnam Primer,"
referred to as the military's bible on counter-
insurgency warfare.

Writing on his military-cult website, Hackworth.com,
the Colonel praised Scott Ritter for taking "us all on
- virtually alone, against incredible odds."

When asked if he felt "totally exonerated," Ritter

"I would feel a lot better if there were a way to
reverse the hands of time, so that people would have
paid more attention to what I said in the past, and we
didn't find ourselves caught up in this ongoing

Reading Ritter's words in Hackworth's column reminded
us of a quote we had found from his 2002 address to the
Iraqi people. At that time, he warned that if the
United States launched an invasion against Iraq, it
would "forever change the political dynamic which has
governed the world since the end of the Second World
War, namely the foundation of international law as set
forth in the United Nations charter, which calls for
the peaceful resolution of problems between nations."

And maybe that was exactly the point.


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