Sacrificing children in ghoulish blood rituals began in the Old does wonder if this story of the Stern Gang tactics
behind slaughter of the Russian Jews at the dancing affair might not
hold latent big germ of truth.......Stern Gang used bible for lost
boundaries - if this story be true, it would not be the first time
Israelis did some dirty work and blamed it on the Rabbi
said these kids were punished by God?

Remember the USS Liberty?
Remembre the USS Cole?
Remember Meyer Lansky and Carlos Marcellos who order the Hit on JFK????

And remembr out boys on the USS Liberty were napalmed by Israeli planes
for 45 minutes and bombed while 34 lie dead and 171 wounded, and in
International Waters....the Egytians were to have been blamed but they
could not manage to kill every one aboard and they lived to tell the



Napoleon is attributed as having said, "History is an agreed-upon set of
lies". Perhaps nowhere is this "agreed upon set of lies" more evident
that in the history of the modern state of Israel.

Israel hides behind a mask of respectability and legitimacy, bought by
holocaust guilt and the enormous wealth of global Jewry. Let us remove
this mask for one moment and observe the grim reality of the "Modern
State of Israel".
Israel is a country that is built on the stolen land of Palestinians.
Indeed, In a rare moment of candour, David Ben Gurion, Israel's first
Prime Minister, admitted as much:

"Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader, I would never
make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country.
Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God
is not theirs,
We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is
that to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler,
Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we came
here and stole their country. Why should they accept that?"

Similarly, Moshe Dayan, Israelis' first defense minister, acknowledged
the injustice of their actions:

"Before [the Palestinians] very eyes we are possessing the land and the
villages where they, and their ancestors, have lived...We are the
generation of colonizers, and without the steel helmet and the gun
barrel we cannot plant a tree and build a home."

The terror campaigns against the Palestinians predates the declaration
of the state of Israel, as linguist and social scientist, Noam Chomsky

"The record of Israeli terrorism goes back to the origins of the state -
indeed, long before - including the massacre of 250 civilians and brutal
expulsion of seventy thousand others from Lydda and Ramle in July 1948;
the massacre of hundreds of others at the undefended village of Doueimah
near Hebron in October 1948;...the slaughters in Quibya, Kafr Kassem,
and a string of other assassinated villages; the expulsion of thousands
of Bedouins from the demilitarized zones shortly after the 1948 war and
thousands more from northeastern Sinai in the early 1970's, their
villages destroyed, to open the region for Jewish settlement; and on,
and on."
Terrorism was so much a part of the formation of modern Israel, that
many of its prime ministers and leaders have a proud history of being
terrorists. So successful have the Jews been in white-washing their
history, that the terrorist past of these individuals has become a badge
of honour, proudly boasted about in their biographies and historical

Yitzhak Shamir was a member of Irgun Tzeva'I Le'umi (Irgun), and then,
in 1940, the Stern Gang (aka Lohamei Herut Israel). The Encyclopedia
Britannica mentions that Irgun committed acts of terrorism and
assassinations against the British whom it saw as illegal occupiers.
Irgun was also violently anti-Arab and is reported to have carried out
atrocities against Palestinians. Irgun was responsible for organizing
illegal immigration into Palestine after 1939, and was responsible for
executing numerous British army hostages.

The "jewel in the crown" of Shamir's gang was the massacre of 254 of the
inhabitants of the village of Deir Yaseen. In a scene reminiscent of
Nazi Germany, the Jewish terrorists massacred women, children, and the
elderly indiscriminately.

Richard H. Curtiss wrote in the December 1991 edition of Washington
Report on Middle East Affairs that,

"Between 1955 and 1965 Shamir served as chief of Mossad (Israel's CIA)
operations in Paris. Colleagues link him to letter bombs mailed to
German and other European scientists engaged in Egypt's rocket
development program, and to their families. "

Anyone who opposed the Jewish occupation was seen as someone who had to
be killed.

The Sunday Times reported that on September 3, 1947, a postal bomb
addressed to the British War Office exploded in the post office sorting
room in London, injuring 2 persons. It was attributed to Irgun or Stern

Menachem Begin was also a ranking member of Irgun. Begin was responsible
for many atrocities, but he is most famous for his involvement in the
Deir Yaseen genocide and the bombing of the King David Hotel, which left
many Jews, Arabs and British dead.

The British issued wanted posters for both Begin and Shamir in response
to their terrorist attacks. American journalist David Lamb wrote in,
"The Arabs":

"I have in my files a photostat of a WANTED poster issued by the British
colonial authorities about 1943. It shows the mug-shots of ten men
hunted as terrorists, pictured in alphabetical order; the first is that
of a Polish clerk whose 'peculiarities' are listed as "wears spectacles,
flat footed, bad teeth." His name was Menachem Begin, and he and his
colleague, Yitzhak Shamir, also a suspected terrorist, were to become
future prime ministers of Israel.

Begin would also become a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, sharing the
award in 1978 with President Sadat.

In the Middle East the boundaries of respectability are not clearly
defined; today's terrorist is tomorrow's statesman; one man's freedom
fighter is another man's common criminal. By the 1970s Begin and Shamir
were accusing Yasser Arafat of being a terrorist, although all three men
had used the same murderous tactics in their nationalistic fight for the
same piece of real estate. "

With the creation of Israel in 1948, Irgun was transformed into the
Israel Defence Force (IDF) on September 1st. Whilst the name may have
changed, the IDF remains true to its terrorist roots, and continues to
this day to be waging a terror campaign against innocent people.
Shamir also went on to become the head of the Stern Gang (Lohamei Herut
Israel), founded by Jewish extremist, Avraham Stern. How did he get the
leadership position? In typical Israeli style, he murdered the man who
was designated to become its head.

The Stern Gang were responsible for the assassantion of Lord Moyne,
British minister of state in the Middle East in Cairo on November, 1944.

The Stern Gang later went on to murder the United Nations representive,
Count Bernodotte, on September 17th, 1948. The organizer of the attack
is reported to be none other than Yitzhak Shamir. Again, the trend of
assassinating political opponents remains an integral part of Israeli
public policy.

Shimon Peres and Ariel Sharon were both members of a more "moderate"
terrorist group called Haganah, that existed from 1920 to 1948. Haganah
initially fought just against the
Palestinians, but later began attacking the British in response to the
British refusal to open Palestine to unrestrained and unlimited Jewish
immigration. Its terrorist activities were then extended to include
bombing bridges, railway lines, and ships that were used by the British
to deport illegal Jewish immigrants. Ariel Sharon went on to become the
architect of the Sabra and Shatila massacres that saw the murder of over
3,000 innocent people, including women and children.

Amongst the many people whom Haganah murdered was a Dutch Jew called
Jacob de Haan. In 1921, he was killed because he had been approaching
local Palestinians to try and make peace between them and the new
settlers. His murderer is assumed to be the woman who would become the
wife of the first president of Israel.

Terrorism is a sacred principle in Israeli and Zionist belief. Moshe
Sharett, the first foreign minister of Israel wrote in his diary,
"In the thirties we restrained the emotions of revenge. . . . Now, on
the contrary, we justify the system of reprisal ... we have eliminated
the mental and moral brake on this instinct and made it possible ... to
uphold revenge as a moral value.... a sacred principle"

Justifications of acts of terrorism ("the sacred principle") against
Palestinian civilians are rampant among members of the political
establishment and Jewish settlers. Israel's former Minister of Science
and Energy, Yuval Neeman, Knesset member Haim Druckman, former chief of
staff Raphael Eytan, and Sephardic chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu are on
record justifying the use of terrorism against civilians and

Yitzhak Shamir vowed to work for the early release of convicted Jewish
terrorists, whom he described as "excellent people who made a mistake"

The Jews have been so successful at terrorism, that it has even become
an export commodity for them. A July 1998 Columbian Intelligence Report,
entitled, "Organisation of Hired Assassins and Drug Traffickers in the
Magdalena Medio", mentioned, "At the training camps [of drug cartel
assassins], the presence of Israeli, German and North American
instructors has been detected". The Washington Post, a year later, noted
that the students of these Israeli and other instructors had been
responsible for massacres in rural villiages and the assassination of
politicians opposing the drug trade.

The world can no longer remain blind to the fact that Israel is a nation
founded upon terrorism. It is a nation where war criminals have become
prime ministers.

It is a nation where its military is merely a formalization of a
notorious terrorist gang. It is a nation that has thumbed its nose at
the world, ignoring every UN resolution against it, ignoring the UN
conventions on torture, and continuing to act with impunity, killing
children, women and the elderly. It is a nation that must be stopped.
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