You have to check out this website.
The following text doesn't do it service.  You need the graphics and music
to go with it.

Udorn was Asian Headquarters for Air America
Air America provided essential resources for the Secret War in Laos and
The public and covert activities of Air America and 'associates' contributed
greatly to challenging and reversing the Domino effects of agressive global
Communism by lessening national security threats of the Cold War, that
otherwise were esculating into World War Three.
Air America's roles supportive of covert and overt situations related to
hostilities in Asia and elsewhere worldwide provided buffers and solutions
to problems too sensative for our political leaders in Washington to openly
tend to, ...problems and situations that otherwise could have resulted with
gravely higher losses of lives and assured detrimental effects upon our
uniformed comrads-in-arms, and subsciquently adversly our present society,
freedoms and way of life in America.
CAT and Air America's 'quiet', often routinely heroic expressions, in later
years more openly assisted our nations military, and other contributing
eliments, who forever changed the course of world history in our nations
favor, ..... while doing so with secrets kept for over 30 years by those who
served our nation with such profound accomplishments, yet never to be read
about in our nations school History books, .... and to the extent of such
secrecy that the details of their roles remain still unknown to our
countrymen, even unknown to our very own military, and not even our highest
elected officials of the same era who were not privileged to such
completeness of sensative details.
During the 1970's, details about the 'secret wars' was leaked, by a News
Reporter, to elected officials in Washington. Then Air America became the
'accessable' sacrifical 'scape goat' for various UNaccessable cliant
organizations / agencies.

Before the birth of Air America
In 1937 the Japanese began bombing Chinese cities and infrastructure
targets, to include the American Navy U.S.S. Panay, a gunboat the Japanese
had also destroyed during a bombing raid.
The hostilities continued, and via an agreement with Chinese President
Chiang Kai-shek, American 'volunteers' responded as Pilots to fly old
Chinese aircraft to wage a Secret Air War against the Japanese.

Then in 1938 a retired U.S. Army Air Corps Captain, Claire Lee Chennault,
was sent to Kunming, China as the American Air Advisir. Soon afterwards he
was to hire American technicians to train Chinese Ground Crew Airmen and to
train better Chinese Pilots.

During 1939 Washington did NOT want to appear they were supporting China in
the war with Japan, so American military supplies could not be shipped
directly to China. Instead, limited amounts of much needed military supplies
continued to reach China from the Brittish in Burma and from the French in
Viet-Nam, as well as from American military supplies sent to the French. But
better Pilots and Planes were urgently needed for China.

In 1940 Chennault was instrumental in securing 100 American made Curtus
P-40C Fighter aircraft, that had been earmarked for the Brittish, hence
laundering their origin as non-American aid.
100 More Pilots and 200 more Ground Crewmen were needed.
The operation had to keep a safe 'identification distance' from our
military, as to not create a response from the international community, so
an organization named "Intercontinent" fronted the recruitment end of things
for "Central Aircraft Manufacturing Company" (CAMCO) who became the actual
employer contracting stateside recruited Pilots and Ground Crews for jobs in
China, where Chennault headed the "American Volunteer Group" (AVG) Squadrons
and men who would become known as the "Flying Tiger's"
Although American Pilots were recruited (some from the military, who retired
to get the high paying jobs) they arrived as "volunteers" in China and NOT
in any capisity attached to the U.S. military in any 'official' American
support in China's war with Japan.

In 1941 U.S. President Roosevelt approved China to immeadiatly recieve
shipments of five hundred American made aircraft, to include Bombers capable
of reaching Japan with bombing missions launched from China, and many were
in route.
Also the Brittish were shipping two squadrons of Fighter aircraft to
Chennault's "American Volunteer Group" (AVG).
7 December 1941 many of those aircraft were in route or arrived, after being
refueled in Hawaii...... when the Japanese ships and aircraft attacked U.S.
military bases Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, and those bases and towns of the
Asian based French, Dutch East Indies and Brittish who had been providing
military aid to the Chinese, and those who survived capture were made
The term "Flying Tiger's" resulted from a Time Magazine article written in
late December 1941, describing Chennault's agressive combat AVG Pilots
behaving like "Flying Tigers" during aireal combat with the Japanese, while
collecting $500 (the equivalent of around $10,000 in today's dollars) for
every Jap bird shot down.

In March 1942 the Japanese had occupied Burma, sealing off the essential
resupply route of the Burma Road, which provided the cargo link between
Brittish India and Burma ocean ports and connecting road into western China
via Tibet.
So a way was urgently needed to bring munitions and supplies into China.
Washington decided to terminate the AVG on July 4th 1942, and form a new
organization called "The China Air Task Force" under the 10th U.S. Air Force
in India. The AVG's P40's would have thier Chinese markings removed and the
U.S. Army Air Corps installed.
Some 'Flying Tigers' went with Chennault into the Army Air Corps, the rest
went home or stayed in Asia to become transport Pilots.
>From the Roster of the AVG, there were 21 AVG Pilots KIA or MIA during the
AVG's heroic combat career, which the U.S. Air Force recognizes being from 7
Dec 1941 to 14 July 1942.

On 22 April 1944 the Second Air Commando Group was activated.

In 1945 Gen. Chennault commanded the 14th Air Force.

In 1946 CAT was originally formed by Whiting Willauer and Lt. Gen. Claire L.
Chennault operated an air cargo company in China that expanded into Laos,
Taiwan and elsewhere in Asia, under the name of Civil Air Transport" (CAT).

In 1949 CAT's cargo business income was supplemented with covert missions
for the CIA that dated back to Oct. 10, 1949, (National Day in China).


Brief origin notes about Air America
In 1950, after China fell to the Communists in 1949, C.A.T. operated briefly
following the war then had to leave in January 1950, suffering great capital
Chiang Kai Sek fled to Taiwan (Formosa), where CAT relocated, but CAT's
commercial and CIA business had dried up and CAT faced imminent bankruptcy.
In March 1950, the CIA (formerly OSS) secretly purchased " Civil Air
Transport" (CAT).
In July 1950, the CIA assigned 3 CAT planes to ferry native spies between
Japan and Korea to establish agent networks placed inside North Korea
intended initially to aid in the rescue of downed Aircrews, but shortly
afterwards was transformed into guerrilla operations, and later to stimulate
cooperation by North Korean civilians, code named "White Tigers".

1951 - 1953 : During the Korean War C.A.T. made hazardous overflights of
mainland China, airdropping covert Agents and supplies.
CAT aircraft occationally used the facilities at Udorn RTAFB.
CAT provided many services to our nation and allied nations, by operating as
an actual commercial airline and air cargo carrier following World War Two
and the Korean War, as well as air delivery of covert mission troops.

In 1953 CAT was active in the French war against Communist insurgents in
Indochina, where CAT planes and Pilots flew airlifts in US Air
Force-supplied C-119s and C-47's bearing the tricolored roundels of the
French Air Force, flying troops, tanks, food, medicines, heavy equipment and
other cargo to hard-pressed French forces in Vietnam and Laos.

In 1954, French paratroopers occupied Dien Bien Phu in northwestern Vietnam,
10 miles from the Laos border, where the French Air Transport Command in
Indochina lacked sufficient aircrews to meet the Army's demands so CAT
provided 24 pilots, and between 13 March and the fall of Dien Bien Phu on 7
May, CAT pilots flew 682 airdrop missions to the French troops.
Between mid-May and mid-August CAT dropped supplies to isolated French
outposts and throughout Laos and Vietnam.
Following the signing of the Geneva Agreement (21 July 1954) CAT flew 19,808
men, women, and children out of North Vietnam between 22 August and 4
October 1954.

In 1955 a rice failure in Laos threatened famine in several provinces, where
CAT flew from Udorn RAFB, Thailand, air dropping 1,000 tons of emergency
food and essential supplies of rice and salt into rural Laos villages.

>From 1955 to 1959 CAT maintained a very active cargo carrier role in Laos
during that era of time.

In 1959 CAT was renamed "Air America."

In the mid-1960's, although CAT changed its name to Air America, CAT still
had aircraft flying with the old CAT identification.
During the mid-1960's CAT and Air America identity aircraft also served as a
conduit for Udorn based covert US intelligence operations supporting the
'Secret War' operations in Laos, and other operations that included the USAF
Air Commando's, who were deployed as close as the Plain of Jars and as far
away as 'around the globe' responding to threats of Communism.


NOTE : Flying Tiger Video
NOTE : Flying Tiger Roster [ 1 ] , [ 2 ]
NOTE : Flying Tigers Photo Album : [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ]
NOTE : CIA Air Operations in Laos, 1955-1974
NOTE : My educational site : LAOS : The Secret War
NOTE : My History of Southeast Asia
NOTE : My War : My Secret

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 3:51 PM
Subject: Thai/Burma eugenic Phoenix missionaries Re: big wigs

>Who is fanatical eugenic sterilizer missionary Paul Lewis
>related to in Air America? Somebody also in Phoenix
>Matthew McDaniel wrote:
>> Bob:
>> Paul Lewis was related to Air America Big Wigs.
>> That means they were senior people at the time, probably not in their
>> twenties.
>> Lewis is nearly or over 70 now.
>> That would mean that it can only be a few senior people.
>> Armitage? Secord?  who else?
>> Matthew

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