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                               THE SPECIAL GERMAN RESPONSIBILITY

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 12/17/2001:    
We've yet to see the full English translation of yesterday's important article by 
Publisher Rudolf Augstein of Der Spiegel.   But right away we can certainly comment 
that it's about time German intellectuals and journalists realized that precisely 
because of their past they have a special obligation to stand up against racism and 
facism and brute militarism -- from whatever quarter it rears its ugly tentacles.   
And not only is Israel not immune from such commentary, but in fact precisely because 
of the huge monetary sums the Germans have given to to the Israelis as reparations 
over the years Germany should realize it also has a very special responsibility to the 
Palestinian people who in such a twist of history are also such victims of "the 
Holocaust" and its aftermath.


BERLIN - Associated Press, AP - 17 December 2001:   Israel's ambassador 
protested to Germany's leading news magazine Monday for publishing a 
column comparing Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's hard-line stand toward the 
Palestinians to policies pursued by Adolf Hitler.

Penned by publisher Rudolf Augstein, one of Germany's best-known
journalists, the column in the weekly Der Spiegel said Sharon would only
pave the way to power for a more radical generation of Palestinians if
he brings about Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's demise.

Augstein likened that scenario to Hitler's miscalculated hopes in the
late 1930s for the fall of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.
His place was taken by Winston Churchill, who led Britain during the
Allied defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.

Ambassador Shimon Stein, in a letter to Augstein also made available to
the media, called the comparison an insult for any Holocaust survivor
and the entire Jewish people. He urged the magazine's readers to reject
any insinuation, historic analogy or something resembling a comparison
between the prime minister of the Jewish state and the non-person who
wanted to destroy this people.

The editorial, published in the edition that hit newsstands Monday, said
Sharon has wiped out two decades of peace efforts by provoking war with
the Palestinians and ordering military actions aimed at crippling Arafat
as a leader. "Ariel Sharon wants war. He has left no doubt about that,"
Augstein wrote, accusing Sharon of seeking to turn the Palestinian areas
into an Israeli protectorate. He said Palestinians have been
continuously humiliated since Israel's victory in the 1967 Mideast war.

Despite being outspoken, the comments are unlikely to damage special
German-Israeli bonds rooted in the shared history of the Holocaust.
Germany is Israel's staunchest European ally and, based on that trust,
has taken an increasingly active role in Mideast peace efforts.

Still, Augstein vented frustration at what he portrayed as German
self-restraint in confronting the Jewish state's policies. Referring to
outspoken criticism of Israel in the French press, he said, "In France
one can say that, but apparently not in Germany."

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