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-Caveat Lector-

                   Gary North's REALITY CHECK

Issue 368                                         August 10, 2004


     The U.S. government's budget deficit this fiscal year will
be in the range of $450 billion.  If we assume an $11 trillion
economy (GDP), the deficit is in the range of 4.2%.

     The figure for Gross Domestic Product is deliberately
misleading.  It counts government expenditures as part of the
productive output of the nation.  If we are comparing the burden
of the national deficit on the productivity of taxpayers who
actually produce something of value, the deficit's burden is much
higher.  Governments at all levels extract about 40% of the
output of the nation.  If we reduce the GDP estimate by, say, 80%
of 40% (32%), we get a GDP of a little under $7.5 trillion ($11t
x .68).  The deficit this year will be in the range of 6.2% of
total productive output.

     The official federal debt is over $7.3 trillion.  You cam
monitor this on the U.S. national debt clock.


Your personal share of this is a little under $25,000.  If you
are married, add another $25,000.  This is the per capita burden,
which includes children.

     Like the GDP, this figure is misleading.  It does not count
off-budget programs, most notably Social Security/Medicare.  Add
another $50 trillion for Social Security/Medicare.


     In Kerry's nomination acceptance speech, he promised to
reduce the deficit by half.  He meant the official deficit.

     And we're going to return to fiscal responsibility
     because it is the foundation of our economic strength.
     Our plan will cut the deficit in half in four years by
     ending tax giveaways that are nothing more than
     corporate welfare -- and will make government live by
     the rule that every family has to follow: pay as you

     "Pay as you go" is the policy of the Social Security and
Medicare system.  It produces a long-term disaster.  It means
that the government is not setting aside income for investments
that will pay off these obligations.  Set-aside investment
(amortization) is required for publicly traded private companies,
but not the government.

     "Pay as you go" means that the government this year will not
set aside the $3 trillion per year that it needs to finance
Social Security/Medicare over the next 75 years at a 6% interest
rate.  I used this amortization calculator (adding seven zeroes
at the end):


     With a $2.4 trillion budget (2004), a $3 trillion set-aside
is a bit high.  But if the government refuses to set this money
aside, then $3 trillion is added to the total debt owed this
year.  Then next year, $3 trillion plus a little extra to cover
the added interest payment is added.  And so it goes, year after
year.  In real estate, this is called a backward-walking
mortgage.  It grows and grows.  Eventually, you get evicted.

     By "set aside," I mean "invest in companies that will
produce profits that will pay off the obligation."  That will not
happen, Kerry says.

     We believe in the family value expressed in one of the
     oldest Commandments: "Honor thy father and thy mother."
     As President, I will not privatize Social Security. I
     will not cut benefits. And together, we will make sure
     that senior citizens never have to cut their pills in
     half because they can't afford life-saving medicine.

     By the way, "honor thy father and mother" is the biblical
law that both Social Security and Medicare are designed to
violate.  Parents are saying, "Stick it to the taxpayers, not my
kids."  Their children are saying, "I am not willing to pay for
my parents' old age.  Let the government do it."

     In any case, it will take the Democrats four years to get
the official (fake) deficit cut to 50% of what it is today.  This
means four years to go from $450 billion a year to $225 billion.
This is campaign-speech finance, not real-world finance.  How
will he do all this?

     And let me tell you what we won't do: we won't raise
     taxes on the middle class. You've heard a lot of false
     charges about this in recent months. So let me say
     straight out what I will do as President: I will cut
     middle class taxes.  I will reduce the tax burden on
     small business. And I will roll back the tax cuts for
     the wealthiest individuals who make over $200,000 a
     year, so we can invest in job creation, health care and


     About four decades ago, liberal cartoonist Jules Feiffer
drew a multi-panel cartoon of a crowd that was looking upward.
Above the crowd was a pair of boots on legs hanging in the air.
You could not see the President who was wearing them.  Each panel
had a balloon containing another promise.  There would be lower
taxes and more government benefits and economic prosperity.  In
the next-to-last panel, the people listening to the speech ask:
"How will you do all this?"  The final panel had the answer: "I
shall wheel and deal."

     Lyndon Johnson wheeled.  He also dealt.  Then he refused to
run again.  He transferred the quagmire of Vietnam to Richard
Nixon, who also could not find a way to get out, and under whom
the deficit climbed to a staggering, unthinkable, back-to-back
$25 billion a year (1970, 1971).

     Kerry continued:

     I know what we have to do in Iraq.  We need a President
     who has the credibility to bring our allies to our side
     and share the burden, reduce the cost to American
     taxpayers, and reduce the risk to American soldiers.
     That's the right way to get the job done and bring our
     troops home.

     Here is the reality: that won't happen until we have a
     president who restores America's respect and leadership
     -- so we don't have to go it alone in the world.

     This means that Kerry expects France and Germany to send
billions of dollars and troops to Iraq because he has replaced
Bush.  Why?  I guess because Skull & Bonesman B has replaced
Skull & Bonesman A.  This will make all the difference.  He
actually expects voters to believe this.

     The conventioneers cheered -- anti-war, anti-draft Democrats
who obviously understand the truth: we are not going to get out
of Iraq, so why not cheer for our candidate, since there is no
exit?  Make the best of it.  We will not leave Iraq until there
is peace in our time.

     I defended this country as a young man and I will
     defend it as President.  Let there be no mistake:  I
     will never hesitate to use force when it is required.
     Any attack will be met with a swift and certain
     response. I will never give any nation or international
     institution a veto over our national security.  And I
     will build a stronger American military.

     In short, we'll get the international community to help bail
us out in Iraq, but we will refuse to give them control.  We
won't give them a veto.  We have seen this program before: the
June 28 transfer of "sovereignty" to Iraq's government -- a
government that we control and defend and pay for.  But the crowd
in Boston cheered!

     We will add 40,000 active duty troops -- not in Iraq,
     but to strengthen American forces that are now
     overstretched, overextended, and under pressure. We
     will double our special forces to conduct
     anti-terrorist operations. We will provide our troops
     with the newest weapons and technology to save their
     lives -- and win the battle.  And we will end the
     backdoor draft of National Guard and reservists.

     More troops!  But where will we get these troops?  Re-
enlistments are falling.  How will we keep from having to
increase the military budget by increasing pay for the troops?

     He did not mention the dreaded word.  Bush does not mention
it, either.  But Congress knows what is coming: the reinstitution
of the draft.

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     On May 1, the "Seattle Post-Intelligencer" ran this report.

     WASHINGTON -- The chief of the Selective Service System
     has proposed registering women for the military draft
     and requiring that young Americans regularly inform the
     government about whether they have training in niche
     specialties needed in the armed services.

     The proposal, which the agency's acting Director Lewis
     Brodsky presented to senior Pentagon officials just
     before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, also seeks to
     extend the age of draft registration to 34 years old,
     up from 25.

     The Selective Service System plan, obtained under the
     Freedom of Information Act, highlights the extent to
     which agency officials have planned for an expanded
     military draft in case the administration and Congress
     would authorize one in the future.

     "In line with today's needs, the Selective Service
     System's structure, programs and activities should be
     re-engineered toward maintaining a national inventory
     of American men and, for the first time, women, ages 18
     through 34, with an added focus on identifying
     individuals with critical skills," the agency said in a
     Feb. 11, 2003, proposal presented to senior Pentagon
     officials. . . .

     The agency officials acknowledged that they would have
     "to market the concept" of a female draft to Congress,
     which ultimately would have to authorize such a step.


     There is an old rule regarding government policy: "Don't
believe a rumor until it is officially denied."  Selective
Service has posted this on its website.

     Notwithstanding recent stories in the news media and on
     the Internet, Selective Service is not getting ready to
     conduct a draft for the U.S. Armed Forces -- either
     with a special skills or regular draft. Rather, the
     Agency remains prepared to manage a draft if and when
     the President and the Congress so direct. This
     responsibility has been ongoing since 1980 and is
     nothing new. Further, both the President and the
     Secretary of Defense have stated on more than one
     occasion that there is no need for a draft for the War
     on Terrorism or any likely contingency, such as Iraq.
     Additionally, the Congress has not acted on any
     proposed legislation to reinstate a draft. Therefore,
     Selective Service continues to refine its plans to be
     prepared as is required by law, and to register young
     men who are ages 18 through 25.


     We are losing the war in Iraq.  Over 1,000 American troops
have died.  This week, the Shi'ite insurgency persuaded the
company that controls the oil pipeline in Basra to shut it off
for the time being.  This means that world oil output fell in one
day by 1.8 million barrels.

     The fighting with Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army militia
     began to have economic fallout. Iraq's southern oil
     company stopped pumping oil to the southern city of
     Basra -- where militiamen were controlling main streets
     -- because of threats to infrastructure, an official
     with the company said.

     About 1.8 million barrels per day, or 90 per cent of
     Iraq's exports, move through Basra. Iraq's other outlet
     from the north to Turkey has been out of operation
     since early June, so a stoppage from Basra threatens to
     completely shut down the flow of Iraq's main money


     Iraq's oil was supposed to pay the reconstruction bills.
The military bills must also be paid.  American taxpayers are
unwilling to pay them.  So, the deficit will continue to be in
the 6% range of the real economy for the foreseeable future.

     Kerry has no answer.  He speaks in grand, empty phrases.
They all boil down to this: "I shall wheel and deal."  Bush has
no answer.  If Bush had an answer, it would be implemented.
American troops are trapped in a disaster zone that keeps getting

     The candidates dare not refer to a draft, but that is where
we are headed.  After three decades, the draft will have to be
restored during the next Congress unless we have pulled out our
troops, which no candidate says he is willing to do.

     So, add to the paralysis over the deficit a major political
fight over the draft.  Middle-class parents are not interested
having their children sent to Iraq.  But that is where the kids
are headed if a new draft law is passed by Congress.

     If it isn't passed, then the President, whoever he may be,
will have to increase the pay scale of the military or else pull
the troops out.

     Neither candidate is willing to discuss any of this.  No one
asks.  It's "don't ask, don't say" on a national level.  A
conspiracy of silence prevails.


     The deficit keeps escalating.  The so-called surplus in
Clinton's second term was fake.  It was achieved by raiding the
Social Security trust fund, issuing non-marketable IOU's, and not
calling these IOU's an official obligation of the U.S.
government, and hence not part of the deficit.  For details on
how this scam works, click here:


     Who is going to pay off this debt?  "Not you, not me . . .
the man behind the tree."

     It is going to be paid off with freshly created fiat money
issued by the Federal Reserve System.  No one is going to admit
that the system is bankrupt.  It's politically acceptable to let
the dollar go bankrupt and then blame its decline on speculators.

     The government will keep upping the retirement age.  This
will help stem the ocean of Fed Ink, but not much.  Social
Security is  not the big problem.  Medicare is the big problem.
Medicare, not Social Security, is now the third rail of American
politics.  Touch it, and you die.  The bulk of the projected
Social Security/Medicare deficit -- over 80% -- is expected to
come on the Medicare side of the ledger.  Check this out in
economist Kent Smetters' testimony to Congress.  See Table 1 at
the end of his testimony.


     The deficit will increase.  We are now addicted to the
deficit.  Congress will not cut spending.  The increase is
becoming exponential.  A $450 billion deficit in a $7.3 trillion
budget is 6%.  Using the doubling period "law of 73," we divide
73 by 6.  We get 12 years.  Every 12 years the on-budget
national debt will double.  But the U.S. economy is not going to
grow at 6% to pay for this.  We are falling behind -- not
counting the off-budget debt monster.


     The stick market is stuck.  If you have your money in an
index mutual fund, you have seen no growth in four years.  The
old dream of 10% or 15% per year growth is dead.  Yet the public
still holds on, hoping against hope, that their meager pension
fund will grow fast enough to keep them secure and comfortable in
retirement.  It won't.  The no-load, index fund, buy-and-hold
strategy is being eaten alive by the deficits -- national,
personal, and corporate.

     When interest rates rise -- as they surely will -- the
economic burden imposed by these growing deficits will increase.
The stock market will be in even worse shape than it is today.
Corporate debts must be repaid.

     Rising rates will be bad news for holders of bonds, because
existing bonds fall in price when long-term interest rates rise.

     No one in Washington is willing to tell us how they can cut
taxes, increase benefits, and get out of Iraq.  Kerry gave
assurances, but his assurances are not backed up by numbers.

     Bush will either follow suit or just avoid giving

     Voters don't want to hear the economic truth.  The economic
truth, even more than Medicare, is the third rail of American
politics.  Here is the economic truth: "If you ain't got any, you
can't re-distribute it."  The government has only one thing left:
the illusion that it can and will pay its bills with money that
is still worth what it is worth today.  It can't.  It won't.

     Don't be on the receiving end.  Neither a borrower from the
government nor a debtor be.


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