-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

     Is Blair trying to keep his son out of the clutches of a "Jewlicious" Zionist                   who could undermine his Roadmap for Peace in the Middle East?                   

       Once he's in Washington, let's hope pretty-boy Blair doesn't drop the soap anywhere near Karl Rove's private White House office ...

Jenna, meanwhile, can't wait to shag him -- they have so much in common! 
<see entry below from Wikipedia>
Why is he so popular?  If Lauren doesn't succeed in bagging Prince William,
the House of Bush may not get another chance at a "dynastic" merger




June 26, 2005

The Daily Telegraph reports--


--that Tony Blair's 21-year-old son, Euan (below, with his mother and sister), has snared a prestigious internship in Washington working under Republican Congressman David Dreier, the powerful Euan_blair_and_mama conservative chairman of the House Rules Committee (and a hypocritical gay closet case who supports the Republicans' homophobic political agenda). And the Democrats aren't happy about the internship, engineered by Daddy Blair.  They're calling Dreier an "extremely surprising choice" as the person to train Euan in the intricacies of American politics.

The Telegraph, which says that Euan Blair will be "mentored" by Dreier  (at right),Dreier_1  notes: "Committee officials say the decision to offer the sought-after position to the Prime Minister's son was taken at a senior level -- not by staff ordinarily responsible for sifting internship applications. The offer followed a telephone interview with the committee's staff director. British diplomats in Washington also played a part in the process. A Downing Street spokesman said: 'Given the obvious sensitivities, the Prime Minister asked the British embassy to get involved in the process.'"

Euan_blair_1 Euan Blair (left) is, as the Brits say, "a bit of a lad," with several drinking-related arrests and one drunk-driving incident having hit the British papers. Here's an interesting epistomological fact: so well-known are young Euan's night-time antics that his name has even entered Cockney rhyming slang as the auditory equivalent of Leicester Square, the hub of London nightlife, where one finds giant disco clubs like Hippodrome, Equinox, or Maximus (thus, one would say, in Cockney, "Meet me at Euan Blair.") And the internship with Dreier isn't the first time Euan's Mum and Dad have used their power in office to pull strings for their offspring: In 2002 a scandal (dubbed Cheriegate) was uncovered over Euan's mother, Cherie Booth, having used under-handed methods to acquire two flats for him and his guards to live in (in Bristol, where Euan was to attend university after failing to get the A-level grades needed for admission to Oxford), apartments which were secured with the help of a convicted Australian con-man, Cherie's pal Peter Foster. The Liberal Democrats later described these as "one [flat] to sleep in and one to party".

The Telegraph story, which didn't bother rehashing these well-known incidents for its British readers, went on to say that "...Despite his father's close relationship with President George W Bush, the news that Euan is to work for the Republican-led committee Bush_and_blairhas stunned Democrats in Washington. Eric Burns, the communications director for Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, the leading Democrat on the committee, said: 'Working on the Rules Committee will be quite a learning process as it has always been one of the most partisan in the House. It is extremely surprising that the son of a Labour prime minister would intern with the Republican majority staff on the committee.'"

Well, what's so surprising? Tony Blair began his reign by imitating the sell-out triangulations of Bill Clinton and has moved steadily to the Mgcartoon010blairinbus right of traditional Labour policies ever since--not just on foreign policy but on economic issues and civil liberties. By getting the British Embassy to snaggle a job with Dreier for his son, it looks like the prime minister wants to make sure young Euan doesn't stray too far from the family right-wing line.

In an editorial just before the Brits' recent elections, The Independent growled that Tony Blair "is essentially a con man."

So is the two-faced Dreier, who keeps his male lover on the Congressional payroll at a salary equal to that of Karl Rove and the White House chief of staff Andy Card -- but continues to use his power to step on theDreier_and_arnold_1  rights of gays to full equality before the law. Don't drop the soap around Dreier, Euan. (See my article in the L.A. Weekly, "The Outing: David Dreier and his Straight Hypocrisy.") Dreier is not only one of the  most powerful men in Congress, but one of the most influential politicians in California -- he's a close advisor of The Governator, whose transition team he headed.



There's a solid, detailed analysis of Blair's New Labour and its sharp turn to the right in the current issue of the New Left Review. Susan Watkins' carefully footnoted article, "A WEIGHTLESS HEGEMONY--New Labour’s Role in the Neoliberal Order," among other things points out how Blair's policies have widened the yawning gap betwen the haves and the have-nots in Britain:

"Gross transfers to the rich from the poor have continued under New Labour. Indirect taxes, though they have fallen slightly following the mass protests against fuel prices in 2000, are still higher than in  Thatcher’s day. Brown’s tax credits for low-paid parents and pensioners—garnering much praise from left-liberal commentators for giving the poorest decile an extra £15 a week—have been offset by larger changes in underlying income distribution...Wage differentials and the gender pay gap have widened during Labour’s second term."

Watkins, after dissecting Blair's neo-Thatcherian policies on economics, foreign policy, civil liberties, and the rest concludes her lengthy analysis with a judgement from which there is no appeal: "There is no reason for any greater sentimentality towards Labourism than Blair himself has shown. The Economist’s judgement that he is the best right-wing prime minister Britain could have is perfectly  accurate. For the left, the logic should be clear: any other would be preferable. It is an anachronism to think that the performance of rival parties competing within the field of neoliberal politics can be distinguished, once in office, by their ideological pedigrees or electoral bases. The policies they adopt correspond to the balance of forces within that society—typically, the legacy of antecedent regimes—and of the world outside it. Just as Clinton was far to the right domestically of Nixon, so Blair has been of Heath; let alone Eden or Macmillan. Today, the U.K.’s main opposition parties, Liberal Democrats and Conservatives, are attacking the government from the left on student fees and pensions, attracting the disapproval of the financial press. Judged against its immediate predecessors, an objective audit can only conclude that New Labour has scattered a few crumbs to the poor, while otherwise consolidating and extending Thatcher’s programme; externally, it has a far more bloodstained record...." Read this definitive NLR article in its entirety by clicking here.

UPDATE: Following the pick-up of this DIRELAND post over the weekend by the U.K. Gay News, The Independent for Monday, June 27, became the first Brit daily to pick up on my L.A. Weekly article outing Dreier; you can read The Independent's article by clicking here. This raises the question, when will the major U.S. dailies begin to write about the gaggle of prominent Republican Party top officials and Bush administration operatives who've been outed? This is a highly relevant part of the public discourse, given the Republicans' huge anti-gay crusade, but so far only New York Times columnist Frank Rich has had the courage to write about them in several articles....Also, Mike Rogers' blogactive.com website, which has led the outing campaign against the Republicans, has initiated an amusing "Write to Tony Blair" campaign asking him to "save Euan from the clutch of America's closets"...


Fortunately, there is surely no more watchful and discreet a mentor for this wayward lad than a well-wired Republican chickenhawk.

One presumes that young Euan will be treated to a new and more expansive reading of the "special relationship." My advice: Close your eyes and think of England, me proud boyo.

Posted by: Rotwang | Jun 27, 2005 10:28:32 PM


Thinking about the matter, as Euan's mother Cherie Blair is a noted barrister in the UK who has represented a number gays in high profile cases involving human rights, and his father has seen to it that some important "equality" laws have been passed by Parliament (equal age of consent, gays in military, repeal of "Section 28", equality in the workplace, and Civil Partnership - aka "same-sex marriage") that makes many Americans green with envy, it could be an eye-opener for young Euan.  And it could do some good in the long-term as he learns of the "devious" nature of Republican politics.

Posted by: Andy Harley | Jun 26, 2005 5:37:10 PM


Britain would accept an openly gay Prime Minister, says Blair

Blair: Gay Prime Minister would be accepted
Saturday, 19 Mar 2005

Britain could one day have an openly gay Prime Minister, Tony Blair has suggested in an interview for the gay magazine Attitude.

Mr Blair was interviewed for the magazine by Independent columnist Johann Hari, who also interviewed Conservative leader Michael Howard and Liberal Democrat chief Charles Kennedy.

Asked if he could foresee an openly gay Prime Minister, Mr Blair told the magazine: "Yes. Personally, I don't think people would reject a Prime Minister simply on the basis that he was gay. But there is more likely to be prejudice on the right than the left."

In extracts from the interview printed in Saturday's Independent, the Prime Minister added that there were once several openly gay ministers within his Cabinet.

"We don't at the moment but for no particular reason; we have plenty of gay ministers just below Cabinet level," Mr Blair said.

In the interview, which will be published in full next week, Mr Blair also urges the Church of England to resolve its differences over homosexual bishops. The Prime Minister said that many people shared his view that the fundamental Christian principle was one of equality.

Meanwhile, Conservative leader Michael Howard told Attitude that he was wrong to introduce Section 28, the controversial law that banned councils from promoting homosexuality.

"I've changed my mind on that. I was wrong." Mr Howard told the magazine on his decision to introduce the law when serving as an environment minister in Mrs Thatcher's government.

Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy claimed that many gay people were switching to his party because of their disenchantment about the "unfinished agenda" on gay rights.

The latest attempt by the main parties to woo the gay community follows their efforts to appeal to female voters in previous interviews with the women's magazine Cosmopolitan. 



The incident for which Euan Blair has become best known was in 2000 when he was found drunk by police in Leicester Square at the age of 16, after a night celebrating his completion of his GCSEs with friends. After being taken to a police station, he gave the police a false name, an old address, and a false date of birth that would have made him 18 (the legal drinking age). This caused considerable embarrassment to Tony Blair, who had recently introduced measures to deal with young offenders.

Regarding a potential prosecution, he told the BBC's Question Time that his son should not receive special preferences. In the end Euan was not prosecuted or formally cautioned. He apologised for the incident.

In 2002 a scandal (sometimes dubbed Cheriegate) was over Euan's mother, Cherie Booth, using allegedly under-hand methods to acquire two flats for him and his guards to live in Bristol. The Liberal Democrats described these as "one [flat] to sleep in and one to party".


The Blair family, like the Bush clan, has its share of secrets that escaped the tabloids.  Euan's sister Kathryn allegedly attempted suicide in April 2004, leading to Tony Blair prematurely announcing he would be stepping down as PM "for family reasons."

Below, Euan's girlfriend (denied), militant Zionist university activist Luciana Berger, who claims Jews are persecuted and discriminated against in Britain and the US and blames the "liberal media" for always siding with the Palestinians against Israel.




Tories aim for Washington reconciliation

Tuesday, 14 Feb 2006 12:06

William Hague will lead a delegation of senior Conservative MPs to Washington this week in an attempt to heal the party's divisions with the Bush administration.

Two years ago, former Tory leader Michael Howard was told there was no chance of him meeting the US president after he expressed regret about backing military action in Iraq.

Tomorrow's visit, which includes the shadow foreign secretary, shadow chancellor George Osborne and shadow defence secretary Liam Fox, is intended to mend these ties.

The Conservatives are currently in the process of reinventing themselves as the 'green' party of British politics and this week's meeting with a Republican administration notoriously sceptical about environmental issues could be misinterpreted.

As such, while Mr Hague is expected to welcome George Bush's call for Americans to end their "addiction" to imported oil in his state of the union address, he will also call for the president to show more "leadership" on climate change.

"That was an encouraging sign but we want them to go further down the road, and point out how important it is to have American leadership given their economic weight in the world. That would make an enormous difference," he said.

The delegation is hoping to meet with secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, and possible Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

In addition, they will be meeting Karl Rove, the president's chief political advisor and the man who allegedly told Mr Howard that he should "not bother" coming to Washington because he would not be welcome.

When questioned about the rifts between the party and Mr Rove, Mr Hague insisted that it was "no longer a problem". The meeting this week would be a "government-to-government" discussion between people who will govern in the future, he said.

The three Conservatives are also expected to meet a number of Democrats, including Bill Clinton's secretary of state, Madeleine Albright.


Hague's White House warning

16 Feb 2006, Channel 4 News


William Hague has warned the White House that allegations of prisoner abuse in the "war on terror" are undermining America's moral authority around the world.

His mission -- to heal a two year rift which, in 2004, saw the man in the car, Presidential adviser Karl Rove, refuse then Conservative leader Michael Howard an audience with George Bush.

Mr Howard's crime was to express his regret for backing the case for war with Iraq.

Today, the Tories were back in town to meet Rove, and other senior Republicans, including Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

The objective - to smooth the way for new leader David Cameron to get an audience in the Oval Office.

www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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