* T H E  H O F F M A N  W I R E
* Oct.4, 2000
* Independent History and Research
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The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians: The Latest Chapter

Photo: Arab villagers carry away a Palestinian civilian killed by an Israeli
helicopter gunship rocket attack at Netzarim, Oct. 3, 2000

Photo: Moments before he was shot to death, 12 year old Mohammed Al-Doura
cowers in terror as Israeli troops shoot at him and his father

WE WATCHED in horror the killing, by the IDF (Israeli army), of a
12-year-old Palestinian boy, Mohammed Jamal Al-Dourra on Saturday, Sept. 30
and his falling lifeless into his wounded father's lap. According to
witnesses, the boy's father, Jamal, shouted above the gunfire, "My child is
dying", but there was no let-up in the firing.

The boy cried in terror while bullets ripped into the breeze block wall
beside him and his father waved wildly to attract attention. Then the
terrified boy slumped as he was hit. A Palestinian ambulanceman tried to
make his way across the road to the pair but was shot dead. It took a
further half an hour before another ambulance team could reach them and take
them away.

The father had four bullet wounds in his right side, from his shoulder to
his calf, but survived. Canadian TV felt compelled to warn their viewers of
the offensive and disturbing nature of some pictures showing the terrifying
killing of this boy.

The number of people killed by the Israeli army is rising almost by the
hour. Israel uses live ammunition, helicopters, rockets and heavy tanks.
Crimes against the Palestinians have been committed by the Israelis for the
past 52 years in plain sight of the entire world. We must not simply watch
in horror, we must act.

--Simon Ibrahim, Edmonton Sun, October 4, 2000 and The Daily Telegraph, Oct.
2, 2000

Hoffman's note: Unaware that a French TV crew had footage of the shooting
that would be made available to the public, the Zionists claimed that the
Israeli army (IDF) was not responsible for this boy's murder: "The IDF has
concluded that the shot which killed the boy came from the northwestern
corner of the junction, close to the IDF outpost. Thus IDF fire could not
have killed the boy because of the impossible angle of the shot."

However, once the TV footage was released, the deceivers were forced to tell
the truth: "After a closer examination of the (TV) footage...An
investigation by the IDF's southern command has revealed that the boy was
indeed killed by IDF fire."

Thirteen Palestinian children were shot to death by the Israelis between
Sept. 28 and Oct. 3, 2000 (Source: NY Times, Oct. 4, 2000). These shootings
of Palestinian kids are nothing new. It is the standard policy of the
Israeli army to murder Palestinian children.

Israeli atrocities are invariably described in the American media as
"Israeli-Arab clashes" thereby attempting to establish an equivalence
between the victimizers and the victims, between tanks and helicopter
gunships and stones and slingshots, between Goliath and David.

But note well this report from the London Daily Telegraph of Oct. 2, 2000:

" Before the boy's death (12 year old Mohammed Jamal Al-Dourra), the
shooting by armed Palestinians was sporadic and limited. After news of the
killing spread, it became a matter of honor for Palestinian men to go into
battle with the Israeli army. 'I saw how the Israelis shot dead our
children. They choose them because they are an easy target,' said Maysa
Abu-Zidan, 23, a medical volunteer working at Netzarim junction, where the
boy was killed on Saturday, Sept. 30. I shouted to our Palestinian police,
'Are we going to stand there and do nothing? Go and defend our people'."

The killings of Palestinian kids is business as usual. The operators of the
Anne Frank Museums, the professors of "Holocaust Studies," the pundits who
shake the heavens with editorial outrage when a skinhead daubs a synagogue
with paint, make no meaningful protest when Arab civilians under Israeli
military occupation are victims of Zionist war crimes.

If those were Jewish kids who were throwing stones and getting shot for it,
the slaughter would be stopped within 24 hours. Arab blood is mighty cheap.

What makes their blood so cheap? The ideology of the religion of Judaism,
which even Jewish atheists have imbibed through distillations such as

Judaism teaches contempt for  Gentiles, who are seen as a curse. Gentiles
are the people who the Talmudic texts describe as "not Adam," i.e. less than
human. Or, as one of Judaism's illustrious founding sages, Rabbi Shimon ben
Yohai wrote, "Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed" (Mechilta,
Beshalach 2). The Israelis have certainly taken Rabbi Yohai's injunction to
heart this past week.

The Zionists haunt us with the more than half-century old ghosts of the
Nazis' Warsaw ghetto, while right now, in the Gaza ghetto, Israeli
occupation troops mow down Palestinians with impunity. These are the racist
uses of the "Holocaust" cult. Both Left and Right are virtually mute in the
face of these Israeli atrocities and we're puzzled as to why Arabs and
Muslims seethe with rage at the double-standard. Where are the sea of
marchers, the boycotts, the civil disobedience and the witnesses flying to
Palestine to share the travail  and stand between the Arab kids and the
Jewish guns?

It is as if a different dimension has come into existence, the dimension of
the Master Jewish Race, the only people in the cosmos entitled to behave
worse than the Nazis. Jewish crimes in Palestine evince no meaningful
protest from any segment of Western society, only token wrist slaps and
paralytic chatter amounting to the articulation of moral shades of gray,
even as more children perish at the hands of the Holy People.

Michael A. Hoffman II

Hoffman's latest book is "Judaism's Strange Gods" (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho:
Independent History & Research, 2000).

The preceding report is online, accompanied by color photographs of these
Israeli atrocities:

Israeli Army Shoots at Ambulances and Medical Workers:

Copyright 2000 by hoffman-info.com

You can help expose Vice-Presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman and
Talmudism! The second printing of Hoffman's new book, "Judaism's Strange
Gods" has arrived. $66 buys ten books. $150 buys 25 books (all prices
include shipping in the US).

"Judaism's Strange Gods" can be circulated to open-minded but until now,
misled people--your friends, neighbors, co-workers. Send a money order
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Lieberman's Strange Gods: Professionally recorded, two camera video. 57 min.

The opening salvo in Hoffman's nationwide "Lieberman Awareness Campaign.
$19.95 plus $3 shipping (foreign send US$26 for this NTSC video).

The Religion of Judaism: Parts 1-3.
Three audio-cassettes (includes soundtrack from the above video) in an
attractive album with liner notes and color photo of Hoffman on the cover.
$19.95 plus $3 shipping (foreign send US$26 for this NTSC VHS video).

Judaism's Strange Gods. Softcover, 144 pages.
$11.95 postpaid. (foreign send US$16).

Independent History & Research, Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA

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