The Issue Of War
And Why We Need To Accept That These Acts Were Acts Of Justice

9/11/01 9:50:50 PM
Bill White

Commentary -- I'm going to make myself unpopular again, and I don't care.
The acts committed
against the United States today were not "evil" acts -- they were acts
proceeded naturally and organically from US policy, and they were acts of
justice -- the kind of terrible justice that we see the God of the Bible
inflict in ancient times, and the kind of terrible justice that would
absolutely immoral if it found its origin in the capricious whims of a

Most people in this country just don't understand that for the past decade
have murdered millions -- not thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds
thousands -- but millions of Muslims.  We murdered half a million children
Iraq and our Secretary of State said that was justice.  We murder by proxy
hundreds if not thousands of Palestinians a year and our leaders say that
justice.  We bomb medicine factories and office buildings and residentials
neighborhoods dozens of times each year and we say this is justice.  Well,
we have felt a bit of our own justice -- and it is terrible.

I do not "support" the acts that occurred today.  It took me a long time
realize that saying that I "support" horrendous acts of violence is not
real expression of what I feel.  My sense of righteousness and justice
that these acts are good in an absolute sense -- because the natural and
result of evil policies is pain, and if pain did not inflict evildoers,
would be no reason for evildoers not to do evil.

The fight of Israel against Islam is not an American fight.  Think
about this question -- what is there in Israel that is worth 25,000
lives over? (and I will put money that, unless there were a ton more
evacuations than we know of, when all the debris is cleared, that will be
to the number killed -- there were 150,000 - 175,000 people in the three
buildings that were struck, 100,000 - 150,000 of them in the two that were
destroyed alone).

After thinking about that, consider this -- If we were to go to war with
someone, who exactly would we go to war with?  All of the Islamic world?
what would be our goal?  Occupation and conversion?  Does anyone in this
country think that we can occupy all of the territory of the people of
from the tip of Morocco to the tip of the Indonesian archipelago, and then
either exterminate or convert the entire population?  And then ask this:
short of doing that will stop these bombings?

What can we take away from Muslims by fighting them that would make them
capitulate?  What do they have left that hasn't already been taken away?
we do a G Gordon Liddy and bomb their water supply?  What water supply?
public water utilities these nations had was destroyed by US or Soviet or
US or
Soviet funded bombs long ago.  Will we knock out their electric
Many of these people live day to day life without electricity.  How about
starve them -- ooops.  We've already tried that in Iraq, and it has only
them more violent.  Will the threat of being machine gunned stop them?
are people who, left with nothing to fight with, are turning themselves
bombs, hijacking airplanes with $2.00 box cutters, and ramming them into
buildings -- they have nothing but their lives to give, and they are
willing to
give their lives.

And the next question is why should we fight them, and lose, when we can
give them what they want, and win?  Americans hate "giving in" to people,
because Americans believe they are always in the right, and that they must
never surrender.  But the facts of this matter are that we are in the
wrong --
and we would not be giving in to "them" but giving into doing what is
right --
and in doing so we would take from them the one thing that keeps them
against us -- the sense of moral righteousness.

In World War II the running joke about the British is that they would
fight the war to the last drop of blood -- provided it was French blood.
the same sense, the Zionist lobby in the United States is happy to pursue
against Islam to the last drop of American blood, but you can bet that it
be the kind of people who worked at the top of the World Trade Center that
down into the trenches and lose the most lives if we continue to pursue
war.  Some of them will be killed if these kinds of terrorist attacks
continue -
- and in fact I believe much of the "horror" of this attack is that some
of the
people at the top of the World Trade Center died, instead of casualties
limited to Joe and Jane Doe, living on the bottom -- but the people who
suffer most will be the simple people of this country, who aren't even
aware of
the American subsidy of Israel and the real issues for which they are
fighting.  The people who will die by the hundreds of thousands in the war
Israel and the fanatic sub-section of American Jews who defend Israel will
people who could care less about the outcome of the war, and who are only
fighting because they honestly believe today's attack was "unprovoked."

Israel is a liability.  It gives us nothing, and takes everything in
If we continue to defend it, it will destroy us.  It's time to cut our
and tell the Israelis that if they want to fight a war against Islam, that
their business, but America, its people and its tax dollars will no longer
defend the Xenotheocratic (alien-religious) state of Israel, and we will
longer shed our blood for a set of "allies" that have done little for the
fifty years but consistently betray us to our enemies.

No war on Islam!  No war for Israel!  Cut all US aid and ties to Israel!
do it now, before more innocents are killed!

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