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Subj:    The Spookiest of the Spooks
Date:   6/1/99 2:25:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry W. Colvin)

By Jim Beetel

Remember James Jesus Angleton, the paranoid CIA counterintelligence
officer who, when he wasn’t single-handedly terrorizing the Agency’s
Directorate of Operations during the 1950’s and 60’s, was writing and
publishing eccentric poetry? And how about the military intelligence
officer at Pentagon who, prior to being discreetly retired a few years
back, was producing and selling his own pornographic videos on the side?
More to the point, what about the founding ‘father’ of the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, who allegedly spent many an evening
(presumably during non-work hours) secretly parading around various
Washington DC hotel rooms in drag?

Scattered throughout the US Intelligence Community in Washington DC 
are numerous intelligence officials, possessing the highest security
clearances and enjoying access to the most sensitive US Government
secrets, who are notorious for their highly unorthodox personal opinions
and/or behavior. These various Intelligence Community oddballs constitute
what is nowadays referred to by Washingtonians in the know as the
Intelligence Underground. As such, these unique men and women are
maintaining a tradition as old as America’s Intelligence Community itself.

For example, there’s the famed CIA ‘ufologist,’ Ron P. who, in addition to
his official duties as an analyst for the Agency, is known throughout the
Intelligence Community for his obsession with UFO’s. This obsession
sometimes gets him in trouble. Witness an incident several years ago in
which a civilian UFO researcher telephoned Ron P. at CIA and asked him
what he knew about an alleged – and no doubt mythical – secret 
project concerning extraterrestrial life. Reportedly Ron P. replied "Who
cleared you for that project?" and then hung up, a prank that allegedly
garnered the considerable ire of CIA management when it was 
reported in UFO journals around the world.

And by the way, I happen to know for a fact that Ron P.’s duties at CIA
have absolutely nothing to do with the study of extraterrestrial
intelligence (no matter how you define that term). I once dropped by Ron’s
office at CIA Headquarters to meet the legend; although Ron wasn’t in at
the time I did notice much interesting UFO paraphernalia in his office
(including a battery-operated toy flying saucer).

Another notorious Intelligence Underground weirdo (or should I say
weirdette) cannot be referred to in this article even by her initials, so
controversial is her particular idiosyncrasy. This woman (who, like Ron
P., by sheer chance just happens to work at CIA) is a regular in the
shadowy world of Washington’s BDSM (Bondage and Discipline/Sado-
scene. According to reliable sources her orientation is that of ‘femdom’
(i.e., a keeper of male sex slaves – presumably the males are consenting).

I once crept stealthily up to her cubicle at the CIA building where she
works and, so as not to be caught (and possibly disciplined) by the
dominatrix, carefully and silently peered over the wall. There she was,
busily typing away at her computer, defending our National Security with
precisely the sort of rigorous zeal one would expect from a woman who
delights in the erotic torture of male genitalia. And incidentally,
fellows, she’s attractive!

Finally, lest the reader conclude that I’m picking on the folks at
Langley, let me mention here and now that famous FBI Special Agent who
prefers to be addressed (during non-working hours) by the modest 
Jesus Jr. It seems that Jesus Jr. (whom I first met at an interagency
conference on terrorism around 1995) is utterly convinced that he is none
other than the son of Jesus Christ. The public may be pleased to learn
that the son of the Messiah, when he isn’t investigating possible federal
crimes against America, is undertaking at no expense to taxpayers one of
his clandestine ‘healing sessions’ at which he provides miraculous cures
for maladies ranging from full-blown AIDS to spiritual depression (more
typically the latter).

And yes, let me state for the record that I have actually accompanied (at
his invitation) Jesus Jr. on one of his secret healing sessions. There I
personally witnessed this man, who has obviously been touched by God, lay
hands on many people (most of them poor and relatively uneducated),
several of whom experienced no doubt medically inexplicable recoveries
from everything from drug addiction to "a bad attitude toward the Lord" (I
don’t know how to verify that the drug addicts were actually healed; I
guess I’ll just have to take their word for it).

Given that most of these (and other) eccentric practices are apparently
known, to one degree or another, by the security offices of the various
agencies for which members of the Intelligence Underground work, the
obvious question arises: Why haven’t these kooks been fired for their
bizarre activities? Perhaps, in the end, they will be. For the moment
though, these and other crazies continue in their official duties as
custodians of some of America’s most sensitive information … and thereby
constitute full-fledged members of America’s Intelligence Underground.

But hold on, there’s more. In addition to the interesting beings described
above, there’s another denizen of the Intelligence Underground who clearly
warrants mention. Indeed, it’s probably no exaggeration to state that the
following person constitutes one of the Intelligence Underground’s most
prominent members. The person in question is a CIA officer, one John
Alejandro King, otherwise known as The Covert Comic.

Who (or what) is The Covert Comic, you ask?

I suppose the simplest way to answer this question is to provide the
Internet address of the Covert Comic’s very own web site, which has been
published to the great consternation of CIA Security and which is filled
with fascinating and (some would say) hilarious information about the US
Intelligence Community:

In this web site readers can find information about such important topics
as who really killed JFK (hint: according to this web site it was The
Covert Comic), the connection between the CIA and alien abductions and,
last but definitely not least, hundreds and hundreds of original jokes
about the CIA, the US Intelligence Community, and life and the cosmos.

By way of a sample, consider the following spook jokes which Intelligence
Underground enthusiasts from NSA to DIA to INSCOM have voted among 
personal favorites:

"As a CIA employee, whenever I hear that the Agency is programming
people’s minds I have to laugh. I don’t want to laugh when I hear this,
but I have to because that’s the way the CIA programmed my mind."

"The two criticisms we at CIA hear most frequently are, first, that CIA
intelligence is inaccurate, and second, that CIA officers are selling CIA
intelligence to foreign spy agencies. ... So what’s the problem?"

"If it’s really a supercomputer, how come the bullets don’t bounce off
when I shoot it?"

"If I’m ever working overseas for CIA and I get captured by a foreign
intelligence service and they start torturing me, I sure hope I don’t
discover that I like being tortured, because being tortured would be bad
enough, but to like it, that would be kind of creepy, you know what I

"Plus which, after the foreign intelligence people tortured me for awhile
and realized I was enjoying it, they’d probably say "Hey, this guy likes
being tortured." So then they’d probably stop torturing me, just to make
me unhappy. And I don’t know about you, but I hate being unhappy.

"On the other hand, if in order to make me unhappy someone deliberately
stopped torturing me when they knew I wanted to be tortured, wouldn’t that
be kind of like torture? And wouldn’t that therefore make me happy?

"So then the situation would be that I wouldn’t be getting tortured, and
I’d be happy … Which I guess means that everything would be OK!

"You see how, when you take the time to really think things through,
there’s usually nothing to be afraid of?"

"If somebody says "You are what you eat," and I eat that person, does that
mean it was actually me who was saying this?"

Other entries in The Covert Comic’s web site include a bizarre short story
about a CIA contractor entitled ‘The Penis’ (apparently modeled after
Nikolai Gogol’s literary classic The Nose), an absolutely hilarious
transcript of a recent CIA ‘intelligence briefing,’ as well as a 50-page
‘resume’ containing many of the author’s more interesting experiences as a
CIA officer – along with several of his exploits as a bass player for
various well-known disco recording artists (yes, you read right: prior to
joining the CIA the author apparently played bass on many famous disco
records in the late 1970’s). If you don’t believe me, visit and see for yourself.

The upshot of all this strangeness? Clearly the Intelligence Underground
lives on, and is in fact thriving in the post-Cold War era. Just how long
this latest generation of weirdos like John Alejandro King will be able to
remain employed in the most sensitive jobs in the US Government is a
matter open to debate. But that John Alejandro King, a.k.a. The Covert
Comic, along with his fellow oddballs in the Intelligence Underground, is
maintaining the hallowed tradition of eccentric US intelligence officers
is beyond doubt. Here’s hoping that in the Land of the Free it’ll never
quite be impossible for an out-and-out nut case to get and keep a
top-secret security clearance.

The author has worked for the CIA since at least the 1980’s (and maybe
even earlier, if those stories about CIA mind control are accurate).

Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Home Page: < >

By Jim Beetel

Remember James Jesus Angleton, the paranoid CIA counterintelligence
officer who, when he wasn’t single-handedly terrorizing the Agency’s
Directorate of Operations during the 1950’s and 60’s, was writing and
publishing eccentric poetry? And how about the military intelligence
officer at Pentagon who, prior to being discreetly retired a few years
back, was producing and selling his own pornographic videos on the side?
More to the point, what about the founding ‘father’ of the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, who allegedly spent many an evening
(presumably during non-work hours) secretly parading around various
Washington DC hotel rooms in drag?

Scattered throughout the US Intelligence Community in Washington DC 
are numerous intelligence officials, possessing the highest security
clearances and enjoying access to the most sensitive US Government
secrets, who are notorious for their highly unorthodox personal opinions
and/or behavior. These various Intelligence Community oddballs constitute
what is nowadays referred to by Washingtonians in the know as the
Intelligence Underground. As such, these unique men and women are
maintaining a tradition as old as America’s Intelligence Community itself.

For example, there’s the famed CIA ‘ufologist,’ Ron P. who, in addition to
his official duties as an analyst for the Agency, is known throughout the
Intelligence Community for his obsession with UFO’s. This obsession
sometimes gets him in trouble. Witness an incident several years ago in
which a civilian UFO researcher telephoned Ron P. at CIA and asked him
what he knew about an alleged – and no doubt mythical – secret 
project concerning extraterrestrial life. Reportedly Ron P. replied "Who
cleared you for that project?" and then hung up, a prank that allegedly
garnered the considerable ire of CIA management when it was 
reported in UFO journals around the world.

And by the way, I happen to know for a fact that Ron P.’s duties at CIA
have absolutely nothing to do with the study of extraterrestrial
intelligence (no matter how you define that term). I once dropped by Ron’s
office at CIA Headquarters to meet the legend; although Ron wasn’t in at
the time I did notice much interesting UFO paraphernalia in his office
(including a battery-operated toy flying saucer).

Another notorious Intelligence Underground weirdo (or should I say
weirdette) cannot be referred to in this article even by her initials, so
controversial is her particular idiosyncrasy. This woman (who, like Ron
P., by sheer chance just happens to work at CIA) is a regular in the
shadowy world of Washington’s BDSM (Bondage and Discipline/Sado-
scene. According to reliable sources her orientation is that of ‘femdom’
(i.e., a keeper of male sex slaves – presumably the males are consenting).

I once crept stealthily up to her cubicle at the CIA building where she
works and, so as not to be caught (and possibly disciplined) by the
dominatrix, carefully and silently peered over the wall. There she was,
busily typing away at her computer, defending our National Security with
precisely the sort of rigorous zeal one would expect from a woman who
delights in the erotic torture of male genitalia. And incidentally,
fellows, she’s attractive!

Finally, lest the reader conclude that I’m picking on the folks at
Langley, let me mention here and now that famous FBI Special Agent who
prefers to be addressed (during non-working hours) by the modest 
Jesus Jr. It seems that Jesus Jr. (whom I first met at an interagency
conference on terrorism around 1995) is utterly convinced that he is none
other than the son of Jesus Christ. The public may be pleased to learn
that the son of the Messiah, when he isn’t investigating possible federal
crimes against America, is undertaking at no expense to taxpayers one of
his clandestine ‘healing sessions’ at which he provides miraculous cures
for maladies ranging from full-blown AIDS to spiritual depression (more
typically the latter).

And yes, let me state for the record that I have actually accompanied (at
his invitation) Jesus Jr. on one of his secret healing sessions. There I
personally witnessed this man, who has obviously been touched by God, lay
hands on many people (most of them poor and relatively uneducated),
several of whom experienced no doubt medically inexplicable recoveries
from everything from drug addiction to "a bad attitude toward the Lord" (I
don’t know how to verify that the drug addicts were actually healed; I
guess I’ll just have to take their word for it).

Given that most of these (and other) eccentric practices are apparently
known, to one degree or another, by the security offices of the various
agencies for which members of the Intelligence Underground work, the
obvious question arises: Why haven’t these kooks been fired for their
bizarre activities? Perhaps, in the end, they will be. For the moment
though, these and other crazies continue in their official duties as
custodians of some of America’s most sensitive information … and thereby
constitute full-fledged members of America’s Intelligence Underground.

But hold on, there’s more. In addition to the interesting beings described
above, there’s another denizen of the Intelligence Underground who clearly
warrants mention. Indeed, it’s probably no exaggeration to state that the
following person constitutes one of the Intelligence Underground’s most
prominent members. The person in question is a CIA officer, one John
Alejandro King, otherwise known as The Covert Comic.

Who (or what) is The Covert Comic, you ask?

I suppose the simplest way to answer this question is to provide the
Internet address of the Covert Comic’s very own web site, which has been
published to the great consternation of CIA Security and which is filled
with fascinating and (some would say) hilarious information about the US
Intelligence Community:

In this web site readers can find information about such important topics
as who really killed JFK (hint: according to this web site it was The
Covert Comic), the connection between the CIA and alien abductions and,
last but definitely not least, hundreds and hundreds of original jokes
about the CIA, the US Intelligence Community, and life and the cosmos.

By way of a sample, consider the following spook jokes which Intelligence
Underground enthusiasts from NSA to DIA to INSCOM have voted among 
personal favorites:

"As a CIA employee, whenever I hear that the Agency is programming
people’s minds I have to laugh. I don’t want to laugh when I hear this,
but I have to because that’s the way the CIA programmed my mind."

"The two criticisms we at CIA hear most frequently are, first, that CIA
intelligence is inaccurate, and second, that CIA officers are selling CIA
intelligence to foreign spy agencies. ... So what’s the problem?"

"If it’s really a supercomputer, how come the bullets don’t bounce off
when I shoot it?"

"If I’m ever working overseas for CIA and I get captured by a foreign
intelligence service and they start torturing me, I sure hope I don’t
discover that I like being tortured, because being tortured would be bad
enough, but to like it, that would be kind of creepy, you know what I

"Plus which, after the foreign intelligence people tortured me for awhile
and realized I was enjoying it, they’d probably say "Hey, this guy likes
being tortured." So then they’d probably stop torturing me, just to make
me unhappy. And I don’t know about you, but I hate being unhappy.

"On the other hand, if in order to make me unhappy someone deliberately
stopped torturing me when they knew I wanted to be tortured, wouldn’t that
be kind of like torture? And wouldn’t that therefore make me happy?

"So then the situation would be that I wouldn’t be getting tortured, and
I’d be happy … Which I guess means that everything would be OK!

"You see how, when you take the time to really think things through,
there’s usually nothing to be afraid of?"

"If somebody says "You are what you eat," and I eat that person, does that
mean it was actually me who was saying this?"

Other entries in The Covert Comic’s web site include a bizarre short story
about a CIA contractor entitled ‘The Penis’ (apparently modeled after
Nikolai Gogol’s literary classic The Nose), an absolutely hilarious
transcript of a recent CIA ‘intelligence briefing,’ as well as a 50-page
‘resume’ containing many of the author’s more interesting experiences as a
CIA officer – along with several of his exploits as a bass player for
various well-known disco recording artists (yes, you read right: prior to
joining the CIA the author apparently played bass on many famous disco
records in the late 1970’s). If you don’t believe me, visit and see for yourself.

The upshot of all this strangeness? Clearly the Intelligence Underground
lives on, and is in fact thriving in the post-Cold War era. Just how long
this latest generation of weirdos like John Alejandro King will be able to
remain employed in the most sensitive jobs in the US Government is a
matter open to debate. But that John Alejandro King, a.k.a. The Covert
Comic, along with his fellow oddballs in the Intelligence Underground, is
maintaining the hallowed tradition of eccentric US intelligence officers
is beyond doubt. Here’s hoping that in the Land of the Free it’ll never
quite be impossible for an out-and-out nut case to get and keep a
top-secret security clearance.

The author has worked for the CIA since at least the 1980’s (and maybe
even earlier, if those stories about CIA mind control are accurate).

Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Home Page: < >
Sites: Fortean Times * Northwest Mysteries * Mystic's Cyberpage *
   TLCB * U.S. Message Text Formatting (USMTF) Program
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   TLCB Web Site: < >
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   (Jan 71 - Aug 72)
 - Telecommunications Center/U.S. Army Support Thailand
   (USARSUPTHAI), Camp Samae San (Jan 73 - Aug 73)
 - Special Security/Strategic Communications - Thailand
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