The following transcripts are in chronological order for six telephone
calls heard nationwide this year on "Coast To Coast A.M." and
"Dreamland," radio shows dedicated to 'paranormal' subjects.  I am
continuing to let others know about the website documenting my
experiences offered free of charge on the Internet at and also about the truth that spirit
messages/Electronic Voice Phenomena can be heard in an unlimited range
of tape recordings and broadcasts.  In the following transcripts, spirit
messages/EVP are presented in capital letters and parentheses.

***JANUARY 12/13, 2000 "COAST TO COAST A.M." CALL***

        Q: Mark Russell Bell
        B: Bob Frissell, guest
        R: Rollye James, host

R: . . . Mark in the valley - San Fernando - welcome to the Art Bell

Q: Good evening, Rollye.  Well, of course, my take on the "secret
government" can be summed up in just two words: self-interest.

R: (small laugh)

Q: And the "grand unified theory," for that matter, is God I believe.
   But what I wanted to comment on is that I've been hearing a lot of at
   best secondhand tonight, if not downright disinformation.  And for
   three years now Art has been covering me up--(as) well as Whitley
   and Hilly--and my website  And I just wonder if these
   are all military disinformation people?  Or what's happening?
   Because when you hear names like David Icke being thrown around - and
   these are the same guests that come in week and week out.  People
   like Ed Dames.  They must be -

R: Well I . . .

Q: - on some government payroll somewhere because they don't say
   anything that's usable.

R: (terminates call)  Okay, Mark, I wish I was on a government payroll
   because the checks aren't that regular.  But I can at least speak
   on Bob Frissell because when I was talking to the Premiere people the
   other day, they said, "Who do you want on?"  And I said, "Well I
   was in Gene's Books in the King of Prussia Mall and I ran across this
   guy Bob Frissell.  Never heard of him but it's an interesting book."
   And they said, "Okay, you want him?  You got him."  So I guarantee
   you at least on my part -

Q: (I didn't know I was off the air) Well that's because -

R: - and if you get to know me, you'll know I don't lie about this.
   They didn't coerce me to have anybody.

Q: (off air) Right.

R: They just told me I had to have someone.  I got to pick him though.

Q: (off air) But you don't know about my own book because - (it's
   been covered up)

R: So I wish that I could go with your theory that this is some type
   of a government cover-up but, like I say, when the government starts
   mailing me checks, I'll let you know.  Alright, well our guest is Bob
   Frissell.  Government's been mailing you checks, Bob?

B: (no answer)

R: I don't think so.  Alright, I think Bob's off the payroll too.  But
   we'll continue to take your calls of your own free will.  We won't
   mail you any money but we will pick up the toll.  That's about it.
   You know the 800 numbers.  If not, you'll get them again.  NOTHING IN
   THIS BOOK IS TRUE are the two books.  There's a video.  There's an
   800 number which we will be giving you again and questions?  Oh,
   we'll tackle anything.  As you can tell.  On the Art Bell show.  Art
   returns tomorrow.  I'm Rollye James in for Art on the Premiere Radio
   Network. . . .

***JUNE 2/3, 2000 "COAST TO COAST A.M." CALL***

        Q: Mark Russell Bell
        M: Mike Siegel, host

M: And we're back with you.  Let's go right back to your calls.  And
   they're terrific, let me tell you.  We go to the wild card line.
   You're on "Coast to Coast A.M."  Hello.

Q: Hi, Mike.

M: Good morning.

Q: This is Mark in L.A.'s San Fernando Valley.

M: Mark, how are you?

Q: Very good, thank you.  And ("GEL") I believe I do believe I have
   evidence for time travel.  But when I was listening to you talk about
   ("UM") "A Christmas Carol," I couldn't help but think that that was
   very similar to what we now call abduction visits.  Do you see the
   parallels between the two?

M: You know, could well be.  Of course, I've never been abducted--to my
   knowledge at least-- but those who have, it may well be.  ("YY YY"
   "YOU") You know, that's very possible.  They could be taken - you
   see, the concept of that, Mark, was--in the film, anyway--was that
   you were going from one time and one space to another time and
   another space.  And the Ghost of Christmas Past was taking Scrooge
   with him just by his touch - of the ghost.  And they went though
   those plains.  They really didn't travel in the way we know an
   airline travels or (or "OR") - an airplane travels and that sort of
   thing.  They traveled through different plains, very obviously.

Q: Yeah, there's a lot of interesting parallels between the paranormal
   and movies.  I also am reminded of "The Wizard of Oz" and Glinda the
   Good's bubble is very much like those translucent orbs seen near the
   crop circles.  But, anyway, my proof of time travel concerns - I was
   doing some interviews in this very haunted house in Oklahoma where
   the family had aliens living with them and other spirit
   manifestations.  I interviewed a young woman named Twyla who
   basically um - ("TOL[D" "ME") she was a very - she was a rural young
   lady and not very wise in the ways of the world, I might say.  She
   basically told an event that had happened in this very haunted house.
   In fact, I have it on tape.  If you like, I can play it for you.
   It's less than a minute.

M: Alright, we'll try it.  As long as -

Q: Okay.

M: - the audio's okay.

Q: Okay, let me try it.  Hold on.

M: We can't - we're not allowed to do that.  I'm sorry.

Q: You're not allowed?  Okay, well people can read it at my website
   actually.  Can I give that address?

M: Um (or "UM") no - no(t) - can't do that either.  We - well, see,
   because we don't know and I'm sorry -

Q: There was someone earlier who gave their address.

M: It wasn't their own - it was not their own address.  We cannot have
   people -

Q: This is my website.

M: I understand but we can't really do that.

Q: You did it before.  I mean -

M: We didn't -


M: I was told we cannot do it.  That's the answer that I was given.  And
   the other website was not the person who called's website.  It was a
   different website entirely but we - because if we got into that, if
   we did it for one person, think of what the magnitude of the program
   would be - everybody calling to give out their websites.  And we're
   not here to serve individual websites other than when they serve a
   purpose for the program.  In the call earlier, again, it was for the
   program and it was not for any individual.  Okay we go to the west of
   the Rockies line.  You're on "Coast to Coast A.M."  Hello there. . .

***JULY 17/18, 2000 "COAST TO COAST A.M." CALL***

        Q: Mark Russell Bell
        M: Mike Siegel, host
        L: Shirley MacLaine, guest

M: . . . Wild card line, you're on "Coast to Coast A.M."  Hello.

Q: Hi, Michael, Shirley.

M: Hi.

L: Hi.

Q: This is Mark in the San Fernando Valley.

L: Hi, Mark.

Q: And I wanted to ask you - with so much exposure to the world of the
   rich and famous, maybe you can tell us what you believe is the
   solution to the biggest mystery and that's how the wealthy can
   imagine that God wants them to amass great wealth when so many people
   in the world are starving to death and the environment is being
   destroyed?  ("EL")

L: Well it's not - I don't think it's a question of manifesting great
   wealth, I think it's a question of what do you do with it after you
   manifest it?  And also that this country is - ("I") what is the
   figure?  I think that one-eighth of the world, which we represent, is
   using - what?  Three-quarters of the natural resources?

M: It's about that.  Yeah, it's an un - 17% goes to the bottom three and
   a half or four billion people.  Something like that.

L: Again, we've lost our reason for being, I'm afraid.

Q: I think if we each set - try to set a personal example for others,
   ("HEL") that that can really help.

L: Yep, we do.  The poor always set the example.  The poor are the ones
   who will give you their shirt off their back.

M: Well, of course, the other irony is that if - even in terms of
   nutrition, if you look at the peasants' diet in China or some of the
   other diets, the healthiest diets are often times the impoverished

L: The Third World countries because they eat an equal amount of
   carbohydrates and protein and vegetables.

M: And they don't have freezers to have this frozen food that isn't
   really as good for you anyway so they eat fresh.

L: Fast food's killing us.

M: Well - and we've brought it to the . . . we've brought it to Japan,
   we've brought it elsewhere where there used to be healthy people.

L: Um-huh.

M: And when I say we - the Western World. . . .

***JULY 30, 2000 "DREAMLAND" CALL***

        Q: Mark Russell Bell
        W: Whitley Strieber, host
        B: William S. Donaldson, guest
        D: Dwight Brumley, guest

W: This is Whitley Strieber.  It's "Dreamland" and we're back with your
   phone calls for Master Chief Brumley and Commander Donaldson. . . .
   Okay, got loads and loads of phone calls for you guys.  I'm going to
   try to take these in order. . . . Okay, let's keep going with the
   telephones because we got loads of calls stacked up.  Let's go to
   Mark in Los Angeles on the first time caller line.  Hi, Mark.

Q: Hi, Whitley.

W: Mark, you there?

Q: Yeah.  Hi, Whitley.

W: Hi.

Q: Hi, Bill and Dwight.

D: Hi.

Q: It seems like people are conditioned to escape into movie, TV and
   novel fantasy worlds.  ("SO")  One hopes that Whitley's anger is not
   a complacent one.  It often seems with so many cover-ups like UFOs
   and Flight 800, crop circles and all the rest ("THAT") unless, like
   yourselves, you must've undergone some spiritual change, to speak out
   in this way ("AND") and show a good precedent, I hope, for your - the
   other military people.  Would you agree to that?

D: Well I think my - my initial reaction when I talked to the navy
   investigator and I talked to the FBI - and then I didn't hear from
   them ever again, but as I followed their news reports and listened
   and read, I just figured, "Well the FBI knows what they're doing.
   The NTSB knows what they're doing and if they need to get back to me
   to go - have more information, they'll do that."  You know, that's
   their - they're all the experts.  But then as time dragged on and on
   and on, and then a little over a year ago, you know, I started
   becoming in contact with Commander Donaldson and some others that it
   became painfully obvious that they were - either were unwilling or
   unable to get to the truth of what really happened.  And somebody
   needs to hold their feet to the fire.  And so it takes people like
   myself and Commander Donaldson and Tom Stalcup and others to finally
   stand up and raise the flag and say there's something wrong here.

Q: Have you seen the website, Mark Russell Bell's website
   that basically provides proof of a shared Superconscious Creator that
   is testing us?

D: No.  No.

W: Well we - we're not going to get into that tonight.  There are other
   - we'll have other programs where that's going to be a good question
   but we're closer to the Earth right now.

B: Right.  We're -

W: A lot closer than we'd like to be.

B: Yeah, very much into - it's in the metal.  I mean the -

W: Right.

B: - fact is the number two main tank exploded and I testif (line


***AUGUST 27/28, 2000 "COAST TO COAST AM" CALL***

        Q: Mark Russell Bell
        B: Bill, caller
        I: Ian Punnett, host
        M: Mike, caller

B: . . . the God part of the brain and even talks ("WH") about why there
   are atheists like myself.  Because it's like a bell curve where on
   the one hand comparing the two musicians are like a curve that goes
   up like a -

I: Right.  (or "RIGHT")

B: - bell.

I: Well I - these are things I look forward to exploring with him on an
   upcoming show and I'm sure we'll make the opportunity.  And, as you
   do every time you call, Bill, you prove time and time again that you
   do not have the God part of the brain.  Mark is in Los Angeles on
   "Coast to Coast A.M." for a half hour of open phones before we get to
   our guests.  Mark?

Q: Good evening, Ian.

I: An(d) evening to you.

Q: In relation to that last call, I might say that well obviously Christ
   is ("OF") active in all of our lives or we'd all eat at the same
   restaurant every night - ("OR") be in trouble for that, anyway.
   ("BUT UM")  I was hoping that maybe you could ask your guests tonight
   if they're familiar with Bel-Marduk or, as he was known in
   Egyptology, Amun-Ra or Amen-Ra?  Apparently, that was the original -

I: Right.  (or "RIGHT")

Q: - resurrection story.

I: Right.  And actually they do address that.  And they get into all of
   the incarnations, if you will, of that story.  And that's why they
   believe that it was just a matter of time until the Jewish culture of
   the 1st Century also adopts their own version of it.  And that the
   authors, you know, traced that with images which I believe - I don't
   know this - I was told we're going to try and get them on the
   website.  So you might even be able to look up some of the idolatry
   from the ancient Egyptians that kind of speak to this issue as well.

Q: What's interesting about that, though, in terms of Bel-Marduk being
   the first is being his (or "BEING HIS") current reincarnation as
   described by the website.  Are you familiar with that

I: No, I'm not.

Q: Um -

I: I will - I'll be happy to check it out but I'm not familiar with it.

Q: Yeah.  Basically, Bel-Marduk has been reincarnated as a film
   publicist.  ("AND")

I: A film publicist?

Q: Right.

I: (O)kay.

Q: And what he -

I: In Los Angeles?

Q: That's right.

I: (O)kay.

Q: City of the Angels.  I guess there's an angelic connection there.
   When he's tried calling some of the other hosts, they, like,
   disconnected him and cut him off so he has the actual transcripts of
   his conversations ("ON") online in the New Testament section.

I: Alright.  Well I will take a look on the website and I promise if he
   calls I won't hang up.  And that is the beauty of open phones as we -

Q: (off the air) That's -

I: - never know quite sure where the show's going to go and we'll do it
   again.  Coming up another round on the way before our guests join us
   coming up on "Coast to Coast A.M." next.  My name's Ian Punnett.
   (commercials commence)


M: Yeah, hello.  I just have a question for all these atheists who call
   your show.  If I were to show you a brand new Pentium computer with
   all the extras and whistles and bells and whatever - and I were to
   tell you that this computer came into existence when a tornado went
   through a junkyard and the computer just evolved into existence,
   would you believe that?  When you look at this universe, even any
   facet of this universe, whether the structure of atoms, DNA, the
   human brain, the cosmos, galaxies - every aspect of this universe is
   infinitely more complex than what we can build.  But yet we're asked
   to believe that all humans can be accidentally just evolved into


I: Live from the Butch Foster Memorial Studio where I sit with THE JESUS
   Peter Gandy on one knee and my Ask Jeeves Internet searcher on the
   other.  It is that kind of a book - always challenging, never boring.
   I found myself going through not just material from my own studies
   towards my Masters in divinity but also spending a lot of time on the
   Internet in some of the books that I have accumulated in my own
   library, making sure that I understood exactly what it was that they
   were getting at.  And, of the material that they referenced that had
   already been part of my experience as graduate student, I say they're
   spot-on.  Whether they come to the right conclusion, I'm going to
   leave that up to you.  It'll be a while before we get to open phones
   and I ask your patience with this subject and ask you to indulge our
   guests with your respect in hearing the case they're going to make
   for the origins of Jesus being so directly tied to Pagan/Gnostic
   myths, which the authors maintain as was the Gnostic tradition, were
   never intended to be taken literally.  It's all a big
   misunderstanding according to Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy.  We'll
   let them make their case on what could be my last night on "Coast to
   Coast" or my last day in the seminary, depending if any of my
   professors are going to be listening to this show coming up next on
   "Coast to Coast A.M."  My name's Ian Punnett.

***SEPTEMBER 23/24, 2000 "COAST TO COAST A.M." CALL***

        Q: Mark Russell Bell
        B: Barbara Simpson, host

B . . . Mark is calling us from L.A.  Hello, Mark.  Thank you for
  calling.  I'm Barbara.

Q: Hi, Bar -

B: Mark?

Q: Hi.  (or "HI")  Hi, Barbara.

B: Hi.

Q: Well my life has brought me smack dab in the middle of a couple more

B: Uh-huh.

Q: But first I thought I would mention about last night's show with Echo
   Bodine.  Did you hear that?

B: I heard part of it.  Not the whole thing.

Q: Me too.  ("BUT")  People should go to the archive shows because the
   spirit messages/EVP phenomena is getting quite noticeable.  ("UM")
   Especially with her.  In the middle of her sentences, you can hear
   very distinct words such as "NO," um "BUT," "AND."  I heard some "YOU

B: Really?

Q: Mostly "NO"s.  Like there was one time when she was talking about
   'The Squadron' - about how people ("SH") should call upon 'The
   Squadron' and there was a very distinct "NO" there.  But, anyway,
   that's something that people can do on their own.

B: Okay.

Q: But, anyway, I had to quit my job because of a cover-up.

B: Um-huh.

Q: Another government cover-up.  I was working for TeleTech which
   services clients like the United States post office.  And it was sort
   of a long-term temp position.  And I had to quit because my
   supervisor said I wasn't allowed to give people the correct rates
   information when they called - ("HE") told me that I had - I couldn't
   give Special Standard Mail rates unless they specifically used that
   terminology and very few callers knew that terminology.  So this is a
   new government cover-up to report.  I guess they're now hiring temp
   workers through intermediary companies to get around screwing the
   public.  ("AND" "YOU KNOW")  Because, of course, they're supposed to
   service the public but they're trying to make as much money as they
   can and - try it yourself.  ("TRY")  Call up and say "I want to send
   some books.  ("WHAT'S")  What's the cheapest rate?"  And instead of
   Special Standard Mail rate, ("THEY") they'll probably just tell you
   the Parcel Post rate.

B: Well I'll tell you, Mark, the problem I think dealing with almost any
   business is if you don't ask the right question, you're not going to
   get the answers you're looking for.  And frequently you're dealing
   with people who really don't know their job and that's always a
   problem.  Did you get another job yet?

Q: Well I'm starting on Monday.  I - of course, after you quit a temp
   job they won't use you again.  So I signed up a new temp agency and I
   was horrified because there were like twenty different forms I had to
   fill out.  One of them -

B: Welcome to the bureaucracy.

Q: Well it's worse than you think because one of the things I had to
   sign - it said 'Do you promise not to divulge any information
   whatsoever on your job?' and, of course, being a writer, that's
   something I wasn't willing to sign so I scratched it out.  And there
   was so much paperwork, they didn't even notice that I refused to go
   along with them on that one.  I was also - I think the people who
   ("EN") en - uh engage in these cover-ups, though - such as this one
   with the USPS, because when people call and say, "I want the least
   expensive rate," you should be able to give them the least expensive
   rate - but they have other cover-ups that get them karmically.  For
   example, here in L.A. there's a show called "Ask Mr. KABC" and he was
   interviewing Todd Wilbur who's that cookbook author who writes about
   food chains and recipes.  And he had apparently interviewed a chemist
   who had checked out Kentucky Fried Chicken.  And apparently -

B: Mark, Mark, you're getting really, really long on this and it's very

Q: Well don't hang up on me because I'll make the point now.

B: Yeah.  What's your point?  ("WELL")

Q: The secret recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken is MSG which is a
   powerful drug.  ("HOW")

B: How do you know it if it's a secret recipe?

Q: Because Todd Wilbur, who's a very - ("WHO'S A") nationwide-known
   cookbook author -

B: Ahhh.

Q: - he's known for - he's published many different books.  And he had
   it analyzed.  Of course, he himself was just talking about it as an
   allergic reaction.  He doesn't know what I know, being a vegan.
   ("THAT IT")  It's a powerful drug reaction and not an allergic
   reaction.  And it destroys brain cells.  And there are websites such
   as in addition to my own (at) that does go
   into some of these terrible things.  Of course, the show itself has
   had a lot about -

B: Yeah.

Q: - Bovine Growth Hormone.  ("BUT")

B: Well we've done a lot on this program.  I know Mike has done a number
   of programs on that.  Listen, I - we've got to take a break but I
   think you, Mark, for calling and I hope - (line disconnected)


background information
photo of burned bushes
photo of Egyptian pendant
photo of a spirit   
photo of "aliens"   
photo of a "bigfoot"

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