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It's amazing how if you have connections to Papa Bush through the Carlyle group -- and 
to numerous members of the Bush administration -- you can keep your country from being 
branded a terrorist state.  It doesn't matter that almost all the hijackers 
participating in the September 11th horrifying act came from Saudi Arabia.  It doesn't 
matter that Saudi Arabia allows clerics to openly support Al-Qaeda.
It doesn't matter that money is channeled through Saudi Arabia to Al-Qaeda.  Heck, if 
you are a friend of the Bushes and good business partners, you are a friend for life.  
What are friends for?

U.S. Omitted Section of bin Laden Tape to Save Saudi Arabia from Being Branded as 
Tolerating Terrorist Support

Thursday December 20 09:26 PM EST

Bin Laden Translation Omitted Sections
By John Miller
A new ABCNEWS translation of the Osama bin Laden videotape released last week reveals 
information that may be embarrassing to Saudi Arabia, a very important U.S. ally.

When the videotape of Osama bin Laden talking about the Sept. 11 terror attacks was 
released by the United States government on Dec. 13, administration officials spoke at 
length about the extensive effort to achieve a full and accurate transcript.

The translation commissioned by ABCNEWS, however, reveals new elements that raise 
questions about what the government left out of the official version and why.

The new translation uncovers statements that could be embarrassing to the government 
of Saudi Arabia, a very important U.S. ally. Bin Laden's visitor, Khalid al Harbi, a 
Saudi dissident, claims that he was smuggled into Afghanistan by a member of Saudi 
Arabia's religious police.

He also tells bin Laden that in Saudi Arabia, several prominent clerics — some with 
connections to the Saudi government — made speeches supporting the attacks on America.

"Right at the time of the strike on America, he gave a very moving speech, Sheikh 
Abdulah al Baraak," bin Laden said on the tape. "And he deserves thanks for that."

Sheikh al Baraak, to whom the visitor refers, is a professor at a government 
university and a member of an influential council on religious law.

"It shows that bin Laden's support is not limited to the radical side of Islam but 
also among the Saudi religious establishment," says Fawaz Gerges, professor of Middle 
Eastern studies at Sarah Lawrence College. "And that is bad news for Saudi Arabia."

The new translation reveals bin Laden's intimate knowledge of the hijackers 
themselves. Bin Laden mentions not just the ring leader Mohamed Atta but several of 
the hijackers by name, including the al Hazmi brothers: "So these young men, may God 
accept their action, Nawaf Al Hazmi, Salim Al Hazmi …"

A member of the team that translated the tape for the U.S. government said the ABCNEWS 
translation is consistent with portions of the government's transcript that have not 
been released to the public.

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