These Humanitarins with big whips and guns and bombs.....Henry
Kissinger, fat pig  wants to corner market on food while children die
from Africa to Iraq?

Chidren in New York City go to bed hungry and over the United States
people go to bed hungry...doesn't bother Clinton entertaining the War
Hogs in NATO - their cups runneth over.

So what did Christ say to these people?

"5": And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth

"6": But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in
me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck,
and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

"7": Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that
offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

"20": For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am
I in the midst of them.

I would like to believe the UN will be torn asunder for their offenses
from the Balkans to Iraq to Iran to Africa and don't forget
Waco....little chidren burned alive while others sat down at a table
full of food and Clinton turned loose his dogs of war.

This story speaks for itself; since when does the UN decide who will
live and who will die - since when should Iraz or Iran or Saudi Arabia
or any other country of the world listen to these non elected animals
who face it.....Shirley Temple is our representative still among
others.....this little child to lead us - she is an old bat as old as I
am by now.

So read this - and say No More...Out Damn Spot - get these baby
murderers out of our lives.......must we all be consumed in their

Henry Kissinger's dream - corner market on food, make them beg for
crumbs from his table.....crumbs are for the dogs, not the children of
the world.

Remember UN started out with that Feed the Children?   Now they starve
the chidren; they have no legal authority to starve children or murder
children with AIDS, polluted blood - and Clinton how much kickback did
he get from selling HIV/AIDS blood?   Anybody ever really check that

Send that UN garbage to South Africa....let them live with a see their
work in Africa....let them get a job maybe burying he dead.

Maybe Sadaam Hussein would welcome to Iraq and do the job
right......those are his children the murder....slaughter of the
innocents, Tarot Card Assassins.

UN Says Sanctions Have
Killed 500,000 Iraqi Children



BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A senior U.N. official said Friday about half a
million children under the age of 5 have died in Iraq since the
imposition of U.N. sanctions 10 years ago.
Anupama Rao Singh, country director for the U.N. Children's Fund
(UNICEF), made the estimate in an interview with Reuters.
``In absolute terms we estimate that perhaps about half a million
children under 5 years of age have died, who ordinarily would not have
died had the decline in mortality that was prevalent over the 70s and
the 80s continued through the 90s,´´ she said.
A UNICEF survey published in August showed the mortality rate among
Iraqi children under 5 had more than doubled in the
government-controlled south and center of Iraq during the sanctions.
Baghdad said the UNICEF survey proved that the sanctions were killing
thousands of children every month and called for an immediate end to the
Rao Sigh blamed malnutrition for the high mortality rate among children.
``Nutrition was not a public health problem in Iraq in the 80s. It
emerged as a major problem in the 90s and it increased steadily till
about 1996,´´ Singh said.
She said since the start of the U.N. oil-for-food program, malnutrition
rates among children had stabilized, but death rates remained extremely
``One in four children below 5 suffers from some form of malnutrition or
other and most of them are chronically malnourished,´´ Rao Singh
Sanctions were imposed on Iraq as punishment for its 1990 invasion of
Kuwait, although the United Nations has allowed Iraq to sell oil to buy
food, medicine and other humanitarian supplies.
Rao Singh said the sanctions also have affected the quality of
education, with many children forced to leave schools to hustle a living
on the streets.
``There has been a drop in enrollment, an increase in drop- outs ...
children working, children in the street -- all of which, we believe, is
going to affect the quality of human resources that Iraq will have in
the future,´´ she said.
According to Rao Singh, the sanctions have caused massive impoverishment
except for a small proportion of the elite. ``The majority of middle
class people in Iraq, for instance, now find themselves having to do all
sorts of mean and insecure jobs to survive,´´ she said.




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Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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