Sam Smith
August 21, 1999
The Progressive Review
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If a youthful George W. Bush had been tried according to George W. Bush's
own unforgiving drug policy, he might well has been sent away to a maximum
security prison for anywhere from ten years to life. Hundreds of thousands
of Americans are now doing hard time around the country -- for stays
measured in decades if not entire life-spans -- because of their youthful
dabblings in the white stuff. -- Mark Anderson, Jan Jose Metro


Wonder whether what has GWB really worried are reports of a videotape that
allegedly shows him along with his brother Jeb at a certain Florida airport
in the 1980s engaged in a certain youthfully indiscreet transaction after
meeting a plane that just flew in from Mena, Arkansas?


The Louisiana elections commissioner, Jerry Fowler, has been indicted on
charges that he made millions of dollars through kickbacks and money
laundering. Reports AP: "In one instance, a New Jersey investment firm in
which Fowler had a financial interest, Independent Voting Machine Service
Co., was sent $900,000 by Election Services Inc. of Alabama, one of the
firms awarded a contract by Fowler ....  A legislative audit issued earlier
this month found that Independent Voting Machine Service Co. and Election
Services Inc., got a total of $15.4 million from the elections department
from 1991 through 1998 for equipment and services that could have been made
for less than half the price paid .... The audit said Fowler bought 3,200
reconditioned mechanical machines without seeking competitive bids required
by law."

Undernews: Forget the alleged kickbacks and the money laundering; consider
the machines. Some years back Ronnie Dugger warned in the New Yorker of the
dangers involved in computerized voting machines including the fact that the
jurisdictions that buy them can't even look at the programs used to count
the votes. Unfortunately, the issue has received hardly any attention since.
In the Louisiana case, was it only machines that were up for grabs? Do you
know where your vote is?


STEPHANIE KIRCH, APBNEWS: A retired dentist who is a candidate for mayor is
behind bars today following his arrest on a charge of threatening to kill
the incumbent. Deputy Chief Walter Watkins said 55-year-old Dr. Ray
Desmarais made a series of telephone calls to 911 operators Sunday, and that
when two officers arrived at his home to investigate, he told police that
"he wanted to kill Mayor Bill Evers."

APB NEWS http://www.prorev.com/apbnews.com

Number of persons who have been executed by Texas under the administration
of George Bush: 99

"I hope to show Hispanics that Republicans do have a heart, but I also want
to send a message to people from around the country as to how to pick up the
Hispanic vote" - GWB


Salt Lake City has outlawed skateboarding downtown, drum circles in Liberty
Park, swearing on Main Street between North Temple and South Temple, resting
on sidewalk planters or driving too frequently through downtown.


Newsweek in a report on latino culture stated that 57.9% of all Puerto
Ricans were born in this country.


MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts Campaign for Single Payer Health Care
VERMONT: Vermont Consumers Campaign for Health
WASHINGTON http://users.tss.net/~hcnmast/

If you have a state group focussed on single-payer health care, let us know
and we will add it to our link list


The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a complaint against a rural
Oklahoma school district that administers drug tests to all students who
wish to participate in extracurricular activities. Other school districts
have employed mandatory drug-testing, but many of the activities in the
Tecumseh School District are tied to the student's classes. Students who
refuse to submit to the urine test for the activity would then be forced to
drop the associated class, thus losing credits for graduation. The ACLU
contends this is a violation of a student's right to a public education, as
well as the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and
seizure. "First, schools wanted to test student athletes, then it was
students in extracurricular activities, and now it's students competing in
quiz bowls and performing in chorus, where does it end?" said Graham Boyd,
Director of the ACLU's Drug Policy Litigation Project. "The district's drug
testing policy is more about symbolism than substance. Tecumseh officials
initiated urine testing without any evidence of a drug problem at the school
and at a time when government reports show that teen drug use is on the
decline nationally."

ACLU COMPLAINT http://www.aclu.org/court/tecumseh.html


WASHINGTON TIMES: UN administrators in Kosovo say a deal worked out with the
Kosovo Liberation Army in June by State Department spokesman James P. Rubin
is not binding and will undermine UN efforts to police the province. KLA
leaders are pressing for enforcement of the agreement, struck in the closing
days of NATO's bombing campaign over Yugoslavia, which would give members of
the ethnic Albanian guerrilla force favorable consideration in recruitment
of a civil police force.


When he was not busy writing international agreements, State Department
flack James Rubin took the Clinton Administration's new propaganda strategy
out for a test ride. UPI reports that Rubin "has demanded that the New York
Times issue a formal correction to a story that claims $1 billion of U.S.
assistance has been misappropriated in Bosnia-Herzegovina." The State
Department denied the story, in fact denied there even was a 4,000 page
report on the subject as the NYT had alleged. It arranged a conference call
with a Balkan aid official and several Washington reporters incuding a UPI
correspondent who wrote:

"Apparently discarding Clinton administration protests and explanations, the
Times repeated the central claims of the story in an editorial today and
called for a crackdown against official corruption in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Albright's spokesman, James Rubin, appeared flabbergasted with the Times
today for not correcting the original mistake and then compounding it with
an editorial. Rubin also called on the Times to correct the 'false,
unjustified and unsubstantiated' story, the first time in recent memory that
any State Department spokesman has publicly made such a demand. 'We would
like to see corrective measures taken that create the truth, rather than
false perceptions,' he said. The Times had no immediate response to the
demand from the State Department.


JEWISH GANG THREAT IN MISSISSIPPI: We previously reported the case of the
Mississippi student who was told to place his Star of David necklace inside
his shirt after the principal decided it was a gang symbol. The ACLU has
taken the case. Now the latest from the AP: "Tom Green told the Harrison
County School Board on Monday that the necklace symbolized his son's
religious convictions and that he didn't want his son to be afraid to
express those beliefs in public. 'I don't appreciate calling the Star of
David a gang symbol,' he told the board. The board voted unanimously to
uphold the policy that keeps students from wearing anything that could be
considered a gang symbol. Law enforcement officials say some gang symbols
incorporate six-pointed stars but normally have other elements such as a
letter or a pitchfork. 'This is not a religious issue,' said Frank Baskin, a
spokesman for the Harrison County Sheriff's Office. 'This is a safety issue.'

REUTERS: Moscow - Police arrested a 16-year-old boy who killed his father,
carved up the body, boiled it into a stew and fed it to his cats, a
newspaper reported on Wednesday .... "In the kitchen, tens of cats of
various breeds were chewing hungrily on boiled meat with buckwheat," the
newspaper said.

SENATOR BOB BENNETT OF UTAH: "Unless George W. steps in front of a bus or
some woman comes forward, let's say some black woman comes forward with an
illegitimate child that he fathered within the last 18 months, or some other
scenario that you could be equally creative in thinking of, George W. will
be the nominee."


WASHINGTON POST: The Justice Department wants to make it easier for law
enforcement authorities to obtain search warrants to secretly enter
suspects' homes or offices and disable security on personal computers as a
prelude to a wiretap or further search, according to documents and
interviews with Clinton administration officials .... Legislation drafted by
the department, called the Cyberspace Electronic Security Act, would enable
investigators to get a sealed warrant signed by a judge permitting them to
enter private property, search through computers for passwords and install
devices that override encryption programs, the Justice memo shows ....
Although Justice officials say their proposal is "consistent with
constitutional principles," the idea has alarmed civil libertarians and
members of Congress.

ELECTRONIC PRIVACY INFORMATION CENTER: [The] proposal could result in an
unprecedented intrusion into the sanctity of private homes and businesses.
"This strikes at the heart of the Bill of Rights," said David L. Sobel,
EPIC's General Counsel.  "It would be truly ironic if the use of encryption
-- which is designed to protect privacy -- gave the police a green light to
secretly break into homes." Surreptitious physical entries are extremely
rare under existing surveillance laws. Such entries are only made in order
to install hidden microphones, an investigative technique approved only 50
times by federal and state judges last year.  According to Sobel, "extending
this extraordinary power to cases involving computer files would make police
break-ins far more common than they are today."

EPIC http://www.epic.org


REUTERS: The Green party broke France's summer political  lull on Thursday
with a warning that it would quit the government if the Socialist-led
cabinet pushed ahead with plans to replace aging nuclear plants with new
reactors .... The threat is not necessarily new, as the French Greens
regularly campaign for the elimination of nuclear power that provides 80
percent of the country's power.
But, coming during the August holiday slumber when politicians are
traditionally mum, it highlighted the Greens' discontent with their senior
Socialist partner in the cabinet of Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.


ASSOCIATED PRESS: As much as $10 billion may have been laundered through the
Bank of New York in the past year in what investigators say is an operation
run by Russian organized crime, The New York Times reported Thursday. Some
$4.2 billion passed through a single account between October and March, the
newspaper reported, citing unidentified investigators.


In what media reports described, with massive overstatement, as
"ecoterrorism," a one-half acre stand of genetically tampered corn was cut
down at a University of Maine in Old Town. The corn was being grown to study
its resistance to the herbicide Roundup. The seed was donated by the DeKalb
Seed Co., a subsidiary of the Monsanto Corp. Monsanto also manufactures
Roundup. Lending aid and comfort to the air of hysteria surrounding the
minor incident, a UM official said, "I'm just glad no one was hurt." Those
falling stalks of corn are dangerous.

KNIGHT-RIDDER: Pollution being swept into the Gulf of Mexico by the
Mississippi Riber is strangling marine life in an area the size of New
Jersey .... The Dead Zone covers almost 8,000 square miles and stretches in
a thin strip along the Louisiana coast from the Mississippi River delta to
the Texas border. It begins just beyond the coast wetlands and extends as
far as 55 miles offshore in some area.


Amount of US federal welfare: $167 billion
Amount the latest tax bill could add to US federal corporate welfare: $32

[Janice Shields, Institute for Business Research, 202-387-5190]


Seven years ago, your editor wrote an article on the Bush family that has
rested peacefully in our archives until recently when someone posted it to
the conservative Free Republic web site. Some of what happened next is
posted on our letters page: http://www.prorev.com/ letters.htm

Rules of the Geneva convention
Who's coming to Seattle
Pacifica files civil rights complaint against Berry

1739 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington DC 20009
202-234-6222 Fax
Editor: Sam Smith

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