Sam Smith
September 13, 1999
The Progressive Review
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AGENCE FRANCE PRESS: An East Timorese support group claimed here Monday to 
have received reports that tens of thousands of people had died in a 
deliberate genocidal campaign by Indonesia. The East Timor International 
Support Center also believes 300,000 to 400,000 people face death from 
starvation and thirst and another 250,000 people, a third of the population, 
have been deported in vast convoys of trucks and ships.

AUSTRALIAN: The war-hardened British officer thought he'd seen hell in 
Kosovo. Then he saw Dili. "I came out of Kosovo, and what I've seen in Timor 
is worse ­ much worse," Major John Petrie, a former instructor of 
Australia's military police, told The Sunday Telegraph.


TELEGRAPH, LONDON: A tour around some of Kosovo's ubiquitous minefields 
makes painfully clear that many of the casualties suffered by civilians are 
being caused by cluster bombs dropped by NATO from the air rather than mines 
sown by the Serbs or Kosovo Liberation Army. Since the refugees returned to 
Kosovo in June there have been 232 casualties attributed to mines, or around 
80 a month. It is officially admitted that at least a third of these have 
been victims of the cluster bomb; and some estimates put it higher. NATO is 
known to have dropped a total of 1,300 containers of cluster bombs over 
Kosovo. Each container carried 208 of these bomblets. So something like 
270,000 of these deadly weapons were scattered over the country. 


DALLAS MORNING NEWS: Some Justice Department officials involved in the 
Branch Davidian case knew within months after the 1993 tragedy that FBI 
agents had used military tear gas rounds against the sect, documents 
submitted to Congress this week indicate. The documents also indicate that 
FBI agents involved in the final tear gas assault on the Branch Davidian 
compound freely discussed firing several military CS tear gas devices when 
questioned by Justice Department lawyers. But not until 1996 did any of the 
disclosed FBI or Justice Department documents include the acknowledgment 
that the military rounds were capable of sparking fires. None of the 
documents submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee indicate that Attorney 
General Janet Reno or FBI Director Louis Freeh were told that the devices 
were used despite Ms. Reno's explicit ban on any pyrotechnic devices in the 
April 19, 1993, assault.


AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN: In an admission sure to fuel new questions about 
military involvement in the Branch Davidian siege, state officials revealed 
in an Austin courtroom Friday that a Texas Rangers' report on evidence 
collected at the scene contains classified military secrets. Attorneys for 
the Texas Department of Public Safety said the report can't be made public 
yet because other agencies needed time to review it to see whether any parts 
of it should remain confidential.



NEW YORK POST: First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is seriously considering 
plastic surgery in a bid to improve her public image as she readies for her 
Senate campaign. Clinton has visited a top Manhattan doctor and is 
discussing how she can rid her face of the deeply creased lines and bags 
that have become more noticeable over the past year. Clinton was recently 
seen entering the Park Avenue offices of Dr. Cap Lesesne, a prominent 
plastic surgeon. Wearing dark sunglasses and a navy-blue pantsuit, Clinton 
entered alone and spent nearly an hour consulting with Lesesne, sources said 
.... "The Lewinsky scandal took its toll on both Hillary and Bill," said one 
cosmetic surgeon. "Hillary especially has noticeable sagging beneath her 
eyes and around her neck. It's as if she looks permanently exhausted."


PAUL LIKOUDIS, WANDERER: A small group of reputable scientists, sick U.S. 
veterans, and a handful of investigative journalists [are trying] to unlock 
the secrets of Gulf War Illness, sometimes referred to as Gulf War Syndrome, 
which has afflicted between 100,000 and 200,000 military personnel who 
served in President George Bush's Desert Storm and their families, and which 
is responsible for perhaps 15,000 deaths  .... 

WANDERER http://www.thewandererpress.com/


REUTERS: Anti-drug policies at many U.S. schools could prevent students who 
suffer asthmatic attacks from reaching their inhalers quickly, researchers 
said Tuesday. "Too often in California we're seeing situations in which an 
asthmatic child's inhaler is locked up in a drawer in the school office -- 
and the key to that drawer is with the vice principal, who isn't even in the 
building that day," said Michael Welch, a San Diego physician. .... "Almost 
no one dies of inhaler abuse; they die because they're having a severe 
asthma attack and they're not being treated." 

ASSOCIATED PRESS: In Allen, Texas, senior Jennifer Boccia is back in school 
after having last spring's suspension expunged from her record. She and nine 
other students wore black armbands to class to mourn the Columbine victims 
and to protest new rules imposed in their school as a result. Jennifer, an 
honors student, was suspended after defying an order to remove the armband. 

Schools in the Washington area have begun having emergency drills, emulating 
conditions in a shooting incident. Maybe it's high school principals who 
should stop watching TV. School slayings actually peaked in the 1992-93 year 
and are but a fraction of youths murdered by members of their own families. 


REUTERS: Scientists said on Wednesday they had found evidence that carbon 
monoxide levels are falling over the eastern United States -- evidence that 
efforts to curb pollution and global warning are working .... Kristen 
Hallock-Waters and colleagues at the University of Maryland measured air 
levels at Big Meadows in Shenandoah National Park in 1988 to 1989 and 1994 
to 1997 .... They said they found a steady annual decrease .... The mean 
level of carbon monoxide at Big Meadows in 1988-1989 was 204 parts per 
billion by volume as compared with 166 in 1997 -- a decrease of nearly 23 
percent. The EPA estimates that over the same period, human-made carbon 
monoxide emissions fell by 18.3 percent, mostly due to more efficient cars. 


A reader writes to inquire whether TPR will endorse Bill Bradley for 
president. TPR gave up the practice of regular endorsements after it noticed 
that the most glaring exception to its general prescience came whenever it 
said anything nice about a politician. Nothing is more embarrassing than to 
read 30-year-old encomiums to a failed political hack. 

To avoid this problem, it is now our general practice to endorse only 
grudgingly and at the last possible minute. This is not to say that TPR will 
not offer judgments, factual and otherwise, about candidates from which you 
may deduce what the editor is going to do whether he says it or not, only 
that sticking to the issues has proven a far more useful and less hazardous 

As far as Bradley is concerned, I long was of the opinion that he didn't 
exist, but was merely a holograph created by the Council on Foreign 
Relations. Further, if he did exist, he should comply with the provisions of 
my proposed Aging Jocks in Politics Act, which would require that any 
ex-athlete who is elected to public office be accompanied by his coach, so 
as to more closely replicate the conditions that led him to being selected 
in the first place. 

Thus I'm a bit behind the curve on the Bradley phenomenon and so will turn 
further comment over to Jason Vest of the Village Voice who writes this week:

"Though there are those who see Bradley as "something different," or an 
in-house alternative whose appeal is rooted in being the antithesis of 
Clintonian character without being as saddled with sleaze as Gore, his 
candidacy is, nonetheless, simply another symptom of the ideological poverty 
and business-as-usual nature of American politics. While vaguely reassuring, 
he's no populist. He's more of a free trader than Gore, and enthusiastically 
backed NAFTA and GATT, which have done little for the average income earner. 
While Gore has been "a heartbeat away" from the president whose 
administration has been gracious to Manhattan's financial brokerage houses, 
Bradley truly is Wall Street's candidate; even without the PAC money, he's 
raised more from New York than Gore .... 

"So why are bona fide liberals like Paul Wellstone- who disappointed the 
progressive wing when he announced he wouldn't run for president- throwing 
their support to Bradley, or hedging their support for Gore? According to 
many, it has less to do with genuine enthusiasm for Bradley, and they are 
inclined to believe that his nomination is a less-than- realistic 
possibility. Yet they see him as a way to 'keep Gore honest,' as one 
legislator put it: 'He's the only potential way we have to remind Gore not 
to abandon the party's base.'

They may be in for a few surprises as they get to know their man better. 
Vest points out: 

"Despite reams of documentation from human rights groups during the 1980s 
about the lethal and illicit actions of right-wing regimes and 
paramilitaries in Central America, Bradley - who modestly notes in his 
pre-presidential campaign memoir, Time Present, Time Past, that he 'oversaw 
the [Nicaraguan] contra war for the [Senate Intelligence] committee' - 
nonetheless voted for a 1986 contra-aid package. His explanation was a 
masterpiece of equivocation: while he said at the time that he had 
'misgivings and reservations' about Reagan administration policy, he 
nonetheless asserted that 'we know the Sandinistas will try to destabilize 
fledgling democracies in Central America.' In the book, he also accurately 
notes a later apostasy, explaining that he reversed his position after 'I 
saw that many of the recipients and much of the process had been corrupted 
by a lack of accountability.' Yet at the time of his vote, most of his 
colleagues were incredulous that, as the Times' Anthony Lewis put it, 'even 
a man as sensible as Bill Bradley' could vote for contra aid in the face of 
the facts ranging from human rights abuses to drug smuggling."

JASON VEST ARTICLE http://villagevoice.com/features/9936/vest.shtml


Speaking of the Voice, my old colleague and new landlord Jim Ridgeway -- we 
move shortly to the 5th floor of 1312 18th St NW -- points out that three 
members of the White House Marine helicopter crew have died suddenly in 
recent months:

"The latest occurred the week before last when Lieutenant Colonel Mark 
Cwick, a Marine Corps helicopter pilot who was a member of the unit that 
ferried the president and other high-ranking officials around the Washington 
area, died when his car swerved off the road to avoid a collision with an 
auto that had just passed him. Cwick, 41, was pronounced dead on August 20 
in Fredericksburg, Virginia. 

"Within Cwick's elite Marines unit, two other strange deaths are known to 
have occurred. In April, Major Marc Hohle, who had been a pilot for Clinton 
in the first year of his first term as president, died in a helicopter crash 
on Okinawa. In March, another member of the special unit, Corporal Eric S. 
Fox, a helicopter crewman, was found dead of a gunshot wound to his head. 
Fox's body was found near a West Virginia schoolyard after his auto crashed. 
His death was ruled a suicide, but no explanation was given." 

JAMES RIDGEWAY ARTICLE http://villagevoice.com/columns/9936/ridgeway.shtml


Also in the Voice, from Mark Boal: "The strangest site on the Internet has 
to be freevibe.com. Check it out if you're skeptical, and read the bizarre 
postings about the dangers of illegal drugs. They are written in the style 
of Seventeen magazine, in which grown-ups pepper their prose with the 
buzzwords of youth, like, uh, cool, man. But you could browse a long time 
and learn all about young Jake in the grip of addiction, "tabbing acid 
during basketball games," before discovering that the man behind the site is 
in fact The Man. 

"You would never know it, but Freevibe is pure government issue, a product 
of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in the White House. That 
office is best known for sending armed agents into crack dens and having its 
director, former general Barry MaCaffrey, tour Peru on a mission to stop 
cocaine production in the Andes Mountains. But Freevibe is as much a part of 
the war on drugs as the helicopters and crop eradication routines. It is 
just a more covert salvo, and the war here is for the mind of America's

This is a particularly sleazy piece of covert propaganda, especially since 
you have to look on the obscure 'privacy policy' page to find out who is 
responsible. Interestingly this exercise by the White House -- part of a 
$183 million anti-drug campaign -- springs up contemporaneously with 
publicly announced plans for coordinated foreign policy agitprop that some 
see as structured to create lies for the American media as well. 

MARK BOAL ARTICLE http://villagevoice.com/columns/9936/boal.shtml


The model for Freevibes is the National Partnership for a Somewhat Drug-Free 
America which, the media is careful not to mention, gets major backing from 
the tobacco and liquor drug industries anxious to not face still more 
competition from pot. Rare for a mainstream outlet, therefore, was this 
week's New York Times Magazine article by Michael Pollan, which addressed 
the hypocrisy:

"You would be hard-pressed to explain the taxonomy of chemicals underpinning 
the drug war to an extraterrestrial. Is it, for example, addictiveness that 
causes society to condemn a drug? (No; nicotine is legal, and millions of 
Americans have battled addictions to prescription drugs.) So then, our 
inquisitive alien might ask, is safety the decisive factor? (Not really; 
over-the counter and prescription drugs kill more than 45,000 Americans 
every year while, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, "There 
is no risk of death from smoking marijuana.") Is it drugs associated with 
violent behavior that your society condemns? (If so, alcohol would still be 
illegal). Perhaps, then, it is the promise of pleasure that puts a drug 
beyond the pale? (That would once again rule out alcohol, as well as 
Viagra.) Then maybe the molecules you despise are the ones that alter the 
texture of consciousness, or even a human's personality? (Tell that to 
someone who has been saved from depression by Prozac.)

"At this point our extraterrestrial would probably throw up his appendages 
and ask, can we at least say that the drugs you approve of all have a 
capital letter at the beginning of their names a (tm) at the end?"


TIMOR TODAY http://www.easttimor.com/ 
TIMOR HISTORY http://www.easttimor.com/history/history.html 
TIMOR BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www.easttimor.com/bibliography.htm

NEW YORKERS: WANT A SECOND OPINION? An extensive web based research site on 
the effects of Malathion http://www.chem-tox.com/malathion/research/index.htm


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Editor: Sam Smith

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