Sam Smith
September 25, 1999
The Progressive Review
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A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against
it. -- GK Chesterton.


Sometime in the 1980s, Yale University took control from Harvard of the
mismanagement of American affairs. Gone were the Cambridge professors using
a war in Vietnam as proto-Viagra and in their place came the unenhanced
sexual adventures of Clarence Thomas. In fact, during that incident almost
everyone involved -- appointer, appointee, major confirmers, victim,
victim's defenders and victim's counter-accusers -- went to Yale.

The big difference between having one's republic unraveled by Yale graduates
as opposed to Harvard alumni is that while megalomania drives each, the
Harvard trained mind seems more inclined to cloak it all in macro-political
terms, while Yalies are happy to settle for shear, unadorned power. Thus
while Kissinger got himself geared up with treaties, invasions and
assassinations, Clinton's inspirations ran more in the line of cigars. When
Kissinger referred to power being the ultimate aphrodisiac he was thinking
globally; Clinton probably thought he was endorsing rape.

The next time you see Al Gore on TV ask yourself just one question: would
this man have permitted himself to be branded on the butt, a la Dubya, in
order to become a member of the DKE fraternity? Then ask yourselves a second
question: what is the inner meaning of this?

TPR has no answer but merely points out that if GWB wins, we will be ruled
by the third Yalie in a row, another alumnus of that purveyor of silly
rituals, secret societies and the sense that one is entitled by birth and/or
test scores to get away with whatever one can.

This is a pretty weak argument for Al Gore but is the best we can think of
at the moment.


GUARDIAN, LONDON: Researchers published a troubling report yesterday which
claimed that one in two young men think that raping a woman is acceptable in
certain circumstances, while one in four believe it is justifiable to hit a
woman. The research carried out by the Zero Tolerance charitable trust, an
Edinburgh-based group which campaigns against sexual and physical violence
against women, also found that a third of all girls surveyed thought forcing
a woman to have sex was acceptable in some circumstances. Academics from
Glasgow and north London universities questioned 2,039 people aged 14 to 21
in Glasgow, Manchester and Fife to discover their attitudes towards violence
and women .... One in 10 thought there was nothing wrong with raping a woman
if the man was "so turned on he can't stop", while one in six said "if she'd
slept with loads of men" was a valid reason. One in six of the boys
questioned thought they might personally force a woman to have sex with
them, while nearly one in 10 would rape a woman "if nobody would find out"
.... [The researchers] found one in four young men thought hitting a woman
could be justified if she had "slept with someone else". And one in eight
said it would be OK to hit a "nagging" woman, while one in 10 said hitting a
"disrespectful" woman was justified. Of the young women asked the same
question, 12% thought it was acceptable for a man to hit a woman if she had
slept with someone else, while one in 50 said hitting a girlfriend was

MARIA HINOJOSA, CNN: Nearly half of all gay and lesbian students don't feel
safe at school, according to a first of its kind survey. Seventy percent of
those polled said they had been taunted, sexually harassed, shoved, kicked,
punched and even beaten. Most had frequent slurs hurled their way, and one
third said some of the slurs came from their teachers.


GUARDIAN, LONDON: International opposition to American genetically modified
food products has combined with mounting public anxiety in the United States
to force a climb-down by Washington over food labeling policy, it was
reported yesterday. According to agriculture industry experts, three US
government agencies met in Washington this week to agree to develop a
labeling plan for US products which include GM crops, which are increasingly
widely grown on American farms. The decision represents a significant change
in US food safety and public information policy and is seen as a strategic
concession by the Clinton administration in advance of the November
ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization in Seattle, in which
agriculture is the most contentious trade issue. Charles Benbrook, a
consultant for the US Consumers Union and the Institute for Agriculture and
Trade Policy, said the U-turn on GM food labeling was made at a meeting
between officials of the US agriculture department, the federal food and
drug administration and the environmental protection agency.

GUARDIAN, LONDON: World population growth has peaked and is gradually
slowing, but not fast enough to secure the health and future of the poorest,
according to a report released by the United Nations yesterday .... There
are 100 million births a year, which will take the global population to six
billion on or soon after October 12 .... While couples in Europe and North
America have on average fewer than two children, putting the birth rate in
industrialized countries in decline, Africa's population is soaring. Since
1960 it has tripled to 767 million, although the AIDS epidemic is cutting a
swath. In the same period, Asia's population has doubled to 3.6 billion.

MORE GUARDIAN HEADLINES: http://www.prorev.com/altnews.htm


LA TIMES: More U.S. employees than ever are too stressed to make it to work,
or they feel entitled to play hooky once in a while, a new survey has found
....  The survey of human resources managers at 305 firms representing
nearly 800,000 employees showed that most workers who are away from the job
on short notice are not sick but are staying home because of stress, family
issues, personal needs or because they simply felt they deserved a day off
.... Absenteeism in U.S. workplaces declined 7% in the last year, after
skyrocketing 25% the year before to a seven-year high .... Mid-size
businesses with between 1,000 and 2,499 workers were hit hardest by
increased absenteeism in the last year, noting a 51% increase. Small
employers with 99 or fewer workers made the most progress, with a 76%


Congressman George Miller has introduced new legislation to protect student
privacy and parents' rights to information about their children's education.
The Student Privacy Protection Act would prohibit schools from letting
students participate in various forms of market research at school without
their parent's written permission. The bill also would require a broad study
of commercial involvement in the classroom. Some examples of the abuses that
the legislation hopes to address:

-- Kids in a New Jersey elementary school filled out a 27-page booklet
called "my all about me journal" as part of a marketing survey for a cable
television channel.

-- Students in a Massachusetts elementary school spent two days tasting
cereal and answering an opinion poll.

-- The ZapMe! Corporation of San Ramon, California provides schools with
free computers but then monitors students' web browsing habits, breaking the
data down by age, sex and ZIP code.

COMMERCIAL ALERT http://www.essential.org/alert/


SALON: They were never part of the Trench Coat Mafia. They didn't target
jocks, minorities or Christians. They had a hit list, but nobody on it was
hit. They expected their bombs and explosives would wipe out most of the
school. As investigators get closer to producing an official report about
the Columbine High School massacre, it is already clear that much of what
was reported last spring about the motives and methods of killers Eric
Harris and Dylan Klebold was untrue. Multiple sources close to the Columbine
investigation have disclosed key findings to Salon News, including a glimpse
into Harris' infamous "diary." .... The sources say that many of the most
notorious events from the shooting spree -- repeated over and over in news
reports, on TV chat shows and now in a best-selling book -- simply never
occurred. Investigators now know conclusively that the attack Harris and
Klebold launched April 20 was planned as a suicide mission, driven by
indiscriminate hate, and intended to wipe out most of their suburban school

EXCERPT FROM ERIC HARRIS' DIARY: You know what I hate? Star Wars fans: get a
friggin life, you boring geeks. You know what I hate? People who
mispronounce words, like 'acrost,' and 'pacific' for 'specific,' and
'expresso' instead of 'espresso.' You know what I hate? People who drive
slow in the fast lane, God these people do not know how to drive. You know
what I hate? The WB network!!!! Oh Jesus, Mary Mother of God Almighty, I
hate that channel with all my heart and soul.

SALON http://www.salon.com/news/feature/1999/09/23/columbine/index.html


UPI: Nervous about possible Y2K-caused chaos, officials in Albany, N.Y., are
planning to end the city's New Year's Eve celebration at 11 p.m. The Albany
Millennium 2000 celebration promises a Mardi Gras-like atmosphere in New
York's state capital - but minus the alcohol and minus the midnight
celebration. City officials said Albany's downtown event will feature giant
puppets, gospel singers and other musical acts, and no alcohol. The event
will last five hours, and the city said that will give everyone time to go
home by midnight.


JERRY SEPER, WASHINGTON TIMES: FBI agents assigned to the campaign-finance
task force told a Senate committee Justice Department officials blocked
their efforts to pursue key investigative targets -- including information
that Charles Yah Lin Trie was bringing in "duffel bags full of cash" to the
Democratic Party.
The agents, during nearly four hours of testimony before the Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee, described Justice Department lawyers
assigned to oversee the probe as non-aggressive prosecutors who sought to
impede or delay the investigation with "ludicrous" restrictions .... The FBI
disclosures, obtained under oath, come at a time that relations between the
bureau and the Justice Department appear to be at an all-time low, following
a decision by Miss Reno to send U.S. Marshals into FBI headquarters to seize
records in the ongoing Waco investigation .... [The agents] told the
committee that their Justice Department supervisor, Laura Ingersoll, who
eventually was replaced as the campaign-finance probe's lead attorney,
prevented them from executing search warrants they sought to stop the
destruction of evidence. The agents said they were blocked from serving the
search warrants because Miss Ingersoll did not believe they had established
probable cause to show that a crime had been committed. The agents argued,
however, that the probable cause standard set by Miss Ingersoll was more
than was legally required. [One agent]also testified that .... Miss
Ingersoll told the agents they should "not pursue any matter related to
solicitation of funds for access to the president," adding that the reason
given was: "That's the way the American political process works."  .... Miss
Ingersoll, called in a second session to testify before the committee, said
there was "no smoking gun" in documents submitted by the FBI for the warrant
-- although the agents argued that they had discovered in a trash search
numerous check registers and other financial, business and travel documents
that had been shredded. She argued that "nothing we saw indicated to us"
there was "anything incriminating" in the documents.

WASHINGTON TIMES http://www.washtimes.com

PAUL GIGOT, WALL STREET JOURNAL: One of President Clinton's charms is his
epic brazenness. Only a man of invincible political audacity would nominate
James Lyons to a prestigious lifetime spot on the federal bench. This one
makes clemency for Puerto Rican bomb-makers look prudent. Mr. Lyons is the
Denver attorney who helped Bill and Hillary sweep Whitewater under the
carpet back in 1992. At their request he produced the notorious "Lyons
report," which claimed that the whole thing was no big deal and helped the
issue disappear by election day. Several years and Whitewater convictions
later, the country has learned a painful lesson in presidential character.
The exception, of course, is Mr. Clinton, who seems to have learned only
that he can get away with anything. That's the only way to explain his
decision Wednesday to appoint Mr. Lyons to the 10th circuit court of appeals

DON VAN NATTA JR., NEW YORK TIMES: In the tense days and hours before and
after they signed an agreement to buy a white house in Chappaqua, N.Y., for
$1.7 million, President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton sought financial
assistance from former Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin and two former
White House chiefs of staff, according to several people with knowledge of
the arrangement. But Rubin, as well as the chiefs of staff, Thomas F.
McLarty 3d and Erskine B. Bowles, declined to help the Clintons buy the
first home they will own since 1983, several people with knowledge of the
requests said today. They said that Bowles had originally committed to being
the guarantor but declined on Sept. 1, just three days after the Clintons
signed an agreement to buy the house under the condition their loan would be
guaranteed .... Leaders of several public watchdog groups said that the
refusals by McLarty and Rubin demonstrate that the favor done by McAuliffe
was even more important to the Clintons than anyone had first realized.
"This is a President who has never had any compunction about going around
with a tin cup," said Charles Lewis, the founder and executive director of
the Center for Public Integrity. "Most people would have a very, very
difficult time asking someone to write a check for $1.3 million."

MORE NEWS AT http://prorev.com/indexa.htm

* * * * * * * * * *

1312 18th St NW (5th Floor)
Washington DC 20036
202-835-0770 Fax: 202-835-0779
Editor: Sam Smith

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