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Subject: Vreeland and prior knowledge of 9-11
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 12:14:34 -0500
From: Kyle Hence - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Mike Ruppert - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mike, I read this after what I wrote you re. Vreeland late last night.
Whatever your opinion about Jon Rappoport, I think he makes a decent case
here for Vreeland to tell all under oath or on video or both, ASAP. I'm
inclined to agree.  Why not place it all on the table to generate maximum
publicity?  Of course you are much closer to this than Jon or I...

Perhaps we should be calling our Congressman and pressuring them to do what
it takes to secure the details of Vreeland's prior knowledge on the basis
of concern for national security?  If US intelligence knew, and these folks
are still getting up in the morning and going to the same offices they did
pre 9-11 then we are in danger of them ignoring or missing warnings of
another attack.  And then of course the obvious and extraordinarily
uncomfortable suspician that they may have been complicit.  Wait too long
and the ONI will have finished the job of shredding Vreeland's records
unless they've done so already.  Wait too long and Vreeland could be dead.

If Vreeland and his lawyers are 'sitting on' more details that could
implicate a larger circle of parties part of the most massive intelligence
failure in history and the massacre of thousands, and they DON'T come
forward might they be, by their silence and inaction, complicit in the
cover-up themselves, thus joining the circle of guilty parties outside the
Bin Laden camp.

=>I am bcc'ing most on my email list because in my not so humble opinion this
is no time for timidity.  We have held back for far too long.  I know I
have anyway.  When is compelling evidence compelling enough?  Well, I think
we are long past that point and it's time to make up for lost time!<=


Note to those unfamiliar with the case:  Delmart "Mike" Vreeland is
employed by the Office for Naval Intelligence and he had prior knowledge of
the 9-11 attack.  PROOF of this, in the form of a note he wrote on Aug. 11
or 12, has been entered and accepted into court records in Toronto where he
is facing charges of Fraud with his own credit card and possible
deportation to the US.  For more details visit Mike Rupport's site
www.copvcia.com.  Mike has had direct contact with Vreeland's lawyers
frequently during developments of the last few days.

>From nomorefakenews.com:

FRIDAY, MARCH 15.  More on Vreeland.  Several sources are telling me that
the judge in this case suspects there is a real risk to Vreeland's safety.
In fact, the judge may be hinting that Vreeland should find his way back
into jail, where he is better protected.

ADD: The court where Vreeland has been appearing is alert to the special
nature of this case, even though business is very brisk at that facility,
and many cases are being processed.

ADD:  The whole situation is not easy to read.  Again, I repeat, Vreeland's
lawyers should be telling him to compose and release all he knows about
9/11.  Of course, such advice runs against the grain for lawyers.  They
routinely urge clients to keep their mouths shut, for fear of disclosures
which would jeopardize the defense.

ADD:  However, in the bigger picture, the most dangerous thing one can do
is reveal a suggestive piece of what one fully knows.  This is inviting
serious trouble.  This is painting one's self as a target  Spill all the
beans, now, and be done with it.

ADD:  There are still matters about Vreeland's case in Canada that are
unclear to me.  Mike Ruppert reports that all charges there have now been
dropped.  So, in that sense, there is no case.  Yet, Vreeland is still on
tap for possible extradition back to the US, where he would be tried on
this credit-card fraud matter that originated in Michigan.

ADD:  One assumes the credit-card situation was part of the reason Vreeland
was put into a Canadian courtroom in the first place.  He was obviously
seeking, in Canada, safety from what he perceived and perceives as imminent
assassination in the US, because of what he knows about 9/11.

ADD:  A quick look at some of the links along the left-hand margin of this
page will show just a few of the sites which are ready to run ALL of
Vreeland's comments about his situation, what he knows, how he learned it,
from whom.

ADD:  The interest in 9/11 is so enormous that Vreeland is virtually
guaranteed a certain spill-over into the mainstream press.  If not in the
US, then in Canada, and if not in Canada, then in Europe.  I wonder if his
lawyers fully appreciate these factors.

ADD:  I know of no gag order which has been imposed on Vreeland.  In fact,
I assume he had time in jail in Canada to set down or to communicate a
number of facts.

ADD:  Vreeland may believe that naming all the names, dates, and places
would simply put him further at risk.  But is this really so?  Having names
held close to the vest is surely more dangerous.

ADD:  His attorneys should be prepared to offer, as well, as many bona
fides as possible which will show that their client is exactly who he says
he is.  This stumbling block should have been crossed a long time ago.

ADD:  It is one thing to defend one's client on the precise charges brought
against him.  Sometimes that is enough. But in this situation, larger
matters are unavoidable, and I sure as hell hope Vreeland's lawyers are
ready for THIS.

NB for KFH:

For all of you with any free time, act now while you have it! <-------=

Click: Find elected officials, including the president, members of
Congress, governors, state legislators, local officials, and more.

Vreeland and prior knowledge of 9-11


911 INVESTIGATION: Further Unanswered Questions

German Chancellor Says Whitehouse Responsible for 9/11. — Belinda J. Pawling

Attorney Says Militia Leader May Have Been Kidnapped — Richard Lom,

The Last Free Man in America says ...

PMB 107, 6630 W. CACTUS #B107,

If a care is too small to be turned into a prayer,
it is too samll to be made into a burden.

Casting all your care upon him; for He careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
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