On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 00:28:31 -0500 (CDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Mindspring Shuts Down Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
>July 21--Mindspring/Earthlink has shut down the Waco Holocaust Electronic
>Museum without  any warning, notice, or explanation.
>You can no longer access:
>Put another way: WE ARE OFF THE AIR!
>My e-mail address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is now inoperable.
>Please use <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to contact me.
>On July 14, I used Deja.com to post "Mindspring Suppresses The News" to
>three unmoderated Usenet newsgroups: alt.current
>events.clinton.whitewater, alt.censorship,soc.culture.usa.  I did NOT use
>Mindspring to post this message.  Because I did not use Mindspring to
>post this message, Mindspring has no even remotely credible excuse to
>shut me down.
>"Mindspring Suppresses The News" is attached, below, for your reading
>pleasure.  The truth was apparently too much for Mindspring.
>Mindspring has thus even more convincingly revealed itself to be part of
>the news suppression apparatus world wide.
>I will working to get
>up and running as soon as possible.
>Mindspring's Political Agenda
>Are you interested in how the second largest ISP in the US is attempting
>to suppress political dissent, while boasting to its customers that it
>supports free speech?
>Put another way:  Is Mindspring (Mindspring/EarthLink) actually concerned
>about serving their customers, or does the company operate on a hidden,
>political agenda?
>If you are interested in the answers to these questions, go to:
>Mindspring Suppresses The News
>Carol A. Valentine
>Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
>Copyright, July 2000
>Published by Public Action, Inc.
>May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes
>July 13, 2000--Most of us already know the establishment media lies about
>important current events.  And many of us know that the so-called
>"alternate" news outlets on the Internet -- including the Drudge Report,
>Newshawk, Free Republic, WorldNetDaily, etc., also cover up pivotal
>issues, while pretending to be muckrakers.
>Usenet newsgroups are our country's last refuge for the truth.
>Researchers who publish cutting edge, documented material use these
>forums to tell the public of their findings.  Thus false reports
>circulated in the establishment and fake opposition press outlets are
>exposed.  Public opinion changes!
>ISPs are a vital link in the Usenet news system.  Without the service of
>ISPs, the independent researchers would have no way of reaching the
>The good news is that the nation's second largest ISP, Mindspring/
>Earthlink, advertises that it supports free speech and prominently
>displays the Free Speech On Line Blue Ribbon Campaign logo on its home
>page.  [  http://www.mindspring.net ].   The bad news is that Mindspring
>does not walk like it talks; despite what it says, Mindspring is covertly
>moving to close down free speech on the Usenet forum.
>How is Mindspring doing that?  The abuse division of the company is
>attempting to censor what certain customers post to these Usenet boards.
>I  know.  I'm a Mindspring customer and it's happened to me.
>* The News Mindspring Is Trying to Suppress *
>Some background:  I am Curator of the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
>and for years have been showing that the US murdered the Davidian mothers
>and children with malice aforethought and engineered a cover up with the
>active participation of the US media.
>Now, the government's latest attempt to cover up its premeditated murders
>is unfolding.  In a Texas federal court, a civil "wrongful death" lawsuit
>is being played out in which so-called "Davidian survivors," their
>lawyers, and the US are together cooperating in an effort to defraud the
>US taxpayers, claiming that the victims died through negligence.
>For details, see "Waco Suits for Waco Suckers" at:
>or use this indirect link.
>As the hoax lawsuit is being played out, I have been exposing the fraud
>and the fake "alternate" media outlets instrumental in the continued
>coverup.  On May 28 I wrote an article about the Washington Post
>promoting Free Republic.  The Post characterized Free Republic as a
>"conspiracy" news source for information on Waco.
>Free Republic is one of the fake "alternative" news sources, of course.
>You can read my article at:
>Naturally I posted the article to alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
>("Whitewater").  The Whitewater newsgroup is THE place to post Clinton
>scandal information, for Waco is the worst Clinton scandal of them all.
>Do a search of "Waco" on the Whitewater board; some weeks ago I ran such
>a search and found that  approximately 175 messages a week about Waco are
>posted to that forum.
>* Whitewater Deceivers *
>This being the age of universal deceit, it comes as no surprise that
>Whitewater is chock-a-block full of poseurs- posters who pretend to be
>outraged over Clinton Administration scandals but who are actually trying
>to shut down open discussion of same by using a variety of mechanisms.
>One such person is Wayne Mann.  Among other things, Mann is a Zionist
>zealot.  In the past I caught him forging a Usenet message containing a
>threat of violence against another poster.  (I have the documentation.)
>When irritated by views he cannot stand, it is customary for Mann to
>scream invectives such as "Anti-Semite!" or "[Expletive deleted] OFF AND
>[ http://x63.deja.com/[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=587691100.13 ]
>Mann sometimes abbreviates the latter expression to "FOAD."
>But often Mann writes reports to ISPs, complaining that the ISP's
>customer is "off-topic" and posting material unsuited to the subject
>matter of the newsgroup.   I have seen Mann make groundless complaints
>against a number of posters.
>With complaints from the "user community" (people like Wayne Mann), ISPs
>like Mindspring can unilaterally cancel their Internet service contracts
>and selectively silence those who tell the truth about the major scandals
>in this country.
>And that is the game Mindspring News is now playing.  Mindspring is
>siding with Wayne Mann to prevent me from speaking the truth about Waco
>on the Whitewater board.  Mindspring does this at the very time the US is
>trying hardest to sell its lies about Waco to the public.  How convenient
>for the government.
>* Chronology *
>May 28, 2000
>I posted "Washington Post Plugs Free Republic in More Ways Than One"
>[ http://www.public-action.com/Pretenders/p_WPFR.html ] to the
>alt.current.events.clinton.whitewater newsgroup.
>May 30
>I received a note from the mindspring abuse department, saying that I
>sent an "off-topic" posting to the Whitewater newsgroup.  You can read
>the full message here:
>Here is an excerpt from Mindspring's Appropriate Use Policy on Usenet
>postings, which can be found at:
>"MindSpring customers should use their best judgment when posting to any
>newsgroup.  Many groups have charters, published guidelines, FAQs, or
>"community standards" describing what is and is not considered
>appropriate. Usenet can be a valuable resource if used properly. The
>continued posting of off-topic articles is prohibited.  Commercial
>advertisements are off-topic in most newsgroups, especially regional
>groups not specifically named for such. The presence of such articles in
>a group is not indicative of the group's "intended" use. Please
>familiarize yourself with basic USENET netiquette before posting to a
>Note that, although the Mindspring policy refers to charters, guidelines,
>and "community standards," Mindspring did not cite any authority for its
>charge that my posting was off topic in their May 30 letter.  To this
>day, despite my repeated requests, Mindspring has failed to provide a
>"standard" or "guideline" for reference.
>In that May 30 warning, Mindspring told that unless I stopped posting
>"off-topic" messages, Mindspring might continue to issue warnings and
>* suspend my posting privileges
>* suspend or terminate my account
>* bill me $200 for administrative costs.
>In addition, this May 30 letter advised me to read the newsgroup "for a
>few days and become familiar with its language, tone, style, and
>Who lodged the complaint about me for posting "off-topic"?  The
>complainant was Wayne Mann.  (See Mindspring's confirmation of this,
>http://www.Public-Action.com/Pretenders/p_msabuse.html#June_1a )
>May 31
>I wrote a note to the mindspring abuse team telling them why my May 28
>posting to the Whitewater group was not "off-topic."
>June 1
>Brian Greer of the Mindspring abuse team got back to me, dismissing what
>I said.  He continued to call my posting "off-topic," but would not cite
>the authority on which he relied to come to his decision.   Strange
>behavior from someone entrusted to make sure the rules are followed.  He
>"knows" the rules have been violated, but cannot cite those rules.  You
>can see Greer's response at:
>Note Greer's words " ... our understanding of the *topic* for that
>newsgroup is strictly as discussions about the Whitewater ivestments
>[sic] investigations, etc., and how they pertain to Bill Clinton ... "
>Dear readers: Do a search on the Whitewater newsgroup and see how many
>discussions about the Whitewater investment investigation you can find.
>Or download the current Whitewater messages to see what is covered on
>that board.
>Remember Mindspring's May 30 advice to me?  They told me to read the
>Whitewater newsgroup for a few days "and become familiar with its
>language, tone, style, and expectations."
>Greer has obviously not followed this advice: His understanding of the *
>topic* of that newsgroup is, pragmatically speaking, out to lunch.
>Note also these words from Greer:  "Wayne Mann may, or may not, have
>ulterior motives for reporting that post.  Certainly, if he were a
>customer of ours and posting off-topic to the same groups, he would
>probably be discussing this same issue with me right now."  Shortly we
>will see that this is not the case at all--Mindspring applies different
>strokes to different folks.
>June 1.
>I told Mr. Greer I wished to appeal his decision, and asked him to pass
>the matter on to his supervisor.
>June 9
>After not hearing anything for over a week, I wrote to Mary Youngblood,
>the abuse team supervisor.
>Note that I DID NOT write an appeal, nor did  I discuss the basis for
>appeal.    I asked her to tell me the correct procedure for appeal.  I
>also reminded her I wanted to know the authority upon which Mindspring
>had come to its decision.
>June 9.
>Ms. Youngblood got back to me the same day, with a note saying she had
>rejected my "appeal."
>But I had not made an appeal!  Not yet!  I had merely asked Ms.
>Youngblood to describe the appeal procedure.  On what possible grounds
>did Ms. Youngblood reject an appeal that had not yet been made?
>Again, note that Ms. Youngblood did not cite an authority for her
>Given her very position is devoted to determining whether customers have
>abused Usenet policy, this failure to cite authority after repeated
>requests is inexcusable.  No, this behavior is not business behavior.
>* Mindspring Abuse Has Ulterior Motives *
>Recall that on June 1, the mindspring abuse team told me that any other
>Mindspring customer would be required to adhere to the same rules.  ("...
>if he [Wayne Mann] were a customer of ours and posting off-topic to the
>same groups, he would probably be discussing this same issue with me
>right now.")
>I decided to test Mindspring.  While Wayne Mann is not a Mindspring
>customer, Billy Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, a regular poster to the
>Whitewater newsgroup, is a Mindspring customer.  Beck has constantly over
>the years posted messages which had nothing to do with the financial
>investigation of the Whitewater scandal.
>June 8.
>Beck posted a message to the Whitewater board, that, according to
>Mindspring's definition, was "off-topic."
>June 13,  8:23 am:
>Unbeknownst to Beck, I wrote a complaint to the mindspring abuse
>department about that June 8 posting, asking Mindspring to discipline
>Beck for posting off topic.
>June 13, 12:21 pm
>Mindspring replied, saying it would take corrective steps to ensure Beck
>would post no more "off-topic" messages and assigned a case number to the
>problem:  000613-13510278.
>June 13, 5:32 pm
>Billy Beck REPOSTED to the Whitewater group the very message I had
>complained about, naming his message "Once Again, With Feeling."
>June 13, 11:06 pm
>I wrote another complaint to Mindspring about Billy Beck.  I complained
>anew about the June 8/June 13 posting, and several others posted on June
>One of Beck's postings was a response to a thread entitled "Separation of
>Toilet Companies Next!" surely off topic on the Whitewater newsgroup,
>according to Mindspring standards.  Remember, Mindspring says a message
>is "off-topic" if it does not deal with "Whitewater ivestments [sic],
>investigations, etc., and how they pertain to Bill Clinton."
>I did a preliminary check on deja.com's search engine: Since September
>23, 1999, Beck posted 1,900 messages to the Whitewater board.  I did a
>search of the word "Whitewater" on these messages, and could not find one
>message that related to the Whitewater investigation.  I advised
>Mindspring of this.
>June 13
>I started a thread on the Whitewater and alt.censorship newsgroups
>entitled:  "Mindspring.com Sets Agenda For Whitewater Board."
>June 15.
>Beck continued to post "off-topic" messages, including one about
>aeroplane engines.  I complained to mindspring, referring them to the
>standards they applied to me.
>June 15.
>In the thread "Mindspring.com Sets Agenda for Whitewater Board," Beck
>says this of Mindspring:
>"I had my own episode with Mindspring recently, and had to drill out some
>facts of life around here."
>June 16.
>Beck continued to post "off-topic" messages.  Topics include a man
>rescued for a portable toilet, a Black Panther protest of an upcoming
>Texas execution, the next presidential election, and Los Alamos nuclear
>secrets.  I lodged another complaint, reminding Mindspring of the
>standards they applied to me.
>June 17.
>Beck continued to post "off-topic" messages concerning "Weak sister Billy
>Beck begs for help," and "Hey, Gail, is Lochner one of yours? Please
>respond." These messages were unrelated to the Whitewater investigation,
>and I complained to mindspring.
>June 18.
>Beck continued to post "off-topic" messages, including those concerning
>the Vietnam war and the beneficial effects of the free market.  I
>complained to Mindspring.
>June 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
>Beck continued to post "off-topic" messages.  So far I had complained
>about dozens of such messages ... but there was no change in Beck's
>behavior.  What of the suspension of posting privileges, termination of
>account, and the $200 fine Mindspring threatened to impose on me?  Billy
>Beck has apparently not been touched.
>June 25.
>Beck posts message on "Mindspring.com Sets Agenda for Whitewater Board,"
>thread in which Beck, speaking of the censorship imposed on me, says:
>"[Expletive deleted] 'em [Carol Valentine et. al.].  Let 'em holler.
>They oughta have their [expletive deleted] kneecaps broken."
>(I have captured the entire message, with full headers.)
>June 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, July 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11.
>Beck continued to post "off-topic" and I continued to complain.  But
>there was no change in Beck's choice of topics on the Whitewater board.
>I last received a message from Mindspring on Beck's case [ 000613-
>13510278 ] on June 13.  Since then, Mindspring has been silent.  Even the
>automatic replies from [EMAIL PROTECTED] have stopped, indicating they
>are now filtering out my messages.
>Do you suppose Billy Beck really "[drilled] out some facts of life around
>here" with Mindspring, as he claimed?
>* What This Means To You *
>The consumer must make a judgement about the businesses with which he or
>she deals.  Does the business represent itself truthfully in its
>promotion?  Does it fulfill its contractual obligations with its
>Take a look at what Mindspring did in this case, and then come to your
>own opinion about Mindspring.  What do you think of an ISP who behaves in
>such a manner?
>It has been suggested that if I find Mindspring unsatisfactory, I should
>change ISPs.  My response is "no way." Mindspring's web service is fair
>enough.  Mindspring technical people are polite  and try to help you out
>if you have a problem.  The ONLY real problem I have had with Mindspring
>comes from its abuse department.  And jumping from one ISP to another,
>finding out whether they will live up to their agreements, is unworkable.
>Besides, when the nation's second largest ISP tries to stifle free speech
>on Usenet I want the whole world to know about it.  I won't be going to
>another ISP, not on your life.  I will stay right here and complain loud
>and long ...
>A copy of this message is being sent to Mary Youngblood, supervisor of
>Mindspring's abuse department, and Charles Brewer, founder and CEO of
>Mindspring and now chairman of the new EarthLink.  This is a challenge to
>I will resume posting to the Whitewater board messages concerning the
>scandals of the Clinton Administration, and the attempts to cover up such
>scandals.   Shut me down, and the world will know.  Make my day.
>Carol A. Valentine
>President, Public Action, Inc.
>Have you seen the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum?
>See what they did to the Gentile mothers and children--
>If those mothers and children had been Jewish, do you think their
>murderers would still be on the government payroll?
>Do you think Esquire magazine would have run this cartoon had the victims
>been Jewish?
>"In an age of  universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary
>act." -- George Orwell
>Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
>Before you buy.

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