-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.davidicke.com/icke/network/bauval.html">GOLDEN

by Robert G. Bauval

This is an article, a very good one, about the Millennium shambles at Giza.
My comments in {brackets}. Remember that the Illuminati are obsessed with
ritual and symbolism and, along with the lighted torch, there is no greater
Illuminati symbolism than the pyramid with a capstone missing, the return of
the capstone when their plan is reaching fruition, and the Eye of Horus, the
son of god in ancient Egyptian legend.


David Icke


Will the Egyptians Scrap
the Millennium Ceremony
at the Giza Pyramids?
By Robert G. Bauval

Amid accusation of 'Zionist' plots and 'Masonic' skulduggery, the Egyptian
government is half minded to cancelling the placing of a golden capstone on
top of the Great Pyramid on the eve of the new millennium. It all began,
strangely enough, in Paris in May 1998 when, after a golden capstone was
ceremoniously placed on top of the Egyptian obelisk which stands at the Place
de la Concorde, the Egyptian Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, announced
that a similar ceremony would take place at the Great Pyramid of Giza at
midnight on the 31st December 1999:

"We cannot rebuild the pyramids stone by stone, so we have chosen a symbolic
event like the ancient Egyptians did when they used to cap obelisks like what
the French did at the Place de la Concorde".
{No like the Illuminati did in Paris and planned to do again at Giza. Paris
is one of the great Illuminati centres}

Then in early October 1998, the minister announced that he had commissioned
French composer Jean-Michel Jarre to organise an all-night opera for this
event. Details were then released in due course by the official Egyptian
Tourist Authorities. They announced that Jarre would compose a 12-hours opera
titled "The Twelve Dream of the Sun" for the sum of 10 million US dollars and

"At midnight a helicopter will fly into the site and, hovering in a starburst
of lasers and spotlights, will place a gigantic gilded capstone atop the
Great Pyramid --all to the accompaniment of what is expected to be an
unprecedented Jarre crescendo of electronic music. The gold cap,
approximately 28 feet high (about the size of a two-story house) is being
especially constructed to protect the pyramid structure. In place, it will
catch the first light of the new millennium as the sun rises over Egypt.
Capping pyramids with gold and timing important events to the setting and
rising sun are very much part of the ancient Egyptian pharoanic tradition,
making this piece of Jarre theatre particularly meaningful."

It appears that the idea originated with Dr. Zahi Hawass, Under-secretary of
State for the Giza Monuments {a big-time Illuminti puppet who ensures that
this immense energy site remains under their control and that archaelogical
finds that would re-write official history never come to light unless it
suits the Illuminati agenda}. Apparently Hawass had made a recent discovery
at Abusir near Giza, where he unearthed two limestone blocks with ancient
inscriptions and drawings depicting workers moving a golden capstone for a
royal pyramid amid scenes of dancing and celebrations. Hawass suggested to
his superior, culture minister Farouk Hosni, that this was the ideal way that
Egypt should celebrate the millennium {yea, sure he did!}. Jean-Michel Jarre
proposed that 3 million people should be allowed to attend the event.

The Egyptian authorities, however, stipulated a limit of 250,000 for
'security reasons'. Huge promotional events were organised in various
capitals of the Western world, including New York, Los Angeles, Sydney and
various cities in Europe. Preparations then began for a huge stage in the
desert south of the Great Pyramid, intended to have seating capacity for 25
000 people at the price of $ 400 per ticket. Cheaper tickets were also sold
for 'standing' places. All was apparently going to plan until September 1999,
when senior member of the Egyptian Parliament began to complaint of the costs
and that in December was also the religious month of Ramadan, when all devout
Muslims have to fast from dawn to dusk and foreigners in Egypt are asked to
refrain from drinking alcohol or eating in public areas during the hours of

To counteract such criticism, culture minister Farouk Hosni stated that a ban
would be placed on alcohol during the celebrations and that no music would be
played till after the official breaking of fasting was announced. To add fuel
to this political fire, the radical Egyptian press, notably the newspaper Al
Shaab (The People) found out that Jean-Michel Jarre intended to project the
so-called 'eye of Horus' on the Great Pyramid with laser lights, and
immediately denounced the organisers of staging a 'Zionist' and 'Masonic'
stunt. The Al Shaab claimed that the 'eye in the pyramid' blatantly evoked
the well-known symbol of Freemasonry which can be seen on the US one-dollar
bill. These accusations were hotly denied by Farouk Hosni and Zahi Hawass.

"The suggestion is groundless", said Hawass." The celebration has nothing to
do with Masonic beliefs. The design on the US dollar is a faulty imitation of
the Pyramids of the Middle Kingdom {MONUMENTAL (appropriate) BULLSHIT}."
The Americans have been paying particular attention to the proposed
millennium ceremony at Giza, with dozen of guided tours already fully booked
by US and Egyptian travel agents. Others will watch the event on television
with over sixty major networks already signed up to broadcast by satellite
the placing of the golden capstone on top of the Great Pyramid 'live' to
channels all over the world.

"I will wait in front of the TV to see this great moment. It is one in a
lifetime. I am counting the days!" Said Julie Holmes, a lawyer from Los
Angeles {Yuk}.

A high profile group in Washington DC calling itself The Millennium Society,
with members such as ex-White House official, Edward McNally, and a list of
guests including Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Deng Xiaoping, Bill
Clinton, Bruce Springsteen, Elizabeth Taylor and Nelson Mandela apparently

"attend the World Millennium Charity Celebration, the 'Celebration of
Civilisation' to welcome the Year 2000 at the Great Pyramid of Cheops and 23
satellite locations on New Year's Eve 1999. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt,
will be the cornerstone site of the World Millennium Celebration, and
sanctioned events will be held at selected locations around the world. These
celebrations will be linked to create a round-the-globe, round the clock
welcome to the Year 2000."

Adding to the growing hype is another strange twist involving the
'prophecies' made by American Psychic Edgar Cayce also known as the 'Sleeping
Prophet'. Cayce, who died in 1945, foretold the placing of a gilded capstone
on the Great Pyramid which, according to him, would act as a 'symbol' for the
rediscovery of the legendary 'Hall of Records of Atlantis' under the Sphinx
and the second coming of Christ:

"The apex, the crown or apex (or capstone) was of metal; that was to be
indestructible, being of copper, brass, gold with other alloys. it became
very fitting that there should be the crowning or placing of this 'symbol of
the records' by one who represent the old and the new. Hence there has arisen
from this ceremony many of the things that may be seen as present. the
sounding of the New Year - 1998 from the death of the Son of Man. "

Oddly, Cayce also associates the event with the establishment of a sort of
New World order based on Masonic principles:

"For with those changes that will be wrought, Americanism with the universal
thought that is expressed and manifest in the Brotherhood of man into group
thought as expressed in the Masonic Order, will be the eventual rule in the
settlement of affairs in the world. Not that the world is to become a Masonic
Order, but the principle that are embraced in the same will be the basis upon
which the new order of peace is to be established. "

Even more odd, perhaps, is the bizarre claim by Cayce that Jesus and John the
Baptist (the patron saint of Freemasons) "took those last of the Brotherhood
degrees" in the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Edgar Cayce Foundation has, since
at least 1973, been involved in various expeditions at Giza to find the 'Hall
of Records'. Two of its senior members, Dr. Joseph Schor and Mr. Joseph
Jahoda, cause a huge controversy in 1996 when, under the cover of a license
to conduct a general survey of Giza to find and repair faults and chasms
under the bedrock, they extended their mandate and explored the ground under
the Sphinx and claimed to have located a large man-made cavity under the paws
at precisely the place Edgar Cayce had indicated. In August 1999 during a
conference at the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Dr. Zahi Hawass announced the
release of a new license to Joe Schor to conduct more radar soundings to find
the Hall of Records under the Sphinx. He also announced that a small trap
door at the end of a narrow tunnel inside the Great Pyramid, which was
discovered by a German team in 1993 using a mechanised robot, will be opened
early next year by the National Geographic team. Unconfirmed reports state
that the Schor expedition planned to be at Giza on the 7th December 1999 to
start their search with hopes that the Egyptian authorities will allow them
to 'go further' if the radar results prove to be conclusive.

{There is an Illumunati plan to "find" ancient artifacts they have long known
to exist that will support their view of how the world should be governed and
which bloodlines should do the governing.}

Over the years much controversy and rumours has surrounded the precise
relationship of the Edgar Cayce Foundation and the Egyptian Antiquities
Organisation. Other than the fact that the Edgar Cayce Foundation promotes
psychic beliefs and Biblical prophecies of the Second Coming of Christ, the
finding of the Hall of Records and the lost continents of Atlantis, a much
more down to earth controversy has been generated in an official biography of
Edgar Cayce's eldest son, Hugh Lynn, where it is alleged that the latter was
responsible in some ways for arranging for the university education of two
senior officials involved with the Giza monuments {I think you will find that
the Edgar Cayce Foundation is an Illuminati front, hence the connection to
the Illuminati puppets with responsibility for Giza}.

Edgar Cayce is also known to have envisaged in his trance sessions (called
'readings') the establishment of a new world order based on Masonic
ideologies for the next millennium and somehow connected to the 'missing'
capstone of the Great Pyramid and the return of the Christ. Whether it is
anything to do with this or rather the recent announcement that an 'eye of
Horus' would be projected on the Great Pyramid during the millennium
celebrations is not clear, but in November 1999 the radical Egyptian press
began to make open accusations of "Zionist" and "Masonic" plots, claiming
that the combination of the golden capstone with the 'eye' symbol, which also
appears on the US one-dollar bill, evoked Freemasonic ideologies.

This symbol is also seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America
which many believe to be Masonic {It is Illuminati, a branch of which
controls the Freemasons Secret Society}.

In early December the Egyptian authorities showed signs of caving in by
threatening to scrap the golden capstone for the Great Pyramid. A face saving
decision has been deferred to a 'scientific committee' who will have to
approve or reject the scheme. It does seem extraordinary, however, that at
this 11th hour with thousands of visitors already booked on flights and at
hotels in Cairo and with dozens of TV networks geared to broadcast the event
'live' to all parts of the world, that the Egyptians are now speculating such
a move.

{This shows every sign of panic in the face of the growing exposure of what
this event is really about and the fundamental Illuminati symbolism of the
golden capstone being placed on the Great Pyramid. Hawass must be very
worried because he's really been exposed by all this. See other articles on
this site. This is why he went right over-the-top in his condemnation of me
for highlighting him and the Millennium ritual. He attacked what I said on
this website in a globally syndicated article which was published all over
the world. Quite a response to information presented on one website??}

With less than two weeks to go to the 31st December, such a move would be
disastrous not only for the tourist authorities but for Dr. Hawass and those
who conceived the event. Also Dr. Zahi Hawass has very recently announced
that the capstone, which apparently is made of an 8 m high metal frame, will
not be covered in gold sheets but in copper, a rather poor replacement for
such an event. Furthermore Dr. Hawass confusingly stated that "we cannot put
it up with a helicopter because it will hurt the pyramid. Therefore if we
find out that that putting this capstone will hurt the pyramid, then, we will
not do it." It is very hard to see how a light metal frame lowered gently on
the summit of the 6 million tons pyramid could 'hurt' it.

It would be like placing a feather on an elephant's back; and even harder to
see how else Dr. Hawass proposes to take the capstone up the 200 plus courses
of the Great Pyramid to a height of 145 meters above ground level. Anyone who
has climbed the Great Pyramid will know that this cannot be an easy task.
Also missing the point, Dr. Hawass also denied that the capstone has anything
to do with 'some societies', meaning Freemasonry. The point is not whether
the decision to place the capstone has anything to do with the Brotherhood or
any other 'society' but rather that the very act of placing it and the
alleged projection of the 'eye of Horus' on the monument evokes Masonic
ideologies and principles.

As yet no official announcement has been made by the Egyptian State
Information Service to cancel this event, and it is so far presumed that they
will still go ahead. For scrapping the capstone ceremony would almost
certainly be a serious blow to the credibility of those who promoted the idea
in the first place. It would also generate a backlash from the thousands of
visitors who have already paid hefty prices for airline tickets and hotels in
order to witness the event on location; and greatly disappoint the millions
of viewers around the world who prepared to watch it on television. It seems
that it is not the 6 million tons stone pyramid that is at risk of being
'hurt' but the Egyptians' reputation for the flop of the millennium. The eyes
of the world are watching.




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