-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Our National Soap Opera Continues

“This shocking photo (on the cover of this week’s GLOBE) of President Bill
Clinton’s wounded face and neck is dramatic proof that First Lady Hillary
clawed her husband after he spent an intimate night with Barbra Streisand in
the White House, conclude sources.  ‘Hillary went for him with her fists
flailing and screaming:  ‘I’ll tear your eyes out, you bastard,’ says an
insider. ... On March 19, 1993, Hillary rushed with daughter Chelsea to
Little Rock, Ark., to the bedside of her dying dad Hugh Rodham Sr., 82, who
had suffered a massive stroke.  Streisand arrived at the White House on March
26 for an overnight visit.  News reports on TV said the songbird’s stay
spilled over an extra night.  Streisand slept in the Queen’s Room and Clinton
took her to the annual Gridiron Club’s political roast as his guest. ...
Hillary was so outraged by Clinton’s flirtatious behavior with Streisand, 57,
that she cut her Arkansas stay short and returned on April 4, say sources.
... When Hillary saw Clinton, he had tiny scratches on his face that looked
like the result of passionate lovemaking, confides the insider. ... The
couple were in their private quarters, upstairs in the master bedroom, when
Hillary went ballistic and lunged at her husband in a white-hot rage, say
sources.  ‘She gouged at his eyes and he tried to dodge away,’ says the
insider.  ‘She kept swinging her fists and caught him a numbing blow to the
side of the head.  Then in her blind fury, she dug her nails into his face
and raked them down his cheek and into his neck - leaving raw, red claw
marks.’ ... Two days later, the claw marks were still visible when the photo
was snapped as Clinton hosted a visit by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.”

- GLOBE, 1/4/00

Speaking of Streisand...

Clinton groupie and rumored paramour Barbra Streisand will be gracing Las
Vegas to ring in the new century this weekend ... that is, if her big head
can fit through the double doors of the MGM Grand’s concert hall.  According
to Las Vegas Review Journal columnist Norm Clarke, hotel workers have been
issued a secret directive “that forbids them from looking at the diva not
only during check-in, but during her entire stay.”  Well!  “Bellmen had to
back her luggage into her room last week to avoid eye contact, and security
guards in the hallways where she walks must turn their backs to her,” Clarke
reports, adding that the “no looking” orders are part of her contract.  What
a mega-ego.  Is it possible for anyone to be more full of themself?  Doesn’t
the hypocrisy of these limousine liberals - the self-proclaimed champions of
the “little people” - just make you wanna reach for a barf bag?  Hope she
breaks a leg.  No, really.

Ending Public Education As We Know It

“The time has come to break up the biggest monopoly of all (public schools) -
not to do away with education, but precisely so that education can prosper in
the way the telephone companies and airlines have done: by competition.  The
best teachers would benefit by attracting tuition-paying students, and there
would be a place for thousands of different types of schools.  The poor would
only be left behind when and if they chose to be, since private voucher and
scholarship funds would abound.  Or, parents could pay their child’s tuition
by working at the school.  Those who would suffer would be the unions and the
government - stripped of their tax money and their coercive dues.”

- Mary Novello, research analyst for the Nevada Policy Research Institute,
Las Vegas Business Press, 12/27/99

Mack the Naïf

“Democrat Michael Mack, who was appointed to the new Ward 6 Las Vegas City
Council seat November 17 and is scheduled to take office January 1, is the
owner of First Class Pawn & Jewelry.  The Carpenters Union was possibly Mr.
Mack’s strongest and most visible ally in the months-long maneuvering to win
him this sought-after appointment. ... Now, repaying the favor, Mr. Mack has
mailed out a letter on his business stationary addressed to the 6,000 union
carpenters, offering them a ‘special holiday discount’ at his store. ...(I)n
the process of attempting to drum up more business he is offering things of
real value - price discounts and forgiveness of standard interest payments on
pawns - to those who have already supported him politically, and for whose
votes he will doubtless be wrangling come re-election time in 2001. ... In
Mr. Mack’s business, there is considerable value set on the ability to hear
the difference between a silver coin and a zinc slug ringing on the counter -
or to discern a cubic zirconium from a true diamond at a glance.  To bad Mr.
Mack didn’t demonstrate similarly well-honed senses when it came time to give
this ‘discount offer’ the sniff test - because it stinks to high heaven.”

- Las Vegas Review Journal editorial, 12/27/99

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Published by:  Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus
“The Conscience of the Republican Party”
Chuck Muth, Chairman

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