-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Russert Blew It As Debate Moderator

“The Union Leader, a sponsor of the debate among Republican presidential
candidates on Thursday night, apologized Friday because, it said, the
moderator, Tim Russert, paid so much attention to the two front-runners at
the expense of the other candidates. ... Friday, in a signed editorial on the
front page, the publisher, Joseph W. McQuaid, wrote that Russert had
apparently decided to make the debate ‘his own two-man show with candidates
George Bush and John McCain, virtually ignoring the four others for much of
the questioning.  ‘If readers and viewers are upset, McQuaid declared, they
are ‘no more so than this newspaper.'’'

- New York Times, 1/8/00

Another Tax-Happy Guv

“(New York) Governor Pataki’s (R) mom must be so proud.  Just as the
for the GOP presidential nomination was heating up, New York’s chief
executive made headlines with a huge new health care program financed by a
huge new tobacco tax.  How compassionately conservative.”

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 1/7/00

Democrats Still Deserting Clinton/Gore

On Wednesday, Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson welcomed
eight elected officials in Texas to the Republican Party, including the first
three to switch to the GOP in the new millennium.  Nicholson noted that the
eight party switchers bring to 451 the number of former Democrats who have
joined the GOP under Clinton/Gore.  Three elected officials announced their
switch on Tuesday while five others made the switch two days after Christmas.

The Stupidity of Smart Guns

“We have technology which would use fingerprints, radio waves or other ways
to ensure that a weapon would fire only when used by its owner.  But imagine
these scenarios:  (1)  A family comes under a violent attack and the gun
owner suffers a stroke.  The remaining members are now defenseless.  (2)
Five years of research and $50 million produce smart guns, but prices
quadruple and few people can afford one.  Those who can, find that several
fail due to bursts of static electricity, simple battery failure and radio
frequency interference.  (3)  The government declares smart gun technology a
success and mandates that all firearms/air guns be retrofitted, including
black powder muskets. ... Folks, our technology will never protect us from
stupid, ignorant or amoral people.  Every living thing has the right of
existence and self-protection; our government once understood that simple

- David A. Freeman, Las Vegas Review Journal, 1/5/00

Freedom Takes Another Major Hit

“Braves pitcher John Rocker has been ordered to undergo mental evaluation and
possibly lose his job for his ranting interview in Sports Illustrated.  I
guess free speech really is dead in this country. I remember this kind of
stuff from Orwell's works.  Don't get me wrong, he is one major moron.  But I
thought he had a legitimate First Amendment right to speak like a moron.
Unlike the liberal idea of ‘rights’, this one is written in the
 The liberals will have anyone speaking politically incorrect under court
ordered therapy.  This really is frightening.”

- Greg Muth, Washington, D.C., 1/7/00

Where’s the GOP Registration Effort?

“A three-week voter registration drive among members of the Culinary Union
Local 226 (Las Vegas) netted 1,300 new voters, according to political
director Glen Arnodo. About 80 percent of the union members who signed up to
vote checked ‘Democrat’ for their party affiliation. While the union has
historically waited until the last minute to do its registration, Arnodo says
this time around was different. ‘It just makes sense to do voter registration
more often and to do it better.’ There are 45,000 members of Local 226, about
half of whom are registered to vote. Next up: a citizenship assistance
program that will give union members who aren't U.S. citizens the chance to
become naturalized, and, of course, to vote.  Arnodo says his goal is to see
3,000 union members take the citizenship oath each year.”

- Pundit Steve Sebelius, Nevada e-Briefing, 1/3/00

An Oldie But a Goodie

During a neighborhood party, I got into an argument with my neighbor about
presidential politics.  Finally, he asked me why I was such a dedicated
Republican.  I told him that my father and grandfather were Republicans
before me and that I was carrying on the family tradition.  "That's it?" said
my exasperated neighbor.  "What if your father and grandfather had been horse
thieves?"  "Well..." I replied, "I suppose then I'd be a Democrat like you."

- Author unknown

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Published by:  Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus
“The Conscience of the Republican Party”
Chuck Muth, Chairman

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