-Caveat Lector-

GULAG BRITANNIA - all hail emperor tony.   - andrew hennessey

In one of the lowest election turnouts since 1918 - new labour got theirs
yet again -
yep they got back in.
How is the question - for the turnout being about 57% plus or minus two -
more people didn't vote than voted for tony.

Uppermost in most peoples minds was clearly who or what to vote for -
for people are now more than aware - that the exercise is pointless -

a nice old man who decided to stand for better health care - completely
blew the big guns out of the water - in one seat in middle england.

with no clear socialist or leftish party to vote for - even the meaningless
liberal democrats are making gains -
even the conservatives made a gain in scotland - and one had to put that
down to the very low turnout - their majority was 74

They already speak of the Bilderburger and architect of new labour
peter mandleson being let back into government for the third time
after two serious breaches of rules and confidences - indiscretions that
would have buried an ordinary galactic emperor for good.

Democracy is currently dead in the UK - there is no dialogue or differences
except on europe - and when that debate opens up - both parties will
self destruct into pro and anti - but make no mistake - www.channel4.com
people when asked could not identify the difference in policies between
the 'major' parties.
quite simply - there is nothing to vote for -

in real terms the state of this country and its services and infrastructure
is not much short of third world except for the illuminated zone around
and the rich south east -

and lots and lots of people know it - and the fact that if there had been
something to vote for - the non-voters could have elected their own

The Europe debate will probably sink Blair - Tony Benn suggests that
the Unions will strongly object to pro euro policies at the next new labour
party conference - where strong left wing will end up finding more
in common with strong right wing and the proUK policies of hague.

There's a long way to go before Tony can take his rightful place in
the europarliaments ever vacant seat number 666.

andrew hennessey

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