-Caveat Lector-

GULAG BRITANNIA - hustings special   31/5/01

Whilst Race riot erupts in Oldham -and Conservative leader William Hague
continues with his banal rants about centres where the new refugees can be
concentrated whilst they are being processed and his shadow cabinet
colleagues continue to rant about mongrels - the hot potato [potatoe in the
UK] of Race continues to blind the population to the obvious fact that there
is no real alternative to Blair - In my opinion, hague had to have received
a phone call from his masters telling him to throw the election.

Blair with his little yellow pledge cards - promising to reduce taxes,
hospital waiting lists and hosts of other stuff that got immediately ditched
when he got his manicured feet under the desk of number10 such as - the
Freedom of Information Act, has brought them out again - promises, promises,
promises and people are so sick of the lies that many cannot be bothered
voting for such rubbish.
Whilst the big fat Prescott drives his gas guzzling jaguars and punching
voters whilst enjoying police immunity, its perhaps noteworthy that if
prescott had done that after  Straws speech - he might have been detained.

The Home Secretary jack the lad Straw is slow handclapped by active
Policemen at a conference ?? this has to mean a deep dissatisfaction with
New Labour Policies - but who might our Boys in Blue be voting for - hard
Line Herr Hague perhaps ?? We know that the London metropolitan police
perhaps errs on the rigourous and cautious if too much melanin is perceived
in the homosapien epidermus !! so perhaps they feel that its time to vote
for hague - who has boasted that he used to down a few pints of beer when he
was younger.

perhaps the new german marching songs of the new euro army will help the
police get into the rhythm.

The abysmal record of new labour and their overwhelming majority - now has
an overwhelming smell of decay.
Nothing they can say about what they have done - and one supposes they have
to have done something - can convince the suspicious that they are achieving
their pledges.
People are conditioned to vote for something - and refuse to accept that it
has no meaning - and we respect the fact that folks want to try to do
something - but things just keep getting worse.

Tonys Theme Song is 'Things can only get better'

People are genuinely concerned - it was left to the intervention of a
Scottish MP at whitehall to remind and inform the Conservative opposition to
agenda and challenge the government on major issues [Alex salmond]- the big
secret is out - we have a one world government. - seriously whats the point
in voting ??

There are just some tricksters, smoke and mirrors - and even the Liberal
Democrat Kennedy may well emerge as the next credible party of opposition
within the next few years. Heaven help us.
Their traditional ability to turn double sommersaults and U Turns has been
greatly advanced and polished by years of sycophancy.
Peter mandelson - Bilderburger 2001 and architect of Blairs Britain - was
recently seen preening himself amongst a busload of other turkeys in
Portugal - the lying and discredited then recently cleared mandelson seems
to have an unnatural charismatic hold on Blair - there is some strange
chemistry there :)

Who do we vote for - I truly believe that few in Northern Britain CARE -
lied to and cheated -
taxed to extinction by a lying government, redundant industry, 3rd world
medical and health care conditions, with some of the highest shopping
prices - perhaps only surpassed by the black market of a communist regime.

The grassroots knee jerk reaction is obvious - a back to basic roots - a
selfish regional seige mentality - but who could blame scotland - who it was
recently conceded by Labour put more Billions into London via Scottish Oil
than they ever get back in basic services like transport, health, policing,
housing, education and employment
the race riots in the english midlands illustrate the problem - for these
folks are just as poor, just as unhealthy, just as unemployed as anyone
scottish - anywhere outside of a 300 mile radius of London starts to
diminish into decrepitude.

The German magazine STERN - writes of the UK as Third World - well I have
have been touring Europe on business and I KNOW ITS TRUE - The UK is about
20% more expensive for everything - and the difference really hits the
further North UK you go. For the average take home wage starts to decrease
by 20% for every 100 miles outside of London.
By the time you hit Yorkshire or Scotland most poor people are almost living
off pasta made with spiders :) for their protein - that is if they can
afford the bus ride to the run down warzone for their pasta where the bored
youth congregate looking for 'fun'. Scotland has the worst drugs record in
the world - its safer in the Bronx.

So who do we vote for then - well Ambassador Xorg is starting the STAR
Party - which has ET policies, or we can vote for Tony Blair - who is also
off the planet with his vacuous grin and his smarmy bullshit - or we can
vote for William Hague - who sounds desperate to sound credible to
somebody - except everybody just laughs at the crass stupidity he pushes on

Feel absolutely free to goto www.bbc.co.uk/questiontime and see the circus
for yourselves -

There is one thing guaranteed to ruin the balance of power in the UK - its
the fact that All the major players are Scottish or have Strong Scottish
ties - Blair, Brown, Cook,Kennedy, even the best football manager in England
is Scottish - all it now takes is for the extremists to start pushing
Bulldog Engerland.
Blairs Biggest weakness is that he wants to sign up for Europe big time -
though has held back making definite commitments to the Euro - there is a
Scot sorry the english call us Jocks or Jockos selling the last of the
English Empire to the Germans - [The German Football side beat England at
the last ever game at Wembley Stadium :)]
giving away the powers of good queen Lizardbirth to them stormtroopers etc
Yes the English Midlands is a timebomb waiting to happen.

Don't worry about the Scots though - we are all well tamed - I watched the
Scottish National Party leader John Swinney tonight having to apologise for
going to see the historical film Braveheart - and the usual thought police
and suspects in the 'hand picked' audience tell us all how worried they are
to be English in a self determined Scotland - [and yes race does happen
here] - but you know I had 12 social encounters on a visit to Winchester in
the middle england heartland and TEN of them were RACIST and Abusive - and I
assure you that if that had happened to an Englishmen in Edinburgh
Scotland - there would have been a swat team, etc etc and TV specials etc
here was an important scottish politician being abused with his own
history - yet the same smarmy barmy broadcasters never said a word about the
Racist Portrayal of Scottish Troops in the other English Hollywood epic
Robin Hood - double standards - double talk - divide and rule.

meanwhile Gordon brown the iron chancellor continues to exhibit a brass
neck - for he not only stealth taxed and also escalated fuel prices - but
suggests that because the UK is so bouyant it doesn't need Europe !!!!
he bases this fact on the employment figures and the allegedly low
unemployment rate - let me tell you that you can take the unemployed figures
of the UK and times them by a factor of 5 as far as I can guess.
Figurs that count new people entering work, count and recount and count
again temporary and part time workers as they move from job to job - the
average temp - can generate the appearance of 5 new people into permanent
employment every month.- its an open secret in the EMPLOYMENT SERVICE that
this goes on.
The UK probably has an army of disregarded people who are not even ON the
system - and Whilst both parties want to crack down on State benefit fraud -
thousands and thousands of people are being squeezed harder and harder by
the escalating prices.
A disabled working person has to pay an accountant for three sets of
accounts every year to get a meagre benefit - this whilst the cricket news
is paraded across our tvs and maybe an article or two about how bad it is
elsewhere - like where ??? at least in a UN Disaster area there are people
queueing to send you medicine, clothes and food.

The UK is a farce awaiting a good movie script - and Blairs a PR man for
some really absurd policies that I doubt he would have thought up himself -
or indeed whether any welsh or scottish Regional parliament could have
drafted the outrageous NWO gibberish that makes it feasible for scientology
to teach school or minority gender interests to be actively forced onto
young children. Blairs and the NWO thought polices biggest fear has to be
that nobody takes it seriously - for if that happens if the sense of outrage
wells up too high - there are lots and lots of people who just don't have my
sense of humour.

andrew hennessey

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