-Caveat Lector-


Update 9/29/01 excerpts:

The world you now inhabit is dark and undergoing a period of rapid change.
Its existence is cloaked in a huge and smothering veil of propaganda.
Nothing is truly real.  Illusions are blamed for what is occurring.  In this
world, cabals struggle for control and you become the unknowing pawns of
immeasurably powerful forces.  In such an environment, it is difficult, at
times, to remain centered and strong.  Often, you may develop feelings of
frustration and powerlessness.  The crucial point here is to keep your focus
on the main stage. Understand, dear Hearts, that the dark distracts you by
riveting your attention on minor incidents or issues and exaggerating their

      The situation before you is simply a case in point.  Look closely, now,
at the malevolent act that may be leading you toward a senseless war.
Examine the underlying facts.  The truth involves the cabal we often have
mentioned.  It specializes in this distract-and-manipulate technique.  This
cabal realizes the gravity of its actions yet still wishes to 'fan the
flames' of the fire that it has created.  In this way, the cabal can maintain
its power at the same time it furthers its murderous agenda.  As you uphold
your peace and join in groups, open your eyes and heart-minds to what we are
telling you today.  After your victory is assured, ask that what is presented
to you be complete and open.  Let all parties have an equal chance to
communicate.  You, Beloveds, are conducting an exercise in interaction among
free and sovereign Beings.

...Those in power have maintained control by keeping you off-center and
totally distracted.  That way, you lose sovereignty and they gain it.  This
is the process that is occurring, once again, in your world.  It is vital
that you understand it.

Update 10/2/01 excerpts:

...Accordingly, we have insisted that the true history of all that has
transpired upon your world for the past 13 millennia be acknowledged.  It is
not a pretty tale.  Full disclosure will allow you, first, to forgive and,
then, to express your compassion by transforming it completely.

...The small cabal to which we often refer has a very dark perspective on
reality. When we negotiate with it, we feel as if we are dealing with a
wounded animal. It is concerned only with its own survival and fears its
demise.  Its trust levels are very low.  To transform it, we are using Love,
compassion and a firm responsibility.

...We also have intensified our prohibition of the dark cabal's exotic
weaponry, which they continue to see as a way out of their present dilemma.
We hasten to assure them that we find its broad use unacceptable.  Exotic and
nuclear weapons can destroy the envelopes of realities that surround you.  We
absolutely forbid it.  It will only lead them to their own destruction.
Update 10/9/01  excerpts:

It is crucial that you be officially informed of our existence and our
benevolence.  This is one of the conditions we are quickly working toward.
Moreover, the militarization of 'Space' is not an option for your cabals, nor
will we tolerate the use of tactical nuclear weapons in any environment on,
above or below the surface of your world.  As we have stressed to all who
secretly rule you, insane actions such as these are not an alternative.

      The reality you now inhabit is in transition, demanding the creation of
new rules for your global cabals.  If they fail to adhere to them, we will
land en masse prematurely.  Although we do not desire this, nevertheless, if
it is required, we will carry out a mass landing, swiftly and efficiently.
Our purpose is to oversee, with Heaven's divine guidance, your transformation
from limited to fully conscious Beings.
Update 10/27/01  excerpts:

... Our position remains that your present situation is an anomaly.  The
activities it has given rise to are meant simply to cover up a massive, final
grab for power by a small and highly determined cabal.  This group has
manufactured an event of immense proportions that is filled with amazing lies
and inconceivable misdirection.  The fact that it has been allowed to go on
for so long is testimony to the extent of their long-standing power.
Fortunately, their power is, in fact, an illusion.  Many important
individuals and influential groups around the globe are establishing the
grounds for their rapid dismissal from power.   The time approaches for these
groups to act.   We have every confidence that their success will lead to a
transition from the present insanity to the interregnum that is required
before formal first contact can be established on a massive scale.

...Events now underway are the secret, final acts of a small group of very
desperate Beings.  They are in desperate fear of the crushing loss of power
and wealth that this change entails.  For them, it will end a long journey
that began in ancient Atlantis many millennia ago.

... The days to come will continue to be dramatic.  Although these events
cannot easily be categorized, they are death throes of a group that is
resisting all efforts to transform its current dark agendas.  There are many
ways in which this process may end. Most important is the realization that it
has an ending point.  We suggest that together, we remain open and fully
prepared to accept whatever scenario will assure a positive conclusion.
Here, it is important to comprehend that those who wish to successfully bring
this event to an end are in a position to do so, and that they have the will
to carry this out.  Using our shared intentions, let us join together to
support them in these endeavors.  Be aware, also, that, at the most
appropriate time appointed by Heaven, our might will come to provide

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