-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: "Virginia Raines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: George and Mikhail
Date: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 4:30 PM

[There has been an increasing amount of information being
publicized on the net about Bush-Rockefeller-Nazi
connections and control in the world through many
institutitions including the Federal Reserve, Rockefeller
Foundation, Manhattan Insitute, etc.

Before reading the two letters at bottom, it is absolutely
essential to understand who really controls the Federal
Reserve, as well as many other key banking institutions
including BIS.  Researchers often conclude that the Federal
Reserve is structured in such a way that New York-member
dominance is guaranteed, with a consequent assumption that
the Rockefellers are in control.   This is a very incomplete
and naive understanding, IMO, but quite understandable given
the dialectics involved.

Although the article "Who Is Running America" is somewhat
lengthy and has much other information, the following
excerpt with a link to the mentioned chart has to be
comprehended first.

"The Independent Treasury Act of 1921 suspended the de jure
(meaning 'by right of legal establishment') Treasury
Department of the United States government.  Our Congress
turned the treasury department over to a private
corporation, the Federal Reserve and their agents.  The bulk
of the ownership of the Federal Reserve System, a very well
kept secret from the American Citizen, is held by these
banking interests:

Rothschild Bank of London
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York

"The Federal Reserve is at the root of most of our present
laws.  Basically, the Federal Reserve is the 'STATE' of the
United States.

"See 'Our Enemy, The STATE' by Albert J.  Nock - 1935, his
Classic Critique Distinguishing 'Government' from the
'STATE.' [[there is a link to the article on the webpage for
anyone who wishes to view it]]

"See Also Charts in Text Format of Interlocking
Directorships and Family Linkages taken from 'Federal
Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking
Influence.  Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency and
Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd
Session, August 1976.'

[The information at the webpage with these charts may also
cast some doubt on the prototypical conspiracy theory that
the "British" are in a cabal against us, or at least the
usual interpretations that go along with that theory.

Further, though I don't have access to the proof, I was told
a few years ago by someone who did in-depth university
research on the whole subject that he discovered J.P. Morgan
died in debt to the Rothschilds, which was only a somewhat
minor point at the time in his paper.

So the next time you read about US corporations and banks
helping Hitler, don't doubt that it happened -- but please
don't stop there!  Any amount of logic plus research will
show, for example, that communism has always been financed
by the same interests, as well as just about anything else
of importance for the last 100+ years.

If anyone has further information, I would like to receive
it.   Thanks.  VR]


Date sent:  Tue, 2 Jan 2001 02:13:54 -0800
Send reply to:  Conspiracy Theory Research List
From:  Cliff Hume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Caveat Lector-

Dear George and Mikhail:

In Professor Antony Sutton's, Wall Street and the Rise of
Hitler, we find that the money crowd who own the private,
illegal, Federal Reserve System, financed Hitler's rise to
power, and also helped him finance his war against the
United States.  In talking to pilots who had returned from
that war, it was quite obvious that they resented the fact
that they were not allowed to bomb Henry Ford's plant in
Germany, nor were they allowed to bomb Standard Oil's I.G.
Farben chemical giant, or the General Motors plant.  Other
US plants making war material to kill American and Canadian
soldiers were afforded the same immunity.

Of interest, also, from Professor Charles Levenson's Vodka
Cola, Frank MacCarthy, personnel manager of Canadian IBM and
a bombardier in the Royal Air Force, dropped his bombs
anywhere rather than hit his supposed target, the IBM
factory.  P 211.

Major Racey Jordan was stationed in Edmonton, Alberta,
charged with supervising the massive shipments of war
material to the Soviet Union.  Of the 11 billion
trans-shipped through Edmonton, most of it was atomic
materials.  This information can be found in Major Jordan's

Further to the strange happenings above, Professor Sutton
has given to the world such insight as: National Suicide -
Military Aid To The Soviet Union; Western Technology and
Soviet Economic Development, and, The Best Enemy Money Can

And, as if that were not enough to prove that something is
rotten in the state of Denmark, Professor Caroll Quigley's
1348 page, Tragedy and Hope - A history Of The World In Our
Time, provides us with even more information along the same
lines when he reveals Senator William Jenner's talk from the
Senate floor: "This country today is in the hands of a
secret inner coterie which is directed by agents of the
Soviet Union.  We must cut this whole cancerous conspiracy
out of our government at once.  Our only choice is to
impeach President Truman and find out who is the secret
invisible government which has so cleverly led our country
down the road to destruction."

Professor Quigley's book also tells us of the Federal
Reserve's creation of money out of nothing and charging
interest on something that does not exist.  [[I believe this
may be actual meaning of usury, though I haven't done enough
research to be sure.  This is the so-called "credit"
system.  VR]]  The exchange of paper for gold relieved the
American public of all of their money and placed the United
States into bankruptcy, at a private meeting, during the
pro-Communist Roosevelt's reign.

There is no doubt that the Gorbachev Foundation was able to
raise many millions of tax-free dollars in Federal Reserve
notes, giving speeches to the same people and companies who
have been causing, and then financing, both sides of ever
dirty war from the Revolution to the present day.  This
treason is written up in hundreds of important, suppressed
works - which few couch potatoes will ever read, for the
simple reason that Marx said they would give the people
circuses and games for their distraction.  Television and
Marxist Hollywood has filled the bill admirably.

The United States now has a Council on Foreign Relations
appointed President and Skull & Bones man at the helm.  He
has already appointed several of his own kind to replace the
CFR people who are now leaving.  Over three hundred traitors
are still in the present administration.  The United states
of America is in BIG TROUBLE.

Yours very truly,
Cliff Hume.

At 02:18 PM 1/1/01 -0500, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
The Dallas Morning News, 31 December 2000

Dear George W.  Bush:

I am writing to you as a citizen of our planet and someone
who beholds the last remaining superpower.  Can there be any
doubt that the United States plays a major role in guiding
our world?  Only a fool could disregard that fact.  To
acknowledge this is a given, even though American spokesmen
are perhaps somewhat overly inclined to press the point home
to the rest of the world.

For while America's role is acknowledged throughout the
world, her claim to hegemony, not to say domination, is not
similarly recognized.  For this reason, I hope, Mr.  Bush,
as the new American president, that you will give up any
illusion that the 21st century can, or even should, be the
"American Century".  Globalization is a given -- but
"American globalization" would be a mistake.  In fact, it
would be something devoid of meaning and even dangerous.

I would go even further and say it is time for America's
electorate to be told the blunt truth : that the present
situation of the United States, by which a part of its
population is able to enjoy a life of extraordinary comfort
and privilege, is not tenable over the long run as long as
an enormous portion of the world lives in abject poverty,
degradation and backwardness.

For 10 years, U.S.  foreign policy has been formulated as if
it were the policy of a victor in war, the Cold War.  But at
the highest reaches of U.S.  policy-making no one has
grasped the fact that this could not be the basis for
formulating post-Cold War policy.

In fact, there has been no "pacification".  On the contrary,
there has been a heightening of inequalities, tension nd
hostility, with most of the last directed toward the United

Instead of seeing an increase in U.S.  security, the end of
the Cold War has seen a decline.  It is not hard to imagine
that, should the United States persist in its policies, the
international situation will continue to deteriorate.

It is also difficult to believe that, under present
circumstances, relations between the United States, on the
one hand, and China, India and all the rest of the earth
that lives in abject poverty, on the other, could develop in
a positive direction.  Nor is it possible, on the basis of
its present posture, for the United States to establish
effective, long-run cooperation with its traditional allies,
Europe first and foremost.

Already we see the outburst of numerous trade disputes,
evidence of the conflicting interests separating the United
States and the European Union.  For example, at the recent
global warming conference in the Netherlands the United
States found itself largely in isolation.  U.S. positions
were far removed from those of all others, including the
Europeans.  As a result, no decision was taken.  This is
clearly an example of a failure of "world governance".

>From the standpoint of the Old World, the post-Cold War
period ushered in hopes that now are faded.  Over the course
of the past decade, the United States has continued to
opearate along an ideological track identical to the one it
followed during the Cold War -- but now without the Cold

Need an example?  The expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization eastward, the military theory and practice of
rearmament -- including the latest and utterly extravagant
anti-missile national defense system, which, in turn, is
based on the truly bizarre notion of so-called rogue states.

Isn't it amazing that disarmament moved further along during
the last phase of the Cold War than during the period after
its end?  And isn't that because U.S.  leadership has been
unable to adjust to the new European reality?  Like it or
not, the new reality has placed Europe on the world scene as
a new, independent and powerful player.  To continue to
regard it as a junior partner would be a mistake.

Finally, as concerns Russia, the fact that relations between
the United States and Russia have deteriorated over the
course of recent years is hardly a secret.  Resonsibility
for this state of affairs must be shared between Russian and
American leadership.

The present leadership of Russia appears ready to cooperate
with the United States in framing a new agenda for
relations.  But it is unclear what your orientation will
be.  What we heard during the electoral campaign did not
sound encouraging.

If we truly want to build a new world order and further
European unity, we have to recognize that that will not be
possible without an active role on the part of Russia.  This
recognition is the necessary basis for setting future
Russian-American relations on the right path.

In more general terms, we need to bear in mind that the
world is complicated, that it contains and expresses a
variety of interests and cultures.  Sooner or later,
international policy, including that of the United States,
will have to come to terms with that variety.

Sincerely, Mikhail Gorbachev President, The Gorbachev
Foundation, Moscow

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