-Caveat Lector-

Germany: New law allows more extensive government monitoring of phone calls
and email


By Alexander Boulerian
20 February 2001

The Social Democratic Party (SPD)-Green Party coalition government in
Germany has agreed on a new law governing state organised wiretaps, bugging
and the interception of e-mail.
The Gesetz zur Beschränkung des Brief-, Post- und
Fernmeldegeheimnisses (law restricting postal and telecommunications
secrecy) will regulate the ability of the German secret services to listen
in on telephone calls and intercept faxes and e-mail. The law is a crucial
step in strengthening the state's powers and a further restriction of
fundamental democratic rights, whereby the SPD-Green federal government is
continuing the work of its conservative predecessors.
The new regulation is known as the "G-10" law, named after Article 10 in
the German constitution: "The secrecy of the mail and telecommunications is
inviolable. However, legal restrictions may be imposed." The new
regulations became necessary when, in 1999, the Supreme Court ruled
sections of the 1994 law dealing with these issues to be unconstitutional
and called for juridical clarity, particularly in relation to the handling
of personal data.
SPD Prime Minister Schroeder has used the Supreme Court ruling to greatly
expand the powers of the secret services. Although the regulations dealing
with personal data are more strictly drawn in the new billthe authorities
must now inform each person who is subject to a "bugging" order as soon as
the data relating to him has been stored, whereas previously such data
could be used secretly for three monthsthe regulations covering the
monitoring activities of the G-10 Commission have been extended.
In future, the secret service can begin bugging if suspicion to commit
racial incitement exists and "other ways to investigate the facts offer no
prospects or would be substantially more difficult". The monitoring of
persons under suspicion is to be simplified. While previously someone could
only be bugged if he were suspected of belonging to a terrorist
organisationwhich required the involvement of at least three alleged
culpritsin future, one suspect is enough. The government sees the danger
coming particularly from "extremist individuals or small groups" who might
employ "explosives or firearms".
Moreover, the secret services now have permission to spy on telephone calls
and e-mails that are carried over optical fibre cables (apparently, the
most frequently used transmission technology today). Previously, they were
only permitted to listen in on satellite and radio relay links.
The powers of the secret services are further expanded, in that they can
listen in where suspicion exists of terrorism, drug dealing, illegal arms
exports or hostage-taking abroad, if "the interests of the Federal Republic
of Germany are directly affected". According to an article in Der Spiegel
magazine, a special task force designed to act in the event of a crisis has
already been formed within the secret services.
For the first time, with this law, a new statute came into effect before
being formally passed by the federal parliament (Bundestag). In the case of
the German Wallert family, who had been kidnapped by Muslim rebels on the
Philippine island of Jolo, the Bundestag Committee for Intelligence
Services listening operations rapidly approved a bugging operation because
of the "danger to life and limb of the hostages".
In addition, the results of telephone monitoring will expressly become
acceptable as proof in "procedures to prohibit unconstitutional parties and
extremist associations." Previously this was the case only in criminal
proceedings. This means that secret, classified telephone logs and reports
of undercover agents can in the future play a crucial role in court actions.
The intention to use such logs in pending Supreme Court proceedings against
the neo-Nazi Nationale Partei Deutschlands (NPD) has caused particular
concern on the part of the Green party, which does not want to give the
impression that a "Lex NPD" is being established. In reality, the
initiators of the law only distanced themselves because the special
committee dealing with the preparation of an NPD ban complained that such
dossiers were not necessary for a prohibition.
Those pushing for the new law included Guenther Beckstein, interior
minister in Bavaria's Christian Social Union state government, who for some
time has agitated for such provisions. His proposals now appear almost word
for word in the legal text. This right-wing political hard-liner, renowned
for his draconian actions against asylum-seekers, immigrants and supporters
of minority religions, was also the first to push for an NPD ban. Beckstein
and Federal Interior Minister Otto Schily (SPD) have from the start been
passing the ball back and forth between one another.
The law is primarily being justified with reference to the "fight against
the extreme right". This justification is being used to gain the agreement
not only of parliament, but also of broad layers of the population. This
exemplifies the unscrupulous manner in which the powers of state organs of
coercion are being expanded in the name of a more aggressive posture
against the extreme right. For those in charge of the state and politics,
it is less a matter of the fight against the right wingas witnessed by the
use of so-called undercover secret service investigators as agents
provocateurs in the neo-Nazi scene (a recent article in the Frankfurter
Rundschau was headlined "The undercover policeman as model Nazi")than of
creating new means for spying and monitoring the general population.
Even though a substantial social protest movement does not exist at
present, social tensions are unmistakably growing. With wealth concentrated
in ever fewer hands, living conditions for broad social layers are becoming
increasingly intolerable. As a result, the probability increases that
discontent with official policies will express itself politically.
The extent of concern about this situation within influential circles in
politics and the media is revealed in the ongoing debate about the past of
two Green party ministers in the Schroeder government: Foreign Minister
Joschka Fischer and Environment Minister Juergen Trittin. Former street
fighter Fischer and ex-Maoist Trittin, who have both undergone a complete
about-face, repudiating the radicalism of their youth, are the ostensible
targets of this campaign. In reality, however, it is directed at anyone who
questions national authority, the real sin of the 1968 protest movement, in
the eyes of the powers-that-be.
In a strict sense, Fischer and Trittin did not really belong to this
movement, but with their boundless opportunism today's thoroughly loyal
Green ministers have provoked certain circles into undertaking a general
settling of accounts: any challenge to state authority is to be pilloried
and punished with excommunication, retroactively and at the same time
preventively. Other former left-wing political activists are providing
their own menial assistance to this campaign.
Der Spiegel magazine writes: "The anti-authoritarian notions of the 1968
generation, regarded as a radical-democratic renewal of the republic,
degenerated into an attack on the state monopoly of force, which was the
greatest error of the Apo [Extra-parliamentary Opposition], and is why
Joschka Fischer is now feeling the whip."
Any use of force is the prerogative of the state alone! On this the
prominent protagonists in the debate are united: this includes those who
are demanding that Fischer and Trittin dissociate themselves even more
expressly from their rebellious past, and are calling for the two ministers
to resign, as well as Fischer's and Trittin's defenders, who stress that
the two leading Greens' reformation is proof of the "democratic state's"
power of integration. The message is clear: state authority is inviolable,
its strengthening and confirmation a holy "democratic" commandment.
Interior Minister Otto Schily long took over the leading role of
strengthening and confirming this authority. According to Schily, it is no
longer a question of protecting the individual from the state, but rather
protecting him from organised crime. This is also how Schily explained his
point of view when he was merely a parliamentary deputy, a view that has
clearly changed since the days when, as a lawyer, he defended members of
the RAF (Red Army Fraction).
Schily's state-authoritarian position corresponds to the standpoint of many
prominent SPD politicians, indicated by their earlier agreement to the
introduction of wire-tapping. But also within the Green party, a conception
of the state based on civil liberties has long since given way to a general
affirmation of state authority. Even critical Greens like Cem Oezdemir and
Hans Christian Stroebele gave their blessings to the draft bill reforming
the G-10 law, justifying their support by saying the advantages of
introducing controls and data security would counterbalance the
disadvantages of the new law.
Since 1968, with the passage of Emergency Laws that, together with the
brutal US war in Vietnam, inflamed student protests, the state's apparatus
of force has been continuously expanded. At the same time, elementary civil
liberties and fundamental rights have increasingly come under attack.
Milestones in this process were Willi Brandt's Radikalenerlass of 1972,
which introduced the Berufsverbot, banning Communist Party members or
others deemed hostile to the constitution from holding jobs in the public
service, and which affected over 10,000 people by 1988. Another was the
prohibition of the multiple defence in criminal proceedings. With the
hunting down of "sympathisers", the Stammheim trial and then the
astonishing "suicides" of RAF leaders Meinhof, Baader, Ensslin and Raspe,
the internal strengthening of the state achieved a high point in the 1970s.
This process continued to intensify in the 1990s: Now the opponents are no
longer the RAF and left-wing terrorism, but "organised crime", "religious
sects" and right-wing violence. They provide the pretext and general
justification for an ever-greater expansion of police and secret service
powers at the expense of basic civil rights.
While the debate on amending the constitution in 1996/1997 to introduce new
wire-tapping and bugging powers found a broad echo in the media, the other
measures strengthening the security authorities hardly gained public
notice. In particular, in recent years, and unnoticed by the public, an
abundance of new powers of intervention for the security services was
created both at the federal and state level, in laws governing the police,
criminal procedures and the secret services.
Altogether, they evince a continuous tendency to introduce harsher laws,
expanding the latitude of existing regulations as well as creating new
possibilities of state intervention.
It is characteristic that the measures extending police powers at a state
level have been implemented irrespective of whether the state was ruled by
the Christian Democrats or the SPD. After conservative-ruled Bavaria and
Baden-Wuerttemberg in western Germany (and Saxony in the East), the leading
role seems now to have been taken by SPD-governed Lower Saxony, which has
introduced newly created powers enabling the police to carry out ID checks
in all public places, regardless of whether there is any suspicion of a
crime being committed.

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