-Caveat Lector-
Thu Oct 3 20:54:49 2002

Since the end of WWII, and the implementation of
Project Paperclip in which thousands of Nazi scientists,
propagandists, doctors and intelligence officers were
smuggled into this country with the help of the Vatican's
CIA, our nation has gone downhill morally and
spiritually. Freedom is an illusion. Totalitarian Control is
covert, but becoming more overt by the week and the
media is more manipulated now than at any time in history.
The National
Security State uses the media to pass false information to
cover up its
tracks, and real news rarely gets told the way it is. At
best, it is spun and
distorted so that it bears little resemblance to the truth or
to anything
remotely real. Important and vital information is left out
entirely such as
the ongoing smuggling of drugs by the CIA or the secretive
doings of the
Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg cabal. And
the majority
of people have been so brainwashed by this system, that they
scarcely detect a lie, or the absence of truth, even when it
is blatantly
obvious to those who are still able to question and maintain
a healthy

In the case of 911, the media has been used to create what
Admiral Lemnitzer
described in Operation Northwoods as "a helpful wave of
to put it mildly.

Atta's passport flying out of the WTC crash to land on the
street, Islamic
"religious articles" discovered in the Pentagon, Korans and
manuals found in rental cars, evil box-cutter-wielding
heroic cell-phone calls to loved ones, the WTC towers
collapsing from
plane crashes they were designed to withstand...

And please ignore the 8 mile debris path of Flight 93, ignore
the complete
lack of interceptors (except for flight 93 of course) on that
Day of Infamy,
ignore the expert maneuvers of the planes flown by guys that
could barely
fly single engine prop jobs, ignore the fact that the
Pentagon planned a
similar Operation in 1962, ignore the fact that Bush stated
clearly on two
occasions that he had witnessed the crash of Flight 11 "on
ignore his executive order W199-I and the fact that Daddy
Bush and the
Bin Ladin family benefit financially from a War on Humanity.
Ignore also
the Enabling...sorry..."Patriot" Act that strips the
Constitution of the 4th
and Fifth Amendments and for the New World Order's sake,
ignore the fact that at least one of the bin Ladin videos was
a complete
fake, was withheld from the public for four weeks after its
"discovery" by
the Pentagon, then released to the masses of true believers
for their
continued mental dupery. And don't forget, Mr Bush and
President...er I
mean, VICE-President Cheney have ordered Congress to refrain
investigating the events of 911.

So go to sleep children, go to sleep, big Mommy Federal Government
and Her complicit media shills will make sure you don't have
to think
about any of this. Just listen to the stories from "official
sources" and get to
sleep. After all, it happened such a long time ago. And now
we are at war
with the Evil Ones, so we have to forget about the past and
go to sleep!
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