




"wooo unto ye judges and lawyers "esquires" ye are
not graced, call my name and ye shall live in my
kingdom. ye love ye evil and ye shall parish in

Without Justice, there is JUST_US!  = "Jesus" = "Justice"


"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the
       animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your
   counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your
   chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
                                   -Samuel Adams

   You?ll notice that the name of this organization is Freedom Above Fortune, not
   Freedom Without Fortune or Freedom Instead of Fortune. Rather, Freedom Above
   Fortune is an organization dedicated to the concept that no amount of real or
   perceived economic prosperity or fortune is worth trading for your freedom. This
   is not to say that pursuing economic prosperity, in and of itself, is bad. Rather, it
   is to say that those who are willing to sell their freedom and their children?s
   freedom for a few pieces of silver, as Judas did when he betrayed Jesus Christ,
   are shortsighted and foolish. If you are willing to sell your freedom for short term
   financial security, real or perceived, the willingness to sell your very soul can?t
   be far behind.

   Freedom Above Fortune was founded by Joseph R. (Joe) Banister, a former IRS
   Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent who learned of serious
   constitutional questions relating to the federal income tax and the federal banking
   and monetary systems. Mr. Banister?s expertise in the fields of accounting,
   finance, taxation, and law enforcement enabled him to not only understand these
   issues but realize that he could play a role in bringing the issues into the public
   arena for analysis and debate. Mr. Banister has published an analysis of these
   constitutional questions called Investigating The Federal Income Tax: A
   Preliminary Report. If you would like a professionally published copy of the
   report, which comes complete with an eye-catching color cover and Mr.
   Banister's bio, send cash, money order, or check payable to Joseph Banister in
   the amount of $20.00 to:

                               Freedom Above Fortune
                                   P.O. Box 90239
                               San Jose, CA 95109-4239
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   If you can not afford $20.00, but would like a copy of the report, an informal
   version is available here. A donation to the above P.O. Box in any amount you
   can afford would be greatly appreciated.

   If you would like a free electronic copy of the report click here.

   Mr Banister will be speaking at Freedom Law School's Freedom Rally on March
   13th and 14th at the Sheraton Newport Beach.  He will also be speaking at Free
   Enterprise Society's Tax Freedom Rally on April 10th and 11th at the San Jose
   Hyatt.  For further information or to register for either rally, contact the sponsors
   at either of the above links.

   If you'd like to start educating yourself on your constitutional rights and the limits
   on Federal taxing power, visit Devvy Kidd's website at http:// www.devvy.com.

                          by Lyle Hartford VanDyke, Jr.

American Patriot Friends Network

Hartford Van Dyke - A Non-Union Lawyer -

Re: Supreme Court decision of 1938 Erie R.R. v. Thompkins....
Ben Freeman     tapes of 1989.

       [APFN - American Patriot Fax Network, recieved this fax dated 03/28/1991 16:23

   My name is Hartford Van Dyke. My father was lyle H. Van Dyke that is cited in almost every
                 federal brief written against so- called "common law liens".

   My father's uncle Gerald Mason Van Dyke was man in the intel- ligence department in the
   Hawaiian Islands that sent the warning message to Washington D.C. Thursday afternoon
 December 4th 1941 at 2:00 pm Hawaiian time (7:00pm Washington D.C. time) warning the U.S.
  government U.S. Naval intelligence of the impending attack on Pearl Harbor Sunday Dec 7th
  1941. His message was received in Naval Intelligence sixty-six hours before the Pearl Harbor
 attack by Rear Admiral Paulis Prince Powell and relayed to Secretary of Navy Knox and Under
 Secretary of the Navy James Vincent Forrestal. Knox and Forrestal wanted to get the ships out
 of Pearl Harbor and put a defense perimeter around the Hawaiian Islands, but Secretary of War
   Stimpson discovered what they were planning to do and alerted President Roosevelt of the
  plan, whereup Roosevelt had Knox, Forrestal, and Powell placed under arrest at gun point to
   prevent them from warning the Hawaiian military commanders Admiral kimmel and General
 Short, who had to receive their information through channels instead of directly from
Mason Van Dyke.

  I wrote and Published a paperback book on this subject entitled "The Skelton in Uncle Sam's
 Closet" (1973) and supplied a copy to each and every U.S. Congressman, 535 representatives
 and senators at that time. The book is out of print. In 1975 I published the highlights of this book
       as a newspaper and distributed about 20,000 copies worldwide, mostly in the U.S.

                                 /s/ Hartford Van Dyke
                                     P.O. Box 650
                                   Vancouver, Wash.

                            16/page Tabloit color front issue



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