-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.pei-intl.com/TOPICS/GOLD0699.htm">Gold - Manipulation or
Exaggeration? -  June 10

Gold - Manipulation or Exaggeration?

By Martin A. Armstrong

Copyright Princeton Economics International
June 10th, 1999


A two-man army calling itself GATA has begun to besiege the media
attempting to gain a lot of press on the platform that gold is being
"manipulated" by a cartel of investment banks. They constantly point to
what they call the huge "carry trade" in gold were there is far more
gold sold than exists. The basic tenents of the commodity markets, be it
cash or futures, is that every position is offset by an equal and
opposite position. There cannot be more outstanding short positions than
long positions, yet the total number of positions combined can far
exceed the actual supply. However, the same thing can happen in S&P 500
futures or even US 30-year bond futures. That is the nature of the free
markets. Those who own a commodity have the right to sell it, lend it or
 hedge it to someone else who is willing to take the other side for
whatever reason, be it hedging a future use or betting on the next bull
market. Above all – this single misconception has been man’s greatest
downfall! For during almost every great financial panic in history,
government has launched intrusive investigations seeking to uncover that
horrible short position that has manipulated the entire marketplace
through its sheer ability to overpower it with size. Every investigation
to date has begun with that misguided belief that a short position can
be larger than a long position, failing to understand in the process
that all positions must balance. In the wake of the Panic of 1907, short
selling was declared a criminal act despite the fact that they never
found that horrible person who overpowered the marketplace. Fortunately,
the US Supreme Court struck down that law against short selling and the
free market went on. The true cause of the decline was only finally
revealed as a cash flow problem, which in turn gave birth to the Federal
Reserve 6 years later.

An investigation was launched following the Crash of 1929 from which the
SEC was born. People from all over the country were questioned by
Congress and accused, without evidence, of somehow being short behind
the scenes. The mere accusation made against people ruined their
reputations and provided the basis that launched a thousand lawsuits.
When the evidence was finally collected, all the famous names were found
to have been long – not short. From Rockefeller on down, they all lost
staggering amounts of money. The multimillion-dollar short position
never surfaced once again. The same was true following the Crash of
1987. Those who should have been short as a hedge against their stock
portfolios were in fact found to have been significantly under hedged.
No massive short position ever surfaced from the 1987 investigation and
they imposed circuit breakers that needed to be revised in 1997.

The "carry trade" in gold that has been the subject of much discussion
is seriously misunderstood. There are those who would like to point to
this position as the cause for the decline in gold. They are dead wrong.
The "carry trade" in the OTC gold market has been around for years. The
Arabs have used gold as a means to earn interest without calling it
interest. Islam forbids the lending of money for interest known as the
"sin of usury". The Arabs have used the carry trade in gold since the
early 1980s. They buy spot and sell forward and collect the "carry" or
premium on a back month. This premium is a reflection of the cost to
"carry" a gold position. If you buy the current spot and sell the
forward, you earn that net difference without being exposed to the price
fluctuation of gold itself. In reality, the investment banks can book
billions of dollars of such transactions that have NO impact or
relevance to the gold market. Technically, the Arabs are not receiving
interest but instead they are buying gold today and selling it for a few
dollars more 3 months out. These profits are allowed under Islam,
whereas normal interest earnings are forbidden.

The Japanese are also involved in the "carry trade" in gold. Public
futures funds in Japan are still regulated under the commodity acts even
if they trade Nikkei or S&P500 futures. Since the definition of ALL
futures funds remains that of a "commodity" fund according to Japanese
regulation, there is a strict investment guideline. ALL futures funds
must be invested 50% at all times in commodities. Hence, the Japanese
futures funds are also using the gold "carry trade" in order to meet the
crazy requirement that the fund must be invested 50% in commodities at
all times. Again, gold is purchased on the spot and sold forward without
risk. Again, this becomes a paper transaction where a bank will certify
that there is a trade on their books thus allowing the fund to meet its
requirements for being invested 50% in commodities at all times. The
balance of the fund then CANNOT be invested in commodities and off they
go into the financial futures world trading Nikkei, JGBs, S&P500 and the

Of course, the last type of this "carry trade" involves the mining
companies. Here, gold is sold forward in order for a company to plan its
operating expenses. A budget can be established only if there is some
assured return for their production. Others may borrow gold on an
interest rate differential. In this case, a gold loan comes with a lower
interest rate. The gold is sold on the spot and the loan is repaid from
future production. It is a cheap means of acquiring financing. Interest
on gold loans tend to be lower because it is a dead asset on the books
of its owners since there is no income and often there is storage and
insurance costs. Consumers of such loans are typically mining companies
or manufacturers. The granter of gold loans are holders including
central banks. Holding gold without lending can be very costly, but by
lending the gold a holder retains ownership since the borrower is
committed to repay the loan in gold plus interest thereby reducing the
holding costs.

Gold is no more being manipulated today in some grand conspiracy than it
was going into the 1980 high. We disagree that the Hunts were market
manipulators in silver back in 1980. Perhaps one could have argued that
the Hunts manipulated silver IF it was the only commodity to have risen
during the entire period. However, the CPI was hitting 17% annually and
people were hoarding toilet paper. All commodities were in a strong bull
market – not ONLY silver. Likewise, we find it extremely difficult to
also accept that just because of the "carry trade" in gold that it is
being manipulated lower when all other commodities are also in a bear
market. To further argue that if these massive short positions were
forced out of the marketplace then gold prices would rise makes no
sense. If you chase the Japanese and the Arabs out of gold, nothing will
change. These types of transactions do NOT impact prices but they do
have an impact by making gold appear to be extremely liquid. If you
outlaw gold loans you destroy the free market and most likely cause
massive liquidations on the part of those who have such hoards but need
some kind of income.

Those who jump up on the soapboxes and cry foul about sales of gold by
the IMF, England and the rest of the central banks seem to miss the
point. The governments of the world DO NOT share their belief that only
gold is money and that a return to the gold standard is inevitable. Such
a step back in time would require the complete abandonment of virtually
every social program introduced since World War II – a highly UNLIKELY
political decision. The governments of the world have a self-interest in
not returning to the gold standard. In 1985, we argued that governments
must return to some fixed exchange rate mechanism or that volatility
would escalate into 2003 disrupting the world economy as a whole. The
White House responded by stating that any return to the fixed exchange
rate system would mean that, "domestic policy objectives would be held
hostage to international policy objectives." This was a fancy way of
stating that such a system meant a return to a balanced budget, and in
turn that meant that politicians could NOT offer wonderful social
programs if they had to actually fund them long-term.

We do NOT disagree that the floating exchange rate system has allowed
national debts to explode and that at some point in the future there
must be reconciliation with reality. However, such a collapse in society
is not likely to come before the 2012 time period when the obligations
of governments will be unbearable. In effect, the formation of the EMU
this year is a step toward preparing for these serious default problems
in the future. In France, there are plenty of guarantees by the
government for your pension but there is no money set aside to support
those guarantees. The French population has no 401K or private system
that they can count on. This situation could spark the next French
revolution when the population faces the fact that their pensions have
only been political promises. The same is true in many regions of
Europe. By banning together, Europe hopes to capture the capital that
moves between the cracks and thus increase their revenues in an effort
to reduce all future liabilities. A Federal Europe will be far better
equipped to deal with the problems together rather than on a divided
basis. By allowing the euro to collapse, they are in effect devaluing
their future obligations, which is one way of getting out of the mess.
You meet your obligations but you pay with a currency that is worth far
less than it was at the point the promise was made. They then manipulate
CPI in an effort to reduce any increase in liabilities by purporting
that there is no inflation.

There is a serious question that needs to be asked based upon the events
economically since World War II. The gold standard gave way because
governments continued to increase their debts but never readjusted the
price of gold in proportion to the increase in money supply. Instead of
admitting that their borrowings had created inflation, they chose to
close the gold window and end the gold standard. The rally in gold
during the 1970s was a natural response for any and all commodities that
had been artificially restrained. Thus, if one wants to discuss
manipulations, the gold standard was the biggest manipulation of all by
keeping the value of gold fixed while the supply of money increased.
Gold was NOT money; it was merely a store of wealth in which money was
expressed. This is why the gold standard collapsed.

The global economy is indeed showing signs of distress. The IMF loan
portfolio looks like a charity case with assets that will never be
repaid. Any normal bank would be declared insolvent and closed with a
portfolio of this nature. The IMF has long past its expiration date. The
original intent behind the IMF was to be a lender to nations who
temporarily were unable to meet their obligations under the gold
standard. Hence, the IMF became the largest holder of gold in order for
it to provide gold loans. Since there is a political agenda that is
intent upon never returning to a gold standard due to its impact upon
the social goals of the left wing, it makes perfect sense that central
banks and the IMF should in fact liquidate their gold assets. While this
may be a major bearish factor short-term, it is also most likely going
to provide a true free market in gold long-term. Gold will also be
capped as long as the bulk of its supply remains in the vaults of the
central banks. The idea that they are trying to manipulate gold lower is
not well founded. Australia sold its reserves when they caught wind of
the true agenda of liquidation. From the Australian perspective, they
sold about $100 higher than the current price, saving considerable
national reserves.

For these reasons we do not see a conspiracy to push gold lower just an
international policy that has not been publicly expressed. We do not see
this as a manipulation but as a change in monetary system policy that is
promoting the liquidation of gold assets and its "official"
demonetization. We have been blamed and criticized intensely for our
view on gold. We warned 6 months before the marketplace became aware
that the central banks were going to be net sellers and we received hate
mail claiming that we were making up the entire issue. We warned about
the silver squeeze and that there was no true shortage but that the
metal was instead headed to London where inventories are not disclosed.
We were attacked again claiming that we were making up the entire affai
r, and companies like CPM claimed that industrial consumption was the
cause of the drain in silver inventories. When the Bank of England
suddenly got involved, then Mr. Buffet admitted that he bought the
silver and that it was in London where several other parties were
engaged in front-running Buffet’s order out of sight from the CFTC. We
did warn that some of the bullion dealers were selling gold aggressively
and buying silver to help push it up to the $7 level, depressing gold in
the process. Our sources on this entire matter have always been reliable
and they have proven to be correct.

There is most likely the typical summer rally from a June low that may
yet develop. The public funds are all quite aggressively short and a
rally is starting to appear overdue where a retest of $275-280 may be
likely. Nevertheless, the prospects for lower prices into next year
remain quite strong where a drop to just under $200 performs a retest of
the 1974 high. The bullion trade has tried to use Y2K as a reason to
rush out and buy gold. The central banks have been the sellers into that
retail consumer demand as well. Even the British are now running
advertisements offering new gold coins struck for the millennium. Some
of the bankers have expressed a fear that the hype over Y2K that has
been used by some bullion dealers could prove to be quite damaging to
retail demand next year. The concern remains that a sharp drop in demand
could unfold when the public sees that the banks have not collapsed and
that life goes on. There is also a growing fear that perhaps net sales
by the public may also emerge causing prices to decline even further.
Those banks that are selling gold to the public do NOT want to see a
price collapse. They naturally want to sell gold coins at the highest
possible price, as was the case with Australia.

We can entertain conspiracy theories and blame or threaten everyone who
has ever uttered a bearish word about the precious metals, but this will
not change a thing. It is going to be a very difficult period ahead for
many involved in the precious metals and most other commodities as well.
Nonetheless, the only hope will be new lows in 2000 and a return to
inflation perhaps due in part to Y2K. Any disruption to supply will
cause a shortage of goods and that is price inflationary as was the case
during the late 1970s. If there is no serious problem and the
stockpiling of goods and raw commodities by manufacturers going into
year-end results in excess inventories, then there will be a risk of a
further deflationary trend into 2002-2003. Such an outcome would prompt
further deflation and postpone any bull market in commodities until the
2003-2007 time period. These are major economic issues that will take
time and patience to resolve. Short-term price manipulation by dealers
who run after the stops of fund managers are a commonplace event in the
OTC cash markets of gold and foreign exchange. Nonetheless, this does
not rise to the level of a grand conspiracy of monumental proportions
intent upon forcing a particular long-term directional trend. If the
central banks sell everything, they will have nothing left to prevent a
bull market from unfolding. It will take time before we can see the new
light of day and a shift in the economic prospects worldwide.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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