-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

 There is an article below the pot smoking one about Al Gore which states he
is a Neo Gnostic. A Neo Gnostic believes matter is evil and spirit is good.
They believe in escaping the evil material body by aquiring secret knowledge
from a divine special emissary from the kingdom of light.This divine being
either is in a celestial body or temporary enters the body of a human. This
being shows we were once divine and will now return to divinity after
getting special knowledge.
Could this be Maitreya?

         "We smoked more than once, more than a few times, we smoked a lot.
We smoked in his car, in his house, we smoked in his parents' house, in my
house… we smoked on weekends. We smoked a lot."
--John C. Warnecke on his relationship with Al Gore

A DRCNet Exclusive
By Adam J. Smith

The Week Online with DRCNet (stopthedrugwar.org) has learned that Newsweek
Magazine decided late Friday to postpone publication of an excerpt of a Gore
biography featuring eyewitness accounts of Al Gore's regular and continued
drug use over a period of years. The drug use covers a period of Gore's life
from his days at Harvard up until the very week he declared his candidacy
for Congress in 1976, sources told The Week Online. The book, by Bill Turque
of Newsweek's Washington bureau, quotes both named and unnamed sources,
including John Warnecke, son of John Carl Warnecke – architect of the John
F. Kennedy grave site, and a long-time friend of the Gores. An exclusive
interview with Mr. Warnecke follows this story.

The excerpt had been scheduled to run in Newsweek's January 18th issue, just
days before the start of the Democratic primaries. A previous excerpt from
the book appeared in the December 6 issue. In that excerpt, which covered
Gore's Vietnam experience, Tipper Gore was said to have spent considerable
time, distraught with worry for her husband's safety, at Warnecke's house
while Gore was overseas.

The Gore biography, to be published by Houghton-Mifflin, was itself
originally scheduled for a January release, but that too has been delayed
until March 23. A spokesman for Houghton-Mifflin told The Week Online that
the delay was "normal."

Al Gore has previously admitted using marijuana, but those admissions fall
well short of the type of regular, even chronic use described by Warnecke.
Warnecke also says that Gore used marijuana regularly for at least four
years after the Vice-President claims to have stopped.

On November 7, 1987, in the wake of Douglas H. Ginsburg's failed Supreme
Court nomination, Gore told the Bergen County Record that he had smoked
marijuana in college and in the army but had not used it in the past fifteen
years. The New York Times reported on November 8, 1987:

Mr. Gore said he last used marijuana when he was 24. He said he first tried
the drug at the end of his junior year at Harvard and used it again at the
beginning of his senior year the next fall. He also said he used the drug
"once or twice" while off-duty in an Army tour at Bien Hoa, Vietnam; on
several occasions while he was in graduate school at Vanderbilt University
and when he was an employee of a Nashville newspaper (The Nashville
Tennessean). On November 11, 1987, Gore was quoted in UPI, saying "We have
to be honest and candid and open in dealing with the (drug) problem."

Mr. Turque refused to comment to The Week Online. Roy Burnett, a spokesman
for Newsweek, acknowledged that the magazine was preparing to run a new
excerpt from the book "in the coming weeks." Asked whether there in fact had
been a delay, and if so, the reasons behind it, Burnett would say only that
it is Newsweek's policy not to discuss its editorial practices.

Gore, as part of the Clinton Administration, has presided over a drug war
policy that has led to the arrest and incarceration of record numbers of
non-violent drug offenders. In 1998, according to the Justice Department,
there were 682,885 Americans arrested on marijuana charges, 88% of whom were
arrested for possession. A recent study by the Center on Juvenile and
Criminal Justice (www.cjcj.org) reported that the incarcerated population of
the U.S. will reach two million on or around February 15, 2000. Of those,
more than half are non-violent offenders according to CJCJ.

On February 8, 1999, Vice President Gore personally presented the
administration's Drug Control Strategy at a Washington, DC press conference.
During his remarks, Gore spoke about the "spiritual problem" of drug abuse
and about the need for more positive opportunities for young people. Despite
this, however, the strategy allocates approximately 2/3 of the federal drug
budget on enforcement, with less than one third to be spent on treatment and
education combined.

At that press conference, Gore, perhaps inadvertently, pointed out the very
problem inherent in a class of political leaders who prosecute a failing
drug war while hiding their own experiences with illicit drugs, and the
message that sends to young people.

"And if young people… feel there's phoniness and hypocrisy and corruption
and immorality," Gore said, "then they are much more vulnerable to the drug
dealers, to the peers who tempt them with messages that are part of a larger
entity of evil."

John C. Warnecke
Exclusive to The Week Online
By Adam J. Smith

John C. Warnecke worked as a reporter for the Nashville Tennessean and was a
close personal friend of the Gores. Warnecke is the son of John Carl
Warnecke, architect for the John F. Kennedy gravesite. The Week Online spoke
with Mr. Warnecke by phone this week.

The Week Online: Mr. Warnecke, Vice President Gore has said that he used
marijuana 'on several occasions' and 'not since he was twenty-four.' But you
say that you have first-hand knowledge that his use was more extensive than
he has previously admitted?

John C. Warnecke: Yes, I do. I have first hand knowledge that he has not
told the truth about his drug use. Al Gore and I smoked regularly, as
buddies. Marijuana, hash. I was his regular supplier. I didn't deal dope, I
just gave it to him. We smoked more than once, more than a few times, we
smoked a lot. We smoked in his car, in his house, we smoked in his parents'
house, in my house… we smoked on weekends. We smoked a lot.

Al Gore and I were smoking marijuana together right up to the time that he
ran for Congress in 1976. Right up through the week he declared for that
race, in fact.

WOL: And after that?

JCW: After that he began to distance himself from me. I was bad for his
political career.

WOL: During the course of the 1988 campaign, you told the New York Times and
the Nashville Tennessean that you had smoked marijuana with Al Gore…

JCW: A few times. And I told them that he didn't like it.

WOL: Why didn't you tell the truth at that time?

JCW: I was put under a lot of pressure to lie.

WOL: Who was pressuring you?

JCW: The answer to that question is in the excerpt that Newsweek decided not
to run. It's in the Turque book. Right now, I'm going to leave it at that.

WOL: So what made you decide to come forward now?

JCW: It's because I've been under a lot of stress. My conscience has been
killing me ever since then. I actually came forward months ago when Bill
(Turque) interviewed me for the book. I had been told that this story would
come out, that the public would know this by now. But then the book date was
pushed back, and Newsweek pulled the story. The only thing that I can assume
is that Newsweek is covering this up, protecting the Gore campaign by
refusing to run this before the primaries. I decided that I had to go ahead
and tell it. I really feel that the public has a right to know this at this
time, and I was having trouble living with myself being part of the
hypocrisy and the lies.

WOL: Hypocrisy?

JCW: Yes. The drug laws in this country are ruining the lives of hundreds of
thousands of young people, mostly poor young people, people who don't come
from privileged backgrounds and wealthy families. It just doesn't make sense
that we have a war on drugs. It doesn't work, and the politicians refuse to
talk about it. That suffering and that hypocrisy has weighed very heavily on
my conscience. I have a saying that I use, and that is: "who raised you?" In
other words, were you raised with a conscience? Mine has made my life very
difficult ever since I became part of the hypocrisy. I couldn't live with
the lie anymore. Not and stay sober.

WOL: How long have you been sober?

JCW: Twenty-one years.

WOL: Congratulations. So, after twenty-one years of sobriety, do you
consider Al Gore a criminal for his drug use?

JCW: I don't consider drug use a criminal act. Is drug use a poor choice?
Yes. Is it risky behavior? Yes. Does it make any sense -- has it gotten us
anywhere as a society to criminalize it? Absolutely not. Unless you consider
it progress that we're spending more on prisons than on higher education,
and still the drugs are everywhere. But politicians refuse to talk about
this issue honestly.

WOL: And what would you have Al Gore say about it?

JCW: I wish Al would come clean. I wish that all politicians would come
clean and deal with this in a rational manner. Look at all the damage the
silence is causing.

WOL: And Newsweek?

JCW: Newsweek cut off information that the American people should have had
in order to make an informed decision. Knowing that Al Gore used drugs
considerably more than he has admitted is important. Let the American people
draw their own conclusions about it, let them decide how important it is.

We need to quit lying about it. Quit hiding it. To my mind, Newsweek
censored this, they covered it up. And I think that the perpetuation of that
silence over time has allowed us to go on jailing kids. Kids who are much
younger and less equipped to deal with life than Al Gore was when we were
using drugs together.

I want any candidate that is running for president to be honest about their
drug use. And then we can start being honest with ourselves about how best
to deal with society's drug problem.

WOL: So you don't think that his past drug use, even his extensive drug use,
should disqualify Al Gore from the nomination?

JCW: I'm going to vote for Al Gore.

Rest on url -The Occult nature of UN. Piece about A Gore at end.

(Now we know why the Dali Lama may get his ' save the environment' speeches
from Maitreya. Maitreya channels them to these people at UN. David Spangler
and those other Findhorn/Alice Bailey/Maitreya people on UN board of
directors. Nicky)

    Such is the background to this U.N. occult jamboree, designed to
introduce ordinary people of many faiths and Christian denominations to the
realms of occult meditation at a global level. In fact, the organisers were
living out their belief that there will be a critical point at which a
"breakthrough into a new planetary consciousness" will take place if they
can induce enough people to meditate on the planet at any one time. Among
the many patrons and sponsors of these events were the Dalai Lama, James
Callaghan, Yehudi Menuhin, Richard Leakey, Terry Waite, Dr. Linus Pauling,
Mother Teresa, Dr. Robert Muller, composer Philip Glass, comedian Dudley
Moore, actor Ben Kingsley (star of the film "Gandhi"), Paul McCartney, paper
manufacturer Bowater Scott, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, The
Human Unity Institute, Planetary Citizens, the Gandhi Foundation, U.N.A.,
Oxfam, etc.

    In case readers may be wondering what kind of 'spirituality' Dag
Hammarskjöld advocated, a leaflet about the United Nations Meditation Room
written under the direction of Mr. Hammarskjöld stated that the eerie
lodestone altar within it 'is dedicated to the God whom man worships under
many names and in many forms'. [Quoted in R.K. Spenser, The Cult of the
All-Seeing Eye (Christian Book Club of America, 1962), p.9.] We will save
for a later time to show how this syncretistic notion is fundamental to the
development of the New Spirituality, the New World Order and to the
generation of its Occult Millennium here on Earth. In 1973, the U.N.
Secretary-General U Thant -- who was also a mystic -- formed the
organisation 'Planetary Citizens' with a New Age activist called Donald
Keys. This is yet another Non-Governmental Organisation within the U.N.
which is devoted to propagating the New Gnosticism. Since its inception,
this has grown to be a global organisation which is specifically "devoted to
preparing people for the coming of the new culture" [J. Gordon Melton (ed.),
New Age Encyclopedia (Gale Research, Inc., 1990), p.357]. In a revealing
connection, Donald Keys has been actively involved with the New Age Findhorn
Community in Scotland and writes regularly for its magazine 'One Earth'. On
one such occasion, at the beginning of the 1980s, Donald Keys wrote:

    "The New Age groups are focussing and entering a new stage -- a world
related stage. They are becoming mature enough to begin to shoulder some of
the load of humanity's burden... The spread of New Age values as a unifying
"yeast" in the human loaf may be the critical ingredient for successful
emergence from the 1980s". [One Earth Image, Magazine of the Findhorn
Foundation, Vol.1, Issue 1, February/ March, 1980, p.1.]

    In this same article, Donald Keys posed the question, "To what extent
will New Age energies and values invest the human scene in the 1980s?" And
he answers: "Without doubt it will have a major impact throughout the world
on the value content of governance and the way life is lived" [Ibid]. That
this has been successfully the case, there can be no doubt. We now have all
the talk about a New World Order, and the present President of the most
influential country in the world is the most sympathetic man to the New
Gnosticism that one could have in the White House. His deputy, Albert Gore,
is also completely in tune with the ambitions of the New Spirituality.

Channelling at UN

at the United Nations
Steve Rother and the Group in Live Channel
at The United Nations in Vienna, Austria May 20th 1999
More on url.
The Group began to speak about the Universal energy, and how it was all
about blending. They used the illustration of tides in the Ocean that
actually balance the rotation of the Earth. This constant movement of energy
(water) is always seeking balance. To seek balance and blending is the way
of the Universal energy. To support that blending will place you in the
Universal flow. To oppose that energy would be against the Universal flow
and would not be supported. They gave illustrations about how all actions
should be compared to the flow of Universal Energy. They said that action
supporting blending and the removal of imaginary lines of separation would
help us make the shift as humanity moved forward. Those actions that
resisted blending and encouraged segregation would not be supported. They
spoke of how all things begin as a single heart. If there is a misdirection
of energy that goes against the Universal flow then it would find


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