-Caveat Lector-


Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect results from "the dirty of the atmospheric infrared
window" by some atmospheric trace gases, permitting incoming solar
radiation to reach th surface of the Earth unhindered but restricting the
outward flow of infrared radiation. These atmospheric trace gases are
referred as greenhouse gases. They absorb and reradiate this outgoing
radiation, effectively storing some of the heat in the atmosphere, thus
producing a net warming of the surface. The process is called the
greenhouse effect.

A Simplied Radiative Equilibrium Model

The greenhouse effect plays a crucial role in maintaining a life-sustaining
environment on the earth. If there is no greenhouse effect (suppose that there
is no greenhouse gases existing in our atmosphere), the temperature of the
earth is determined by the amount of incoming solar radiation that reaches
and heats its surface. The amount of incoming solar radiation received at the
Earth's surface is given by pi*R^2*S*(1-A), where R is the radius of the earth;
S is the solar constant; and A is the albedo of the earth. (The albedo of the
earth is approximately 33%.) This amount of incoming solar radiation
reaches the surface of the earth and heats it to a temperature, called the
effective temperture, Te. Supposing that the earth emits heat like a
blackbody, each square meter of the earth's surface radiates infrared
radiation according to the stefan-Boltzmann law, which states that the
emission of infrared radiation is equal to o*Te^4, where o is the the Stefan-
Boltzmann constant. Hence, the total amount of infrared radiation emitted by
the earth's surface is equal to 4*pi*R^2*o*Te^4. Since there is a balance
between the incoming solar radiation reaching the surface and the outgoing
infrared radiation emitted at the surface, we may equate these two terms and
solve for the effective temperture, Te. It is easy to find that Te=(S*(1-
A)/4o)^(1/4) and to get the earth Te=253K.

At a temperature of 253K, the earth would be a very inhospitable, frozen
world. However, actual measurements indicate that the mean temperature of
our planet averaged over the year and over all latitudes is about 288K, rather
than 253K. This difference is due to the greenhouse effect.

Variability of Global Temperature -- Global Warming?

The various independent historical observational measurements conclude
that the global average near-surface temperature has increased by about 0.5
degree centigrade over the past 100 years. This observed warming trend is
continuing despite the influence of the Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption, which
caused volcanic emissions to reduce incoming solar radiation for nearly two
years. The likelihood that this global warming is due to primarily to natural
variability is low. Scientists believe that this global warming trend is resulted
from the enhanced greenhouse effect. The notion of an "enhanced"
greenhouse effect refers primarily to the incremental global warming caused
by the exponentially increasing concentrations of anthropogenically
introduced greenhouse gases over and above the greenhouse effect caused
by naturally occuring greenhouse gases. Although there exist large
uncertainties, scientists suggest that the emissions of greenhouse gases and
sulfate aerosols could, by the end of the next century, lead to an increase in
global mean temperatures of about 1-4 degree centigrate.

Potential Effects of Global Warming

This global warming trend can cause a significant global climate changes.
Human society is highly dependent on the Earth's climate. Climate patterns
and human adaptations determine the availability of food, fresh water, and
other resources for sustaining life. The social and economic characteriatics
of society have also been shaped largely by adapting to the seasonal and
year-to-year patterns of temperture and rainfall. Some potential effects
associated with climate change are listed in the following. (from U.S. Climate
Action Report)

Water Resources

The quality and quantity of drinking water, water availability for irrigation,
industrial use, and electricity generation, and the health of fisheries may be
significantly affected by changes in precipitation and increased evaporation.
Increased rainfall may cause more frequent flooding. Climate change would
likely add stress to major river basins worldwide.

Coastal Resources

A estimated 50 cm rise in sea level by the year 2100, could inundate more
than 5,000 square miles of dry land and an additional 4000 square miles of
wetlands in the U.S.


Heat-stress mortality could increase due to higher temperatures over longer
periods. Changing patterns of precipitation and temperature may produce
new breeding sites for pests, shifting the range of infectious diseases.


Impacts of Climate change in developing countries could be significant.


Higher tempertures and precipitation changes could increase forest
susceptibility to fire, disease, and insect damage.

Energy and Transportation

Warmer temperatures increase cooling demand but decrease heating
requirements. Fewer disruptions of winter transportation may occur, but
water transport may be affected by imcreased flooding or lowered river

Natural Climate Variability vs. Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

One of the most important features of the global climate system is that it
varies naturally on all time scales. Any climate change caused by human
enhancing the greenhouse effect will take place on the top of the system
which is already very variable. The question is how to identify umambiguously
that changes in climate are due to the enhanced greenhouse. It is hoped that
the types of climate changes induced by the enhanced greenhouse effect
may produce a pattern of change -- a greenhouse "fingerprint" in the climate
system that can only be adequately explained by the enhanced greenhous
effect .

Greenhouse Myths

"Ice caps melting" -- A common myth is that sea level rises will be caused by
melting polar icecaps.

The sea level rises predicted for the next 40 years will be caused by ocean
water expanding as it warms and by some melting of non-polar ice.

"Is it hotter now?" -- Another myth is that global warming predictions are
based on extrapolations past temperature rises.

The forcast of future change do not depend on evidence from observations,
but have been made on the basis of a primary understanding of the climate
system and through the use of climate models.

"Heat Islands" -- There have been claims that the measurements of global
temperatures have been distorted by the "Urban Effect", with local
temperature rises caused by urban development.

In practice, climatologists have carefully corrected the data to account for
spurious effects, like the urban heat island effect. Furthermore, other records,
such as middle tropospheric measurements, observations of maritime
temperatures and a world-wide retreat of mountain glaciers.

"Waiting for the next ice age to solve the greenhouse effect"

Typically, a order of 4 degrees centigrade change occurred over a period of
about 1000 years during the ice age. The rate of temperature change
resulting from the enhanced greenhouse effect is anticipated to be about 0.3
degrees centigate per decade. "Those who are 'Waiting for the next ice age
to solve the greenhouse effect', will have to wait a very long time!"

"Missing sink" -- Of the estimated seven billion tons of carbon from human-
generated carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere each year, about three
billion tons stay there. We know the oceans take up about two billion tons.
Where is the remainder going?

The remainder must also be going into the ocean or be taken up by living

Greenhouse Gases & Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse gases include water vaper, a improtant, naturally occuring and
highly varied greenhouse gas, and some atmospheric trace gases, such as
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and CFCs.

Rules Governing the Global Behavior of Trace Gases

Budgets of Some Major Greenhouse Gases

Rules Governing the Global Behavior of Trace Gases

Mass Balance

Causes of Trends

Variability and Lifetime

Additive Effects

Mass Balance

The main components that determine the characteristics of the atmospheric
concentrations of a greenhouse gas are summarized in a mass balance

where C is the concentration at some point x at time t; S, for sources, are the
emissions of the trace gas from natural or anthropogenic sources emitted
either directly into the atmosphere or produced by atmospheric chemical
processes (at x); L are the losses from chemical, deposition, or other
processes; and T is the transport by atmospheric winds and turbulent
processes. If we take an average over the whole atmosphere (over x), and
apply the assumption that most processes that remove long-lived trace
gases from the atmosphere tend to be proportional to the amount of the gas
present, we can get

where is the atmospheric lifetime.

Causes of Trends

According to the above stated equation, for gases once were in balance,
increases occur either if the sources start increasing or if the lifetime gets

Variability and Lifetime

Only long-lived gases have the potential for affecting the global environment.
The variability of a trace gas, defined as the ratio of standard deviation of
measured concentrations to the mean concentration at locations far from the
sources, with some restrictions, is inversely proportional to the atmospheric
lifetime. This effect arises principally because the concentrations of long-
lived gases are the result of many years of accumulated emissions.

Additive Effects

Trace gases often individually contribute little to global warming. Their
collective effects, however, can be substantial.

Budgets of Some Major Greenhouse Gases

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Methane (CH4)

Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

The global Carbon Dioxide budget is complex and involves transfer of CO2
between the atmosphere, the oceans, and the biosphere. Through the
photosynthetic process, the land removes about 100 petagrams (10^15 g) of
carbon in the form of CO2 per year. However, about the same quantity of
carbon in the form of CO2 is added to the atmosphere each year by
vegetation and soil respiration and decay. The world's oceans release about
100 Pg C in the form of CO2 into the atmosphere per year and in turn absorb
about 104 Pg C each year. Most of the oceanic carbon is in the form of
sedimentary carbonates. Burning of fossil fuels adds about 5 Pg C and
biomass buring and deforestation add about another 2 Pg C to the
atmosphere in the form of CO2 annually. By summing all of the fluxes of CO2
into and out of the atmosphere, we can find that about 3 Pg C in the form of
CO2 is building up in the atmosphere each year. The average concentration
of CO2 was about 290 ppmv in preindustrial times; now (1990) it is about
350 ppmv and increasing steadily at a rate of about 0.3-0.4%/yr. Since CO2
is chemically inert, it is not destroyed by photochemical or chemical
processes in the atmosphere; either it is lost by transfer into the ocean or
biosphere or it builds up in the atmosphere.

Methane (CH4)

Methane can be destroyed in the atmosphere via reaction with the hydroxyl
radical (OH):

CH4 + OH --> CH3 + H2O

The OH radical destroys about 500 teragrams (10^12 g) of CH4 each year.
The mean atmospheric life time of CH4 is about 8 years. Methane is
produced in anaerobic environments by the action of methanogenic bacteria
and by biomass burning. The major anaerobic enviroments that produce
CH4 include wetlands (150 +/- 50 Tg/yr), rice paddies (100 +/- 50 Tg/yr), and
enteric fermentation in the digestive system of cattle, sheep, ect. (100-150
Tg/yr). Biomass burning may supply 10-100 Tg CH4 /yr.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Nitrous oxide is chemically inert in the troposphere. However, N2O is
destroyed in the stratosphere via photolysis by solar radiation, which is
responsible for about 90% of its destruction, and by reaction with excited
atomic oxygen, O(1D), which is responsible for about 10% of its destruction:

N2O + hv --> N2 + O(1D),          < 341 nm N2O + O(1D) --> N2 + O2

N2O + O(1D) --> 2NO

These photochemical and chemical processes destroy about 10.5 +/- 3 Tg
N/yr. The mean lifetime of N2O in the atmosphere is about 150 years. Nitrous
oxide is building up in the atmosphere at a rate of about 3 +/- 0.5 Tg N/yr.
The global destruction rate of N2O is about 10 +/- 3 Tg N/yr. Hence, the
global sources of N2O should be about 13.5 +/- 3.5 Tg N/yr. At present, there
is a problem in identifying the sources of N2O of this total magnitude.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11 and CFC-12)

CFC-11 and CFC-12 are chemically inert in the troposphere and diffuse up
to the statosphere, where they are destoryed by photolysis by solar radiation
and by reaction with excited atomic oxygen.

CCl3F + hv --> CCl2F + Cl,        < 265 nm

CCl2F2 + hv --> CClF2 + Cl,       < 200 nm

CCl3F + O(1D) --> CCl2F + ClO

CCl2F2 + O(1D) --> CClF + ClO

Climate Feedbacks on an Enhanced Greenhouse Effect



Clouds & Water Vapour

Sea Ice


The world's oceans have complicated reactions or feedbacks on the
enhanced greenhouse effect. On one hand, they can provide sources for the
increased water vapor as the earth becomes warming. On the other hand,
the thermal holding capacity of the oceans would delay and effectively reduce
the observed global warming. In addition, oceans play an important role in
the global greenhouse gas budgets. For example, according to some
estimates, the recent anthropogenic increase in atmospheric CO2 may be
responsible for a large part of the recent global warming. The ocean bitoa,
primarily phytoplankton, are believed to remove at least half of the
anthropogenic carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere. Hence, the ocean
sink of carbon dioxide is called the "biological CO2 pump". However, further
knowledge about the flux of carbon between ocean and atmosphere is
needed to accurately predict the consequences of the build-up of carbon


Vegetation changes caused by a climate change would affect the hydrologic
cycle and suface albedo. The biggest adverse impact of a CO2-induced
climate change would be caused by changing precipitation patterns that
would lead to overall lower rainfall amounts, or droughts during the growing
season with increased frequency or severity. The biomass productivity is
linearly related to the amount of water transpired over the course of a growing
season. The high correlation has been found between the NDVI, a index of
biomass productivity, and the precipitation during the growth season.
Furthermore, high temperture appears to be detrimental to seed growth
because it shortens the time period for this stage of growth in many plants.
However, the rise of atmospheric CO2 concentration should cause increase
in photosynthesis, growth and productivity of the earth's vegetation. Thus, the
direct effects of rising CO2 and expected climate change should have a less
adverse impact on vegetation than climate change alone.

Clouds & Water Vapour

Clouds are simultaneously strong downward infrared radiators and
shortwave solar radiation reflectors. However, how clouds are likely to
change with increased greenhouse warming is essentially unknown. Global
warming will lead to an increase in the amount of water vapour in the
atmosphere and because water vapour is a powerful greenhouse gas, this
will lead to an increase in the warming. However, some scientists propose
that tropical storm clouds would reach higher in the atmosphere under
warmer conditions. Then the clouds would produce more rain thus adding
less water vapour to the middle troposphere. The resulting drier middle
troposhere will produce a negitive feedback to the global warming.

Sea Ice

Generally, increased temperture would tend to melt ice and result in
increased absorption of solar energy by the ocean, a positive feedback.
However, a decrease in sea ice would also lead to larger heat fluxes from the
ocean to the atmosphere, a negative feedback. Thus, the interaction amoung
the atmosphere, the ocean, sea ice, and the sensitivity of sea ice to climate
change need to be observed and quantified.

Methodology for Enhanced Greenhouse Effect Measurement & Data

Because the climate change signals are subtle, i.e., 0.5 degree centigrade
per 100 years as observed, or even the predicted temperature change of 1.5
to 4.5 degree centigrade in 50 years, amounting to a maximum annual rate of
change of 0.09 degree centigrade per year, observational requirements for
the detection of climate change and greenhouse effects are more stringent in
terms of accuracy, precision, spatial coverage, and time series. Some
related issues are listed in the following:

Changes in instrumentation (sensor and/or calibration)

Changes in location and exposure of sensors (e.g., surface stations)

Changes in the methods of observation (e.g., ship measurements of sea
surface temperature)

Changes in computational procedures (e.g., for mean daily temperature)

Changes in satellite algorithms that derive physical or geophysical
parameters from spectral information

Changes in data assimilation models (physics) used to compute variables or
parameters that are not directly measured (e.g., fluxes of heat, momentum,
water vapor).

None of the existing observational systems were designed, implemented, or
operated to directly and automatically provide our needed long-term
calibrated data with global coverage for climate change studies.
Furthermore, it is necessary to obtain high-frequency sampling, preferably
several times per day, to gather meaningful statistics on rapid atmospheric
processes, particularly those affecting clouds, radiation, and precipation. In
order to meet these kind of requirements, the Earth Observing System (EOS)
has been proposed.

The measurement methods and data sets for some greenhouse effect
related variables are stated in the following:

Sea Surface Temperature

Global Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) Concertrations

Surface Skin Temperature

Sea Surface Temperature

Departures from the long-term climatological mean sea surface temperature
(SST), referred to as SST anomalies, are key indictors on not only transient,
or cyclical changes (e.g. the El Nino phenomenon in the equatorial Pacific) in
the enviroment, but also long-term warming trends which may due to the
enhanced greenhouse effect, and these changes may have serious
implications for global environmental change, such as rising sea levels.

The data set of sea surface temperatures (SST) during the years 1982
through 1992 is derived from both in situ (ocean based) measurements as
well as global satellite observations. The in situ data consist of ship and buoy
observations obtained from the National Meteorological Center, while the
satellite data are collected from the Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer (AVHRR) flown aboard the NOAA-7, NOAA-9, and NOAA-11
polar orbiting platforms.

Satellite measurements of SST are based on techniques in which
spaceborne infra-red and microwave radiometers detect thermally emitted
radiation from the ocean surface. Determining SST from satellite data
therefore requires an understanding of the processes by which
electromagnetic radiation is emitted and reflected at the ocean surface, and
emitted and attenuated by the atmosphere. These processes can be
modeled theoretically. To minimize atmospheric effects, measurements must
be made at wavelengths -- well-defined "window" regions of the infra-red and
microwave spectrum, where the attenuation due to atmospheric constituents
is small. Under favorable atmospheric and surface conditions, simple linear
algorithms may provide reasonably accurate SST retrievals from either infra-
red or microwave measurements. The algorithm equation has the form:

where Ts is the SST and N is the number of channels used in the retrieval. Ti
are the observed radiometric brightness temperatures at wavelength (or
channel i), and the coefficients ai can be derived theoretically or by
regression using independent in situ SST observations. More complex
nonlinear algorithms can be constructed for higher accuracy.

Global Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

Global vegetation mapping is important for monitoring the global climate
change and greenhouse effects. In order to monitor vegetation at global and
continental scales, global normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data
has been collected from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration's (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR). The AVHRR sensor collects observations in both the red and
infrared parts of the spectrum. The red spectral measurements are sensitive
to the chlorophyll content of vegetation because chlorophyll causes
considerable absorption of incoming radiation, and the near infrared to the
mesophyll structure of leaves which leads to considerable reflectance. Since
the first is an inverse relationship and the second a direct relationship, the
NDVI defined as the normalized ratio (IR-Red)/(IR+Red) has close
relationships with a number of vegetation attributes, such as the
photosynthetic capacity of specific vegetation types, percentage vegetation
cover and green leaf biomass. Thus, the NDVI has become the most
commonly used remotely sensed measure of vegetation activity.

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) Concertrations

Precise record od past and present atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and
methane (CH4) concertrations are critical to the studies of the greenhouse
effects. There are a variety of techniques to determine past levels of the
atmospheric gases, including direct measurements of trapped air in polar ice
cores, indirect determinations from carbon isotopis in tree rings, and
measurements of carbon and oxygen isotopic changes in carbon sediments
in deep-ocean cores. The modern period of measurements can be taken
through air samples at the monitoring stations around the world.

Surface Skin Temperature

The global surface skin temperatures can be obtained from the TOVS
(TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder) data set. It was generated from data
obtained from the HIRS/2 (High resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder) and
MSU (Microwave Sounding Unit) instruments. The HIRS/2 instrument
measures radiation emitted by the Earth-atmosphere system in 19 regions of
the infrared spectrum between 3.7 and 15 microns. The MSU instrument
makes passive microwave radiation measurements in four regions of the 50
GHz oxygen emission spectrum. In particular, the combination of HIRS/2
channels and MSU channels is useful in eliminating the effects of cloudiness
on the satellite-observed infrared radiances, thus providing improved
estimates of the surface skin temperature.


The enhanced greenhouse effect will result in significant chnages in local,
regional, and global temperatures. Some climate models predict that the
buildup of atmospheric greenhouse gases will result in significant increases
in the global mean temperture, ranging from 0.8 to 4.1 K from 1980 to 2030.
At or near the poles, glacial and surface ice and snow may begin to melt,
raising the mean height of the world's oceans by as much as 20 cm by 2030
and 65 cm by the end of the next century. This will lead to flooding of many
low-lying areas of the world presently occupied by hundreds of millions of
people. Scientists are also concerned about the response of living systems,
including humans, to temperture increases of up to 4 K over a period of only
several decades. There are many questions and uncertainties about the
impact of a global warming on our planet and its varied forms of life. A better
understanding of these processes and couplings will help to better estimate
the environmental, economic, and human health risks from an enhanced
greenhouse effect.


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