-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


Vigo-Examiner- Guest Editorial Cliff Hume

[Published in The Oil Patch Newspaper - March,1999]

One of the first things a person must keep in mind is that most people do not
think; it is just as Mark Twain said in one of his books, 'people only think
they think.' The people who have taken control of government, the news media
and academia know that most people do not think, but even more importantly,
they know that, like a simple computer, they are only capable of thinking and
assessing a situation with the information that has been fed into the
computer they carry around that is attached above their shoulders. It is
garbage in, garbage out situation.

The government schools break the classes up at the half hour or perhaps up to
40 minutes. After attending school for many years, people gradually develop
an attention span of approximately half an hour. If they hear something
totally contrary to those things they have been deliberately taught to be
absolute truths, it really upsets their equilibrium and makes them feel
sleepy and tired. Put them in front of a tube with a video on that shows
everything contrary to their accepted teaching and before you know it, they
are off to slumber land.

Once a person awakens and begins to think with new and true information, some
of the old fables and myths we learned about, such as Rip van Winkle take on
a whole new meaning; a very large portion of our population are not only in a
somnambulant slumber, they have been deliberately dumbed-down to the point
where people are able to write books about it and yet the people are
continually and even willingly, pouring ever larger sums of money into the
government schools that are destroying their children's minds.

And we can't blame it on to the teachers. They are only teaching what they
have been taught to teach, and if any of them happen to be awakened,
something very difficult to do with this class of people, they are quickly
terminated. It took me almost nine months to prove to a professor in the
United States that the Federal Reserve Bank was a privately owned corporation
and that they were creating fiat money out of paper and having the government
and others spend it into existence at enormous rates of interest. At that
time, the debt in the United States stood at around eleven trillion dollars
and the people were taught and actually believed that they 'owed it to
themselves'. Now the debt is up to about 60 trillion and growing by leaps and
bounds. Many of the teachers are the most ignorant people you will ever get
to meet; they are scientifically selected for their closed minds and their
willingness to accept things as they are told.

I have personally worked on a couple of teachers for over ten years just to
see if it was possible to awaken them. Loan them books, magazines, give them
pertinent articles to read and it matters little whether you mention these
things six weeks to six months hence, you may rest assured that the material
has remained unread. After ten or more years, some of the words such as the
New World Order turns up in their vocabulary and suddenly-they know all about
the New World Order and even have a couple of books to loan proving how much
they have learned. Of course, the books came from their brain-wash factory
and were funded by those same people who own the Federal Reserve Banks and
the tax-dodge, tax-free foundations that were set up long before the
communist income tax act was passed. Whenever you see books funded by the
Rockerfeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation for
Peace, the Brookings institute and other subversive with the same evil goals
in mind, just read them so that you are able to explain to people exactly
what it is that these people are trying to do to your country and to the

Read, read, and then read some more. After you know what is going on and who
it is that is doing it, you will then be able to watch television, read the
New York Times, Time, Life, Washington Post, Readers Digest, B.C. Report,
Alberta Report, News Week and any others and it will be easy to see what they
are leaving out and how they slant of 'spin' the news to continue to
misinformation and disinformation for the slumbering boobeoise(bourgeoisie).

When a person awakens and has a little knowledge of what is happening it is
very easy for a knowledgeable communist or traitor to the country to send
that newly awakened citizen back into their original slumber or trance. This
has happened on two or three different occasions to people that are very well
known to me. One early student that had begun to do a little talking before
he had done very much reading, wanted to deliver a very important magazine to
what I believe was a strong union man. Because the 'student' had such limited
knowledge, whoever it was he had spoken to, that person sent him scampering
with his tail between his legs and his mind has been shut down and his eyes
blinkered like no one I have ever met to date.

One other person went a totally different route. He was coming along very
well and sending information about who was a member of the Trilateral
Commission and how he had met one of these people personally and so on. Soon
the information stopped coming and the next thing, I am being hit by
religious tracts and letters that tell me it is all up to God and all we
needed to do was pray. All I could do was tell him to work like it is all up
to him and pray like it is all up to God. But no, he has to take the easy way
out and lay the problems that Rocky has caused at the feet of God. I believe
that god, in His wisdom, will give all of these people, especially the
ministers who teach such foolishness, their just deserts. Read the bible and
you will find that everything that He has done was worked through man. And to
be politically correct, women also. The course of action mentioned here is
called Religious Neutralism and is best described in someone else's words:
"The surest way for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing."

So I guess the moral of this story is to learn your work, learn it well and
have some of those very important books that have been written about this
very dangerous conspiracy by some very important and intelligent men and
women. You will not be able to get away with using the pronoun 'they' to
describe our enemies: if you can't put the name Rockefeller, Rothschild,
Cecil Rhodes, J.P. Morgan, Carnegie, Eisenhower, Clinton, Gore, Albright,
Reno, Gingrich and all the rest of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Fabian
Society, Bilderber Group and many of the others mentioned in Rose Martin's
Fabian Freeway of John F, McMannus' The Insiders. And Former FBI agent Dan
Smoot's, The Invisible Government, just exactly what their intentions are.
Their own writings tell us that they would like to rid the earth of at least
up to half of the population. Very ambitious goals!

On Tyrants

:Those who profess to favor freedom, yet deprecate agitation, are men who
want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and
lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its waters. This
struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both
moral and physical; but it must be a struggle.

Power concedes nothing without demand. It never did, and it never will. Find
out just what people will submit to , and you have found out the exact amount
of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will
continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The
limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they
oppress."- Frederick Douglas, August 4, 1857.

As you become more knowledgeable from your constant studies, you will soon
find that through government department that they have been able to lobby
into existence "for the good of the people", and believe you/me- they had the
bucks to do it, the HPB, The Food and Drug Administration and even city
councils such as in many larger cities in the States and even Canada, Calgary
for example, are poisoning the water system with fluoride, one of the most
dangerous poisons known to mankind. If they get control with their World
Government, euphemistically referred to as the New World Order, just watch
the killing accelerate; they will make the 50,000,000 the Russians killed of
their own people and the 60,000,000 millions the Chinese killed of their own
people look like a Sunday-school picnic. We are dealing with very sick
people. Keep your wits about you and be prepared for them to try pulling off
something big in the year 2000. These people are planners and schemers and
would like everyone to help them in taking our rights of self defense away
from us. They are also afraid of the Militia because this is a most legal and
constitutional entity. Hang in there and educate as many to these facts as

Only the truth will set us free. As soon as we win this battle of wits the
money system can be restored to its original purpose, with gold and silver
backing as was intended by the constitution. And no illegal, 'Legal Tender
Laws' with which to manipulate the people and the money. When the
money-changers are thrown from the temple this time the prosperity which will
be brought about by stopping the massive thievery that has been going on all
of these years is going to boggle everyone's mind.

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