---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 12:42:59 +1000
From: cyberlynx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hidden secrets of Australia



>From "Pix/People" (Australia)
Jeff Carter's "Wild Country"
Published at Jones Street
Broadway, Sydney
New South  Wales 2007


 THE WORLD has long recognised Australia as one of earth's oldest
continents. At least, as one of the continents that has been
sticking out of the sea the longest. For about 1,500 million
years, in the case of Centralia's now worn down mountain ranges.
Once these peaks towered over 15,000 feet, once almost as high as
today's Himalayas.

 But parts of another island continent, Greenland, have been
found to contain rocks 3,000 million years old. This fact emerged
only a few years ago and somewhat eroded our long- standing claim
to fame in the field of geological antiquity.

 Now we're back in the running, with the recent discovery of what
may prove to be the world's oldest known fossil footprints. These
faint impressions in rock on the bank of the Genoa river were
found by scientists in 1972.

 The tracks are thought to have been made by some sort of
amphibious creature about the size of a goanna - 350 million
years ago!

 The age of the fossil footprints hasn't been proved yet. The
rocks in which they are embedded were flown out by helicopter
from the fastness of the East Gippsland high country to be
examined under laboratory conditions. When the scientists
complete their tests, we'll know if we have something new to
boast about.

 It's all rather embarrassing for other scientists, because
they've been saying for years that no such animal as the one that
left its footprints beside the Genoa river ever existed in

 East Gippsland may hold some more geological and archaeological
secrets. Local legend has it that approximately on the border
between NSW and Victoria, somewhere north of Mallacoota Inlet,
stand man-made stone walls of great antiquity. Strangely carved
they are said to be far older than anything built since the
coming of the white man or Aborigines to Australia.

 I've been invited to look at these "walls", which may of course
turn out to be natural formations. But I've put off the trip for
the last six years, mainly because a 13-mile bush-bash on foot
through mountainous country is required to gaze upon these
ancient works of man or nature.

 Which reminds me that a couple of years back I found what
appeared to be very old stone walls right on the edge of the
Indian Ocean, near Cape Keraudren, on our north-west coast.

 This was the proposed site of an iron port to be blasted out
with nuclear explosions. The walls were so eroded, it was
possible to walk past and over them without realising they were
in fact man-made.

 But seen from certain angles, with the sun low on the horizon,
there was no doubt about their origin. Right on the water's edge
was a wave-splashed stone jetty, although barely recognisable.

 Who built this ancient port? My guess is that it is far older
than anything built since Europeans settled our northwest coast
last century. I've visited the ruins of the first recorded port
on our northwest coast, at Point Samson, established in the
1880s. The stone jetties and customs house are eroded but they
appear to have been built yesterday in comparison with the
crumbling, barely recognisable ruins at Cape Keraudren.

 Judged against the minor wear and tear at Point Samson, built
roughly a century ago, Cape Keraudren's walls must date back to
the time of the Pyramids. Sea traders from the Arab countries
known to have reached south-east Asia and the islands of
Indonesia more than 1,000 years ago. Perhaps they built the now
barely recognisable port on our north-west coast?

 Judging from the way geographers are re-writing the geological
history of the world, based on recent fossil footprint and other
discoveries, archaeologists may have to do the same with the
human history of Australia. Only a decade ago, it was accepted
that the first people to live on our continent were the
Aborigines. They were thought to have arrived 16,000 years ago.

 New archaeological finds pushed this figure back to 40,000

 Very recently, scientists have decided that rock carvings in
Tasmania and central Australia were made by people who lived here
100,000 years ago. Where they came from, the experts won't say
until they think they're sure - and recent events have proved
that scientists can be as wrong.

 The voyage of the raft la Balsa from South America showed that
settlers could have reached Australia from that country.

 Arab and Egyptian traders may have done some colonising from the
other direction. There is strong evidence that Chinese sailors
landed on our northern coast 2,000 years ago.

 Who knows from what other directions early visitors to our
continent arrived? A popular and certainly not disproved theory
is that travellers could have visited here from outer space!

 I don't support this theory. Nor do I laugh at it. Only fully
qualified "expert" would have the temerity to do that.

 So many accepted scientific "facts" about earth's early history
have been found wrong lately, it seems prudent to keep a very
open mind on what happened, or may have happened, back in the
"dawn of time."

 Whenever that was.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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