-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Hillary Is Still Standing by Her Man
G. Russell Evans
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret.)
Monday, Feb. 25, 2002
Hardly a move has ever been made by a Clinton except for some personal or
political gain. This statement is so real it could instantly become an
aphorism in the political psyche.

By now, the Clintons' modus operandi fools no one. Their defenders and
hangers-on are more and more hard-pressed even to keep a straight face as
they struggle for believable glory for the Clinton years. It's even tough for
spinmeisters James Carville and Paul Begala – but they keep trying!

Not Bamboozled

As for the thinking public, it is no longer bamboozled by the Bill and
Hillary dog and pony show. We've seen it all – even Hillary's grandiose
giveaway schemes in the Senate, engineered for more votes and paid for by the
rest of us.

Even so, she is still "standing by her man," a term so nobly used on the
Larry King TV show one evening during the 1992 presidential campaign when
Bill was cornered for his long-running bedroom frolics with Gennifer Flowers.
It worked then, so why not now?

Spinning Tales

Hillary is busy these days standing by Bill in his transparent efforts to
spin tales to burnish his legacy – a legacy that would make any
self-respecting hooligan cringe with shame.

No amount of polish can shine trash – in this case, a legacy of treasonous
sales of missile technology to our sworn enemy Red China and impeachment for
dishonesty and unspeakable sexual acts in the Oval Office, to name only a few
of Bill Clinton's despicable activities that disgraced the Office of the
President to a degree never before imagined.

The one word that best fits the Bill Clinton legacy is lying – to such a
degree that he was an untrustworthy president. The word 'lying' still fits
his new public relations campaign to promote his eight-year presidential

Hillary was there and part of the legacy, instigator of many scandals and
apparently cheerleader for all – except, of course, the one featuring the
young intern Monica Lewinsky, which she denied knowing about at a time when
the rest of the world knew in spades. She was standing by her man,
steadfastly and nobly, to the cheers of the feminists.

Best Defense Is Good Offense

Now Hillary is out there defending Bill with cheap shots at Bill's successor,
George W. Bush, using the ages-old battle plan of Roman poet Ovid, who asked
in 8 A.D. (in "The Loves"), "Isn't the best defense always a good attack?"
The Clintons long ago mastered the technique of attacking critics and blaming
someone else for their treachery.

Hillary complained to reporters recently that the country was in the "right
condition" when she and Bill left the White House and that we should have
built on his successes instead of "turning the clock back." Looking ahead,
she is enthusiastic about Bill promoting his legacy to show the way for the
2004 presidential elections and "where the country should go."

Bush U-turn

The former first lady charged that Bush, within one year, had made a U-turn
and that, consequently, America is no longer "richer and safer and stronger
and smarter" as it was when Bill was at the helm.

On the contrary, the exact opposite is true. And such nonsense

from a United States senator is both scandalous and grossly irresponsible.

Mrs. Clinton should be ashamed of herself, but unfortunately Clintons have no
shame – just aggressive, steamrolling ambition.

The U-turn by President Bush was just what the country needed and can be
convincingly proven by using Hillary's own words:

America is stronger because President Bush has beefed up our military by
almost 50 percent over that of the president who said he "loathed the

America is safer because President Bush has increased intelligence gathering
and heeded intelligence reports that had been largely ignored by a president
who put personal and political gain above national defense.

America is smarter because of a new president with dedicated and experienced
advisers who give priority to a strong and secure America instead of
vote-gathering and fund raising.

America is richer because of character, honor and trust underlying all
segments of the government. Bush requires the highest standards!
Hillary's Goal
It takes gall for Mrs. Clinton to condemn a Bush U-turn when public opinion
polls approve his policies by nearly 90 percent. Obviously, she wants to
build up her own image, probably for a presidential run in the year 2004 or
2008 – or at least re-election as a New York senator.

The people, however, will not forget her eight years on the Clinton-Gore
team, which gave us scandal after scandal and betrayal after betrayal. Here
are a few examples of her involvement:

Campaign donations from Communist China as a quid pro quo for selling them
top secret missile guidance technology to perfect their aim at Los Angeles
and other American cities. She was in on the planning.

Wholesale pardons of crooks and fugitive criminals as quid pro quos for
campaign donations. In many cases she was the conduit.

Illegal use of FBI and IRS files to harass political opponents.

Lying under oath to grand juries – both Hillary and Bill.

Blatant illegal solicitation of campaign donations in federal
buildings. She was in on the scheme.

Rip-off of taxpayers in a $60 million Arkansas real estate scam.

Harassing and firing loyal White House Travel Office workers.

Signing an international agreement for a world court (International Criminal
Court) as a desperate grasp for fame and legacy. She was in on the planning.

Accepting Red Chinese de facto control of Panama Canal ports Balboa and
Cristobal as an apparent quid pro quo for Chinese campaign donations to the
Clinton-Gore campaign, as part of Bill and Hillary's campaigning.

Lying, stonewalling and obstructing justice in investigations and
prosecutions of the above crimes and irregularities.
Hillary's Goals
Hillary has many goals in health care, education and campaign reform – but
abolishing the Electoral College in favor of a simple majority for electing
the president and vice president has a high priority for this ambitious
woman. After all, it would give her a leg up when she runs for president,
with lots of Democratic votes from the high-population cities and states.

She wants the "democratic way" so the big states can steamroll the small
states and thereby destroy the 'level playing field' envisioned for small
states by our Founding Fathers. She is with Bill and Bill is with Hillary on
this grandiose scheme to change our republic.

Most Outlandish

Hillary's wild claim of a "safer" America under Bill is perhaps the most
outlandish claim of all. As president, Bill largely glossed over intelligence
reports and advisers' warnings of at least seven major assault threats by
militant Muslim terrorists.

All threats were executed, costing 754 American lives, thousands injured and
hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. Meanwhile, Bill was busy covering
up personal scandals, at one time bombing an aspirin factory as the Monica
scandal heated up.

As for a "safer" America under Bill, Hillary is obviously implying that the
Sept. 11 massacre of some 3,000 innocents is somehow attributable to Bush.

Unfortunately, the groundwork for this tragedy was laid during the Clinton
years of neglect in pursuing intelligence and responding to the seven major
assaults by Muslim terrorists, who had apparently become cocky about the
"soft" Americans.

Moreover, no way could nine months of Bush correct eight years of gross
neglect under the Clintons – whose priorities never seemed to include
meaningful national defense.

Attack Backfired

Mrs. Clinton continues to be popular with feminists and radicals, but so far,
common sense and reason seem to be most popular with regular Americans.

Hillary, however, could not have been thinking of reason or common sense when
a reporter asked her to explain the "murderous rage" of the Sept. 11
hijackers. Astonishingly, she compared the terrorists who murdered thousands
of innocents to the opponents of her rejected 1994 national health care plan.
This lady does not like criticism or rejection.

So much for common sense and reason by the junior U.S. senator from New York
– and, for that matter, for her idea of a "richer and safer and smarter and
stronger" America. Her thinking is haywire. Her attack on Bush backfired.

The Bush U-turn was just what America needed – and thanks to Hillary for
reminding us and for thereby helping to burnish the brilliant and courageous
U-turn by one of the most popular presidents in history.

Shakespeare had a few words in his masterpiece "Henry VIII" (1612) about
revenge that backfires, that might help Hillary. He wrote:

"Heat not a furnace for your foe
That it do singe yourself."

Capt. Evans is a columnist and the author of five books, including "Death
Knell of the Panama Canal," a study of the Chinese takeover of the canal.

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