THU DEC 24, 1998 16:08:55 UTC


Hillary Clinton has finally snapped! The NATIONAL ENQUIRER is set to report
in its January 5, 1999 edition: The First Lady has physically attacked the
President, hitting him so hard she left a visible mark on his face -- and
Secret Service agents had to separate them.

The DRUDGE REPORT trusts the account to be accurate and non-libelous
because the NATIONAL ENQUIRER and President Bill Clinton use the same law
firm, Williams & Connolly! In fact, Clinton's private lawyer, David
Kendall, has directly done work for the tabloid through the years.

"Keep that bitch away from me!" Bill Clinton told one Secret Service agent.

One inside source tells the ENQUIRER that the White House became a
battleground since the impeachment controversy moved into overdrive.

"The verbal fights between Bill and Hillary have been escalating and now
the President has been physically assaulted."

"Hillary just snapped. She lost it and smacked the President upside the
head. He was stunned. The hit was so hard it left a visible bruise, and he
put on makeup for several days to cover the red spot."

The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that the ENQUIRER is planning to run the
account in a Cover Page Screamer.

"Secret Service agents had to physically separate them to keep the apart.
Hillary went off to another room. At one point the President old an agent,
'Keep that bitch away from me. I don't want to do anything that'll get me
in more trouble."

The ENQUIRER reveals that just hours before the couple walked out of the
White House holding hands after the impeachment vote on December 19, there
was an explosion in the Presidential quarters -- the First Lady was doing
most of the screaming.

The tabloid also claims that Bill Clinton is back on the fast food train!

"The President is a mess. He's been gorging on fast foods again," an
insider tells the ENQUIRER in the special report.

Impacting on newsstands next monday.

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