-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

House Leader Demands Action Against Clinton Invasion of Medical Privacy
Wes Vernon
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
House Majority Leader Dick Armey has fired off a letter to Health and Human
Services Secretary Tommy Thompson urging that he suspend implementation of
Bill Clinton's last-minute medical privacy regulations.
It is Armey’s opinion that anti-privacy is a better term for those
regulations. He has told Thompson that the rules could, in fact, do more harm
than good "to those concerned about privacy of their records."

In particular, the "midnight regulation" (a term used to describe regulations
imposed in the waning hours of the Clinton presidency) would create a mandate
requiring doctors, hospitals, HMOs, druggists, insurance companies and other
health care providers to share medical records with the federal government.
Under certain circumstances, says Armey, the federal government could obtain
this information "at any time and without notice."

Thompson has held up action on the rule – originally scheduled to take effect
Feb. 26 – until April 14, to receive public comment. Armey, as a leader of
Congress in Thompson’s own party, is likely to carry considerable weight in
HHS deliberations.

"We have a lot of faith in Secretary Thompson," Armey spokesman Richard
Diamond told NewsMax.com on Tuesday.

In his letter to the secretary, Armey says, "It is not entirely clear to me
how the new rules will address the real medical privacy harms currently
suffered by patients not already covered by tort law or other remedies." In
fact, he adds, they "may have the opposite effect, putting private personally
identifiable information at greater risk than exists today."

The congressman is skeptical of the federal government’s ability to protect
"sensitive personal information about individuals." In fact, he thinks the
federal record in that regard is "questionable."

He cites the Department of Veterans Affairs as an example. That department
alone received a "D" from the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee
for its ability to protect its computer systems from prying eyes.

And just yesterday, Armey urged the Federal Trade Commission "to consider the
government’s own information practices when they hold a workshop on the
private sector’s use and exchange of consumer data." According to a report of
the privacy think tank Privacilla, there has been an alarming increase in the
amount of information that federal agencies share with each other. These
federal agencies have a poor track record or protecting sensitive information.

"If the government is going to monitor the information sharing practices in
the public sector, I would like to know who is going to monitor the
government," the House majority leader declared.

In his letter to Thompson, Armey concluded, "In short, this proposed
regulation puts the medical privacy of millions Americans at risk." This, he
says, "is inviting abuse, errors, scandal and tragedy."

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