-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
November 25, 1999

Hungary Balks at the Price of NATO Membership


Hungary's ambassador to NATO has said that his country cannot
afford to modernize its jet fighters quickly enough to meet the
alliance's requirements for interoperability, maintenance and
logistical support. Instead, the Hungarian government seems poised
to equip its forces to defend Hungary first and delay buying new
fighters to conform with alliance standards. NATO will face two
difficult choices: spending billions of dollars equipping its
newest members or living with them as second-rate militaries. In
the case of Hungary, the latter choice would expose what is now the
alliance's eastern-most border.


On Nov. 20, Hungary's ambassador to NATO, Andra Simonyi said that
his country cannot afford to update its fleet of Soviet-era
fighters to meet the alliance's requirements for interoperability,
maintenance and logistical support. In an interview with the
Reuters news agency, Simonyi said that Hungary should meet its own
defense obligations before adapting its military for specialized
roles required by NATO planners.

His statement underscores a wider problem: turning NATO's three
newest members into true assets for the defense of Europe. They are
geographically exposed to the east and technologically out of step
with Western forces. Various types of munitions in Hungarian,
Polish and Czech forces don't match NATO's. Neither does the supply
chain of spare parts. Officers in the militaries of NATO's newest
members also lack adequate language training in English, the
alliance's working language.

The differences between the forces of NATO's original 16 members
and its newest three have only become more evident since the end of
the Kosovo conflict, and the resultant after-action reviews. Last
month, defense ministry officials in Budapest announced that they
would need five to eight years to meet NATO standards. On Oct. 29,
Brig. Gen. Lajos Erdelyi said that while inadequate equipment has
always plagued the 43,000-strong armed forces, the war against
Yugoslavia demonstrated just how inadequate much of it really is.
Hungary's public involvement in the conflict was limited to
allowing NATO jets to use two airports.

Hungary's immediate problems revolve around its fleet of 27 MiG-29
Fulcrum fighters. Though fine front line fighters, the jets still
use Soviet-style Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), making it
nearly impossible for alliance jets to positively identify them as
allied aircraft. On-board systems are limited compared to NATO
jets. And unlike most alliance combat aircraft, the Fulcrums cannot
refuel during flight, further limiting their use. Spare parts are
also scarce; the chief source would be a potentially undependable
supplier, Russia's Mikoyan.

Germany's DASA has offered to upgrade the MiGs. The German
Luftwaffe has had to upgrade its own Fulcrums, which were acquired
from the former East Germany. But Hungary probably cannot afford
such an extensive overhaul.

The chief problem, though, is not technical. It is ultimately
financial and political. NATO has expanded its borders eastward
with little consideration for the nature of those borders or local
forces. Indeed, Simonyi's statement suggests frustration. In
dealing with all three new members, the alliance has lent little
direct assistance to upgrade equipment. Instead, individual
countries must shoulder the financial and political burdens of
choosing new suppliers. But Hungary is at greater disadvantage than
either Poland or the Czech Republic. Hungary is simply poorer.

Expansion without adequate strategy is a luxury that the alliance
may not be able to afford for long. The post-Cold War interim
period is drawing to a close. Russia is becoming increasingly
belligerent - and that increasingly makes the militaries of Central
Europe nervous
[ http://www.stratfor.com/CIS/specialreports/special10.htm ]. But NATO
has remained in its post-Cold War role: not so much a bloc poised
to defend Europe as a quasi-military organization that also acts as
a gateway to Europe's economic clubs.

In accepting new members and rejecting others on this basis, NATO
has created two critical flaws. First, it has failed to create a
contiguous eastern front, mainly by choosing to exclude Slovakia
[ http://www.stratfor.com/services/giu/010799.asp ]. The second flaw
is now painfully evident. The countries the alliance did include
are struggling to integrate their militaries with NATO forces and
will be delayed by years - in the best of scenarios
[ http://www.stratfor.com/cis/commentary/c9910021510.htm ].

Wittingly or not, Hungary is merely reminding the alliance that it
must either pay dearly to upgrade the militaries of Central Europe
or live with indefensible borders.

(c) 1999, Stratfor, Inc. http://www.stratfor.com/

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