The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU


(submitted to the international tribunal against NATO war crimes in New York
on the fortcoming weekend)

I  Preamble

1) NATO, the United States of America, the Federal Republic of Germany, the
United Kingdom, Turkey, Spain, the Netherlands, Croatia, Hungary, Italy,
France and others - after failing to force the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia at the so-called "peace negotiations" in Paris and Rambouillet to
accept an extortionate ultimatum which in fact aimed at the occupation of
the entire territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and had been
declared a condition sine qua non - without a declaration of war and without
a resolution by the United Nations Security Council launched warlike rocket
and bombing attacks against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, deliberately
murdering Serbs, Kosovo-Albanians, Roma, Muslims, Orthodox-Christians,
Catholics and foreign nationals.

By doing this they destroyed and damaged economic, social, cultural,
medical, diplomatic and religious resources.

In the course of their criminal war of aggression, NATO and the
above-mentioned states cut off the population of Yugoslavia from food,
water, electric energy, food production, medicines and medical services. By
means of rocket and aerial bombing attacks they systematically destroyed and
damaged waterworks and agricultural irrigation installations, factories,
fertilisers and vegetation, pharmaceutical production works, hospitals and
health service installations as well as other objects needed for human
survival. The aggressors attack chemical factories, oil refineries, petrol
and natural gas stores, fertiliser plants, installations and localities with
the aim of releasing, on a wide scale, radioactive and other dangerous
substances into the atmosphere, the soil, the ground-water and the
foodchain, poison the environment and harm the population. They employed
banned arms, attacked the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with rockets, bombs
and missiles which contained Depleted Uranium (DU) and released radioactive
substances into the atmosphere the soil, the ground-water, the foodchain as
well as into solid objects, thus exposing the Yugoslav population to health
hazards for generations to come.

2) With these actions NATO and the above-mentioned states violated
International Law, especially art. 2 chapter 7 of the UN-Charter; the
Declaration on Non-intervention; the Resolution on the Definition of
Aggression, 1997 UNGA 3314; articles 52 and 53 of the Convention on the Law
of Treaties of 23 May, 1969; the Treaty on the Banning of War, the
Briand-Kelog-Pact of Paris, 1928, articles 1 and 2; the Hague Conventions,
especially the Fourth Hague Convention of 18 October, 1907; the Geneva
Convention on the Protection of Civilians in Times of War, 1949; the
Statutes of the Nuremberg Tribunal, principles VI a, b and c; the Geneva
Additional Protocol 1977, articles 48 and 51; the Geneva Protocol on the Use
of Asphyxiating, Poisonous and Similar Gases as well as of Bacteriological
Substances in Wars, of 1925; the European Convention on the Peaceful
Settlement of conflicts, of 29 April, 1957 and also violated national penal
codes concerning murder, duresse, dangerous threat, wilful destruction,
arson, damage to the environment, formation of gangs for the purpose of
carrying out criminal plots and genocide.


The Federal Government of the Republic of Austria
Chancellor Mag. Victor Klima
Vice Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Wolfgang SchÑœssel
Minister of Defence Dr. Werner Fasslabend
Former EU-Special Representative Dr. Wolfgang Petritsch, present High
Representative for Bosnia
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Alois Mock

a) in particular against former minister of foreign affairs Dr. Alois Mock
on the basis of the well-founded suspicion of openly taking position
(politically, economically and logistically) and intervening in a civil
war - thereby violating neutrality - by abetting the destruction of the
sovereign Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, through furthering - in
contravention of international law - and politically supporting the
secession by force of member republics of the SFR of Yugoslavia by way of
the official recognition - in violation of international law and the status
of neutrality - of member republics of the SFR of Yugoslavia which had
seceded with the use of force.

(Violation of the neutrality law; of the UN-Charter; of the principle
regarding the obligation of non-intervention in matters which, according to
the Charter, pertain to the national competence of a state; Declaration of
the United Nations)

b) in particular against the former EU-Special Representative Dr. Wolfgang
Petritsch on the basis of his collaboration in the "peace accords"
elaborated in the course of the so-called "peace negotiations" in Paris and
Rambouillet, including Annex B which contains an extortionate occupation
diktat postulating, as conditio sine qua non, the occupation of the entire
national territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with the threat, in
case of non-compliance, of immediate war actions through bombing attacks
against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

(Jeopardizing of neutrality according to Austrian penal code, paragraph 320;
violation of chapter 1 art. 2 and chapter 7 of the UN-Charter; the
Declaration on Non-intervention of 24 October, 1970; the Briand-Kelog-Pact
of 27 August, 1928; of art. 52 and 53 of the Convention on the Law of
Treaties; violation of paragraphs 105, 106 of the Austrian penal code
/severe duresse/)

c) against the Austrian Federal Government and the above-mentioned statesmen
on the grounds of the well-founded suspicion of having abetted the
aggressive actions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (see above I/1)
which, having mandated itself, without decision or mandate by the Security
Council, by violating the obligation under international law to renounce on
the use of force in international relations and in relations among states,
waged a war of aggression against the territory of a sovereign state, and
thus, on the well-founded suspicion of having violated Austria's Everlasting
Neutrality, enshrined in international law, by not adhering to the
obligations of an everlastingly neutral state to always comport itself in
times of war and of peace in a manner that excludes favouring one side of a
conflict and also on the grounds of the well-founded suspicion of openly
taking sides - politically, economically and logistically - in a civil war.

c2) and in particular against Federal Chancellor Mag. Victor Klima and
foreign Minister Dr. Wolfgang SchÑœssel on the basis of their open support
for and abetting of the NATO war of aggression - violating international
law - at the EU-summit in Berlin and the 50th anniversary NATO-summit in

(accessory to the violation of the UN-Charter; the Briand-Kelog-Pact; the
Declaration on Non-intervention; the Declaration on Non-interference; the
Resolution on the Definition of Aggression; art. 22 and 23 of the fourth
Hague Concention as well as of the other norms of international law set out
under I/2, and of the violation of the law on neutrality)

d) on the basis of the well-founded suspicion of abetting the violation of
the ban on waging "ecological war" carried out by NATO - see I/1 on the
perpetration of criminal actions (i.e. bombing of oil refineries, chemical
factories and others, damaging and destroying installations, thereby causing
negative effects on the environment, locally and regionally) as well as the
use of banned weapons (cluster bombs and munition made of depleted uranium,

(Violation of the UN-Charter and the other norms of international law listed
under I/2, in particular the 1925 Geneva Agreement on the Banning of
Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases; the Convention on the Banning of the
Use of Means Affecting the Environment, 1977; the Geneva Convention of 12
August, 1949 on the Protection of Civilians in Times of War)

e) on the basis of the well-founded suspicion that at the time of war the
Austrian Federal Government did not verify violations of the Austrian air
space by NATO-airforces with regard to their armaments not did it protest
against such violations, although it would have been obliged to do so
according to international law as well as according to Austrian neutrality
law - violations which, although not authorised in this case by Austria,
increased massively during that period, according to information provided by
Austrian air traffic control (which fact does not elucidate how many of
these overflights possibly took place in support of the NATO air war); based
also on the fact repeated transits through Austria by NATO vehicles to bases
in Hungary for a long time previously, which can be assumed to have been not
solely "humanitarian" transports.

(Violation of the 1965 Declaration on Non-intervention; of the Agreement on
the Peaceful Settlement of International conflicts - First Hague Convention
on the Outbreak of Hostilities; of the Third Hague Convention of 18 October,
1907; of the Austrian Neutrality Law; of the Austrian Federal Law of 18
October, 1977 on the import, export and transit of war material)

f) based on a well-founded suspicion of transmitting perceptions, regardless
of their content of truth, pertaining to the intelligence department,
regarding activities on the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
by Austrian authorities to NATO services, which fact must lead to the
assumption of violation of neutrality obligations by Austria.

(Violation of the Declaration of Non-interference; of the Briand-Kelog-Pact
of 1928; of the UN-Charter; of the Austrian law on neutrality)

g) based on the well-founded suspicion of restraining the effectuation of
non-military and non-violent possibilities of conflict resolution; such as
the prevention by neutral Austria of tasks ascribed to the OSCE, possibly by
means of a "withdrawal order" addressed to NATO; of handing over, for the
first time ever, of a mandate to a US-representative, in this case US
Ambassador William Walker (during whose period as US Ambassador in El
Salvador the dirty war in El Salvador, carried out with the complicity of
the USA, reached its climax); failure on the part of the Federal Government
to oppose the - improper - use of the OSCE in the strategic preparation of
the War against Yugoslavia and the logistic support of NATO as well as
failure to eliminate the suspension of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as
member of the organisation with a view to favour attempts at bringing about
negotiated settlements.

(Violation of the stipulations of the CSCE and OSCE; of the Austrian law on
neutrality; violation of the agreement on protection and compromise
procedures within the OSCE, Stockholm, 15 December, 1992)

h) on the basis of the well-founded suspicion of at least tacitly consenting
to inflammatory reporting, especially regarding the Serbian sector of the
population of the Yugoslav Republic; on the well-founded suspicion of
inciting population groups on the territory of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia against each other, especially in media subjected to public law
and of omitting - on the part of the Federal Government of Austria - to
intervene in order to insist on publishing denials, thus raising doubts
regarding Austria's everlasting neutrality.

(Violation of the braodcasting law and the Austrian neutrality law)


On the basis of the suspicion outlined above, the representatives of the
preparatory committee of the Vienna Tribunal demand that the Vienna Tribunal
of 4 December, 1999 indict the Federal Government of Austria and the
statesmen listed above on the grounds of favouring and supporting the NATO
aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and of being accessory
to a conspicuous violation of international law; as well as on the
well-founded suspicion of approval (which has to be rejected out of
political, moral and humanist convictions) of a "New World Order" which was
a consequence of this war and which contains a continuously proclaimed right
of "humanitarian intervention" on the part of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation (NATO) that is to be carried out with the force of arms and the
backing - on a global scale - of the strongest military power.

The verdict will be placed at the disposal of the International Tribunal,
represented by Mr. Ramsey Clark, for the general indictment before the
International Court of Justice in The Hague.

The Vienna tribual on December 4th, 1999 has judged the persons and
institutions named above to be guilty for the crimes stated.

Jugoslawisch-жsterreichische Solidaritфtsbewegung (JжSB)
PF 217, A-1040 Wien, жsterreich
Tel/Fax +43 1 924 31 61
Kto-Nr.  9282, RB Schwechat, BLZ 32823

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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