by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Recently I received a large partial inventory list of thousands of
Defense Department motion picture films and videotapes.  I have selected
a tiny sampling of these films that seem interesting for some reason or
other, or have remained classified for years despite evidence of some
public interest in their contents.  This is just a personal selection;
please keep that in mind.  There are thousands and thousands other films
out there waiting to be viewed.

The source of these film titles and catalogue numbers are the film
transfer lists and proposed transfer inventories held by the National
Archives and DVIC.

Forthcoming lists of films in various subject areas will contain the
addresses at the bottom rather than at the top.

Most of these films are either restricted in distribution or are still
marked as classified, either confidential or secret, as noted.  However,
most of these films have not been reviewed for declassification or
public release in many years, or even decades.  You can request a copy
of any of these films by writing to the following two addresses and
requesting a copy of the film under the Freedom of Information Act.  All
of these films will be available and under the authority of one or both
of the following two addresses.

The first address is the Department of Defense [DoD] FOIA Office.  Note:
in your request letter to DoD, you may wish to mention that these films
are or were under the responsibility of the Defense Visual Information
Center, DVIC, but that FOIA requests to DVIC are processed by the DoD
FOIA Office.

WARNING:  The DoD FOIA Office does not like to process requests for
audio-visual materials such as motion picture films, because they are
much more troublesome than requests for paper records.  Nor do they have
a very good track record in regard to processing such requests.  Just
keep careful track of your requests, and send in an inquiry if an
excessive amount of time has gone by.  You may need to send an appeal
letter if too much time goes by.

The second address is the National Archives office that has accessioned
some of these films--it is not entirely clear which films were
accessioned and which remain at DoD.  One or both of these offices have
all of these films.

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Part 2 - Biological and Chemical Warfare Films
by Michael Ravnitzky

Half a Loaf:  Evaluation of an Anti-Crop Weapon - SECRET
chemical and biological warfare against food crops
Film Number PIN 1000500 DF, Film 0949

Mustard Spray Tests with Multiple Planes - CONFIDENTIAL
- Old -
Film Number FB 163

Biological Warfare
Film Number OD-CD TVSP7

Tactical Employment of Chemical Troops in Attack
Film Number TF 3-10

Identification of U.S. Chemical Ammunitions
Film Number TF-3-2658

ABCR [Atomic Biological Chemical Radiological] Warfare Decontamination,
Eglin Field, Florida, 9 March - 11 May 1953
Film Number USAF 21572 - CLASSIFIED

Riot Control Munitions - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 20769 DF, Film FR 759

The U.S. Crime of Bacteriological Warfare - The Evidence
a 1950s Chinese Documentary???
Film Number USAF 38216 - CONFIDENTIAL

Chemical/Biological Weapons Development, Equipment and Components
USAF, early 1960s
Film Number Illegible - SECRET

Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, Part 1
Navy, Film Number Illegible - CONFIDENTIAL

Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, Part 2-B
Film Number PIN 1011349 DN, Film MN 08549B - CONFIDENTIAL

Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, Part 3-B
Film Number PIN 1011349 DN, Film MN 08549C - CONFIDENTIAL

Biological and Chemical Air Launched Weapons
Film Number WEPS 1-65 - CONFIDENTIAL

Medical Aspects of NBC:  Latest Developments of Chemical
and Biological Warfare [HAPMB 528] - SECRET
Film Number MED 28-65-A

Biological and Chemical Warfare - SECRET
Film Number MN 09170-A

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Part 3:  Vietnam Related Films
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky

Riot at Thu Duc Prison - Prisoners,
Gia Dinh Province, Vietnam, 18 Oct. 1970
Film Number LC 56236 - CONFIDENTIAL

Rebuilding Khe Sanh Firebase Khe Sanh,
South Vietnam, 29 Feb. 1971
Film Numbers LC 56252 and LC 56253 - CONFIDENTIAL

NVA Invasion, 1972 Kontum, South Vietnam,
28 April - 7 May 1972 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Numbers LC 56913 and LC 56914

US Troop Withdrawals, Koreans Take over Security Functions
DMZ Korea, 21-23 April 1971 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Numbers LC 56265, 56266, 26267 and 56268

Mayaguez Control:  Operation Rescue - Mayaguez
Film Number VR-FS01/508 - CLASSIFIED

Recovery of the USS Mayaguez
Film Number VR-FS01/509 - CLASSIFIED

SS Mayaguez Recovery - 1975
Film Number VR-FS01/511 - CLASSIFIED

Ice Cream Anyone, Da Nang Air Base, Vietnam
September 1967
Film Number USAF 43600 - UNCLASSIFIED


Available Upon Request From:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Part 4:  Oddball or Unusual Aircraft
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky
[please note that most of these films have never been seen
outside of the DoD, and thus have never been used for any
television documentaries]

Inflatoplane - Seaplane Version [1202-169]
Film Number 945-X - CONFIDENTIAL

Film Number USAF 33303

Reconnaissance Parasite Aircraft
Film Number USAF 19661

XC-99 - Worlds Largest Land Plane
Film Number USAF 19738

Convertiplane Test at Wright Patterson AFB, Aug. 1952
Film Number USAF 20772

XV-1 Convertible Airplane, McDonnell Aircraft, Aug. 1955
Film Number USAF 24123

Transcendental??? Convertible Plane
Film Number USAF 24324

XFV-1 Progress Report
[weird Navy Plane]
Film Number USAF 21984

XV-3 Convertiplane
Film Number USAF 22691

Horton Wingless Aircraft
[WW2 era German Flying Wings]
Film Number USAF 22259

Northrop Research Flying Wing Aircraft and XP-56
Film Number USAF 24262

MB-1 High Card Ding Dong Documentary 1955-56
Film Number USAF 23268A

The MB-1 Air to Air Rocket - SECRET
Film Number PIN 1000425 DF, Film FR 27

MB-1 Documentary 1955-56 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number USAF 29521

Big Buster, the F-89J, MB-1 Bomb System - SECRET
Film Number PIN 27458 DF, Film TF 1-5335

Ryan X-13 Vertijet
Film Number USAF 23711

X-13 Vertijet, Edwards AFB, CA, May 1956
Film Number USAF 25816

X-13 Transition Phase
Film Number USAF 25817

Second F-100D Piloted Zero Length Launch, 11 Apr. 1958
Edwards AFB, CA
Film Number USAF 25873

LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin, Friedrichshafen, Germany 1928
Film Number USAF 24056

Early Helicopter and Autogiro Tests
Film Number USAF 25516

First Helicopters for the Army
Film Number USAF 25516A

25th Anniversary of the USAF Helicopter
Film Number PS 104-9/50-1

The B-70 Weapon Introduction System - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 26350

XB-70 Progress Report 1963
Film Number USAF  36374

The B-70 Weapon System - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number USAF 26997

B-70 Film Progress Report - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number USAF 28149

B-70 Joining Concept - SECRET
Film Number USAF 27514

SR-71, June 1966 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number USAF 41332

SR-71 Project, Beale AFB, April 1966 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number USAF 43370

RS-71 Air to Air Footage
Film Number USAF 38289

The Story of the 100th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing
[U-2 and later SR-71 aircraft]
Film Number SFP 2144, PIN 26750 DF - SECRET

100 Strategic Reconnaissance Wing - SECRET
Film Number USAF 47207

C-5 Galaxy Aircraft Model Ditching Investigation 1968
Film Number EC-13-68

Dyna-Soar Wind Tunnel Tests
[Dyna Soar was a 1960s Air Force space shuttle design]
Film Number USAF 27224

USAF Presents a Report on the Dyna-Soar Progress,
April 1960 - June 1961
Film Number USAF 29561

Dyna-Soar Mockup Inspection
Film Number USAF 29993

Dyna-Soar Program - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 31246

X-20 Dyna-Soar - April 1962 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number USAF 33060A

Human Downward Ejection Tests
Film Number EC-30

Space Ship Take Off;  A Technical Fantasy
[A Seized German WW2 era Film???]
USAF 28533

MiG-25 Foxbat - SECRET
Film Number PIN 47236, FLV 13-0013, videotape

MiG-25 Foxbat - SECRET
Film Number VT-D0365/807CH

Operation of System 119-L - SECRET
[an intercontinental reconnaissance balloon
 mid-air recovery program]
Air Force Film Number Illegible


Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Part 5 - Flying Disk Aircraft
by Michael Ravnitzky

Avrocar I Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report,
Feb. 1958 - May 1959
Film Number USAF 29668

Flying Disk Aircraft Classified Film - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 29669

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29670

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29671

Avrocar Vehicle Manufacture
Film Number USAF 29672

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29673

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29675

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29676

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 31347

Advanced Pyewacket Progress
Film Number USAF 28520

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting Dod Films:
Part 6 - Broken Arrow Nuclear Accidents and other Incidents
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky

F-105B Incident, September 1958
Film Number USAF 27567

Atlas ICBM Blows Up On Pad
Film Number USAF 29764

B-52 Crack Up, Yuba City, Colorado,
Broken Arrow Incident, 14 Mar. 1961 - SECRET
Film Number USAF 27815

U-2 Salvage Operation, Key West Naval Station
23 November 1963 - SECRET
Film Number USAF 35853

Broken Arrow B-52 Crash Near Cumberland, MD  1-13-64
Film Number USAF 36970 - SECRET

Broken Arrow Near Cumberland, Maryland, 14-15 Jan 1964
Film Number USAF 36052 - SECRET

Disaster Control, B-52 and KC-135 Team Operations,
Palomares, Spain, 1966
Film Number USAF 40730B - SECRET

Midair Collision, B-52 / KC-135, Camp Wilson, Spain
6 and 7 February 1966
Film Number USAF 40730C - SECRET

B-52 Crash at Thule, Thule AFB, Greenland
Jan./Feb. 1968
Film Number USAF 43765 - SECRET

Broken Arrow Nuclear Accident - Date/Location Unknown
Film Number USAF 50655 - SECRET

B-52 Landing Incident, Edwards AFB, CA, early 1955
Film Number USAF 24401

C-123B Crash, Thailand, April 1963 - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 36721

Nuclear Training - Emergency Nuclear Weapons Evacuation
Film Number PIN 28091 DF, Film TF 6578 - SECRET


Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting DoD Films,
Part 7:  Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Matters
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Intelligence Operations - Air Sea Land Exfiltration
Film Number TF 30-3514-B - CONFIDENTIAL

Intelligence Operations - Air Sea Land Infiltration
Film Number TF 30-3514-A - CONFIDENTIAL

ALSOS Mission, Colonel Pash Reports, 1941-1948
[ALSOS targeted WW2 German nuclear and chem/bio research]
dec. file supplemental file 210.68
16 mm film
at Record Group 319.0004 - STILL CLASSIFIED!

Film Number USAF 20844

Taiwan Alert, September 1958 - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 26819

Recognition Training - Sino Soviet Aircraft
Film Number FS 3187 - CLASSIFIED

Aircraft Recognition - Soviet Jet Aircraft Recognition
Film Number PIN 1011004 DN, MN 06898-D - CONFIDENTIAL

Aircraft Recognition - Soviet Jet Aircraft Recognition
Film Number PIN 1011005 DN, MN 06898-E - CONFIDENTIAL

Communist Defeat in Malaya
Film Number USAF 36343

The Thrill of it All - National Security Seminar
Film Number USAF 36388 - CLASSIFIED

Reporting Espionage, Sabotage, Terrorism and Subversion
Film Number VR-D1-569/508CH

Interview With Soviet Pilot - SECRET
Film Number USAF 50791

Defector:  A Soviet Pilot - SECRET
Film Number PIN 51187 DF, Film AVR 239

Defector:  A Chinese Pilot - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 51337 DF, Film TS 1471

Conrolled Counter-Intelligence Assets - SECRET
Film Number PIN 47600 DF, Film TF 6312

Red Flag 78-5:  Quick Look - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 50276 DF, Film TS 0992

Red Flag 79-2 Quick Look - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number TS 1334

Blue Flag SAM/TAC Air ECM Confrontation
Film Number PIN 48139, Film TS-1172 - SECRET

So You Think You re Secure? - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 28059 DF, Film TF 6502

The Third Man is Listening - SECRET
Film Number AVA 145

Countering Vehicular Kidnapping - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number TS 723

Responsibilities for Latin America, Jan. 1963
Film Number Illegible - SECRET

Film Number USAF 49637 - SECRET

Protection of the President
Film Number PIN 21019 DF, Film FRV 1029

Film Number FS 3262

TAC Intelligence Briefing
Nicaragua TIP-83-21 - SECRET
Film Number PIN 600660 DF, RB DF3

TAC Intelligence Briefing -
People's Republic of China - SECRET
Film Number PIN 600661 DF, RB DF3

TAC Intelligence Briefing -
Poland TIP-83-22 - SECRET
Film Number PIN 600664 DF, RB DF3

TAC Intelligence Briefing -
Soviet Assault Helicopters - SECRET
Film Number PIN 600665 DF, RB DF3

Film Number PIN 11273 DF, Film TF 6651 - videotape

Target Intelligence In Action - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 26249, Film SFP 661

Deception:  Methods Soviets Use to Deceive US Aircrews
Film Number PIN 48124, FLV 04-0020 - SECRET

Worldwide Security Police Symposium - The Threat
Videotape - SECRET
Film Number PIN 50691 DF, Film AVR 148

RX for STINFO - scientific & technical information
Film Number FR 0541

USAF Counterinsurgency Course:
British Tactics for Counterinsurgency
Film Number TF 1-5542-F

Naval Intelligence - The Intelligence Cycle
Film Number MN 10889B - CONFIDENTIAL

Film Number MA 98560 or MN 9850

Enemy Territory, USA - SECRET
Film Number MN 11018

Naval Intelligence - The Naval Scientific and Technical
Intelligence Center
Film Number MN 10889D - SECRET

Naval Intelligence - Naval Reconnaissance and
Technical Support Center
Film Number MN 10889E - SECRET

Naval Intelligence - Intelligence and You
Film Number MN 08279B

Communication Discipline - videotape - SECRET
Film Number PIN 52745 DF

Communication Security Briefing - the ALPHA 3 Story
Film Number PS 99-1/C - CONFIDENTIAL

OSI Source System - Contact and Sources
Film Number TF 6492 - CONFIDENTIAL


The U.S. Army Intelligence Command seminar briefing,
speaker B/G William Blakefield February 20, 1969,
7" Tape Reels 1, 2 and 3 - CONFIDENTIAL
Accession number Record Group 319.009, 319.010, and 310.011

The US Intelligence Command, speaker B/G William Blakefield,
April 10, 1969, Accession Number Record Group 319.012

Command Readiness presentation to Chief of Staff,
June 17, 1966, accession number Record Group 319.013

Intelligence Command briefing by B/G William Blakefield,
October 12, 1967 in Bell Hall Auditorium,
Record Group 319.015 - CONFIDENTIAL


Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

The audio tapes are available only from the National Archives.

Some Interesting DoD Films,
Part 8:  World War II Era and Earlier Materials
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Berlin Bomb Damage - World War II - CLASSIFIED
Film Number AAFCFS 3396

Casualties of War - SECRET
Film Number WF 49

Disney Film:  Victory Through Air Power - de Seversky
Film Number USAF 38105

Ball Turret School
Film Number AAFCFS 1484

Controlling German Prisoners of War
Film Number FB 164

The Baseball Grenade
Film Number FB 19212

Oriental Prisoners of War
Film Number FB 19239

World War I Footage
Film Number USAF 45408

A War Department Report on German Morale
Film Number WF 42

Horse Power
Film Number EF 172

Military Mountain Climbing
Film Number CMC 8-58

Story of German Atrocities at Dachau and Buchenwald, Germany
April - May 1945
Film Number USAF 23200

1930 and 1931 Newsreel
Film Number USAF 23961

1930-1931 Newsreels
Film Number USAF 24084

Army Air Corps News in 1932 Newsreels
Film Number USAF 24033

1934 Newsreel
Film Number USAF 23962

1935 Newsreel
Film Number USAF 23772

1936 Newsreel
Film Number USAF 23933

1937 Newsreel
Film Number USAF 23771

1937 and 1938 Newsreel
Film Number USAF 23837

1938 Newsreel
Film Number 23959

1938A Newsreel
Film Number USAF 23960

Army Air Corps Newsreel from 1939
Film Number USAF 24032

1940 Newsreel
Film Number USAF 24397

1941 Newsreel
Film Number USAF 24666

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting DoD Films,
Part 9:  Nuclear Powered Aircraft and Missiles
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project Orion - Film Report No. 1 - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 27597

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program:  Manned Aircraft
Film Number PIN 20619 DF, Film FR-3A - SECRET

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program - manned Aircraft,
1956-1958 - SECRET
Film Number PIN 20619 DF, Film FR-3A

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Orientation
Film Number PIN 26172 DF, Film SFP-342A

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Status Report, 1955
Film Number PIN 26173 DF, Film SFP 3429

The Nuclear Ramjet Program - Pluto, 1963
Film Number FR-0258 - SECRET

Project Pluto - Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion,
Eighth Summary Film Report, July-December 1962
Film Number USAF 34537 - SECRET

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Systems,
Fifth Summary Film Report, 1961
Film Number USAF 37438 - SECRET

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Systems,
First Summary Film Report, 1959
Film Number USAF 37487 - SECRET

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Systems,
Second Summary Film Report, 1960
Film Number USAF 37488 - SECRET

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Systems,
Third Summary Film Report, 1960
Film Number USAF 37489 - SECRET

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Systems,
Fourth Summary Film Report, 1960
Film Number USAF 37490 - SECRET

Project Pluto, Sixth Summary Film Report, 1962
Film Number USAF 37491 - SECRET

Project Pluto Seventh Summary Film Report, 1962
Film Number USAF 37492 - SECRET

LASVN2 1964 Annual Report,
Low Altitude Supersonic Vehicle Nuclear
Film Number USAF 38911 - SECRET

LASV-N1 1963 Progress Report,
Low Altitude Supersonic Nuclear Vehicle
Film Number USAF 38912 - SECRET

Pluto Ceramic Fule Elements Tory IIC - SECRET
Film Number USAF 38914

Nuclear Powered Missile Study
Film Number USAF 38918 - SECRET

Project Pluto Nuclear Reactor Fuel Fabrication
Film Number USAF 38921 - SECRET

Nuclear Powered Missile Study,
Supersonic Low Altitude Missile
Film Number USAF 38922 - SECRET

Low Altitude Supersonic Vehicle Nuclear Progress
Report Number 2, December 1963
Film Number USAF 38925 - SECRET

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program:
ROVER, PLUTO, SNAP, Progress Report, 1956-68
Film Number FR-0003-B

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting DoD Films,
Part 10:  Classified Film Reports to Congress
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Air Force Reports to Congress - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number FR-0499

Report to the 89th Congress - 1966 - SECRET
Film Number FR-0604

Report to the 90th Congress - SECRET
Film Number FR-0673

Report to the 90th Congress, Second Session - SECRET
Film Number FR-0876

Report to the 91st Congress, First Session - SECRET
Film Number FR-1030A

Report to the 91st Congress, Second Session - SECRET
Film Number FR-1133

Report to 91st Congress, Second Session - Outtakes
Film Number USAF 46338

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting DoD Films,
Part 11:  Human Factors Miscellaneous Films
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rocket Sled Runs - Human Subjects
Film Number USAF 23250

Radiation Hazard From Flight Through Atomic Clouds
Film Number USAF 23311 - CLASSIFIED

Radiation Hazards From Flight Through Atomic Clouds
Film Number SFP 446

Combat Fatigue Psychosomatic Disorders
Film Number TF 1-8126

Bionics Research
Film Number EC-10-65

Experimental Studies of Human Reaction to Impact Forces
Film Number PIN 1011536, MN 09124

Sustinance of Man in Aerospace
Film Number EC-14-65

Submarine Escape
Film Number PIN 1011079 DN, MN 07418-C

Urinary Diversion;  Heitz-Boyer Procedure
Film Number EC-27-68

Human Tolerance to Intense Heat
Film Number EC-34-68

Report on Project Volscon - subject unknown???
Film Number ER-2

Crash Survival Research
Film Number ER-3

Project Alpha - CLASSIFIED
Film Number ER-9

Explosive Decompression Pulmonary Pathology
Film Number ER-16

Physiological Testing - Washout Cadets
Film Number USAF 27576

Bio-Science, Studies in Advanced Vehicles
Discoverer, Mice
Film Number USAF 27691 - CLASSIFIED

RB-66 Rocket Catapult Test and Ejection
22 May - 17 August 1959 - Live Monkey Test
Film Number USAF 27573-A

Zero-G - Pigeons in Zero Gravity
Film Number USAF 28708

Primate Tolerance - Chimps
Film Number USAF 29429

Primate Vibration Tolerance
Film Number USAF 36402

Excelsior III - Joseph Kittinger Jump from 103,000 ft,
16 August 1960
Film Number USAF 29448

Human Factors Test Experimental Stress Project
Film Number USAF 34359 - SECRET

Physiology of Space - Eating in Zero Gravity
Film Number USAF 31296

Effects of Vibration on Human Performance
Film Number USAF 31354

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting DoD Films,
Part 12:  Atomic Weapons and Warfare
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Atomic Bomb at Sea - SECRET
Film Number MF-20-8125

Davy Crockett; Weapons System - CONFIDENTIAL
[the Atomic Bazooka]
Film Number MF-9-9315

280mm Atomic Artillery Shell - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number TF-38-1842

Fire and Atomic Weapons - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 23680

Air Force Rail Transfer System for Handling Special Weapons
Film Number USAF 24020

Nuclear Weapons
Film Number AVS-8-021

Tactical Employment of Atomic Weapons in Support of
Ground Troops
Film Number TF-20-1937

The Pentomic Army, 1959, 50 minutes
Film Number TF-20-2561

Effect of Atomic Weapons and Troops in the Field
Film Number MF-20-8598

A is For Atom
Film Number MF-20-8636

Effects of Nuclear Weapons
Film Number MF-20-8927

Effects of Fire and Fire-Fighting Agents on Lithium Hydride
Film Number USAF 25193 - CLASSIFIED

Air to Air Nuclear Weapons - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 25732

Atomic Weapon Cookoff Test Number 2, Aberdeen, MD  Jan 1957
Film Number USAF 25801 - CLASSIFIED

The Minuteman III Missile - CLASSIFIED
Film Number B-1785

The Minuteman III Missile, Mark XII Animation
Film Number B-1857

This is Atlas - Annual Progress Report
Film Number USAF 26710 - CLASSIFIED

Existing Nuclear Development Sites and Current
Technical Highlights
Film Number ER-60 - CLASSIFIED

ICBM-IRBM Special Report, 31 December 1956
Film Number USAF 31570 - CLASSIFIED

IRBM Progress Report 1958
Film Number USAF 34222

Minuteman Re-entry Box Seat, Eniwetok 1964
Film Number USAF 38309 - CLASSIFIED

Minuteman Re-entry Brass Ring, Eniwetok, 1964
Film Number USAF 38310 - CLASSIFIED

Nuclear Effects During SAC Mission - SECRET
Film Number PIN 1001858 DF, Film TF1-5363

Non-U.S. NATO ADO Custodian Training - SECRET
[giving other countries control of nuclear weapons]
Film Number PIN 27636 DF, Film TF 5544

C-130 Nuclear Airlift - SECRET
Film Number PIN 10002029 DF, Film 5803

Hydrogen - SECRET
PIN 27410 DF, Film TF-1-5147

Strategic System Survival in a Nuclear War - SECRET
Film Number PIN 20931, Film FR-1155

Effects of Nuclear Weapons - Target Considerations
Film Number PIN 27432, Film TF 1-5220 - CONFIDENTIAL

Techniques for Employment of High Speed Bombers
Film Number USAF 25934-B - CONFIDENTIAL

Atomic Demolition, Part 1, T46EZ Flying Device
Film Number MA-8872-A - SECRET

Atomic Demolition, Part 4 - SECRET
Film Number MA-8872-D

Atomic Demolition, Part 5, 7-4 Munitions
Film Number MA-8872-E - SECRET

Delivery of Atomic Depth Bombs - SECRET
Film Number PIN 1011408 DN, MN 08846

This is Bullpup - CONFIDENTIAL
FILM PIN 1011380 DN, MN 08736A

Regulus I - Tactical Capabilities - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 1011662 DN, MN 09394

Navy Employment of Atomic Weapons - Controlled Destruction
Film Number PIN 1016100 DN, MN 09368 - CONFIDENTIAL

Developments in Nuclear Attack Delivery 1958 - SECRET
Film Number AER 9-58

Atomic Bomb at Sea - SECRET
Film Number MN 07856

Naval Atomic Weapons Vulnerability Program - SECRET
Film Number ORD 9-59

Preparation for Firing 8 Inch Atomic Artillery Shells,
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Color/Sound
Film Number X1-1/9, 052157 - SECRET/RESTRICTED DATA

BuOrd, Color/Sound
Film Number J12 052159

Atomic Bombs at Sea
US Naval Photographic Center
Film Number F41-6[19] 070953 - SECRET/RESTRICTED DATA

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting DoD Films,
Part 13:  Forecasts and Technology Predictions
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Horizons II, Parts One and Two - SECRET
Film Number USAF 49770

Beginning of a New Era - CLASSIFIED
Film Number ER 34

Culture Beat - 1975 A.D. - a 1960 film
Film Number USAF 28778

Eye in the Sky, Technology for Tomorrow
Film Number USAF 31309

Project Second Look - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number FR 0367

Air Force Sword & Shield, 1961-1970 - a 1960 film
Film Number FR 0189 - CONFIDENTIAL

Technology Classification - Project Forecast
Film Number USAF 49633 - CONFIDENTIAL

Future Strategic Weapons of the Air Force,
a 1964 film
Film Number USAF 50818 - CONFIDENTIAL

Intelligence Briefing, Soviet Air/ICBM
Threat to the U.S., 1959-1963 - SECRET
Film Number FR 0059

Probable Soviet Space Development
USAF Film Report 61 - SECRET
Film Number FR-0200-A

The Difficult and the Impossible, The
Air Force Program and the Soviet Threat - SECRET
Film Number Illegible

Limited War and Consideration - SECRET
Film Number USAF 49629

Project Forecast - Short Version - SECRET
Film Number USAF 49634

Air Force 1980 - a 1970 film - SECRET
Film Number USAF 49635

General Schriver Forecast - SECRET
Film Number USAF 49639

Forecast Close Military Capabilities - SECRET
Film Number USAF 49641

New Weapons - SECRET
Film Number MN 09037
Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting DoD Films,
Part 14: Early Laser Weapons
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Laser Effects - Kirtland AFB, NM, 15 Aug. 1972
Film Number USAF 60402 - SECRET

Laser Effects - Kirtland AFB, NM, 6-8 Dec. 1972
Film Number USAF 60402-A - SECRET

Laser Gun - Kirtland AFB, NM,  19 Sept. 1972
Film Number USAF 60403 - SECRET

Flashback - Kirtland AFB, NM,  28 May 1970
Film Number USAF 60404 - SECRET

Laser Briefing Film - Kirtland AFB, NM,  March 1973
Film Number USAF  60406 - SECRET

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting DoD Films,
Part 15:  Miscellaneous Interesting Films
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is an assortment of unusual or otherwise interesting films that I
have located.  Some are interesting simply because they remain
classified even after many years.  Others, while not classified, remain
restricted and off limits to the public for no discernable reason.
Please note that this is only a very very tiny percentage of all of the
films that are available.  Although I will soon post instructions on how
to obtain complete film lists, please note that the full lists are
extremely awkward to use for a number of reasons.

A Century of Army Signals, 1860-1960, A Centennial
Message from the Chief Signal Corps
Film Number MF-11-9220

Electronic Warfare - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number MF-11-8912

Beyond Tomorrow - The Story of an American Girl
Film Number MF-208418

No Fox Hole in the Sky
Film Number USAF 20861

Gun Camera Footage of MiG Kills, Korea, march 1953
Film Number USAF 20931

The Jet Story
Film Number USAF 21501

Highlights in Research and Development, 1953 & 1954
Film Number USAF 21601

Soviet Bombers, May 1954 - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 21858

Candid Shots; Major Murray and Major Yeager
Alongside the Bell X-1A Aircraft, Sept. 1954
Film Number USAF 21924

RB-66 Weapons System - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 22189

The Falcon Story - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 22902

The Falcon Story - Second Revision - CLASSIFED
Film Number USAF 24055

MC-130E Combat Talon Capabilities - CLASSIFIED
Film Number AVS-O-146

Project Bird Dog, Edwards AFB, CA - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 23397

Military Aid to Libya, July 1956
Film Number USAF 23437

Brass Ring Progress Report Number One, MX-1457
Film Number USAF 23582 - CLASSIFIED

First Flight of YF-105A, Edwards AFB, 22 Oct. 1955
Film Number USAF 23699 - CLASSIFIED

T-37 Accident
Film Number AVS-2-384

Introduction to the F-107A Fighter/Bomber
Film Number USAF 24012 - CLASSIFED

Weapons System 123A - Goose - 1956 Report
Film Number USAF 24110 - CLASSIFIED

Project Hiran Manilla Air Station, South Cay
North Danger Island, South China Sea
Film Number USAF 24356 - CLASSIFIED

Anti-Jamming Technique - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 24457

Electronic Countermeasures
Film Number AVS-8-022

Conventional Weapons
Film Number AVS-8-024

Soviet Industry - Classified Version
Film Number USAF 24871

X-15 High Temperature Structural Testing
Film Number USAF 25084 - CLASSIFIED

Phase II Flight Tests of Boeing XB-52, Nov 52 to Mar 53
Film Number USAF 25206 - CLASSIFIED

The Long Range Intercepter Weapon System 202A
Film Number USAF 25446 - CLASSIFIED

MiG Kill
Film Number CP-56

MiG Kill
Film Number CP-57

Soveit Manned Space Flight, Vostok I-VI
Film Number EC-20-65 - CLASSIFIED

The Eagles Strength
Film Number USAF 26758

Gunship II, 21 August 1967 - CLASSIFIED
Film Number EC-11-68

NASA's Project Mercury
Film Number USAF 27195

Sierra, The Formosa Series [Project RAND]
Film Number USAF 27232 - CLASSIFIED

Operation Eastward Ho, Kadena AF, Okinawa
8-12 December 1958 - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 26918

Agencies of Air Power - CLASSIFIED
Film Number ER-85

Coronet Brief - Electronic Warfare Threats
and Countermeasures - CLASSIFIED
Film Number FS-3163

Tactical Electronic Warfare Penetration Aids
Film Number FS-3251 - CLASSIFIED

Pigs to the Pacific, Hickam AFB, Hawaii, 18 Jan 1960
Film Number USAF 29360

Dedication of the Los Angeles International Airport
Film Number USAF 31248

Air Police Documentary - 1961
Film Number USAF 31254

Bob Hope Christmas Television Show - 1961
Film Number USAF 31303

The Armored Sky - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 31456

Paisley Print, Wright Patterson AFB, OH - CLASSIFIED
Film Number SPR 7-73

Highlights of the Hughes Beanstalk Proposal
Film Number USAF 43610

Soviet Space Crew Soyuz Training - CLASSIFED
Film Number SPR-20-70

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Some Interesting DoD Motion Picture Films,
Part 16:  More Miscellaneous Films
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Combat Report - Jap Suicide Attack - WW2 - SECRET
Film Number MN-0920-J-1

Combat Report - Kamikazi Attack
Film Number MN-09020-J-26

Weather Modification, Number One
Film Number WEPS 9-70 - SECRET

Weather Modification, Number Two - D-A-LHL-71-1
Film Number WEPS 1-71 - SECRET

The Use of Forest Fires as a Tactical Weapon,
Program 67001 - SECRET
Film Number USAF 49611

Biological and Chemical Air-Launched Weapons
Film Number PIN 1011718 DN, MN-10309 - CONFIDENTIAL

Hot Hand Project, 16 Dec. 1959 - 21 Dec. 1960
[mid-air pickup of space capsules and reentry vehicles]
Film Number USAF 269050

Hot Hand Project - Sentry G Chase - 1958
Film Number USAF 27929

NASA Project Mercury
Film Number USAF 27195

Reentry and Recovery;  Cool Water II
Eniwetok Marshall Islands - 29 Aug. 1963
Film Number USAF 38305 - CLASSIFIED

Survivability Technology
Film Number SPR-35-69 - CLASSIFIED

Air Force in Unconventional Warfare - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 26419 DF, Film SFP-1247

World Wide Airborne Posts Command
Film Number PIN 20805 DF, Film FR 840 - SECRET

Low Level Mission Techniques, B-47 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 27478 DF, Film TF1-5354-A

Commando Unit V - SECRET
Film Number PIN 20953 DF, Film FR 1246

BMEWS Mission - Men of the Top - SECRET
Film Number PIN 27745 DF, Film TF 5746

American Space Defense - SECRET
Film Number PIN 1002065 DF, Film TF 6041

Annual Guided Missile Review - SECRET
Film Number PIN 20621, Film FR-34

Strategic Air Command Film Report No. 4:
How Combat Target Information is Obtained and Developed
Film Number PIN 1000431 DF, Film FR-198 - SECRET

Soviet Concepts and Capabilities for Theatre War
in Europe - SECRET
Film Number USAF 49960

High Altitude Intercepts - ADC Tactical Report #4
Film Number FR-0223

SAC [Strategic Air Command] and the Cuban Crisis
Film Number FR-0351

ADC and the Cuban Crisis
Film Number FR-0361

USAF Gunship Operations - CLASSIFIED
Film Number PS 181-1/C

Film Number 55661

Ampex:  Television Backpack
Film Number PS 660-C

F-14 Tomcat Briefing August 1973 w/cartoons
Film Number RG343.0055 - CLASSIFIED

Operation Party Line - ECM Support Aircraft Protection
for Bombers - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 1001547 DF, Film SFP-0549

Guided Missiles - A Film Report - 1947 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number MN-09152

Canadian Arctic Operation - 1947 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 1010924 DN, MN-06666

Strike Footage - Vietnam - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number 53806

Strike Footage - Vietnam - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number 53807

Swimmer Sapper Defense,
PFCCG Project 073-70
Film Number 1591-X - CONFIDENTIAL

Hamlin Submurgical Amphibian - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number 379-X

Homemade Incindiary Devices - DA-PHH-05-71
Film Number WEPS 5-71

The Untold Story - SECRET
Film Number MN 05836

The F9F-6 Cougar Familiarization - Flight Ops
Film Number PIN 1011162 DN, MN-08045-F - CONFIDENTIAL

Operation Aesop - Guided Missile - SECRET
Film Number PIN 1011232 DN, MN-08215-A

Airship Ground Handling
Film Number PIN 1011233 DN, MN-08219

Air Towed Sonar From Airships - 1954 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number MN-08059

FJ-4B Aircraft Familiarization - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 1011377 DN, MN 08660

Submarine Service UDT - Maneuvers - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number PIN 1011551 DN, MN-09162

Air-Intercept Missiles - AIM-9C, AIM-9D, Sidewinder 1C
Film Number PIN 1011713 DN, MN-09996-A - CONFIDENTIAL

American Space Defense - SECRET
Film Number PIN 1002065 DF, Film TF-6041

F-111 Weapon System Defensive Tactics - SECRET
Film Number PIN 27931 DF, Film TF 6173-E

Interceptor Armament Employment - Weapons Characteristics
Film Number PIN 27966 DF, Film TF 6266 - CONFIDENTIAL

Igloo White
[airdropped jungle listening microphone sensors
in Southeast Asia]
Film Numbers 71-VBP-PB-2119, 71-VBP-PB-2120,
71-VBP-PB-2121 and 71-VBP-PB-2128

Film Number PIN 21026, FRV-1270

E-3A AWACS Orientation - SECRET
Film Number PIN 39324, AVA 0817

Spacepower, October 1966 - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number FR-0676-B

The Holloman [AFB] Story - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number SFP-367

Film Number USAF 32876

Radar Camouflage of a Jet Aircraft - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number USAF 34280

Operation Bowling Ball - CONFIDENTIAL
Film Number USAF 36932

Annual Activities Report 1966 - Foreign Technology - SECRET
Film Number USAF FR-0699

Air Force Systems Command Annual Activities Report,
Foreign Technology - SECRET
Film Number FR-0786-A

Mission North - SECRET
Film Number Illegible

OPFRAG - Stick Candy - PROJECT
Film Number Illegible

Project Genie - SECRET
Film Number USAF 27976

Operation Mantrac - SECRET
Film Number USAF 33788

Operation Blue Banner - SECRET
Film Number USAF 34202-A

Manned Orbital Laboratory Pressure Suit Evaluation,
[military space station program]
Film Number USAF 42108 - SECRET

The BMEWS Mission, Men or the Tor Thule AFB, Greenland,
April/May 1966 - SECRET
[when the nuclear accident happened?]
Film Number USAF 42671

Active Tiger - SECRET
Film Number USAF 39479

TIPI-WS/428A - Tactical Intelligence Processing
and Interpreting, Langley AFB, VA  April 1970
Film Number USAF 48011-A - SECRET

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

Interesting DoD Films:
Part 17 - Further Miscellaneous Films
compiled by Michael Ravnitzky, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Study of British Army Sonic Warfare - SECRET
Film Number MF 20-0911

Use of War Dogs - SECRET
Film Number FB-091

Armor for the Inner Man - DECLASSIFIED
[tests of soldiers [and cats] on LSD]
Film Number CRDL 460

Resuscitation of Nerve Agent Casualties
Film Number CRDL 653

Space Technology for the U.S. Army Part 2
Film Number TF 44-3395 - CONFIDENTIAL

Demilitarization of Bilogical Agents, Toxins
and Munitions, Pine Bluffs Arsenal
Film Number SBF-73-5 - SECRET

The Silent Picket - SECRET
Film Number MF-32-5275

Stockpile to Target - SECRET
Film Number 8116

The Atomic Bomb - General Description - SECRET
Film Number MF-8141

The Defeat of Nonconventional Armor - SECRET
Film Number PA-207

Gravel Anti-Personnel Mine - SECRET

Atomic Demolitions, P. 1-T-46EZ Demolition Firing Device
Film Number TF-5-2677 - SECRET

Atomic Demolitions, P. 2-W-7 Atomic Demolition Munition
Film Number TF 5-2678 - SECRET

Atomic Demolitions - SECRET
Film Number TF-5-2679, TF-5-2680, and TF-5-2681

Aviation Aerial Surveillance Company
Film Number TF 46-8340 - CONFIDENTIAL

U.S. Army Edgewood Arsenal Technical Film Report
[chemical weapons and defense development]
Film Number CRDL 420

Ronald Haeberie Interview on the Today Show
Concerning the Mylar Incident??
Film Number MPF-179

CBS Wednesday - Fragging Story - Vietnam
Film Number MPF-181

First Tuesday in June:  America*s Nerve Gas Arsenal
Film Number MPF-185

First Tuesday - Chemical Biological Radiological
Film Number MPF-192

Vietcong - Mines and Booby Traps
Film Number TF 5-3866

Employment of the Safeguard Ballistic
Missile Defense System - SECRET
Film Number ABM 61

Safeguard Missile System - 24 Jan 1972 - SECRET
Film Number ABM 62

Deseret Test Center Progress Report Number 2
Film Number DTCF PR-2  - SECRET

Deseret Test Center Progress Report Number 3
Film Number DTCF PR-3  - SECRET

Deseret Test Center Progress Report Number 4
Film Number DTCF PR-4  - SECRET

Operation Hole Card - SECRET
Film Number FFM 352

Any of these films may be requested from:

Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone:  (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD  20740-6001

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