-Caveat Lector-

> Ashley Rye wrote:
> >
> > ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> >
> >        And individualism, while they talk about the necessity for
> >        it, the desire for it, is constantly crushed by the belief
> >        system of the group. It's interesting, you know, when I talk
> >        about this in my talks, everywhere I go in the world I get
> >        applause from the audience. Because I think people are
> >        starting to get sick of the New-Age movement, which is
> >        actually so often diverting us from and suppressing us from
> >        the real truth of metaphysics. And the real truth is that WE,
> >        as individuals, are in control of our destiny, and not
> >        external forces being in control.
> >
> >        And so, I think it's very important, in the years that we are
> >        in now, that we start to take our individual sovereignty back
> >        and start to realize that we have the right to decide our
> >        truth and live our truth, and not have another truth imposed
> >        upon us, whether it's the New-Age movement, Christianity,
> >        Hinduism, Atheism, or whatever it is, because the whole basis
> >        of the control is getting individuality subordinated to the
> >        group, getting individuality suppressed by the majority,
> >        suppressed by the herd mentality.
> >
> >        There are two ways of solving the problem. We can find the
> >        solution to it, which is actually not the best way, because
> >        for me the best way of solving a problem is removing the
> >        cause of it and then it goes away. The cause of the few
> >        controlling the planet is people giving their power away and
> >        not thinking for themselves and just following the one in
> >        front without question. And, insisting-and this is the key
> >        thing, stage two-insisting that others do the same, because
> >        once that happens, you create a situation in which whoever
> >        sets the norms in the world, whether considered sane or
> >        insane, possible or impossible, moral or immoral, whoever
> >        sets those norms runs the world.
> >
> >        This happens because of the overwhelming, vast majority of
> >        humanity who have given their power away and given their
> >        thinking processes and individuality away, and will live
> >        their lives in accordance with those dictated norms because
> >        they're not thinking or questioning them.
> >
> >        Now, that's fine, that's a choice-I don't have a problem with
> >        that. The key thing, as I say, the people who succumb to
> >        those norms, they insist that those who don't want to do so
> >        should also succumb to those norms. And, at that point, when
> >        you have the herd policing itself, and making life unpleasant
> >        for those who wish to detach from it, at that point you have
> >        the basis, and only at that point, you have the basis on
> >        which the few who set the norms can run the world, because
> >        you get humanity becoming not just the sheep, but also the
> >        sheep-dog, not just the prisoner, but also the prison guards.
> >        And only in that way, through thousands of years to the
> >        present minute, has it been possible for a few to control the
> >        world.
> >
> >        So, for me, three things would change this and would
> >        dramatically transform the world we live in for the better,
> >        because of all that would come from this. Those are:
> >
> >        One: as individuals, we step out of the fear of what other
> >        people think of us because that is the prison that most
> >        people live in. And once you're in the fear of what someone
> >        else thinks, you are not living YOUR life in YOUR truth; you
> >        are living someone else's version of what they think you
> >        should be. In other words, you're in the herd now. If we step
> >        out of the fear of what other people think, as individuals,
> >        and say, to use the title of one of my books, I Am Me, I Am
> >        Free, and if you don't like it, that's fine-you have a right
> >        not to like it-but this is me! At that point we cease to be a
> >        sheep. And if enough of us do it, we cease to be a herd of
> >        sheep.
> >
> >        Second: we allow everyone else to express their uniqueness,
> >        even though it differs from ours. You know, "What a crime;
> >        call the police; my goodness me, this person thinks different
> >        than me!" Once we do that, we cease to be a sheep dog for the
> >        rest of the herd. Just those two things alone, and this whole
> >        edifice of imposed power starts to crumble because the very
> >        basis of it is crumbling.
> >
> >        And third: the balance point, no one seeks to impose what
> >        they believe on anyone else, so all are respecting everyone's
> >        free will, so that my belief is not imposed on anyone else.
> >        That's the reason why whatever anyone says about me or says
> >        about what I write or what I say, I am completely at peace
> >        with that because they have a right to think what they want
> >        to think. They only need to respect my right to have the same
> >        honor of having my feelings also honored, as my right to
> >        express them. This is why, when conspiracy theorists hurl
> >        abuse at others who say something different, I think they've
> >        lost the plot.
> >
> >        So, those three things would bring this edifice of power
> >        crumbling down, because they're the three things, in reverse,
> >        that allow the few to run the world. If we didn't concede our
> >        mentality to a herd mentality, and if we didn't insist that
> >        the people around us did the same, and if we respected
> >        everyone's right to express their uniqueness without having
> >        ours imposed upon them, then the ability of the few to
> >        control the planet would be removed, immediately, because
> >        those three things have to be in place-the herd mentality,
> >        the herd policing itself, imposing your will on others.
> >
> >        If those three things are not in place, you can't control
> >        centrally, it's impossible. And we have the ability and we
> >        have the choice, and that's all it is, now, to reverse those
> >        things, to remove them, just by how we react and act with
> >        each other, and bring this edifice of power crumbling down.
> >        And this is the point, as all the circle starts to connect
> >        itself, when we get, Rick, into that state of being where we
> >        respect our own uniqueness and right to express it, when we
> >        start to celebrate and glory in diversity instead of scorning
> >        it, when we allow other people to have that same privilege,
> >        when we don't seek to impose our will onto others, at that
> >        point our vibrational state-because of our emotional and
> >        mental state of being-starts to vibrate quicker and quicker
> >        and quicker and we start to reconnect with those higher
> >        dimensions of ourselves and we start to become whole,
> >        multi-dimensional beings again instead of disconnected
> >        fragments, caused by the vibration of fear and aggression and
> >        imposition.
> >
> >        So, actually, everything connects to everything else. And so,
> >        if we set ourselves free and set each other free, we become
> >        vibrationally reconnected and therefore free of this lower
> >        fourth-dimensional manipulation. Everything comes from our
> >        state of being and we're in complete control of that. Which
> >        is why only a few can control the world, because we've
> >        conceded our right to be who we are to somebody else.
> >
> >        Martin: That's a perfect place to end.
> >
> >        Copyright (c) Rick Martin, The Spectrum, All rights reserved
> >        --------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >        This article in print form can be found at www.davidicke.com
> >        in RTF, DOC, TXT, and PDF files, courtesy of The Spectrum and
> >        Rick Martin.
> >
> >        [Editor's note: Rick Martin may be reached directly at the
> >        following email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for those of you
> >        with computer Internet access.]
> >
> >        or Write to:
> >
> >                  Rick Martin
> >                  C/O The SPECTRUM
> >                  9101 West Sahara Ave. PMB 158
> >                  Las Vegas,
> >                  Nevada 89117
> >
> >        --------------------------------------------------------------
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> >            Revelations of a Mother Goddess, or The Spectrum call:
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> >                         or Email:wisdombooks@tminet
> >
> >                             or Regular Mail to:
> >                          The Spectrum Wisdom Books
> >                        9101 West Sahara Ave., PMB 158
> >                           Las Vegas, Nevada 89117
> >
> >                 We accept Check, Visa, MasterCard & Discover
> >
> >        Revelation of Mother Goddess Price: $24.95
> >        The Biggest Secret: $20.00
> >        --------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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> > ->  Posted by: Ashley Rye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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