The Case for Sedition: Increasing Hostility and Bush Cabal Fraud (Part 2)
by Al Martin

There is a common misperception that just as much money was stolen during the Clinton Regime as during the Bush Regime, but I would say that this contention is not true. Of course, the Department of Defense admits that $2.3 trillion disappeared, but that wasn't even in the same range as the amount of money that disappeared during the Bush Cabal's reign. Also it was not a State-sponsored systematic operation of fraud because they didn't have the Republicans' organizational capability. Besides the Clinton Administration (unlike the Bush Regime) did not specifically form operations to commit fraud.

      You can simply look at all the people who were involved in all the large frauds of the 1980s (including members of the Vice President's and subsequent President's own family) as well as the number of assistant cabinet Secretaries, who were directly involved in the fraud by being members of limited partnerships and so on. They didn't even try to hide it.

      It's not that $2.3 trillion is a small amount of money, but what made the Clinton Administration different is that there was not the State sponsorship of organized fraud, which had existed before. This would include a lot of the fraud committed against HUD, in which senior HUD officials were on the board of directors or involved in general partnerships of offshore secret limited partnerships and bogus real estate deals that were committing scams against their own agency. There was no real effort to hide it because it was State-acquiesced. And there was such control of the media (as there always is during a Republican regime), that there was little fear of it ever being exposed.

      By the time of the Clinton Administration, things had changed. It was just an eight-year interlude or interruption in Bushonian control. Of course, I'm not saying that Clinton was wearing a white hat. He most certainly was not. But when you think about it, what was Clinton most noted for? The same old Democrat foibles: Women, Whiskey, and Weed. This is the well-known Achilles heel of the Democrats. The only difference this time is that the Republican Right was so well organized that they could make a big deal out of it.

      Throughout the 1980s, there was Congressman Mills, who was involved with the stripper, Congressman Dellums with his cocaine habit, and Senator Boren with the little boys. Did you see the Republicans exploiting it? No, they didn't bother. They knew that in the American people's minds, Democrats are naturally associated with such peccadilloes.

      When you think of foibles involving Women, Whiskey, and Weed, you naturally think of Democrats. Automatically. That's just what you do. How much additional political mileage can they get by pointing out what the American people already expect?

      I am not defending the Clinton Administration and all their policies. God knows -- I would be the last guy to do that, considering that they went back on their word to me in 1992-93. I kept my mouth shut about Clinton and Mena and Clinton and a lot of other things that I knew about. They promised to help me, but they pulled the plug on me. And in that way, they certainly acted like Republicans do in order to cover up their own liability. In context, though, when it comes to cutting up the Fraud Pie in Washington, the Democrats just get the crumbs.

      Look at all the frauds the Clintons were involved in - Whitewater, Flowerwood Development, Beverly Enterprises, and on and on and on. These are all very small numbers -- $300,000, $800,000, $1.8 million - that type of thing.

      Compare that with the fraud that the Bush sons were involved in. You see numbers like $300 million, one billion, three billion. And again you could say -- why don't the Democrats use that against the Republicans? The reason why they don't is that it goes the other way. The American people already expect it. The very word "Republicanism" is conjoined with fraud. People just roll their eyes and say, "Oh, it's just another right wing Republican Billion Dollar Fraud."

      A question you can ask is this -- does the Monica Lewinsky Situation even begin to approach the level of various frauds committed by the Bush Sons?

      People should have a sense of perspective. For instance, there was Jeb Bush and his partner Miguel Recarey, the infamous Cuban swindler and their International Medical Corporation scam, which the General Accounting Office, by 1989, finally figured out cost the American taxpayers $353 million.

      What's more important to the American people -- that the president gets a blowjob, or that they get hit in the wallets for $353 million? Since they exert such influence in the American media, they can spin it and make a blowjob sound more injurious to the American people than a multi-billion dollar fraud.

      Money certainly did evaporate during the Clinton years. The difference is that it was not a Government-Sponsored and Organized Scheme to defraud. You then decide for yourself what has a more negative impact on the nation. Fourteen trillion dollars in debt accumulated by the systemic waste, fraud, abuse, graft, and corruption of the Reagan Bush Regime? Or the fourteen blow jobs that Monica Lewinsky gave Clinton?

      People get hung up on the politics and what they don't understand is that politics is meaningless - social agendas, even military agendas to some extent are meaningless. When someone says that a nation boils down to a political, economic, social, military, foreign policy sphere, it really doesn't. There's only one thing that makes any difference and that's economics. All other venues of government are subordinated to economics.

      What media tries to do is to compartmentalize - that which is social, military, etc. without looking to the next level to understand that the only thing that makes any difference and where all power flows is from economics.

      But to get back to the sedition of the Bush Cabal, there are actual historical parallels in this country, such as the activities of the great Robber Barons of the 1870s. Before there was regulation and before the trusts were broken, there was unbridled monopoly capitalism.

      After the Civil War, from 1865 to the early 1890s, there was an enormous consolidation of money and power. By 1892, less than one half of 1% of the citizenry controlled 96% of the wealth of the nation. This led to a dramatic drop in economic liquidity, which is what happens when all the money congested into very few hands. It doesn't leave enough capital for the rest of the country to run. This in turn has often been blamed for the great economic depression of 1894.

      Essentially the entire country became illiquid. This was before the time of the Federal Reserve, when the US Treasury would intervene directly into the economy. This is before any money supply was controlled. The illiquidity started at the US Treasury. We were then on a species economy and it was the scene of the Great Silver Debate. This was the time of Williams Jennings Bryan, who was called the "silver tongued orator." He promoted the concept of the "tyranny of gold," which was the original Democratic Party platform. Thirty years later, the famous economist John Maynard Keynes called gold "the barbarous metal."

      There was such a consolidation of money, i.e. gold, in the hands of so few people and the Treasury had been so drained of this gold, that by late 1893, the Treasury ran out of gold and thus could produce no more gold-backed bank notes. That's where the illiquidity started, and then as it happens during the great recessions and depressions of the nineteenth century, there was a knee-jerk reaction in the rest of the business community.

      It should be remembered that the Great Depression of 1894 was global; it was not just in the United States. What was different about the depression of '94 was that it was the first global depression. It was felt throughout the world and it nearly sunk the British Empire. This was the first time that the venerable Barings Bank nearly went down the tubes. A hundred years later it went down for good.

      The illiquidity started as a gold shortage, which soon became worldwide. At the time, the Bank of England was the bank of last resort for the whole world. When the massive drain on Bank of England gold reserves began in late 1893, Britain ceased redemption of imperial currency and notes by July 1894 in order to preserve what gold they had left. That led to a massive loss of confidence.

      The concept was to cease currency conversion of imperial bank notes and let it all fall apart. Then when it stabilized, they picked it back up again. That's why there were fierce debates with William Jennings Bryan who wanted a silver-backed economy. At the time the United States Treasury had over three hundred times the silver deposits that it had of gold. This country has always been richer in silver.

      By the 1890s, the US Treasury was swimming in it. The counter-debate was that the US would lose their currency convertibility overseas. Trade by then had become a very important part of the US economy. US banknotes would effectively have to have a second tier market then. Britain and other countries complained that Bryan's idea would consistently force down the price of silver, and in fact, it did exactly that. The fixed value of an ounce of silver at $1.25 per toy ounce -- this is one of the things that broke the Treasury. Because of Bryan's popularity, the price of silver had declined until it eventually reached $ .60 an ounce. The market reaction caused the price of silver to fall, and Bryan had actually made the situation worse without realizing it at the time.

      Regarding the sedition issue, though, here is the chain of events instigated by the Bush Cabal's organized criminal conspiracy, which produced the net effect.

A. The thinly veiled political policies, which allowed the fraud to take place.

B. The mechanism of the fraud, that is, all the little nickel and dime companies which don't really exist.

C. Sharply declining financial capital marketplaces are the result, from which the conspirators take the money they've stolen from A to B, and use it to short the market.

D. The net result is a destabilized US Government, or sedition.

      The question then becomes simple. Did A, B, and C in concert rise to the level of D, or sedition?

      The proper forum for this kind of case would have to be a grand jury action directly by the People of the United States. That's the only way it would work It would be a People's Grand Jury.



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