-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/javafaq/bush/">Individual Donors to George W.
Bush's President </A>
Individual Donors to George W. Bush's Presidential Campaign

George W. Bush is releasing daily lists of donors to his campaign.
However, he is only doing so in the inconvenient PDF format. I am
posting here the ASCII text extracted from those PDF documents and
posting them as tab-delimited documents that can be easily imported into
any good spreadsheet or database, from which they can be searched,
sorted, etc.
•The complete individual donor list for July 1, 1999 through August 27,
1999 in tab delimited text format (about three megabytes; some browsers
will crash when attempting to load this. I recommend saving it on your
local drive and importing it into a database or spreadsheet.)
•Same document in gzip format through anonymous ftp (about 728K)

•The same document in XML (about eight megabytes) or as gzipped XML (a
little more than 900K)

•Contributions for the second quarter of 1999 in comma separated values
format, gzipped from the Bush web site (This appears to include the
actual documents as submitted to the FEC. The format is not quite
identical to the one I've reverse engineered. It includes a little more
separation of data values than I was able to conveniently derive from
the PDF file. I'm going to try to bring mine in line with what's in this
document. )

The conversion program is very rough, and may have flaws. Please let me
know of any problems you find (e.g. a dollar amount where you'd expect
to see a date or some such) by emailing me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are definitely areas for improvement. I don't separate the
individual pieces of a name so it's not yet possible to sort by last
name. Similarly city and state aren't yet separate. I'm working on this.
Of course, the Bush campaign could just make this all moot by releasing
their data in its original format...

I omitted the RCPT (recipient) field from the original PDFs because as
far as I could tell it always had the same value, "P", and I didn't know
what that meant. I also omitted some comments that were in the original
"REFUND HAS OCCURRED". I may try to add these back in in the future.

So far I'm only doing this for Bush because as far as I know he's the
only one who's made this data available, albeit in an inconvenient
format. I encourage other campaigns to do so as well. I also encourage
them to use a much more basic, simple format than PDF so I don't have to
do all this for them!

Please excuse the roughness of this page. I'm concentrating on quickly
posting complete, tab delimited files. I want to expand this to cover
corporate and PAC donations as well as making it available in HTML, XML,
and Microsoft Excel formats. I also want to automatically update my
files to match the new Bush files as they're posted every day. I'm still
working on these.
Background and Related Reading

•Bush Peels Back the Curtain by Lindsey Arent, Wired
•Bush's campaign donor list gets mixed response, Reuters via news.com
•The Center for Responsive Politics
•Actual filings to the Federal Election Commission
•Privacy Advocate Calls On Bush to Take Donor List Off Internet
•Public Campaign
•Common Cause on Campaign 2000

>From Reuters:

His Web site, www.georgewbush.com, lists the donor's name as well as
employer and occupation, provided such information is provided or can be
obtained. It also lists the amount of the donation and the donor's home
city and state.

But since it cannot be downloaded, there is no computer-enhanced ability
to sift through the information.

To do it by hand would cost thousands of dollars and require thousands
of hours, consumer spokespersons said.
Actually it took me about six hours and $0.00 :-)

Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified September 12, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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